Why in the World did you go to Siberia? An emotional, vital, innovative, joyful, creative, entrepreneurial endeavor that elicits maximum Enterprise* ** (*at its best): concerted human potential in.

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Transcript Why in the World did you go to Siberia? An emotional, vital, innovative, joyful, creative, entrepreneurial endeavor that elicits maximum Enterprise* ** (*at its best): concerted human potential in.

Why in the
World did you
go to Siberia?
emotional, vital, innovative,
joyful, creative,
entrepreneurial endeavor
that elicits maximum
Enterprise* ** (*at its best):
concerted human
potential in the
wholehearted service of
**Employees, Customers, Suppliers, Communities, Owners, Temporary partners
Big companies!
Public companies!
“Cool” industries!
Stability (“Built to last”)!
Famous CEOs!
time with your
Welcome to Tom Peters “PowerPoint World”! Beyond the set of slides here,
you will find at tompeters.com the last eight years of presentations, a
basketful of “Special Presentations,” and, above all, Tom’s constantly
updated Master Presentation—from which most of the slides in this
presentation are drawn. There are about 3,500 slides in the 7-part “Master
Presentation.” The first five “chapters” constitute the main argument:
Part I is context. Part II is devoted entirely to innovation—the sine qua
non, as perhaps never before, of survival. In earlier incarnations of the
“master,” “innovation” “stuff” was scattered throughout the presentation—
now it is front and center and a stand-alone. Part III is a variation on the
innovation theme—but it is organized to examine the imperative (for most
everyone in the developed-emerging world) of an ultra high value-added
strategy. A “value-added ladder” (the “ladder” configuration lifted with
gratitude from Joe Pine and Jim Gilmore’s Experience Economy) lays out a
specific logic for necessarily leaving commodity-like goods and services in
the dust. Part IV argues that in this age of “micro-marketing” there are
two macro-markets of astounding size that are dramatically underattended by all but a few; namely women and boomers-geezers. Part V
underpins the overall argument with the necessary bedrock—Talent, with
brief consideration of Education & Healthcare. Part VI examines
Leadership for turbulent times from several angles. Part VII is a
collection of a dozen Lists—such as Tom’s “Irreducible 209,” 209 “things
I’ve learned along the way.”
Enjoy! Download! “Steal”—that’s the whole point!
To appreciate
this presentation [and ensure
that it is not a mess], you need
Microsoft fonts:
“Showcard Gothic,”
“Ravie,” “Chiller”
and “Verdana”
Tom Peters’
15 Notions.
London/28 April 2008
Slides at tompeters.com
Dedicated to David O.
Stewart, author of The
Summer of 1787, and the late
Governor Ann Richards—
thanks for the “blinding flash
of the obvious”
“Excellence can be obtained if you:
... care more than others think
is wise;
... risk more than others think
is safe;
... dream more than others think
is practical;
... expect more than others think
is possible.”
Source: Anon. (Posted @ tompeters.com by
K.Sriram, November 27, 2006 1:17 AM)
“We Have …
excellence* =
Deepest “Blue
excellence =
“Brand inside”
B(I) > B(O)
The Common CEO Lament:
“If everything had been
good, then everything
would have been fine.”*
*Annual Reports: Good, “Our strategy …
Bad, “Unexpected …”
Black Swans: This
is how you earn
your pay!* **
*See: The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly
Improbable, Nassim Nicholas Taleb
*WSC: “When the seas are calm all ships alike
show mastership in sailing.”
***500 cell phones vibrate at once
***We have been “Estonia-ed”
Notes to myself …
Resilience (??)
Attributes of resilient people:
Inner calm (Buddhist?)
High self-knowledge (“comfortable in own skin”)
Breadth of experience—drove a cab, worked construction, ran Alaska tours …
as well as more traditional stuff
Sense of, “Ah, my moment” (Giuliani)
Lover of modestly controlled chaos (bored amidst calm—FDR)
Reach out effortlessly
Reach out effortlessly to a wide variety of people
Bizarrely energetic
Known for integrity, in the sense of “straight shooter”
Hires resilient people in key positions! (All senior leadership roles?)
Maintains sense of humor
Empathy (“I feel your pain”)
“Cruelty” (Must make tough decisions instantaneously, without looking back; not
“confident,” but overwhelming sense of urgency to press ahead)
Decisive but not rigid
Strong individual, strong team player
Understands the chain of command—and is flexible
Comfortable being challenged by thinkers, but a strong “doer” bias overall
A person of Hope (religious?)
Not necessarily: ex-college QB, comeback rep (Why: All within the rules, with in
the context of that which has been practiced)
Better: Ocean sailboat racer; ER doc; public health doc astronaut; combat
experience as NCO; hostage negotiator; survived in hopeless circumstances
through guile and grit; seeks “independent duty”
Tests: lights go out during interview, followed by fire alarm, etc; focus on in
reference checks
Attributes of resilient organizations:
Hire resilient folks at all levels and in all functions—explicit about
so doing
Promote resilience
Decentralization (organization structure, physical, systems)
Financial padding
Excellent equipment
Ability to get by without IS-IT!!
Test in uncomfortable situations
Promote an unusually high share of mavericks
Diversity per se
you, Mark
and Rich!
5,000 miles for
a 5-minute
-face meeting
The “Have
you …” 50*
*See Appendix One
“Mapping your
or …
*Rich D’Aveni/HBR
1. Have you in the
last 10 days …
visited a customer?
2. Have you called a
customer … TODAY?
1. Have you in the last 10 days … visited a
2. Have you called a customer … TODAY?
3. Have you in the last 60-90 days … had a seminar in which several folks from the
customer’s operation (different levels, different functions, different divisions) interacted,
via facilitator, with various of your folks?
4. Have you thanked a front-line employee for a
small act of helpfulness … in the last three days?
5. Have you thanked a front-line employee for a small act of helpfulness … in the
last three hours?
6. Have you thanked a frontline employee for carrying around a great attitude … today?
7. Have you in the last week recognized—publicly—one of your folks for a small act of
cross-functional co-operation?
8. Have you in the last week recognized—publicly—one of “their” folks (another function)
for a small act of cross-functional co-operation?
9. Have you invited in the last month a leader of another function to your weekly team
priorities meeting?
10. Have you personally in the last week-month called-visited an internal or external
customer to sort out, inquire, or apologize for some little or big thing that went awry? (No
reason for doing so? If true—in your mind—then you’re more out of touch than I dared
You = Your
never lie
“You must
the change you
wish to see in the
“It’s always
—David D’Alessandro, Career Warfare
“I am a …
Dispenser of
—Ben Zander
says …
Conrad Hilton, at a gala celebrating his life,
was asked, “What was the most important lesson you’ve learned
in you long and distinguished career?”
His immediate answer:
to tuck the
shower curtain
inside the
— Magician of Magical Moments!
— Maestro of Moments of Truth!
— Recruiter of Raving Fans!
— Impresario of First Impressions!
— Wizard of WOW!
— Captain of Brilliant Comebacks!
— Director of Electronic Customer Experiences!
— Conductor of Customer Intimacy!
— King of Customer Community!
— Queen of Customer Retention!
— CEO of Ownership Experience!
— Managing Director of After-sales Experience!
3M’s Innovation
Crisis: How Six Sigma
Almost Smothered
Its Idea Culture
Source: Title/Cover Story, BW, 0611.07 (“What’s remarkable is
how fast a culture can be torn apart,” 3M lead scientist; “In
an innovation economy, [6 Sigma] is no longer a cure all”/BW)
says …
“We made mistakes, of course. Most of them were
omissions we didn’t think of when we initially wrote the
software. We fixed them by doing it over and over, again
and again. We do the same today. While our competitors
are still sucking their thumbs trying to make the design
perfect, we’re already on prototype version
the time our rivals are
ready with wires and screws, we are on version
#10. It gets back to planning
versus acting: We act from day
one; others plan how to plan—
for months.” —Bloomberg by Bloomberg
“This is so simple it sounds stupid, but it is amazing
how few oil people really understand that
you only find
oil if you drill
You may think you’re finding it
when you’re drawing maps and
studying logs, but you have to drill.”
Source: The Hunters, by John Masters, Canadian O & G wildcatter
“Fail .
High Tech CEO, Pennsylvania
ry it. Try it. Screw
t up. Try it. Try it
Try it. Try it. Try it
ry it. Screw it up
Try it. Try it. try i
ry it. Screw it up
“You miss
100% of
the shots you
never take.”
—Wayne Gretzky
Joe J. Jones
1942 – 2008
We are the
we keep
The “Are What You Eat
Axiom”: At its core, every
(!!!) relationshippartnership decision
(employee, vendor,
customer, etc)
is a strategic decision
‘Yes’ or ‘No’ ”
Measure “Strangeness”/Portfolio Quality
Out-sourcing Partners (#, Quality)
Innovation Alliance Partners
Competitors (who we “benchmark” against)
Strategic Initiatives
Product Portfolio (LineEx v. Leap)
IS/IT Projects
HQ Location
Lunch Mates
“Do one thing
every day
that scares
—Eleanor Roosevelt
Kevin Roberts’ Credo
1. Ready. Fire! Aim.
2. If it ain’t broke ... Break it!
3. Hire crazies.
4. Ask dumb questions.
5. Pursue failure.
6. Lead, follow ... or get out of the way!
7. Spread confusion.
8. Ditch your office.
9. Read odd stuff.
Avoid moderation!
“Normal” =
“o for 800”
*Excellence = Cross-functional Excellence
The “XF-50”: 50 Ways to
Enhance Cross-Functional
Effectiveness and Deliver
Speed, “Service Excellence”
and “Value-added
Customer ‘Solutions’”*
*See Appendix Two
8. “XF work” is the direct work of leaders!
9. “Integrated solutions” = Our “Culture.” (Therefore: XF = Our culture.)
10. Partner with “best-in-class” only. Their pursuit of Excellence helps us get beyond petty
bickering. An all-star team has little time for anything other than delivering on the (big) Client
11. All functions are created equal! All functions contribute equally! All = All.
12. All functions are “PSFs,” Professional Service Firms. “Professionalism” is the watchword—
and true Professionalism rise above turf wars. You are your projects, your legacy is your
projects—and the legacy will be skimpy indeed unless you pass, with flying colors, the “works
well with others” exam!
13. We are all in sales! We all (a-l-l) “sell” those Integrated Client Solutions. Good salespeople
don’t blame others for screw-ups—the Clint doesn’t care. Good salespeople are “quarterbacks”
who make the system work-deliver.
14. We all invest in “wiring” the Client
organization—we develop comprehensive
relationships in every part (function, level) of
the Client’s organization. We pay special
attention to the so-called “lower levels,” short
on glamour, long on the ability to make things
happen at the “coalface.”
15. We all “live the Brand”—which is Delivery of Matchless Integrated Solutions which transform
the Client’s organization. To “live the brand” is to become a raving fan of XF co-operation.
*Internal customer relations [C(I)] are perhaps-often more important than external
relationships [C(E)]. That is, if you Internal Relationships are excellent, you’ll have your
whole company working for you to get your jobs to the head of the queue.
waste a
% XF
“C-levels” to Abet Cross-functional Excellence
CGRO/Chief Grunge Removal Officer
CXFCO/Chief Cross-functional Communication Officer
CIS-CDO/Chief Information Sharing & Common
Database Officer
CHRO(PMLC) /Chief Human Resources Officer
(Project Managers, Love and Care of)
CPMFO/Chief Project Management Finance Officer
CTAO/Chief Team-space Assignments Officer
CE(XFNC) /Chief Executioner (Cross-functional
CXFBPDO/Chief Cross-functional Brownie-points
Dispensing Officer
*Keep It Simple, Stupid
90K in U.S.A. ICUs on any
given day; 178 steps/day
in ICU.
stays result
in “serious complication”
Source: Atul Gawande, “The Checklist” (New Yorker, 1210.07)
**Peter Pronovost, Johns Hopkins,
**Checklist, line infections
**1/3rd at least one error when he started
**Nurses/permission to stop procedure
if doc, other not following checklist
**In 1 year, 10-day line-infection rate:
11% to …
Source: Atul Gawande, “The Checklist” (New Yorker, 1210.07)
4 Days
(U.S. Hospitals+)
= 5 Years
*Think: Compression hose-socks
“How to flush
$500,000 down
the toilet in one
easy lesson!!”
> People!
Organizations exist to serve. Period.
Leaders live to serve. Period.
Passionate servant leaders, determined to create a
legacy of earthshaking transformation in their domain
create/must necessarily create organizations which
no less than Cathedrals in
which the full and awesome
power of the Imagination and
Spirit and native
Entrepreneurial flair of
diverse individuals is
unleashed … In passionate pursuit of jointly
are …
perceived soaring purpose and personal and community
and client service Excellence.
% of people
with …
… Dreams
The Dream
—Matthew Kelly
E.g.: “An organization can only become the-best-version-of-itself to the
extent that the people who drive that organization are striving to
become better-versions-of-themselves.” “A company’s purpose is to
become the-best-version-of-itself. The question is: What is an
employee’s purpose? Most would say, ‘to help the company achieve its
purpose’—but they would be wrong. That is certainly part of the
employee’s role, but an employee’s primary purpose is to become thebest-version-of-himself or –herself. … When a company forgets that it
exists to serve customers, it quickly goes out of business. Our
employees are our first customers, and our most important customers.”
The Dream Manager —Matthew Kelly
“An organization can only become thebest-version-of-itself to the extent that
the people who drive that organization
are striving to become better-versionsof-themselves.” “A company’s purpose is to become
the-best-version-of-itself. The question is: What is an
employee’s purpose? Most would say, ‘to help the company
achieve its purpose’—but they would be wrong. That is certainly
part of the employee’s role, but an employee’s primary purpose
is to become the-best-version-of-himself or –herself. …
When a company forgets that it exists to
serve customers, it quickly goes out of
business. Our employees are our first
customers, and our most important
The Dream Manager —Matthew Kelly
“An organization can only become the-best-version-of-itself to the
extent that the people who drive that organization are striving to
become better-versions-of-themselves.” “A company’s purpose is to
become the-best-version-of-itself. The question is: What is an
employee’s purpose? Most would say, ‘to help the company achieve its
purpose’—but they would be wrong. That is certainly part of the
employee’s role, but an employee’s primary purpose is to become thebest-version-of-himself or –herself. … When a company forgets that it
employees are our first
customers, and our
most important
exists to serve customers, it quickly goes out of business.
cause of
1 line
The “Big Three”
Line Supervisor*
*Accomplishment through others
Promotions …
2/year =
Hiring …
“A man
without a
smiling face
must not open
a shop.”
—Chinese Proverb
—inspired by Robert Greenleaf
“In the end, management
doesn’t change culture.
the workforce itself to
change the culture.”
—Lou Gerstner
“I have always
believed that the
purpose of the
corporation is to be a
blessing to the
employees.” *
—Boyd Clarke
*TP: An “organization” is, in fact and after all
is said and done, a/the “house” in which
most of us “live” most of the time.
“No matter what the
situation, [the excellent
manager’s] first response is
always to think about the
individual concerned and
how things can be arranged
to help that individual
experience success.”
—Marcus Buckingham, The One Thing You Need to Know
“We are a
‘Life Success’
Dave Liniger, founder, RE/MAX
“The role of the Director is to create a
space where the actors and
become more
than they’ve ever been
before, more than
they’ve dreamed of
actresses can
—Robert Altman, Oscar acceptance speech
“Every child is
born an artist.
The trick is to
remain an
artist.” —Picasso
Muhammad Yunus:
“All human beings
are entrepreneurs. When we
were in the caves we were all selfemployed . . . finding our food, feeding
ourselves. That’s where human history
began . . . As civilization came we
suppressed it. We became labor
because they stamped us, ‘You are
labor.’ We forgot that we are
Source: Muhammad Yunus/2006 Nobel Peace prize winner,
father of micro-lending /The News Hour—PBS/1122.2006
Excellence1982: The Bedrock “Eight Basics”
A Bias for Action
Close to the Customer
Autonomy and Entrepreneurship
Productivity Through People
Hands On, Value-Driven
Stick to the Knitting
Simple Form, Lean Staff
Simultaneous Loose-Tight
“Breakthrough” 82*
*In Search of Excellence
(worthy of commitment)
(room for/encouragement
for initiative)
(respect, humane)
Some Resources: Relationships
The Manager’s Book of Decencies: How Small Gestures
Build Great Companies—Steve Harrison
Respect—Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot
Hostmanship: The Art of Making People Feel Welcome—
Jan Gunnarsson & Olle Blohm (leader as host to hisher employees)
The SPEED of Trust: The One Thing that Changes
Everything—Stephen M.R. Covey
The Dream Manager —Matthew Kelly
The Customer Comes Second: Put Your People First and
Watch ’Em Kick Butt—Hal Rosenbluth and Diane
McFerrin Peters (no relation—be delighted if she was)
Crucial Conversations—Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny,
Ron McMillan, Al Switzler
Crucial Confrontations —Kerry Patterson, Joseph
Grenny, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler
Influence: Science and Practice—Robert Cialdini
Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More
Than IQ—Daniel Goleman
“Courtesies of a small and
trivial character are the
ones which strike
deepest in the grateful
and appreciating heart.”
—Henry Clay
“Be kind, for
everyone you meet
is fighting a great
—Philo of Alexandria
(worthy of commitment)
(room for/encouragement
for initiative-adventures)
(respect, grace,
integrity, humane)
(worthy of our clients’ & extended
family’s continuing custom)
(worthy of commitment)
(room for/encouragement for initiative-adventures)
(respect, grace, integrity, humane)
(worthy of our clients’ & extended
family’s continuing custom)
servant leadership
servant leadership
Hard Is Soft
Soft Is Hard
Hard Is Soft (Plans, #s)
Soft Is Hard (people,
customers, values,
“If I could have chosen not to tackle the IBM culture head-on, I
probably wouldn’t have. My bias coming in was toward strategy,
analysis and measurement. In comparison, changing the
attitude and behaviors of hundreds of thousands of people is
[Yet] I came to see in
my time at IBM that culture
isn’t just one aspect of the
very, very hard.
game —it is the
—Lou Gerstner,
Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance
“The terms ‘hard facts,’
and ‘the soft stuff’ used
in business imply that
data are somehow real
and strong while
emotions are weak and
less important.”
—George Kohlrieser, Hostage at the Table
Return On
Investment In
Q/Systems Salesperson: “I make the
sale, and then the company screws up
the engineering or delivery or one of a
dozen things. Any suggestions?
“Spend less
time with your
power” =
advantage” =
(of all varieties):
“I screwed
*The virtuous “circle of blame
“You can make more
friends in two months by
becoming interested in
other people than you can
in two years by trying to
get other people interested
in you.” —Dale Carnegie
“It was much later that I realized
Dad’s secret. He gained respect by
giving it. He talked and listened to
the fourth-grade kids in Spring Valley
who shined shoes the same way he
talked and listened to a bishop or a
He was
seriously interested in
who you were and what
you had to say.”
college president.
Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot, Respect
So, tell me
why you’re
here …
For the
in the
family …
50 “Equations” on
achieving success …
at pretty much
*See Appendix Three
S = ƒ( ___ )
Success Is a
Function of …
S =ƒ(#PK“W”P)
S = ƒ(#PK“L”P)
# of people you know in the “wrong” places
# people you know in “low” places
“Success doesn’t depend on the number of
people you know; it depends on the number
of people you know in
high places!”
“Success doesn’t depend on the number of
people you know; it depends on the number
of people you know in
S = ƒ(#&DR; -2L, -3L, 4L, I&E)
Success is a function of: Number and depth of relationships 2, 3, and
4 levels down inside and outside the organization
S = ƒ(SD>SU)
Sucking down is more important than sucking up—the idea is to
have the [your] entire organization working for you.
S = ƒ(#non-FF, #non-FL)
Number of friends not in my function
S = ƒ(#XFL/m)
Number of lunches with colleagues in other
functions per month
S = ƒ(#FF)
Number of friends in the finance organization
Time spent ... Hurdle Removing for Others
*Chief Hurdle Removal Officer
**Chief Impediment Elimination Officer
”Ninety percent of what
we call management
consists of making it
difficult to get things
done.” —Peter Drucker
S = ƒ(Thank you notes
per Day, flowers
given per Month,
Acts of Appreciation
per Week)
S = ƒ (%TM“TSS,”
% of time, measured, on This Soft Stuff,
purposeful management of this Soft Stuff, daily
“to do” concerning “this Soft Stuff”
O(B) = ƒ(XX)
O(B), the “blueness” of one’s “ocean” [think Blue Ocean
Strategy, the popular book], is directly proportional to one’s
eXcellence in eXecution/XX, per me.
[If one finds a “strategic” “blue ocean,” one will, especially
in today’s world, copied immediately; the only “defense”—
possibility of sustaining success—is XX/eXcellence in
eXecution. Think EXXON MOBIL; they and their rivals know
where the hydrocarbons are—but EXXON MOBIL handily
out-executes the competition.]
S(O) = ƒ(XXFX)
The single most important cause of failure to execute
effectively is the lack of effective cross-functional
communication-execution. Hence, Organizational Success is a
eXcellence (X) in crossfunctional (XF) eXecution (X). Attached
function of
as Appendix II is my: The “XF-50”: 50 Ways to Enhance CrossFunctional Effectiveness and Deliver Speed, “Service
Excellence” and “Value-added Customer ‘Solutions.’”
S(O) = ƒ(X“SIT”)
In 1982 in In Search of Excellence, Bob Waterman and I
wrote about the idea of “MBWA,” or Managing By Wandering
Around; we came across “MBWA” at Hewlett-Packard, then a
much smaller company, and it was love at first sight! For
reasons described in Appendix III, I recently returned to the
centrality of that notion—and created a list of 50 “Have
Yous.” That is, instead of worrying ceaselessly about
“strategy” and “blue oceans,” how good a job have you done
at Staying In Touch with your extended internal and
external “organizational family”? That is: S(O),
X “SIT,”
eXcellence at Staying In Touch.
Organizational Success, is a function of
Notes from William Easterly’s:
The White Man’s
Burden: Why the
West’s Effort to Aid
the Rest Have Done
So Much Ill and so
Little Good
“The West spent …
on foreign aid over the
last five decades and still has not managed to
get twelve-cent medicines to children to
prevent half of all malaria deaths. The West
spent $2.3 trillion and still not managed to get
three dollars to each new mother to prevent
five million child deaths. … But I and many
other like-minded people keep trying, not to
abandon aid to the poor, but to make sure it
reaches them.”
Easterly, maligned by many, is the arch-enemy
of the
Big Plan
[his capital letters, not mine]
sent from afar; and the vociferous fan of
practical activities of those he calls
… who learn the
ins and outs of the culture, politics and local
conditions “on the ground” in order to use local
levers and local players, and get those 12cent medicines to community members.
Read on, “Planners” vs “Searchers” …
“In foreign aid, Planners announce good intentions but don’t motivate
anyone to carry them out; Searchers find things that work and
get some reward. Planners raise expectations but take no
responsibility for meeting them; Searchers accept
responsibility for their actions; Planners determine what to
supply; Searchers find out what is in demand. Planners apply
global blueprints; Searchers adapt to local conditions.
Planners at the top lack knowledge of the bottom; Searchers find
out what the reality is at the bottom. Planners never hear
whether the planned recipients got what they needed; Searchers
find out if the customer is satisfied. … A Planner thinks he
already knows the answers; he thinks of poverty as a technical
engineering problem that his answers will solve. A Searcher
admits he doesn’t know the answers in advance; he
believes that poverty is a complicated tangle of political,
social, historical, institutional, and technological factors;
he hopes to find answers to individual problems only by
trial and error experimentation. A planner believes outsiders
know enough to impose solutions; a Searcher believes only
insiders have enough knowledge to find solutions, and
that most solutions must be homegrown. …”
Derived from the above and more, I have
extracted a series of “lessons” from the
Easterly book. These implementation lessons
are, in fact, universal:
Lesson (#1 of sooooooo many): Show up!
(On the ground, where the action—and
possible implementation—is.)
Lesson: Invest in ceaseless study of
conditions “on the ground”—social and
political and historical and systemic.
“Ninety percent
of success is
showing up.”
—Woody Allen
Lesson: Talk to the “locals.”
Lesson: Listen to the “locals.”
Lesson: Hear the “locals.”
Lesson: Listen to the “locals.”
Lesson: Hear the “locals.”
Lesson: Listen to the “locals.”
Lesson: Hear the “locals.”
Lesson: Listen to the “locals.”
Lesson: Hear to the “locals.”
Lesson: Listen to the “locals.”
Lesson: Hear to the “locals.”
Lesson: Respect the “locals.”
Lesson: Empathize with the “locals.”
Lesson: Try to blend in, adopting local customs, showing
deference were necessary—almost everywhere;
and never interrupt the “big man” in front of his
folk, even, or especially, if you think he is 180
degrees off.
Lesson: Seek out the local leaders’ second cousins, etc,
to gain indirect assess over their uncle twice
removed! (Etc & etc.)
Lesson: Have a truly crappy office, and other
Lesson: Remember, you do not in fact have the answers
despite your PhD with, naturally, honors, from the
University of Chicago—where you were mentored
by not one, but two, Nobel Laureates in economics.
Lesson: Regardless of the enormity of the problem,
proceed by trial (manageable in size) and error,
error, error. (Failure motto: “Do it right the first
time!” Success motto: “Do it right the 37th time!”
And hustle through those 37 tries—see the
next slide.)
Nothing is
Nothing is “scalable”!*
*Every replication must
exude the perception of
uniqueness—even if it
means a half-step
backwards. (“It wouldn’t
have worked if we hadn’t done
it our way.”)
“Buy in”“Ownership”Authorial bragging
rights-“Born again”
Champion = One
Line of Code!
Speed kills!
Lesson: Short-circuiting political
process kills!
Lesson: Premature rollout kills!
Lesson: Too much publicity-visibility
Lesson: Too much money kills!
Lesson: Too much technology kills!
Lesson: Never forget the atmospherics, such as numerous
celebrations for tiny milestones reached, showering praise
on the local leader and your local cohorts, while you
assiduously stand at the back of the crowd—etc.
Lesson: The experiment has failed until the systems and political
rewards, often small, are in place, with Beta tests completed,
to up the odds of repetition.
Lesson: Most of your on-the-ground staff must consist of
respected locals—the de facto or de jure Chairman or CEO
must be a local; you must be virtually invisible.
Spend enormous “pointless” social time
with the local political leaders—in Gulf
War I, Norm Schwarzkopf spent his
evenings, nearly all of them, drinking tea
until 2AM or 3AM
with the Saudi crown prince; he called it
his greatest contribution!
*Norm, Ben
Lesson: For projects involving children or health or education or
community development or sustainable small-business
growth (most projects), women are by far the most reliable
and most central and most indirectly powerful local
players in even the most chauvinist settings—their
characteristic process of “implementation by indirection”
means “life or death” to sustainable project success;
moreover, the expanding concentric circles of women’s
traditional networking processes is by far the best way to
“scale up”/expand a program. (Men should not even try
to understand what is taking place. Among other things,
this networking indirection-largely invisible process will
seemingly “take forever” by most men’s “action now,
skip steps” S.O.P.—and then, from out of the blue,
following an eternity of rambling discussions-on-top-oframbling-discussions, you will wake up one fine morning
and discover that the thing is done that everything has
fallen in place “overnight” and that ownership is nearly
universal. Concomitant imperative; most of your (as an
outsider) staff should be women, alas, most likely not
visibly “in charge.”
For projects involving children or
health or education or community
development or sustainable smallbusiness growth (most projects),
women are by far the
most reliable and most central
and most indirectly powerful local
players even in the most
chauvinist settings.
Regardless of the
topic—mundane or grand—
it is attending to the same
“mundane” “human” “timeless”
“basics” that shape the outcome
and determine the degree of
implementation. The Master
of GTD* is the true Master of
the Universe.
Lesson of Lessons:
*GTD/Getting Things Done
“Women are
the majority
—Fara Warner/The Power of the Purse
“Goldman Sachs in Tokyo has
developed an index of 115
companies poised to benefit from
women’s increased purchasing
power; over the past decade the
value of shares in Goldman’s
basket has risen by 96%, against
the Tokyo stockmarket’s rise
of 13%.” —Economist, April 15
most significant
variable in every
sales situation is the
of the buyer, and
more importantly, how the
salesperson communicates
to the buyer’s gender.”
—Jeffery Tobias Halter, Selling to Men, Selling to Women
New Studies find that
female managers outshine their male
counterparts in almost every measure”
TITLE/ Special Report/ BusinessWeek
“TAKE THIS QUICK QUIZ: Who manages more things
at once? Who puts more effort into their
appearance? Who usually takes care of the
details? Who finds it easier to meet new
people? Who asks more questions in a
conversation? Who is a better listener? Who
has more interest in communication skills?
Who is more inclined to get involved? Who
encourages harmony and agreement? Who has
better intuition? Who works with a longer ‘to
do’ list? Who enjoys a recap to the day’s
events? Who is better at keeping in touch
with others?”
Source: Selling Is a Woman’s Game: 15 Powerful Reasons Why
Women Can Outsell Men, Nicki Joy & Susan Kane-Benson
Women’s Negotiating Strengths
*Ability to put themselves in their
counterparties’ shoes
*Comprehensive, attentive and detailed
communication style
*Empathy that facilitates trust-building
*Curious and attentive listening
*Less competitive attitude
*Strong sense of fairness and ability to persuade
*Proactive risk manager
*Collaborative decision-making
Source: Horacio Falcao, Cover story/May 2006, World Business, “Say It
Like a Woman: Why the 21st-century negotiator will need the female touch”
“Forget China,
India and the
Internet: Economic
Growth Is Driven
Economist, April 15, 2006, Leader, page 14
Women make [all] the financial decisions.
Women control [all] the wealth.
Women [substantially] outlive men.
Women start most of the new businesses.
Women’s work force participation rates have
soared worldwide.
Women are closing in on “same pay for same
Women are penetrating senior ranks rapidly
[even if the pace is slow for the corner
office per se].
Women’s leadership strengths are exceptionally well
aligned with new organizational effectiveness
Women are better salespersons than men.
Women buy [almost] everything—commercial
as well as consumer goods.
So what exactly is the point of men?
“People turning 50
than half of
today have
their adult life
ahead of them.”
—Bill Novelli,
50+: Igniting a Revolution to Reinvent America
We are the Aussies & Kiwis & Americans &
Canadians. We are the Western Europeans &
Japanese. We are the fastest growing, the
biggest, the wealthiest, the boldest, the
most (yes) ambitious, the most experimental &
exploratory, the most different, the most
indulgent, the most difficult & demanding,
the most service & experience obsessed, the
most vigorous, (the least vigorous,) the most
health conscious, the most female, the most
profoundly important commercial market in
the history of the world—and we will be the
Center of your universe for the next twentyfive years. We have arrived!
Big companies!
Public companies!
“Cool” industries!
Stability (“Built to last”)!
Famous CEOs!
“I am often asked by would-be entrepreneurs
seeking escape from life within huge corporate
structures, ‘How do I build a small firm for
a very large one
and just wait.”
myself?’ The answer seems obvious:
—Paul Ormerod, Why Most Things Fail:
Evolution, Extinction and Economics
#4 Japan
#2T china
#2t USA
#1 Germany
Big companies!
Public companies!
“Cool” industries!
Stability (“Built to last”)!
Famous CEOs!
Family Businesses
Two-thirds of total #s
of companies
One-half of biggest companies
>One-half GDP
>One-half employment
6% more profitable
7% better ROA
Higher income growth
Higher revenue growth
Source: John Davis, HBS
Big companies!
Public companies!
“Cool” industries!
Stability (“Built to last”)!
Famous CEOs!
“Natural selection is death. ...
Without huge amounts of
death, organisms do not
change over time. ... Death
is the mother of structure. ...
It took four billion years of
death ... to invent the human
mind ...” — The Cobra Event
7,700,000 –
7,200,000 =
Big companies!
Public companies!
“Cool” industries!
Stability (“Built to last”)!
Famous CEOs!
Jim’s Mowing Canada
Jim’s Mowing UK
Jim’s Antennas
Jim’s Bookkeeping
Jim’s Building Maintenance
Jim’s Carpet Cleaning
Jim’s Car Cleaning
Jim’s Computer Services
Jim’s Dog Wash
Jim’s Driving School
Jim’s Fencing
Jim’s Floors
Jim’s Painting
Jim’s Paving
Jim’s Pergolas [gazebos]
Jim’s Pool Care
Jim’s Pressure Cleaning
Jim’s Roofing
Jim’s Security Doors
Jim’s Trees
Jim’s Window Cleaning
Jim’s Windscreens
Note: Download, free, Jim Penman’s book:
What Will They Franchise Next? The Story of Jim’s Group
*Basement Systems Inc.
*Larry Janesky
*Dry Basement Science
*1990: $0; 2003: $13M;
Big companies!
Public companies!
“Cool” industries!
Stability (“Built to last”)!
Famous CEOs!
Mission impossible?
Market capitalization
lost per day, 19982007:
*Lived in same town all adult life
*First generation that’s wealthy/
no parental support
*“Don’t look like millionaires, don’t
dress like millionaires, don’t eat like
millionaires, don’t act like millionaires”
*“Many of the types of businesses [they] are in could be
classified as ‘dull-normal.’ [They] are welding contractors,
auctioneers, scrap-metal dealers, lessors of portable toilets,
dry cleaners, re-builders of diesel engines, paving
contractors …”
Source: The Millionaire Next Door, Thomas Stanley & William Danko
Black Swans: This
is how you earn
your pay!* **
*See: The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly
Improbable, Nassim Nicholas Taleb
*WSC: “When the seas are calm all ships alike
show mastership in sailing.”
The “9 Ps of Leadership
admirals more
frightened of
losing than
anxious to win”
Joe J. Jones
1942 – 2008
The greatest danger
for most of us
is not that our aim is
too high
and we miss it,
but that it is
too low
and we reach it.
The “Have
you …” 50
“Mapping your
or …
While waiting last week [early December 2007] in the Albany airport to
board a Southwest Airlines flight to Reagan, I happened across the
latest Harvard Business Review, on the cover of which was a yellow
sticker. The sticker had on it the words “Mapping your competitive
position.” It referred to a feature article by my friend Rich D’Aveni. His
work is uniformly good—and I have said as much publicly on several
occasions dating back 15 years. I’m sure this article is good, too—
though I didn’t read it. In fact it triggered a furious negative “Tom
reaction” as my wife calls it. Of course I believe you should worry
But instead of obsessing
on competitive position and other abstractions, as
the B-schools and consultants would always have
us do, I instead wondered about some “practical
stuff” which I believe is more important to the shortand long-term health of the enterprise, tiny or
about your “competitive position.”
“Unfortunately many
leaders of major companies
believe their job is to
create the strategy,
organization and
organization processes—
remaining aloof from the
people doing the work.”
—George Kohlrieser, Hostage at the Table (GK is, among other
things, a hostage negotiator with a 95% success rate)
1. Have you in the last 10 days … visited a
2. Have you called a customer … TODAY?
3. Have you in the last 60-90 days … had a seminar in which several folks from the
customer’s operation (different levels, different functions, different divisions) interacted,
via facilitator, with various of your folks?
4. Have you thanked a front-line employee for a
small act of helpfulness … in the last three days?
5. Have you thanked a front-line employee for a small act of helpfulness … in the
last three hours?
6. Have you thanked a frontline employee for carrying around a great attitude … today?
7. Have you in the last week recognized—publicly—one of your folks for a small act of
cross-functional co-operation?
8. Have you in the last week recognized—publicly—one of “their” folks (another function)
for a small act of cross-functional co-operation?
9. Have you invited in the last month a leader of another function to your weekly team
priorities meeting?
10. Have you personally in the last week-month called-visited an internal or external
customer to sort out, inquire, or apologize for some little or big thing that went awry? (No
reason for doing so? If true—in your mind—then you’re more out of touch than I dared
1. Have you in the
last 10 days … visited
a customer?
2. Have you called a
customer … TODAY?
Call (C-A-L-L!) (NOT E-MAIL!) 25-50 (NO LESS THAN 25)
people … TODAY * …to thank them for their support this
year (2007) …
and wish them and their families and colleagues a
Happy 2008! ** *** **** ***** ******
*Today = TODAY = N-O-W (not “within the hour”)
**Remember: ROIR > ROI. ROIR = Return On Investment in Relationships.
Success = ƒ(Relationships).
***This is the most important piece of advice I have provided this year.
****This is … Not Optional.
*****Trust me: This is fun!!!!
******Trust me: This “works.”
Happy 2008!!!
I posted this at
tompeters.com on New
Year’s Eve 2007.
11. Have you in the last two days had a chat with someone (a couple of levels down?) about specific deadlines
concerning a project’s next steps?
12. Have you in the last two days had a chat with someone (a couple of levels down?) about specific deadlines
concerning a project’s next steps … and what specifically you can do to remove a hurdle? (“Ninety percent of
what we call management consists of making it difficult for people to get things done.”—Peter “His eminence”
13. Have you celebrated in the last week a “small” (or large!) milestone reached? (I.e., are you a milestone
14. Have you in the last week or month revised some estimate in the “wrong” direction and apologized for making
a lousy estimate? (Somehow you must publicly reward the telling of difficult truths.)
15. Have you installed in your tenure a very
comprehensive customer satisfaction scheme for all
internal customers? (With major consequences for hitting or missing the mark.)
16. Have you in the last six months had a week-long, visible, very intensive visit-“tour” of external customers?
17. Have you in the last 60 days called an abrupt halt to a meeting and “ordered” everyone to get out of the office,
and “into the field” and in the next eight hours, after asking those involved, fixed (f-i-x-e-d!) a nagging “small”
problem through practical action?
18. Have you in the last week had a rather thorough discussion of a “cool design thing” someone has come
across—away from your industry or function—at a Web site, in a product or its packaging?
19. Have you in the last two weeks had an informal meeting—at least an hour long—with a frontline employee to
discuss things we do right, things we do wrong, what it would take to meet your mid- to long-term aspirations?
20. Have you had in the last 60 days had a general meeting to discuss “things we do wrong” … that we can fix in
the next fourteen days?
UniCredit Group/
UniCredito Italiano* **
—3rd party measurement
—Primary $$$$ incentives
—Primary Corporate Initiative
The director of staff services at the giant
financial services firm, UniCredit Group,
installed the most thorough internal
customer satisfaction measures scheme I
have seen—with exceptional rewards for
those who make the grade with their
internal customers.
21. Have you had in the last year a one-day, intense offsite with each (?) of your
internal customers—followed by a big celebration of “things gone right”?
22. Have you in the last week pushed someone to do some family thing that you fear
might be overwhelmed by deadline pressure?
23. Have you learned the names of the children of everyone who reports to you? (If
not, you have six months to fix it.)
24. Have you taken in the last month an interesting-weird outsider to lunch?
25. Have you in the last month invited an interesting-weird outsider to sit in on an
important meeting?
26. Have you in the last three days discussed something interesting, beyond your
industry, that you ran across in a meeting, reading, etc?
27. Have you in the last 24 hours injected into a meeting “I ran across this
interesting idea in [strange place]”?
28. Have you in the last two weeks asked someone to report on something, anything
that constitutes an act of brilliant service rendered in a “trivial” situation—
restaurant, car wash, etc? (And then discussed the relevance to your work.)
29. Have you in the last 30 days examined in detail (hour
by hour) your calendar to evaluate the degree “time
actually spent” mirrors your “espoused priorities”?
(And repeated this exercise with everyone on team.)
30. Have you in the last two months had a presentation to the group by a “weird”
You = Your
never lie
All we have is our time. The
way we spend our time is
our priorities, is our
“strategy.” Your calendar
knows what you really
care about. Do you?
31. Have you in the last two months had a presentation to the group by a customer,
internal customer, vendor featuring “working folks” 3 or 4 levels down in the vendor
32. Have you in the last two months had a presentation to the group of a cool,
beyond-our-industry ideas by two of your folks?
33. Have you at every meeting today (and forever more) re-directed the conversation
to the practicalities of implementation concerning some issue before the group?
34. Have you at every meeting today (and forever more) had an end-of-meeting
discussion on “action items to be dealt with in the next 4, 48 hours? (And then made
this list public—and followed up in 48 hours.) And made sure everyone has at least
one such item.)
35. Have you had a discussion in the last six months about what it would take to get
recognition in local-national poll of “best places to work”?
36. Have you in the last month approved a cool-different training course for one
of your folks?
Have you in the last month taught a front-line
training course?
38. Have you in the last week discussed the idea of Excellence? (What it means, how
to get there.)
39. Have you in the last week discussed the idea of “Wow”? (What it means, how
to inject it into an ongoing “routine” project.)
40. Have you in the last 45 days assessed some major process in terms of the
details of the “experience,” as well as results, it provides to its external or internal
41. Have you in the last month had one of your folks attend a meeting you were supposed to go
to which gives them unusual exposure to senior folks?
42. Have you in the last 60 (30?) days sat with a trusted friend or “coach” to discuss your
“management style”—and its long- and short-term impact on the group?
43. Have you in the last three days considered a professional
relationship that was a little rocky and made a call to the person
involved to discuss issues and smooth the waters? (Taking the
“blame,” fully deserved or not, for letting the thing-issue fester.)
44. Have you in the last … two hours … stopped by someone’s (two-levels “down") officeworkspace for 5 minutes to ask “What do you think?” about an issue that arose at a more or
less just completed meeting? (And then stuck around for 10 or so minutes to listen—and
visibly taken notes.)
45. Have you … in the last day … looked around you to assess whether the diversity pretty
accurately maps the diversity of the market being served? (And …)
46. Have you in the last day at some meeting gone out of your way to make sure that a normally
reticent person was engaged in a conversation—and then thanked him or her, perhaps
privately, for their contribution?
47. Have you during your tenure instituted very public (visible) presentations of performance?
48. Have you in the last four months had a session specifically aimed at checking on the
“corporate culture” and the degree we are true to it—with all presentations by relatively junior
folks, including front-line folks? (And with a determined effort to keep the conversation
restricted to “real world” “small” cases—not theory.)
49. Have you in the last six months talked about the Internal Brand Promise?
50. Have you in the last year had a full-day off site to talk about individual (and group)
(of all varieties):
Return On
Investment In
“You must
—General Melvin Zais
“Courtesies of a small and
trivial character are the
ones which strike
deepest in the grateful
and appreciating heart.”
—Henry Clay
The “XF-50”: 50 Ways to
Enhance CrossFunctional
Effectiveness and
Deliver Speed, “Service
Excellence” and “Valueadded Customer
*Excellence = Cross-functional Excellence
A 2007 letter from John Hennessy, president of
(1) Stanford University, to alumni laid out his long-term
“vision” for that esteemed institution. The core of the
vision’s promise was more multi-disciplinary research,
aimed at solving some of the world’s complex systemic
problems. (2) The chief of GlaxoSmithKline, a few years
ago, announced a “revolutionary” new drug discovery
process—human-scale centers of interdisciplinary
excellence, called Centers of Excellence in Drug
Discovery. (It worked.) (3) Likewise, amidst a study of
organization effectiveness in the oil industry’s exploration
sector, I came across a particularly successful firm—one
key to that success was their physical and organizational
mingling of formerly warring (two sets of prima donnas)
geologists and geophysicists.
(4) The cover story in Dartmouth Medicine, the Dartmouth
med school magazine, featured a “revolutionary”
approach, “microsystems,” as “the big idea that [might]
save U.S. healthcare.” The nub is providing successful
patient outcomes in hospitals by forming multi-function
patient-care teams, including docs, nurses, labtechs and
others. (“Co-operating doc” may top the oxymoron scale.)
(5) One of the central responses to 911 is an effort to get
intelligence services, home to some of the world’s most
viscous turf wars, talking to one another—we may have
seen some of the fruits of that effort in the recently
released National Intelligence Estimate. And in the
military, inter-service co-operation has increased by an
order of magnitude since Gulf War One—some of the
services’ communication systems can actually be linked
to those of other services, a miracle almost the equal of
the Christmas miracle in my book!
1. It’s
our organization to make work—or not. It’s not “them,” the
outside world that’s the problem. The enemy is us. Period.
2. Friction-free! Dump 90% of “middle managers”—most are advertent or inadvertent “power
freaks.” We are all—every one of us—in the Friction Removal Business, one moment at a time,
now and forevermore.
3. No “stovepipes”! “Stove-piping,” “Silo-ing” is an Automatic Firing Offense. Period. No
appeals. (Within the limits of civility, somewhat “public” firings are not out of the question—that
is, make one and all aware why the axe fell.)
4. Everything on the Web. This helps. A lot. (“Everything” = Big word.)
5. Open access. All available to all. Transparency, beyond a level that’s “sensible,” is a de facto
imperative in a Burn-the-Silos strategy.
Project managers rule!! Project managers running XF (crossfunctional) projects are the Elite of the organization, and seen as
such and treated as such. (The likes of construction companies
have practiced this more or less forever.)
7. “Value-added Proposition” = Application of integrated resources. (From the entire supplychain.) To deliver on our emergent business raison d’etre, and compete with the likes of our
Chinese and Indian brethren, we must co-operate with anybody and everybody “24/7.” IBM, UPS
and many, many others are selling far more than a product or service that works—the new “it” is
pure and simple a product of XF co-operation; “the product is the co-operation” is not much of a
“We have met
the enemy and
he is us.”
—Walt Kelly/“Pogo”
A January 2008 BusinessWeek cover story informed us that Schlumberger may
well take over the world: “THE GIANT STALKING BIG OIL: How Schlumberger Is
Rewriting the Rules of the Energy Game.” In short, Schlumberger knows how
to create and run oilfields, anywhere, from drilling to fullscale production to
distribution. And the nugget is hardcore, relatively small, technically
accomplished, highly autonomous teams. As China and Russia, among others,
make their move in energy, state run companies are eclipsing the major
independents. (China’s state oil company just surpassed Exxon in market value.)
At the center of it all, abetting these new players who are edging out the Exxons
and BPs, the Kings of Large-scale, Long-term Project Management wear
Schlumberger overalls. (The pictures in the article from Siberia alone are worth the
cover price.) At the center of the center of the Schlumberger “empire” is a
relatively newly configured outfit, reminiscent of IBM’s Global Services and UPS’
integrated logistics’ experts and even Best Buy’s now ubiquitous “Geek Squads.”
The Schlumberger version is simply called IPM, for Integrated Project
Management. It lives in a nondescript building near Gatwick Airport, and its chief
says it will do “just about anything an oilfield owner would want, from drilling to
production”—that is, as BusinessWeek put it, “[IPM] strays from [Schlumberger’s]
traditional role as a service provider* and moves deeper into areas once
dominated by the majors.” (*My old pal was solo on remote offshore platforms
interpreting geophysical logs and the like.)
8. “XF work” is the direct work of leaders!
9. “Integrated solutions” = Our “Culture.” (Therefore: XF = Our culture.)
10. Partner with “best-in-class” only. Their pursuit of Excellence helps us get beyond
petty bickering. An all-star team has little time for anything other than delivering on
the (big) Client promise.
11. All functions are created equal! All functions contribute equally! All = All.
12. All functions are “PSFs,” Professional Service Firms. “Professionalism” is the
watchword—and true Professionalism rise above turf wars. You are your projects,
your legacy is your projects—and the legacy will be skimpy indeed unless you pass,
with flying colors, the “works well with others” exam!
13. We are all in sales! We all (a-l-l) “sell” those Integrated Client Solutions. Good
salespeople don’t blame others for screw-ups—the Clint doesn’t care. Good
salespeople are “quarterbacks” who make the system work-deliver.
14. We all invest in “wiring” the Client organization—we
develop comprehensive relationships in every part
(function, level) of the Client’s organization. We pay
special attention to the so-called “lower levels,” short
on glamour, long on the ability to make things happen at
the “coalface.”
15. We all “live the Brand”—which is Delivery of Matchless Integrated Solutions
which transform the Client’s organization. To “live the brand” is to become a raving
fan of XF co-operation.
*Internal customer relations [C(I)] are perhaps-often more important than external
relationships [C(E)]. That is, if you Internal Relationships are excellent, you’ll have your
whole company working for you to get your jobs to the head of the queue.
16. We use the word “partner” until we want to barf! (Words matter! A lot!)
17. We use the word “team” until we want to barf. (Words matter! A lot!)
18. We use the word “us” until we want to barf. (Words matter! A lot!)
19. We obsessively seek Inclusion—and abhor exclusion. We want more
people from more places (internal, external—the whole “supply chain”)
aboard in order to maximize systemic benefits.
20. Buttons & Badges matter—we work relentlessly at team (XF team)
identity and solidarity. (“Corny”? Get over it.)
21. All (almost all) rewards are team rewards.
22. We keep base pay rather low—and give whopping bonuses for excellent
team delivery of “seriously cool” cross-functional Client benefits.
anything and everything.) (Losing, like winning, is a
team affair.)
26. “Women rule.” Women are simply better at the XF communications
stuff—less power obsessed, less hierarchically inclined, more group-team
Women’s Negotiating Strengths
*Ability to put themselves in their
counterparties’ shoes
*Comprehensive, attentive and detailed
communication style
*Empathy that facilitates trust-building
*Curious and attentive listening
*Less competitive attitude
*Strong sense of fairness and ability to persuade
*Proactive risk manager
*Collaborative decision-making
Source: Horacio Falcao, Cover story/May 2006, World Business, “Say It
Like a Woman: Why the 21st-century negotiator will need the female touch”
Women’s Strengths Match New
Economy Imperatives: Link [rather than rank]
workers; favor interactive-collaborative leadership
style [empowerment beats top-down decision
making]; sustain fruitful collaborations; comfortable
with sharing information; see redistribution of power
as victory, not surrender; favor multi-dimensional
feedback; value technical & interpersonal skills,
individual & group contributions equally; readily
accept ambiguity; honor intuition as well as
pure “rationality”; inherently flexible; appreciate
cultural diversity. —Judy B. Rosener,
America’s Competitive Secret: Women Managers
“TAKE THIS QUICK QUIZ: Who manages more things
at once? Who puts more effort into their
appearance? Who usually takes care of the
details? Who finds it easier to meet new
people? Who asks more questions in a
conversation? Who is a better listener? Who
has more interest in communication skills?
Who is more inclined to get involved? Who
encourages harmony and agreement? Who has
better intuition? Who works with a longer ‘to
do’ list? Who enjoys a recap to the day’s
events? Who is better at keeping in touch
with others?”
Source: Selling Is a Woman’s Game: 15 Powerful Reasons Why
Women Can Outsell Men, Nicki Joy & Susan Kane-Benson
27. Every member of our team is an honored contributor. “XF project Excellence”
is an “all hands” affair.
28. We are our XF Teams! XF project teams are how we get things done.
29. “Wow Projects” rule, large or small—Wow projects demand by definition XF
30. We routinely attempt to unearth and then reward “small gestures” of XF cooperation.
31. We invite Functional Bigwigs to our XF project team reviews.
32. We insist on Client team participation—from all functions of the Client
33. An “Open talent market” helps make the projects “silo-free.” People want in on
the project because of the opportunity to do something memorable—no one will
tolerate delays based on traditional functional squabbling.
34. Flat! Flat = Flattened Silos. Flat = Excellence based on XF project outcomes,
not power-hoarding within functional boundaries.
35. New “C-level”? We more or less need a “C-level” job titled Chief Bullshit
Removal Officer. That is, some kind of formal watchdog whose role in life is to
make cross-functionality work, and I.D. those who don’t get with the program.
36. Huge
(H-U-G-E) co-operation bonuses. Senior team
members who conspicuously shine in the “working
together” bit are rewarded or punished Big Time. (A
million bucks in one case I know—and a noncooperating very senior was sacked.)
James Robinson III:
$500K (on the spot,
Alan Puckett:
Fire the best!
(failure to collaborate)
37. Get physical!! “Co-location” is the most powerful “culture changer. Physical
X-functional proximity is almost a guarantee (yup!) of remarkably improved cooperation—to aid this one needs flexible workspaces that can be mobilized for a
team in a flash.
38. Ad hoc. To improve the new “X-functional Culture,” little XF teams should be
formed on the spot to deal with an urgent issue—they may live for but ten days,
but it helps the XF habit, making it normal to be “working the XF way.”
39. “Deep dip.” Dive three levels down in the organization to fill a senior role
with some one who has been pro-active on the XF dimension.
40. Formal
evaluations. Everyone, starting with the receptionist,
should have an important XF rating component in their
41. Demand XF experience for, especially, senior jobs. The military requires all
would-be generals and admirals to have served a full tour in a job whose only
goals were cross-functional. Great idea!
42. Early project “management” experience. Within days, literally, of coming
aboard folks should be “running” some bit of a project, working with folks from
other functions—hence, “all this” becomes as natural as breathing.
43. “Get ’em out with the customer.” Rarely does the accountant or bench
scientist call one the customer. Reverse that. Give everyone more or less
regular “customer-facing experiences.” One learns quickly that the customer is
not interested in our in-house turf battles!
44. Put “it” on the–every agenda. XF “issues to be resolved” should be on every
agenda—morning project team review, weekly exec team meeting, etc. A “next
step” within 24 hours (4?) ought to be part of the resolution.
45. XF “honest broker” or ombudsman. The ombudsman examines XF “friction
events” and acts as Conflict Resolution Counselor. (Perhaps a formal conflict
resolution agreement?)
46. Lock it in! XF co-operation, central to any value-added mission, should be an
explicit part of the “Vision Statement.”
47. Promotions. Every promotion, no exceptions, should put XF Excellence in the
top 5 (3?) evaluation criteria.
48. Pick partners based on their “co-operation proclivity.” Everyone must be on
board if “this thing” is going to work; hence every vendor, among others, should
be formally evaluated on their commitment to XF transparency—e.g., can we
access anyone at any level in any function of their organization without
bureaucratic barriers?
49. Fire vendors who don’t “get it”—more than “get it,” welcome “it” with
open arms.”
50. Jaw. Jaw. Jaw. Talk XF cooperation-value-added at every opportunity. Become
a relentless bore!
Excellence! There is a state of XF
Excellence per se. Talk about it. Pursue
it. Aspire to nothing less.
*Excellence = Cross-functional Excellence
“C-levels” to Abet Cross-functional Excellence
CGRO/Chief Grunge Removal Officer
CXFCO/Chief Cross-functional Communication Officer
CIS-CDO/Chief Information Sharing & Common
Database Officer
CHRO(PMLC) /Chief Human Resources Officer
(Project Managers, Love and Care of)
CPMFO/Chief Project Management Finance Officer
CTAO/Chief Team-space Assignments Officer
CE(XFNC) /Chief Executioner (Cross-functional
CXFBPDO/Chief Cross-functional Brownie-points
Dispensing Officer
In We have “C-level” officers for any damn
thing you can mention. So I thought I’d add
my voice to the fray. If XF (Cross-functional)
performance is a/the paramount issue for
modern enterprise effectiveness (where one
is bringing to bear the wherewithal of the
entire enterprise to provide high-value,
systemic “solutions” for customers), then
XFX/Cross-functional excellence is
necessarily priority #1. And we need an exec
to lead the charge—try these job titles on for
The “XF Bible”
Building a Knowledge-driven
Organization: Overcome
Resistance to the Free Flow of
Ideas. Turn Knowledge into
New Products and Services.
Move to a Knowledge-based
Strategy —Robert Buckman
The 180-degree “Middle Manager Flip”
@ Buckman Labs …
“information choke points”
“knowledge transfer
facilitators,” with 100% (!!!)
of their rewards based on
spurring co-operation across
former barriers.
Bob Buckman runs Buckman Labs, a half-billion dollar, Memphis-based specialty
chemicals company. You might well roll your eyes at the overused “customer
solutions” moniker—but Buckman does just that with panache and for profit,
creating and applying chemical compounds in customized ways to deal with
production and cleanup issues for specific customer facilities in the likes of the
paper and leather-making industries. The devotion to custom “solutions” is the
bedrock, the alpha to omega, of the firm’s extraordinary new-product and financial
record. Those closer to the intellectual fray than me claim that Bob gets “inventor”
rights in the now ubiquitous “knowledge management” arena. In any event,
this book is the Buckman Labs saga in extraordinary detail—it is
particularly valuable because it moves so far beyond the relatively
easy software-technology bit and emphasizes the way in which a
company’s culture must be jerked around 180-degrees to destroy
former functional barriers. E.g., middle managers, typically choke
points guarding information and access to their domain, became
“knowledge transfer facilitators,” with 100% (!!!) of their rewards
based on spurring co-operation across former barriers.
Attending to the
“Last 98%”: The New
Science,” or “Hard”
Is “Soft,” “Soft”
Is “Hard”
Tom Peters/17 April 2008
Alternate title …
Attending to
the “Last 98%”:
flower power!
Tom Peters/17 April 2008
Hold in your mind the idea of “flower power”
—more to come!
S = ƒ( ___ )
Success Is a
Function of …
SF50: Success
Is a Function
of* ...
*What follows are not in fact true mathematical formulae—
obviously. Nonetheless, in tribute to my own scientific
background, and, more important, that of many seminar
participants, I have chosen this format—which seems to work
for those of “my ilk” to whom it has been exposed
50 “Equations” on
achieving success
… at pretty much
S = ƒ(#&DR; -2L, -3L, 4L, I&E)
Success is a function of: Number and depth of relationships
2, 3, and 4 levels down inside and outside the organization
S = ƒ(SD>SU)
Sucking down is more important than sucking up—the idea is
to have the [your] entire organization working for you.
S = ƒ(#non-FF, #non-FL)
Number of friends not in my function
S = ƒ(#XFL/m)
Number of lunches with colleagues in other
functions per month
S = ƒ(#FF)
Number of friends in the finance organization
“He’s such a
“He’s such a
waste a
*More or less
S =ƒ(#PK“W”P)
S = ƒ(#PK“L”P)
# of people you know in the “wrong” places
# people you know in “low” places
“Success doesn’t depend on the number of
people you know; it depends on the number
of people you know in
high places!”
“Success doesn’t depend on the number of
people you know; it depends on the number
of people you know in
It helps to know people in …
It helps
to know people in …
Gust Avarkotos’ “boiler room” CIA pals
Walter’s “enabler” P.M. Thank You notes
Flexirent’s XSec’s Customer PA lunches
Anybody’s XSec
Anybody’s PA
All customer Purchasing Dept receptionists
Secy Chaffee’s letter writer
McKinsey report prep staff
McKinsey research staff
Admiral’s Aide
Congressional Committee staff drafter
Congressman’s appropriate LA
Anybody in Finance
The previous entries are shorthand for stories about “low level”
relationships determining “high level” decisions—or at least having
surprising impact. Flexirent is an Australian consumer financial
services company. Its offerings are mostly made through
retailers—and following the “80-20 rule,” a small # of retailers
control a large share of Flexirent’s business. The Executive
Secretary-“PA” (Personal Assistant) to Flexirent’s CEO is a bright,
energetic, outgoing person. Along the way, and not accidentally,
she has developed very close relationships to the Pas of most of
the CEOs of Flexirent’s major customers. Among other things, she
more or less regularly (quarterly, roughly) takes her PA pals out
for lunch. The goal on both sides is clear, understood and
shameless—to enhance unvarnished communications among these
true “power players.” One can only imagine the number of times,
over, say, five years, that this “back channel” (“front Channel,” in
reality) has paved the way for success and staved off disasters.
The rest of the entries on the slide are of the same ilk.
S = ƒ(OF)
Number of oddball friends
S = ƒ(PDL)
Purposeful, deep listening—this is very hard
Don’t shoot the messenger—embrace him! Truth-tellers are
gifts from God!
S = ƒ(#EODD3MC)
Number of end-of-the-day difficult (you’d rather avoid) “3minutecalls” that sooth raw feelings, mend fences, etc.
Unsolicited favors performed, UFs involving co-workers’ kids,
overt acts politeness-solicitude toward co-workers’ spouses,
parents, etc.
Source: How Doctors Think, Jerome Groopman
(of all varieties):
Time spent ... Hurdle Removing for Others
Peter Drucker once famously said, “Ninety-percent of
what we call ‘management’ consists of making it difficult
for people to get things done.” There is more than a grain
of truth to that. On the other side, and there can be an
“other side,” I see the manager’s principal role as
identifying things that get in people’s way (by asking
them!) and meticulously getting those things out of their
way. Thence, you could cal the boss the CIRO, or Chief
Impedance Reduction Officer, or my choice, CHR, Chief
Hurdle Remover. In any event the idea is that this is a/the
primary task the boss performs—and that it is a
systematic, pro-active affair (e.g., on the daily agenda).
S = ƒ(A#C, PTS/“OLC”, SAPA)
Absolute # of consultations, perception of being taken seriously
(Responsible for “one line of code”), small acts of public
S = ƒ(1D)
Seeking the assignment of writing first drafts, minutes, etc. (1787)
S = ƒ(#SEAs)
Number of solid relationships with Executive Assistants
S = ƒ(%UL/w-m)
% useful lunches per week, month
Favors given, favors owed collectively, balance of favors, conscious
management thereof
“Buy in”“Ownership”Authorial bragging
rights-“Born again”
Champion = One
Line of Code!
“It works this way, Tom. You’re talking to a guy who’s
important to implementation down where the rubber
meets the road. He’s skeptical—he either really is, or it’s
the act he chooses to play. You go over the thing with him
and he has a thousand objections. You nod your head a
lot, and take copious notes. Then you go back to your
guys, and you find a few places where you can very
specifically accommodate him. You make the changes,
even if they are pretty ugly. Then you go back to him,
and show him exactly what you’ve done. You have a
‘born again’ supporter. You took him seriously—and
through the changes, he’s now your co-inventor, your
savior. Now he’s doing the selling for you. Hey, the whole
damn thing wouldn’t have worked were it not for his
interjections—that’s the way he frames it to his folks. I
tell you, it never fails.”
Source: Australian IS-IT chief, mid-sized company in financial services
S = ƒ(SU)
Showing up (Woody Allen, Delaware’s ridiculous influence on the
Constitution of the USA)
S = ƒ(KSU, R)
Keep showing up; relentlessness (U.S. Grant!!)
Drill wells, try more stuff than the other guy (John Masters, Mike
“Ninety percent
of success is
showing up.”
—Woody Allen
“This is so simple it sounds stupid, but it is amazing
how few oil people really understand that
you only find
oil if you drill
You may think you’re finding it
when you’re drawing maps and studying logs,
but you have to drill.”
Source: The Hunters, by John Masters, Canadian O & G wildcatter
“We made mistakes, of course. Most of them were
omissions we didn’t think of when we initially wrote the
software. We fixed them by doing it over and over, again
and again. We do the same today. While our competitors
are still sucking their thumbs trying to make the design
perfect, we’re already on prototype version
# 5.
the time our rivals are ready with wires and screws, we
It gets back to
planning versus acting: We act from
day one; others plan how to plan—
for months.” —Bloomberg by Bloomberg
are on version
S= ƒ(CM)
Conscious calendar management
(the calendar never lies)
You = Your
never lie!
“You must
be the
change you wish to
see in the world.”
S = ƒ(CPRM, TS)
Conscious-planned Relationship management,
time spent thereon
Far more important than “ROI”!
Return On
Investment In
power” =
The goal is clear—an “unfair” share of attention
from an internal staffer, a vendor, a customer.
We unabashedly pursue through good-betterbest relationships de facto monopoly—the
monopolization of other important folks’ love
and affection, as it were.
advantage” =
Some Resources: Relationships
The Manager’s Book of Decencies: How Small Gestures
Build Great Companies—Steve Harrison
Respect—Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot
Hostmanship: The Art of Making People Feel Welcome—
Jan Gunnarsson & Olle Blohm (leader as host to hisher employees)
The SPEED of Trust: The One Thing that Changes
Everything—Stephen M.R. Covey
The Dream Manager —Matthew Kelly
The Customer Comes Second: Put Your People First and
Watch ’Em Kick Butt—Hal Rosenbluth and Diane
McFerrin Peters (no relation—be delighted if she was)
Crucial Conversations—Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny,
Ron McMillan, Al Switzler
Crucial Confrontations —Kerry Patterson, Joseph
Grenny, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler
Influence: Science and Practice—Robert Cialdini
Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More
Than IQ—Daniel Goleman
A few of my favorite “reads” on this topic—
especially #1. The idea of “competitiveadvantage-through-decency” is extraordinary.
Of course, “we know this”—but to see it spelled
out this way may change the course of your
professional life.
S = ƒ(TN/d, FG/m, AA/d)
Thank you notes per Day, flowers given per Month, Acts of
Appreciation per Day
S = ƒ(WLHAO)
Willingness to laugh heartily at oneself
S = ƒ(PTA100%A“T”S, E“NMF, TTT)
Proactive, timely, 100% apologies for “tiny” screw-ups, even if not
my fault (it always takes two to tango)
S = ƒ(AMR, NBS-SG)
Acceptance of mutual responsibilities for all affairs, no blameshifting, scape-goating
S = ƒ(RP, PRP>>P)
Never forget, and act accordingly: Response to the screwupproblem and perception thereof is (far, far) more important
than the problem itself!
Awareness, perception of little snubs—and lightening fast
correction thereof
S= ƒ(RCV)
Reduced customer visits (& more time on internal “customer”
relationships—that allow us to deliver on customer promises)
S= ƒ(U“PIATI”)
Understanding … “Perception is all there is!”
S= ƒ(“EM”/NSTLT; “F”ITU, -80%)
“Everything matters”/No such thing as a “little thing”—etching of fly
in the urinal in Amsterdam airport reduces “spillage” by 80%
S= ƒ(A“L”IOE)
Attention to “little” Indicators Of Excellence—e.g. fresh flowers
at the reception desk
S= ƒ(“GGT”)
“Give good tea”—Ben Franklin in Paris in 1777, Norm Schwarzkopf
with the Saudi Crown Prince during Gulf War I; effectiveness at
socializing with the “power behind the throne”
*Norm S, Ben F
S = ƒ(TN/d, FG/m, AA/d)
Thank you notes per Day, flowers given per Month, Acts of
Appreciation per Day
S = ƒ(WLHAO)
Willingness to laugh heartily at oneself
S = ƒ(RP, PRP>>P)
Never forget, and act accordingly: Response to the screwupproblem and perception thereof is (far, far) more important
than the problem itself!
Awareness, perception of little snubs—and lightening fast
correction thereof
S= ƒ(3X“O”C)
“Over”-communicate (status, problems)
by a factor of three
S = ƒ(Thank you notes
per Day, flowers
given per Month,
Acts of Appreciation
per Week)
“The deepest
human need is
the need to be
William James
“Courtesies of a small and
trivial character are the
ones which strike
deepest in the grateful
and appreciating heart.”
—Henry Clay
S = ƒ(PTA100%A“T”S, E“NMF, TTT)
Proactive, timely, 100% apologies for “tiny” screw-ups, even if not
my fault (it always takes two to tango)
S = ƒ(AMR, NBS-SG)
Acceptance of mutual responsibilities for all affairs, no blameshifting, scape-goating
Power phrase:
Amazing how rare this is—which of course
is why it’s so powerful.
Power phrase:
S = ƒ(G)
S = ƒ(GA)
Grace toward adversary
S = ƒ(GW)
Grace toward the wounded in bureaucratic firefights
S = ƒ(PD)
Purposeful decency
S = ƒ(MB“TSS”MR)
Purposeful management of this Soft Stuff by people reporting
to me
S = ƒ(EC, MMO)
Emotional connection, mgt & maintenance of
S = ƒ(IMDOP)
Investment in Mastery of detailed organizational processes
“What I learned from my
years as a hostage negotiator
is that we do not have to feel
powerless—and that
is the antidote
to the hostage situation.”
—George Kohlrieser, Hostage at the Table (GK’s
negotiation success rate is
S = ƒ(H-TS)
Time spent on Hiring
S = ƒ(TSPD, TSP-L1)
Time spent on promotion decisions, especially for 1st
level managers
S = ƒ(%“SS,” H-PD)
% soft stuff involved in Hiring, Promotion decisions
S = ƒ(%WLP)
% women in leadership positions
S = ƒ(TWA, P, NP)
Time wandering around, purposeful, non-planned
S = ƒ(SBS)
Slack built into Schedule
New Studies find that
female managers outshine their male
counterparts in almost every measure”
TITLE/ Special Report/ BusinessWeek
Women’s Negotiating Strengths
*Ability to put themselves in their
counterparties’ shoes
*Comprehensive, attentive and detailed
communication style
*Empathy that facilitates trust-building
*Curious and attentive listening
*Less competitive attitude
*Strong sense of fairness and ability to persuade
*Proactive risk manager
*Collaborative decision-making
Source: Horacio Falcao, Cover story/May 2006, World Business, “Say It
Like a Woman: Why the 21st-century negotiator will need the female touch”
This “relationship stuff” comes naturally to
women (for starters, from the genes); and is
painfully difficult for many-most men.
“TAKE THIS QUICK QUIZ: Who manages more things
at once? Who puts more effort into their
appearance? Who usually takes care of the
details? Who finds it easier to meet new
people? Who asks more questions in a
conversation? Who is a better listener? Who
has more interest in communication skills?
Who is more inclined to get involved? Who
encourages harmony and agreement? Who has
better intuition? Who works with a longer ‘to
do’ list? Who enjoys a recap to the day’s
events? Who is better at keeping in touch
with others?”
Source: Selling Is a Woman’s Game: 15 Powerful Reasons Why
Women Can Outsell Men, Nicki Joy & Susan Kane-Benson
S = ƒ (%TM“TSS,”
% of time, measured, on This Soft Stuff,
purposeful management of this Soft Stuff, daily
“to do” concerning “this Soft Stuff”
Q: But where’s
the beef?
A: This
the beef!
“The terms ‘hard facts,’
and ‘the soft stuff’ used
in business imply that
data are somehow real
and strong while
emotions are weak and
less important.”
—George Kohlrieser, Hostage at the Table
O(B) = ƒ(XX)
O(B), the “blueness” of one’s “ocean” [think Blue Ocean
Strategy, the popular book], is directly proportional to one’s
eXcellence in eXecution/XX, per me.
[If one finds a “strategic” “blue ocean,” one will, especially
in today’s world, copied immediately; the only “defense”—
possibility of sustaining success—is XX/eXcellence in
eXecution. Think EXXON MOBIL; they and their rivals know
where the hydrocarbons are—but EXXON MOBIL handily
out-executes the competition.]
“Equations” #48, #49 and #50 are more
about organizational effectiveness than
individual effectiveness—and thus round out
this brief presentation.
S(O) = ƒ(XXFX)
The single most important cause of failure to execute
effectively is the lack of effective cross-functional
communication-execution. Hence, Organizational Success is a
eXcellence (X) in crossfunctional (XF) eXecution (X). Attached
function of
as Appendix II is my: The “XF-50”: 50 Ways to Enhance CrossFunctional Effectiveness and Deliver Speed, “Service
Excellence” and “Value-added Customer ‘Solutions.’”
S(O) = ƒ(X“SIT”)
In 1982 in In Search of Excellence, Bob Waterman and I
wrote about the idea of “MBWA,” or Managing By Wandering
Around; we came across “MBWA” at Hewlett-Packard, then a
much smaller company, and it was love at first sight! For
reasons described in Appendix III, I recently returned to the
centrality of that notion—and created a list of 50 “Have
Yous.” That is, instead of worrying ceaselessly about
“strategy” and “blue oceans,” how good a job have you done
at Staying In Touch with your extended internal and
external “organizational family”? That is: S(O),
X “SIT,”
eXcellence at Staying In Touch.
Organizational Success, is a function of
Hard Is Soft
Soft Is Hard
Hard Is Soft (Plans, #s)
Soft Is Hard (people,
customers, values,
“If I could have chosen not to tackle the IBM culture head-on, I
probably wouldn’t have. My bias coming in was toward strategy,
analysis and measurement. In comparison, changing the
attitude and behaviors of hundreds of thousands of people is
[Yet] I came to see in
my time at IBM that culture
isn’t just one aspect of the
very, very hard.
game —it is the
—Lou Gerstner,
Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance
The tough-minded Mr Gerstner became
a reluctant convert to the power of
this “soft stuff.”