Charismatic Megafauna • Whales, dolphins, seals, sea otters, sea lions, sea elephants, manatees, etc. • Their relationship to food web & fisheries • Marine.

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Transcript Charismatic Megafauna • Whales, dolphins, seals, sea otters, sea lions, sea elephants, manatees, etc. • Their relationship to food web & fisheries • Marine.

Charismatic Megafauna
• Whales, dolphins, seals, sea otters, sea
lions, sea elephants, manatees, etc.
• Their relationship to food web & fisheries
• Marine mammal protection act (MMPA)
Baleen vs. Toothed Whales
Common Dolphins
Humpback Whale
Blue Whales
Gray Whale
Sea Lions
Sea Elephant
Sea Otter
Sea Otter
Marine Mammal Protection Act
• Enacted in 1972
• Protect & manage marine mammals &
their products
• Replenish depleted species or population
• Limits “harassment”
MMPA “Jurisdictions”
• DOC/NMFS => pinnipeds (other than
walruses) and cetaceans
• DOI => walruses, sea otters, polar bears,
manatees and dugongs
• NMFS also responsible for monitoring
Monitoring of Stocks
Blue Whale
Role of Climate Changes
Depleted Stocks Under MMPA
• Northern Fur Seals
Depletion caused by sealing (stopped in 1894)
Breed @ 4 sites in Pacific
(incl. San Miguel Island)
Role of Climate Changes
The 97/98 ENSO led to a 80% pup mortality on San Miguel
MMPA Harassment
• Level A - potential to injure a marine
mammal or stock
• Level B - potential to disturb a marine
mammal or stock by causing disruption or
behavioral patterns, including, but not
limited to, migration, breathing, nursing,
breeding, feeding, or sheltering.
NOAA Seal Watching Guidelines
• Observe animals from a safe distance of at
least 50 yards
• Limit viewing time to 30 minutes or less
• Avoid making loud noises or abrupt
• Keep pets on a leash
Industrial Guidelines
Geophysical Surveys
Whale Watching
Blue Whale Strikes
MMPA & Fisheries
• Sea lion & harbor seal populations along
the Pacific coast are now huge
• Concern about loss of fishery incomes due
to MMPA protected organisms
– Obviously hard to quantify
– But “smoking gun” was found
MMPA & Fisheries
• Reenactment of MMPA in 1994 allows
States to lethally take pinnipeds under
certain conditions
• Requires NMFS to investigate role of
certain pinnipeds on the recovery of
salmonids on Pacific Coast
• Whales, dolphins, seals, sea otters, sea
lions, sea elephants, manatees, etc.
• Their relationship to food web & fisheries
• Marine mammal protection act (MMPA)