Hue HBase Browser Kevin Wang, Platform Intern, Cloudera @Kevinverse Cloudera Hue Web Interface for making Hadoop easier to use • Aggregation of apps for.

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Transcript Hue HBase Browser Kevin Wang, Platform Intern, Cloudera @Kevinverse Cloudera Hue Web Interface for making Hadoop easier to use • Aggregation of apps for.


Hue HBase Browser

Kevin Wang, Platform Intern, Cloudera @Kevinverse

2 Cloudera Hue • • Web Interface for making Hadoop easier to use Aggregation of apps for each Hadoop component (e.g. Hive, Pig, Impala, Oozie, Solr, Sqoop, HBase...)

Product Mission - HBase Usage Size • Industry Usage 3 • • Widespread HBase Usage • Meetups, HBaseCon Community Need Organic Example

Community Expresses Need for HBase UI

4 Product Mission - Problem & Competition • • •

Lack of Accessibility

Hard for beginners • •

Lack of Familiarity

Unfamiliarity with Key-Value •

Usability Challenges

Lack of any web UI Lack of imaginative interface Low-level CDH - Command Line Competing Application

HBase Manager’s Tabular View

5 Project Purpose – Addressing this Need • • • Open HBase usage to non-technical people Drive HBase adoption in startups/organizations Solve a pain point with a good product • • • Knockout/JS/jQuery Django Thrift  Hbase

6 Demo

Technical Challenges - Design • Design Innovation • Problem: HBase is a key-value store, not a traditional RDB • Solution: Collapse Sparse Data across HBase Tables

HBase Browser Smartview


Tabular View

Technical Highlight - Scale • Scale • Problem: Performance on Millions of Columns • Solution: Lazy loading & Truncation using Thrift FilterString • Stream raw data cached MEM  DOM elements dynamically generated • • • b64encode binary data to preserve during ASCII dump Detect schema on preview reading byte headers Capped, Lazy Loaded & Bound to DOM via MVVM Pattern 8


Currently Streamed Thrift

5TB HBase Cluster

9 Technical Highlight - Flexible Searchbar • Flexible Searchbar • Problem: Need high-level tool for complex data fetching & analysis • Solution: Simple custom query language • Supports HBase filter language • • • Supports selection & Copy + Paste, Gracefully degrades in IE Autocomplete Help Menu Regenerate Rendered Position – Firefox Bug Row Key Prefix Scan Thrift Filterstring Scan Length Column/Family Filters

Searchbar Syntax Breakdown

Roadmap, Timeline & Next Steps 10 Initial Release in Hue 2.5

• • •


Ramp up for CDH 4.4 release Tutorial Video & Blog Post Tons of JIRAs Ship in CDH 4.4

Pageviews 11

Any Questions?

Kevin, Platform Intern, Cloudera Follow me: @Kevinverse

Hue HBase Browser 250+ commits 20000+ lines of code ∞ cups of coffee


Icons (more to come)

13 Working Elements Arrows