Governor’s State Early Childhood Advisory Council (ECAC): Sustainability Plan State Interagency Coordinating Council Legislative Consultant Office of Child Care Advisory Council Data Collaborative MLDS Early Childhood Mental Health Steering Committee Early Childhood Advisory Council Research Advisory Group Comprehensive Assessment System State Advisory Committee Executive ECAC Committee 24 Local.

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Transcript Governor’s State Early Childhood Advisory Council (ECAC): Sustainability Plan State Interagency Coordinating Council Legislative Consultant Office of Child Care Advisory Council Data Collaborative MLDS Early Childhood Mental Health Steering Committee Early Childhood Advisory Council Research Advisory Group Comprehensive Assessment System State Advisory Committee Executive ECAC Committee 24 Local.

Governor’s State Early Childhood Advisory Council (ECAC): Sustainability Plan

State Interagency Coordinating Council Office of Child Care Advisory Council Data Collaborative MLDS Early Childhood Mental Health Steering Committee Early Childhood Advisory Council Research Advisory Group Legislative Consultant Comprehensive Assessment System State Advisory Committee Executive ECAC Committee Business/ Investment Adjunct Committee 24 Local Early Childhood Advisory Councils in each jurisdiction

RTT ELC Project 9 Update

Leadership in Early Learning Academies to promote rigorous, developmentally appropriate instructional practices that support the Early Learning Common Core Standards

RTT ELC Project 10 Update

DRAFT Early Childhood Data Warehouse DRAFT Maryland EXCELS data files


DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT Early Childhood Mental Health (ECMH) program data files




- Public Pre-K - MMSR - DSE/EIS - MSA


- Licensing - Subsidy - Credentialing - Accreditation - Nonpub. Nursery Schools - Grants - (Other)


inspection data files

SFTP Early Childhood Data Warehouse (ECDW)

(includes EARS enrollment/attendance data)

Judy Center

data files

SFTP Head Start

data files


Project data files (EC Breakthrough Centers, SEFEL, POS) MSDE Child Food and Nutrition Program data files


data files

Other State Agencies DHMH:

Child health data files


Foster care/adoption data files


"SFTP" means "Secure FTP Server"

Maryland’s Developmental Screening Consortium

Project 2 Maryland EXCELS Update

Quality Care and Education System for Maryland’s Children

What is QRIS?

“A quality rating and improvement system (QRIS) is a

systematic approach


assess, improve, and communicate the level of quality

in early and school age care and education programs.” (NCCIC)


To: • • Recognize child care providers/centers for their accomplishments, and Provide a framework to articulate to the public the quality initiatives a provider/center participate in and undertake


ellence in




earning and


chool Age Care

Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge

Project 2

Implement a Tiered Quality Rating and Improvement System for ALL Early Learning and Development Programs Funding For Project 2: RTT-ELG Grant: $21,265,146 Other funds (CCDF): Total for the next 4 years: $12,683,136 $33,948,282

RTT-ELC Linkages with Maryland EXCELS

Local Advisory Councils

(Project 1) • • Marketing Promotion • • •

Revised Early Learning Standards

(Project 4) Incorporate Common Core Standards Expand VIOLETS and STEM Develop Guide to Early Pedagogy

Early Childhood Breakthrough Center

(Project 3) • • Training and Technical Assistance Quality Capacity Building

Project 2 Comprehensive Assessment System

(Project 6) • • Formative Assessments Kindergarten Entry Assessment •

Coalition for Family Engagement

(Project 8) Customizing Family Engagement Framework for EXCELS standards • •

Early Childhood Data System

(Project 10) Child Care Administrative Tracking System Maryland Longitudinal Data System

Quality Assurance Specialists

Lisa Smith Petrea Fletcher Ona Whitfield Mary Beth Johnson Shelia Maness • • • Quality Assurance Specialists will: Provide technical assistance, support and coordination of services to early care and education programs throughout the state.

Conduct on-site monitoring and provide information on Maryland EXCELS.

Provide on-site consultation with participating programs to provide technical assistance, information and to verify the accuracy of Maryland EXCELS ratings.

Maryland’s Standards

• • • • • Licensing and Compliance Rating Scales and Accreditation Developmentally Appropriate Learning and Practice Staffing and Professional Development Administrative Policies and Procedures


Process and Next Steps

• Develop workbook, application process – Fall 2010 • Develop website – Initial development Completed • Pilot MD EXCELS – Completed • Field Test – November 26, 2012 – June 2013  299 facilities participating • Develop Incentives and Marketing Tools – Winter 2012 – Spring 2013 • Take to Scale – July 2013


Allegany Anne Arundel Baltimore Baltimore (city) Calvert Caroline Carroll Cecil Charles Dorchester Frederick Harford Howard Montgomery Prince George's Queen Anne's Saint Mary's Somerset Talbot Washington Wicomico Worcester

Total Centers

3 10 16 20 4 2 7 6 27 10 1 2 1 2 9 3 6 7 4 2


10 3 8 38 13 2 2 3 1 4 6 2

148 Homes

6 10 13 4 4 2 12 2 3


2 2 1 2 2

9 Total 9 20 31 24 8 16 65 23 3 4 4 21 2 5 2 19 6 3 9 11 10 4 299