III. Ecosystem Def. - the combination of biotic and abiotic components through which energy flows and materials cycle (usually a self-contained unit, such as.

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Transcript III. Ecosystem Def. - the combination of biotic and abiotic components through which energy flows and materials cycle (usually a self-contained unit, such as.

III. Ecosystem
Def. - the combination of biotic and abiotic
components through which energy flows and
materials cycle (usually a self-contained unit, such
as a pond, swamp, meadow, or woods)
A. Energy Flow
1. Ultimate source - SUN
- 50% of suns energy reaches surface of earth
- 0.1 % of that ends up in living organisms
2. Trophic levels (food chain or web)
a. Producers (autotrophs)
- first trophic level , primarily plants on the land
and algae in the water
(99% of all organic matter is at this level)
Gross primary productivity (light energy converted)
- Cost of metabolic activity (cell respiration by plant)
Net primary productivity* (energy stored in chemical
*when positive, there is an increase in
biomass (total dry weight of all organisms
being measured)
b. Primary consumer (heterotrophs) (herbivores)
c. Secondary consumer (carnivores), eat
[There a four levels of consumer in most food
d. Detritovores - live on the refuse of the
ecosystem, i.e. dead leaves, branches,
carcasses, feces, etc.
i. Scavengers - consumers of dead prey
- vultures, jackals, crabs, earthworms
ii. Decomposers - specialized organisms that
get at the trapped chemical energy
- fungi, bacteria
3. Efficiency of energy transfer
a. In Cayuga Lake in New York
1000 calories of light yields
150 calories of algae, which yields
30 calories of smelt, which yields
6 calories of trout, which yields
1.2 calories of human
b. Energy flow pyramid (“10% rule”)
Food Web
A given species may
feed at more than
one trophic level
Decomposers (fungi +
bacteria) complete
the food web – use
energy left in dead
Keystone Species
Impact of Keystone species
is greater than would be
expected from relative
Example: Pisaster starfish –
predator of mussels
Removal of starfish 
decreases biodiversity
(dominated by mussels)
Keystone species
If they are removed, community structure is greatly affected.
B. Biological magnification - increase in the
concentration of toxins as those toxins move
through the food chain (DDT, PCB’s)
Energy Flow
An ecosystem’s
decomposers are
fungi and
which secrete
enzymes that
digest organic
material and then
absorb the
Primary productivity
NPP = GPP – Rs
Net Primary Productivity = Gross Primary Productivity – Energy used for Respiration
6 CO2 + 6 H2O  C6H12O6 + 6 O2
Primary Productivity expressed as biomass (weight) of
vegetation added per unit are/unit time
The amount of light that is converted to chemical
energy by photosynthesis per unit time.
Secondary Productivity
2/3 of ingested food is used as fuel
for cellular respiration (inorganic
waste and heat are byproducts)
Only chemical energy stored as
growth (33J) is available as food to
secondary consumers
Also, keep in mind, only a small
fraction of producers is consumed.
The amount of chemical energy in
consumer’s food that is converted to
their own new biomass during a
given period of time.
Pyramid of Net Productivity
Average of 10% of energy transfers to next trophic level
Carnivores – more efficient
at converting food into
biomass (meat is more
digestible) BUT need more
energy for C.R. and B.T.
Only 1% of sun’s energy is converted into primary productivity
Biomass Pyramid
Pyramid of Numbers
Explains why food webs usually include only 3-5 trophic levels
 not enough on the top level to support another level
Implication: Fewer predators  more susceptible to extinction +
evolutionary consequences (e.g. genetic drift)
C. Ecological succession- the succession of
communities that follows the disturbing of
and area (plowing, landslide, volcano, fire)
1. Increase in total biomass
2. Gradual decrease in net productivity
3. Mature systems have a greater capacity to
entrap and hold nutrients
4. Number of species increase
5. r-species early
K-species late
[Climax community = final stable stage]
[Current thinking is that this model is simplistic
and incomplete, that disturbances themselves
drive succession throughout the process.]
Primary Succession
Example: After glacier has
retreated or new
volcanic island
Lichens (symbionts of
fungus + algae)
colonize first and
cause development of
soil  Pioneers of
soil builders
Secrete acids that
erode rock
Small plants (grasses
and mosses), shrubs,
trees follow
Secondary Succession
Example: Fire
Grasses grow first, then trees and others
Much faster than primary succession
Climax Community
Soil concentrations of nutrients show changes
over time.
Fig. 53.20
Copyright © 2002 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Human Disturbances
Logging & clearing farmland  reduced and
disconnected forests
Agricultural development  disrupted grasslands
Overgrazing and agricultural disturbance  current
famine in Africa
Problem: Early stages of succession, characterized
by weedy and shrubby vegetation may persist for
many years!
D. Biogeochemical cycles - the cycling of
chemicals through the biotic and abiotic
portions of the ecosystem
1. Water cycle
Hydrolytic Cycle
Global Carbon Cycle
Carbon Cycle, Greenhouse Effect
CO2 in atmosphere
What step of photosynthesis?
Carbon Fixation
Calvin Cycle
(dark rxn)
3. Nitrogen cycle, Acid Rain
Remember, N is important component of ___________________
Amino acids/proteins + ______________)
Nucleic acids
Nitrogen Cycle, 2
Artificial Fertilizer
available N
Eg Lichen
4. Phosphorus cycle, 2
Phosphorus Cycle
P not in atmosphere, comes from rocks in form of PO4 3-
Local cycling
Through food web
Excretion +
Sedimentary Cycle:
locks away PO4 3until uplifted in
IV. Terrestrial Biomes (life zones)
A. Def. - geographical areas distinguished by
particular dominant plant types
B. Characteristics
1. Not a place, but a class of plants
2. Determined by climate
3. Boundaries are indistinct
4. Convergent evolution common between
similar biomes
Terrestrial Biomes Tutorial
Coral Reefs of the World
Abyssal Zones
1. The mid-ocean ridge system with well known deep-water hydrothermal vent
(ellipses) and cold seep (oblongs) regions. Vents: 1, Mid-Atlantic Ridge; 2, East
Pacific Rise; 3, Galapagos Rift; 4, NE Pacific; 5 and 6, W Pacific back-arc
spreading centres; 7, Central Indian Ridge. Cold seeps: 1, Gulf of Mexico; 2, NW
Africa; 3, Laurentian Fan; 4, Barbados accretionary prism; 5, Monterey Bay; 6,
Oregon subduction zone; 7, Sagami bay.
V. Aquatic Biomes (life zones)
A. Primary ecological subdivisions of organisms
1. Plankton - at mercy of currents, weak or
nonswimmers (small or microscopic)
a. Phytoplankton - primary producers,
(cyanobacteria or diatoms)
b. Zooplankton - protists and small animals
(larval stages)
2. Benthos - bottom dwellers (sessile, walking,
or burrowing)
3. Nekton - larger, strong swimmers (top of the
food chains)
B. Freshwater
1. Zones
a. Littoral zone - near shoreline, richest in life
b. Limnetic zone - open water, sparse life
c. Profundal zone - deep. anaerobic, no light,
detritovores, mineral rich
3. Types of lakes
a. Oligotrophic - nutrient-poor, deep, sandy
or rocky bottom, clear
b. Eutrophic - nutrient-rich, phytoplankton
very productive, shallow, murky
Oligotrophic lake Eutrophication
(lake aging)
Eutrophic lake
C. Marine life zones
1. Estuaries and salt marshes - where rivers
(freshwater) meets saltwater of ocean
- most fertile water in the world, breeding
grounds for many fish, nutrients from
rivers meets constant mixing of tides (plants)
2.Intertidal zone - between high and low tides, rich in
life forms (barnacles, clams, crabs), tidal pools
3.Subtidal zone - sea stars, sea urchins, worms, crabs,
4.Neritic zone - over continental shelf (nekton and
most benthic organisms are here (food is here)
[photosynthetic limit - 200 meters]
5. Pelagic zone – includes neritic and open ocean
6. Benthic zone - deep waters, mostly predators
Ponds and Lakes
Run off of water from terrestrial habitat accumulates in landlocked basin
Detritus sinks –
Dead organic matter
into minerals
Decomposers use
much O2
Lake Turnover
H2O is most dense at 4oC  sinks
Warmer water in
bottom, ice on top
Surface cools, water
sinks, mixing
Ice melts  water
sinks, mixing O2 +
Warm on top,
cold on bottom
Oligotrophic and Eutrophic Lakes
Classified according to production of organic matter
Oligotrophic - Deep, shortage of nutrients
limits phytoplankton growth
 clear water and O2 rich, not much life
Eutrophic – shallow, nutrient rich,
productive phytoplankton, murky waters
 O2 depletion
Cultural Eutrophication
Oligotrophic can become Eutrophic
Runoff brings in large amounts of mineral nutrients and sediment
This process is sped up with human activities called “cultural eutrophication”:
- fertilizer run off
- dumping of wastes
 Too much N and P  overpopulation of algae and detritus  depletion of O2
Streams and Rivers
Headwaters – origin (spring or snowmelt) – clear, cold, clear
Mouth – warmer, murkier, sediment picked up
Fallen leaves   organic
Erosion of rock   inorganic
Current   O2 mix  no
stationary plankton
Producers - mainly attached
algae, rooted plants, organic
matter carried in run off
Marine Zones
Shallow zone where terrestrial
habitat meets ocean’s water
Beyond continental shelf
From intertidal to edge of continental shelf
Light supports photosynthesis
Open waters of any depth
No light penetration
Many marine invertebrates and fish use estuaries as breeding
ground or migrate through them  crucial feeding areas s.a. for
Many estuaries receive pollution 
Intertidal Zones
Structural adaptations for
attaching to rock
Holdfast – rootlike, maintains
Blades – large surface area
Floats – buoyancy
Cellulose cell walls (and
gels) – support against
mechanical force of waves
and prevent dessication
Calcium carbonate – retard
Adaptations of Seaweed?
Coral Reefs
Kingdom ___________
Phylum ____________
Symmetry __________
Skeleton _______ CaCO3
Calcium carbonate
Dinoflagellates – components of phytoplankton
Kingdom ___________
Type Single-celled
Oceanic Pelagic Biome
Deep sea vent
-hot magam superheat
producers oxidize H2S
(from H2O and SO4 2- )
-Giant tube dwelling
worms shown here live
symbiotically with
chemoautotrophic bacteria
What other domain thrives in extreme temperature conditions?
Archaebacteria - Thermophiles
Population Dispersion
Clumped dispersion is when individuals aggregate in
-Resources concentrated in patches
-Associated with mating or social behavior
Population Dispersion
Uniform dispersion is when individuals are evenly
-Antagonistic interactions
-Competition for resources (light, food)
-Social interactions (territorial boundaries)
Fig. 52.2b
Population Dispersion
In random dispersion, the position of each individual is
independent of the others, NOT common in nature
Overall, dispersion depends on resource distribution.
Population Equations
N/t = B-D
Change in population
size during time interval
Births during
time interval
Deaths during
time interval
Can be rewritten as: N/t = rN OR dN/dt = rN
where r = change in per capita birth and death
And N = population size
If B = D then there is zero population growth (ZPG).
If r > 0, population increasing
If r <0, population decreasing
Exponential population growth – under ideal conditions
maximum growth rate for the population (rmax)
dN/dt = rmaxN
Exponential Growth
Opportunisitc species often exhibit periods of
exponential population growth – referred to as rselected species b/c their growth rates are close to
Logistic Growth
Logistic Growth:
dN/dt = rmaxN(K-N)
As N approaches K (carrying
capacity), growth rate slows due to
limited resources
Logistic Growth
Question: What factors determine K?
Carrying capacities are determined by
availability of:
-Food resources
-Nesting sites
-Refuges from predators
-Accumulation of toxic wastes (yeast)
Logistic model shows
intraspecific competition –
members of same species
compete for limited resources
 r declines
Population dynamics reflect a complex interaction of biotic and abiotic
Why does logistic growth not necessarily apply to real populations?
It is a model which provides a basis from which we can compare real
Population Cycles
Other populations have regular boom-and-bust cycles.
A good example involves the lynx and snowshoe hare that
cycle on a ten year basis.
What could be causing these cycles?
Could be predation (density dependent)
Hypothesis: The more hares, the lower the
nutrient content of the plants they eat
(Plants start to produce defensive
Human Population Growth
What type of growth?
-Human population has been growing exponentially
for 3 centuries
-Prediction of about 7.3-10.7 billion by 2050
-Hard to estimate Earth’s carrying capacity
-Important to regulate population growth!
Agriculture over hunting/gathering life style
Age Structure
Age structure – relative number of individuals of each age
- can reveal population’s growth trends, and point to future social conditions
Regulating Population Growth
Voluntary contraception
Government intervention
Delayed reproduction
Potential Future Problems???
Survivorship Curves
Competitive Exclusion Principle
Species grown in isolation
Species grown in competition
Exploitation competition depresses population sizes and can lead to extinction
2 Effects of Interspecific Competition
1.) Resource Partitioning
2.) Character Displacement
Resource Partitioning
Different species of lizards occupy different microhabitats.
One may live on sunny surfaces, another on shady branches.
This limits interspecific competition.
Role of Natural Selection  perch site specializations
Character displacement
-Allopatric populations of
potential competitiors 
similar beaks, use same
-Sympatric populations 
different beaks
 2 species have adapted to
eating different sizes of seeds
to avoid competition
 example of resource
Defenses against Predation
Plant Defenses against herbivores include:
toxic chemical compounds
Animal Defenses against predators:
Behavioral Defenses: fleeing, hiding, self-defense, noises
Camouflage includes cryptic coloration, deceptive markings
Defenses continued
Mechanical defenses include spines
Chemical defenses include odors and toxins
Aposematic coloration – indicated by warning colors
sometimes associated with other defenses (toxins)
Defenses continued
Mimicry – organisms resemble other species
Batesian mimicry – harmless species mimics a harmful one
Mullerian mimicry – 2 or more unpalatable species resemble
each other  predators learn more quickly
Type of
In this symbiosis both organisms benefit.
Termite and gut protist
Grouper cleaning
In this symbiosis, one organism benefits, the
other is neither helped nor harmed.
Robin and oak tree
Remoras & pilot fish
In this symbiosis, one organism benefits
(parasite) and the other organism (host) is
harmed usually gradually but not killed.
Cat and flea
Athlete’s foot fungus and
Isopod on Soldierfish
In this symbiosis, one organism benefits
(predator) and the other organism (prey) is
harmed usually dying immediately as it is
Cat and mouse
Lion and gazelle
Shark Breach
While engaged in competition, both
organisms are being harmed.
Intraspecific competition occurs within the
same species
Interspecific competition occurs between
different species
Lion and lion
Lion and hyena
Hermit Crabs
Identify the Symbiosis:
Ancient Farmers of the Amazon
Octopus Camouflage
Ants and Butterflies
Shark & Loggerhead
Mimic Octopus, 2
Interspecific Interactions
Lamprey parasite feeds on a
larger fish
Tapeworms steal
food of host, which
is weakened.
Cleaner shrimp and fish:
Shrimp gets bits of food,
fish get their teeth cleaned
Hummingbird & Flowering Plant:
Hummingbird gets nectar, plant
gets pollinated
Epiphytes grow on top of
other trees:
Epiphytes get sunlight,
tree is unharmed.
Barnacles on whales:
Barnacle gets a ride through
nutrient filled waters, whale
is unaffected
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