Child Care Development Fund – State Plan for Federal Fiscal Years 2010 and 2011 Board of Early Education and Care May 12, 2009

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Child Care Development Fund
– State Plan for Federal Fiscal
Years 2010 and 2011
Board of Early Education and Care
May 12, 2009
CCDF State Plan Requirement
In order to receive CCDF funds, Federal law
requires all States to submit a State Plan every
two years
The Lead Agency must submit a new State Plan
prior to the expiration of the current Plan in
order to continue receiving CCDF Funds
See 45 CFR Part 98.13(c); 98.17(a)
See 45 CFR Part 98.17(b)
Estimated CCDF Funding
EEC estimates that over $535 million in federal and state
funds will be available for child care services in FY10.
CCDF law places certain limitations and requirements on
Lead Agencies charged with administering child care
programs and services funded with federal funds. For
At least 4% must be spent on activities to improve the quality
of child care
No more than 5% may be spent on administrative expenses
Not less than 70% shall be used for families: (1) on TANF;
(2) transitioning off TANF; or (3) at risk of receiving TANF
Congressional earmarks require states to spend sum certain
amounts on quality, in addition to the 4% requirement, on:
• Infant-Toddler activities
• General child care quality initiatives
CCDF State Plan Contents
Part 1:
Part 2:
Developing the Child Care Program
Part 3:
Child Care Services Offered
3.2 -- Payment Rates for the Provision of Child Care*
Part 4:
Parental Rights and Responsibilities
Part 5:
Activities & Services to Improve the Quality
and Availability of Child Care
Part 6:
Health and Safety Requirements for Providers
*Market Rate Study section to be completed week of April 20th
CCDF Plan: Next Steps and Timeline
April 24 Board Planning and Evaluation Committee Meeting –
Comment and guidance provided to staff on critical items, initiatives, etc.
to be included in plan
May12th Board Meeting - Board scheduled to vote to put draft plan out
for public comment
End of May – Public Hearings
 May 28, 2009: Holyoke Community College, 10:30 to 12:30
 May 29, 2009: EEC’s Central Office , 2:00 to 4:00
First Week of June– Summarize and review public comments and any
other needed revisions (e.g., ARRA plans)
June 9th Board Meeting –Board votes to approve plan and authorize
submission to ACF
July 1st – CCDF State Plan due to ACF
Oct 1st – CCDF Plan takes effect