ESMD Education Presentation to Space Grant Directors March 2007 Jerry Hartman Exploration Systems Mission Directorate Education Lead.

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Transcript ESMD Education Presentation to Space Grant Directors March 2007 Jerry Hartman Exploration Systems Mission Directorate Education Lead.

ESMD Education
Presentation to Space Grant Directors
March 2007
Jerry Hartman
Exploration Systems Mission Directorate
Education Lead
ESMD Goals and Priorities FY 2007
• Build on current lunar architecture to
Develop global view
Coordinate plans among international and commercial partners
Update and baseline ESMD requirements
Develop Mars Reference Mission
Continue to engage academia, private sector and other stakeholders in
defining a sustainable program of lunar exploration
• Constellation 2007 Major Highlights
– Orion
• Systems Requirements Review Mar 07
• Systems Design Review Aug 07
- Ares
- Upper stage production contract award Aug 07
• Begin process of developing requirements for
– Ground Systems
– Mission Systems
– Extravehicular Systems
ESMD-Funded Research
• National Space Biomedical Research Institute
- A consortium of 12 universities performing targeted research on space
biology and medicine, such as
- Bone loss
- Cardiology
- Muscle
- Sleep
- Psychological issues
Contact NSBRI directly at
• Brookhaven National Laboratory NASA Space Radiation Summer School
(NSRSS) trains graduate students and young investigators from the fields of
molecular biology and genetics to pursue research careers in space
radiobiology, and aid established investigators.
Contact BNL directly at
• University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston offers graduate classes in
Space Medicine and Physiology
ESMD-Funded Research
• Advanced Capabilities Division – performs research on human
biology and advanced technologies (lead center: JSC)
– Human research focuses on understanding the space frontier and
the opportunities, capabilities, and limitations of humans living and
working on that frontier. To accomplish the mission, ESMD
manages and implements a broad range of applied and basic
scientific research. This research is accomplished using groundbased laboratories, microgravity environments, and space-analog
facilities. ESMD is responsible for both the scientific content and
the associated hardware systems. The organizational structure
focuses on the disciplines of Bioastronautics, Astromaterials, and
Biological Sciences.
ESMD-Funded Research
– Technology development (lead center: LaRC) Exploration Systems
Research & Technology steers some of the world's boldest engineers and
innovators to create revolutionary system concepts, architectures,
engineering tools, communications networks, and break-through
technology necessary to empower humans and robots to explore, inhabit,
and study destinations in space beyond low Earth orbit and beyond our
Solar System.
Both human and robotic exploration technology fill critical roles in
the U.S. Exploration Vision. The Exploration Systems Research &
Technology programs provide the advanced research and development
which will overcome key challenges and lay the foundations in these
technologies for Constellation Systems, the spaceflight system
development program, to construct safe and efficient space transport
vehicles and long-term human habitats and laboratories on the Moon
and Mars. At the same time, they will provide key technologies of broad
common value across the space program.
ESMD Education Supports NASA Education Outcomes
ESMD Education Priorities
1.Grow Engineers
2.Grow Engineers
3.Grow Scientists
ESMD K-12 Education Activities
• Engineering Design Challenges
Fall 2007 Plant Habitat supports STS-118
Fall 2008 Lunar Exploration supports LRO
Human Exploration Project
• ITEA modules on energy, transportation, communication
Fundamentals of Lunar Robotics
• Content to be integrated into aerospace modules of PLTW
Advanced Placement Extensions
Algebra One
Space Radiation
Fit Explorer
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO)
ESMD Informal Education Activities
Field Trip to the Moon
Girl Scouts Exploring Space
Lunar Librarian Workshops
ESMD Higher Ed Activities
• Constellation University Institutes
– phasing out ESMD support
– will fund current grantees through the end of commitment
will not fund new awards in FY 2007
NASA Postdoctoral Program
– phasing out ESMD support
– will fund current grantees through end of commitment
– will not fund new awards in FY 2007
Spaceward Bound
Bi-Generational Research
Space Grant Internships
Space Grant Faculty Fellows
For More Information
Jerry Hartman
ESMD Education Lead
Attn: Jerry Hartman
Mail Suite 2U75
300 E St., S.W.
Washington, DC 20546-0001