Chairs’ Workshop JSM 2009 Vijay Nair University of Michigan [email protected] August 1, 2009 Topics – RL & VN Working with “Administration” Departmental Activities – Promoting collaborations – Engaging faculty.

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Transcript Chairs’ Workshop JSM 2009 Vijay Nair University of Michigan [email protected] August 1, 2009 Topics – RL & VN Working with “Administration” Departmental Activities – Promoting collaborations – Engaging faculty.

Chairs’ Workshop
JSM 2009
Vijay Nair
University of Michigan
[email protected]
August 1, 2009
Topics – RL & VN
Working with “Administration”
Departmental Activities
– Promoting collaborations
– Engaging faculty in department operations
– Promoting and rewarding excellence
– P & T and annual reviews
– Faculty recruiting
Setting priorities
Budget models and managing budgets
UM Background
UM ~ 38,000 students (28 + 10)
– Full service university
– Stat, Biostat, ISR, B-school, Eng., …
LSA (18K + grad students)
– Stat part of Nat Sc (collaborations with Soc Sc)
– One Dean, 3 area assoc deans, for budget + finance, &
for ugrad + grad education (Rackham)
– ~ 30 chairs and directors
– Dean “controls” budget, etc.
– Governance –elected ExCo – hiring, promotions, policy, …
– Two meetings a semester – Deans + all C + D;
– monthly meetings with Dean, Assoc Dean and
NS chairs + directors
Dept Background
Started in 1969
About 18 FTE + 5-6 lecturers/teaching faculty
3 grad programs (Ph D, Applied Master’s, Dual degree masters)
~100 grad students ~ 55 TA positions
Ugrad major (~25 grad per year) + 2 minors (about 90 students)
Large service teaching (ugrad and grad)
Joint courses with Biostat, Econ, IOE, Math
New interdisciplinary ugrad concentration in Informatics
VN  chair for 11 years.
Working with the Deans
Type of college/school and the administrative structure
Academic affairs, budget, research, …
Who controls the $$
Develop personal relationship and trust; understand their
personality; what works and what doesn’t; remember it’s not about
you but the dept.
Frequent e-mail contact, off-line one-on-one contact more effective
than making cases in group settings,
Understand Dean’s major agenda and see how department can fit in;
get involved in (lead) key initiatives; Stats smaller discipline and can
often be on the outside;
Talk up the dept and faculty, make sure they know of achievements,
nominate faculty for key internal committees, …
First couple of years are key … find a mentor (senior chair) who you
trust to bounce questions off … relationships with other departments
are important
Setting Priorities
Task varies with state of the dept when you take over
Engage faculty in developing long-term plan and priorities early on –
retreat or other forum for internal planning  some use consultants
to facilitate discussion and develop consensus  not for everyone
Plan beforehand with informal discussions with key players
Make sure junior faculty views are heard (separate junior faculty
Take on only 2-3 major activities initially (focus your energy on a few
and hopefully ones that you enjoy)
VN experience  5-year plan and external reviews; make dept fully
integrated into the college; interdisciplinary collaboration; exploit
strength of UM
Managing the Budget
Different budget and funding models 
also vary with Deans and economic
VN experience
“Begging” is part of the job!
Get a really good Department Manager
Don’t keep a surplus!
Faculty Review Process at UM Statistics
Annual reviews and discussion with chair and mentor
3-year review and feedback
End of 5th year, P&T committee set up – chair and committee works
with candidate to develop a casebook – includes CV, research
teaching and service documentation -- names of external letter
writers (number)?
Dept selects from candidates list and own list – some in your area,
others a bit more general, usually full prof’s – college committees
looks for big names from top universities; Some internal letters
P&T committee writes up evaluation. Candidate has opportunity to
Department level discussions and recommendation. Variation in
exact process.
To college-level review -- divisional review committee looks at
research case -- college ExCo makes decision based on this
review and overall case – Dean vs College ExCo
Provost (usually pro forma)
Negative decisions – dept vs college level; appeal?