Research, Service and Partnership How Universities Promote Economic Development Core Responsibilities of Universities • • • • Education/Learning Innovation/Discovery Knowledge Transfer Community Engagement.

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Transcript Research, Service and Partnership How Universities Promote Economic Development Core Responsibilities of Universities • • • • Education/Learning Innovation/Discovery Knowledge Transfer Community Engagement.

Research, Service and Partnership
How Universities Promote Economic
Core Responsibilities of Universities
Knowledge Transfer
Community Engagement
Transition of Knowledge into Practice
• Students with technical and business skills
moving from the university to the private
• Publication of research results in academic
journals – freely available to all sectors.
• Interactions between university scientists and
scholars and private sector – professional
meetings, conferences
Transition of Knowledge into Practice
• Industry sponsored research/service projects
(public-private partnership)
• Individual faculty/student consulting
arrangements with private sector firms
• Entrepreneurial activity by faculty and
students occurring outside university
• Licensing of University Intellectual Property
(IP) to start-ups or established companies
Knowledge Based University Activities
Related to Economic Development
• Conducting basic and applied research – drives new
product development, aids development of new companies
and creation of new jobs
– “Research is the transformation of money into
knowledge. Innovation is the transformation of
knowledge into money” (G. Nicholson)
• Conducting economic and social research – enables region
to identify strategic assets; assessment of market needs
and opportunities for economic development
Knowledge Based University Activities
Related to Economic Development
• Providing workforce assessments, workforce
development and continuing education
• Commercializing University IP
• Establishing programs fostering economic
development and entrepreneurship
– University based business incubators
– University sponsored business accelerators
How does ETSU Contribute to Economic
• Overall economic impact of university budget
• Research programs
• Undergraduate, graduate and professional
• Business consulting
• Entrepreneurship activities
– Innovation Laboratory
– AccelNow
• Technology transfer
ETSU Impact on Local Economy (2011)
• More than 15,000 students
• ETSU’s employment impact – 5,261 jobs
• Total impact on region’s economy (output) –
– $683M
ETSU Sponsored Program External Support
• Research and Service expenditures (FY12):
– $44,443,506
• Instruction
– $5,222,867
• Total expenditures: $49,663,373
• Multiplier factor: 1.68
• Total regional impact of sponsored programs:
– $74,754,540
Educational Programs
• Undergraduate/Graduate/Professional
– Both STEM and non-STEM
– Chemistry and Computer Science – Eastman and
– Nursing – Mountain State Health Alliance and
Wellmont Health Systems
– PharmD – regional pharmacies
– MD – local communities and practice groups
Business Consulting
• Faculty
– Regional and national business entities, including
a variety of companies: pharmaceutical and
medical device ; software development
• Students
– College of Business and Technology
– Entrepreneurship – Strategic Experience
Business Consulting
• Students – Strategic Experience Course
– More than 50 consulting clients served in the last
– Projects:
Strategic planning
Business plans
Marketing assessment
Total quality management plans
Business Consulting
• Students – Strategic Experience Course
– Bristol Tennessee Essential Services (BTES)
• Business plan for new customer service – fiber to home
• Strategic Technology plan for BTES Broadband Business
• Strategic plan for Smart Power Grid Control Platform for
Closed-Loop energy Demand System – facilitated
collaboration between BTES and ECS and award of DOE
SBIR grant to ECS
Business Consulting
• Students – Strategic Experience Course
• Strategic Marketing Plan facilitated the award of Phase
II SBIR grant to ECS
• ECS to market software to power companies
throughout TN and the US and create new jobs in the
Activities Supporting Entrepreneurship
• ETSU Innovation Laboratory and ETSU
Valleybrook Campus
• AccelNow
ETSU Innovation Laboratory
• Business Incubator
Mission To partner with entrepreneurs and investors to affect the
successful establishment of technology-based start-up
and spin-off companies in order to achieve technology
transfer, create jobs, and enhance economic
development within the region.
ETSU Innovation Laboratory
Office space
Dry laboratories
Wet laboratories
Support services
Conference facilities, including video
• >14,000 sq. ft.
ETSU Innovation Laboratory
• Major tenants
– Yasoo Health, Inc.
– Renewable Algal Energy (RAE)
– Microbac TCD
• Successful graduate – BANC Intranet
• Average salary of tenant employees 60%
greater than median salary for the region
ETSU Valleybrook Campus
• Office space and wet laboratories (14 large labs)
available for lease by start ups
• Conference facilities available
• Current tenants
– Biocorp, LLC
– Advanced Catalysis
– ETSU faculty
• Innovation Lab and Valleybrook provide the only
laboratories for commercial use east of Knoxville
• ETSU Business Accelerator
• Vision – promote economic development and job
creation in the region
• Provides free and low cost programs and services
to entrepreneurs in the eight county Northeast
TN region to help create “scalable” companies,
• Successes:
– Private capital and federal funding received by
accelerator companies - $1.6M
– 4 companies accelerated
Tennessee Small Business Development
Center (TSBDC)
• Economic development outreach program of the
College of Business and Technology since 1984
• Funded by the Small Business Administration
• Mission
– to be the premier provider of quality solutions to
potential and existing small businesses’ needs through
consultation, education, referral, and support
services. By providing these services, the TSBDC
promotes growth and prosperity in the domestic and
international markets of the business community and
enhances its economic impact on the State of
Tennessee. (Lifestyle companies)
Tennessee Small Business Development
Center (TSBDC)
• In 2012 TSBDC
– Consulted with 218 clients
– Activities led to the creation of 110 new jobs and
retention of 8 jobs
– Assisted clients in generating more than $11M in
new capital for start-up or expansion of existing
Technology Transfer
• ETSU IP managed by the ETSU Research
• Nine patents granted to ETSURF, one patent
application under review
• Four patents currently licensed
– Three licensed to companies outside the region
– One licensed to local entity
– First commercialized patent to generate
potentially significant income in 2013
Future Role of ETSU in Fostering Economic
• Continue support for major programs with direct
impact on regional economic development
• Develop marketing plans for attracting companies
outside the region to establish start up
companies requiring laboratory space.
• Pursue partnerships with the major business
sectors in the region to address specific
educational, research or service needs.
(Recommendation from 125 Task Force)
Future Role of ETSU in Fostering Economic
• Become a significant player in the regional
economy, not only as a provider of higher
education, but as a major partner in its
economic development. (Opportunity identified by the
125 Task Force on Extramural Resources, Sponsored Programs and
Initiatives: Research, Service and Instruction).
Transfer of knowledge to individuals in
society contributes to economic
development through worker training,
management counseling, help for startup companies, etc.