Phase III CVI Part 4 More Ideas Orientation & Mobility  What is orientation? It is the ability to know where you are in.

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Transcript Phase III CVI Part 4 More Ideas Orientation & Mobility  What is orientation? It is the ability to know where you are in.

Part 4
More Ideas
Orientation & Mobility
 What is orientation?
It is the ability to know where you are in space.
This includes the knowledge of where you are
in relation to objects, in relation to ones self,
and where one object is in relation to another
Orientation and Mobility continued:
 For children with CVI orientation and mobility
addresses making adaptations based on the
10 characteristics of CVI.
 Adaptations are paired with providing
environmental prompts with natural
 When working on O&M with children with CVI
ocular visual rules do not apply; O&M is not
about acuity, increasing light, providing
contrast, or about stable items.
Orientation & Mobility continued:
 With CVI students, O&M focuses on salient
characteristics using color, novelty (how
something is like or not like something else),
and complexity.
 Often children in Phase III of resolution may
require the use of a cane.
 Children in Phase III may have difficulty
noticing descending stairs, drop offs at curbs,
managing uneven surfaces, or handling
surface changes.
Phase III Assistive Technology Ideas:
 Computer Software
 Switch activated toys/devices if motor skills
are an issue
 Switch activated or touch screen computer
 Communication devices beyond single step
communication devices (if communication is
a concern). When using a communication
device it is recommended starting with a
device which has a back lit display.
Phase III Helpful Hints
 Consistently present objects in routine activities to
develop visual memory.
 Just because a child has looked at a particular object
in the past does not mean they will automatically look
at it when it is presented again.
 Routine, touch, familiarity and interest help to initiate
visual attention.
 When using a computer the material can be enlarged
or screen reader programs can read the passages
Phase III Helpful Hints continued:
 Use verbal prompts to direct the child to look
(i.e.: look at the red ball).
 Teach organizational skills such as how to
scan a page to solve a problem.
 Use larger size fonts for written items.
 When working on literacy, even as simple as
basic letter recognition, use fewer words on a
page, color code or outline the entire word,
and add color outlines to pictures to help child
attend visually.
Phase III Helpful Hints continued:
 Use verbal strategies to assist child in using
vision. Explain what the child is looking for.
With verbal explanations the child can use
their cognitive skills to assist in using their
visual skills. For example, Sally in The Cat in
the Hat always has a red bow in her hair.
Use that feature to help the child look for
Sally in pictures. In that example the salient
feature of the character is the red bow.
 Use of salient features are key in Phase 3 or
Phase III Helpful Hints continued:
 When a child is ready to look at pictures, use
pictures or simple books that have one object
on a page with a plain background.
Take pictures of familiar people and toys/items
to make a simple picture book.
Be sure the pictures have a plain background.
Initially present one picture on the background
Gradually add detail to the picture and ask the
child to use the salient features to find
specified items.
Phase III Helpful Hints continued:
 Begin with pictures of familiar items.
 Point out the salient features in the
environment. If in school make sure hallways
are empty. Use picture cards in conjunction
with the review of the environment.
 Identify bright colors and naturally occurring
landmarks in the environment.
Phase III Helpful Hints continued:
 May need to go back to older, “easier”
supports to give the child’s visual system a
“boost” (i.e.: when asking the child to locate
items in different environments.)
 Try to incorporate use of vision into as many
aspects of the child’s day as possible – a
person with dentures doesn’t only wear them
when they eat, or a child with glasses doesn’t
just use them when the vision teacher comes
to see the child.
Phase III Helpful Hints continued
 As noted in Dr. Roman-Lantzy’s book Cortical
Visual Impairment: An Approach to
Assessment and Intervention, instruction in
Phase 3 generally has 2 key themes:
teaching sorting skills with reference to the
concepts of alike and different
disembedding salient features from a
Helpful Hints for all Phases of
 Always give the child time to respond; at
times this time period may seem “beyond
 Make changes in the environment slowly.
 Repeat, repeat, repeat!!!
 Use the familiar to introduce something
 Allow the child to have rest breaks; using
vision can be tiring!
Helpful Hints for all Phases of
Resolution continued:
 Use observation and let the student “tell you”
what they do best and guide their progress
 Always remember to point out the salient
 Make sure to always consider the child’s
positioning when asking them to use their
 Work in an environment where type, intensity,
and duration of sensory information can be
Writing outcomes and goals:
 Make sure functional performance is included
in the child’s goals.
 Goals should not be written for a child to “look
at” or “visually track” an item in isolation.
What functional purpose does this serve?
 Goals should relate to what the ultimate end
result is for the child.
Sample IFSP/IEP goals
 Sam will be able to move from room to room in his
house on his own without running into things so he
doesn’t get hurt.
 Sally will look at, reach for, and play with toys so she
will not be as fussy.
 John will see a toy across the room, crawl to get to
the toy, to play with it and entertain himself for short
periods of time.
 Julie will navigate the playground equipment safely
using all visual fields to play with her peers during
Sample goals continued:
 Very often individual goals do not need to be
established simply for CVI or vision; instead
modifications to the child’s curriculum,
environment, and activities could be
incorporated as a means to support the
functional outcomes.
Contact Information
 Annette Carey, Project Director
(304) 558-2696, [email protected]
 Ruth Ann King, Project Coordinator
(304) 558-2696, [email protected]
 Tammy Belt
Cell: (304) 646-1697, [email protected]
 Jamie McBride
Cell: (540) 533-8303, [email protected]
Contact Information Continued
Mentors continued:
 Bridget Bailey
Cell (304) 419-3187, [email protected]
 Kathy Quesenberry
Cell (304) 952-1099, [email protected]
 Jennifer Cook
Cell (304)517-8767,[email protected]
 Tina Foster
Cell (304)517-4079, [email protected]
Contact Information Continued
Partners Continued:
 Kyle Heeter
Cell 1-304-573-4775,[email protected]
 Anita Nesland
Cell 1-304-614-3490, [email protected]
 Amie Cook Smith
Cell 1-304-784-6873, [email protected]