Evaluating LEADER in the new period Expert meeting on Guidance for the CMEF - October.

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Evaluating LEADER in the
new period
Expert meeting on Guidance for the CMEF - October
Where we are: the Handbook for the CMEF
 Guidance Document;
 Annex 1: General Guidance (Hierarchy of Objectives;
Measures Fiches, Evaluation Guidelines; Ex ante Evaluation
Guidelines including SEA);
 Annex 2: Indicator Guidance (Indicator List; Choice and
Use of Indicators; Indicator Fiches; examples of additional
 Annex 3: Other Guidance (FAQs; Evaluation Network;
Glossary of terms; Useful Reading).
Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework
Overall approach to evaluation:
 Based on the Hierarchy of Objectives…
 …estimation of the contribution of measures
to programmes’ objectives and EU
 …through quantitative (indicators) and
qualitative assessment…
 …on a continuous basis (monitoring and
ongoing evaluation).
Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework
‘Ongoing evaluation’
 ‘A system to be established by the Member
States for each RDP’ (article 86 of Reg. 1698/2005),
 based on three elements closely interlinked:
– continuous activities for programmes’ evaluation
(including compilation and refinement of indicators,
data collection, and reporting) to be carried out
during the whole programming period;
– a system of accompanying thematic studies;
– an evaluation network and support infrastructure for
the Member States and/or the regions.
Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework
In the case of LEADER…:
 Role of Leader in the Hierarchy of Objectives:
– Supporting priorities under axis 1,2, and 3
– Horizontal objective in terms of governance and
local strategies
 “Immaterial” aspects and impacts difficult to be
assessed (e.g. “behavioral changes”);
 Impacts generally apply in the long run;
 Cumulative effects of different specificities;
 Key role of small scale evaluations (case studies).
Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework
The approach followed for LEADER:
 Based on the overall objectives («to
implement the Leader approach more widely in
mainstream rural development programming […]. To
transfer the basic principles of the Leader approach to
the programmes […]» - recital n° 50 of Reg. 1698/2005)…
 …and on the nature of measures that can be
supported (implementation of local strategies,
cooperation, networking and acquisition of skills – article
63 of Reg. 1698/2005)…
Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework
The approach followed for LEADER:
 Evaluators are asked to assess the impact
of the Leader approach in the following
– Governance and capacity building;
– Endogenous development of rural areas;
– Integrated and multi sectoral approach;
– Innovation;
– Support to priorities defined under axis 1,
2 and 3.
Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework
In concrete…
 A limited number of specific and horizontal common
evaluation questions;
 A limited number of output and baseline indicators;
 No specific common methodology, but
decentralised approach for the evaluation of the
Leader component;
 High level of flexibility for the Member States to
complement common evaluation questions and
indicators with programme-specific ones.
Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework
What can help? The floor is opened…
 The European Evaluation Network: which role in
 National networks: how to make use of them for
evaluation purposes?
 How spreading lessons learnt and best
practices for evaluating the specificities of the
Leader approach?
 How to make the best use of self-evaluations?
Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework