Regional Workshop on planning of digital terrestrial broadcasting in relation to RRC-06 for CEE, CIS and Baltic States (Moscow, 21 –24 September.

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Transcript Regional Workshop on planning of digital terrestrial broadcasting in relation to RRC-06 for CEE, CIS and Baltic States (Moscow, 21 –24 September.

Regional Workshop on planning of digital terrestrial
broadcasting in relation to RRC-06 for CEE, CIS and
Baltic States (Moscow, 21 –24 September 2004)
Channel Potential
The real story!
P. N. Hai
Radiocommunication Bureau
Regional Workshop on planning of digital terrestrial
broadcasting in relation to RRC-06 for CEE, CIS and
Baltic States (Moscow, 21 –24 September 2004)
Getting to know
P. N. Hai & N. Vassiliev
Radiocommunication Bureau
Getting to know BRIFIC (terrestrial services)
What is BRIFIC (terrestrial services)?
Hardware and software requirements
Installation tips
Let’s have a go! (try!)
RRC Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States, Moscow
21-24 Sept 04
Getting to know BRIFIC (terrestrial services)
What is BRIFIC?
service document in CD-ROM format
published once every two weeks by the
Radiocommunication Bureau
in accordance with provision Nos. RR20.2
to RR20.6 and No. RR20.15 of the Radio
Regulations (see publication notice 28204).
RRC Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States, Moscow
21-24 Sept 04
Getting to know BRIFIC (terrestrial services)
What does BRIFIC contain?
The International Frequency List (IFL)
(including all the frequencies prescribed
for common use);
The Terrestrial Plans annexed to the
Regional Agreements;
RRC Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States, Moscow
21-24 Sept 04
Getting to know BRIFIC (terrestrial services)
And more…
The Special Sections associated with
the Plans;
Notices under treatment in accordance
with Article 11;
Notices submitted for modification of a
frequency assignment or frequency
allotment Plans.
RRC Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States, Moscow
21-24 Sept 04
Getting to know BRIFIC (terrestrial services)
More bonuses…
The TerRaQ program; used for query, display,
exporting of the data, etc.
The TerRaNV program which enables the
preliminary validation of the electronic notices
before submission to the Bureau;
The latest version of the Preface in PDF
The ITU Digitized World Map (IDWM).
RRC Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States, Moscow
21-24 Sept 04
Getting to know BRIFIC (terrestrial services)
What is TerRaBase?
Relational database
Ingres format in BR system
RRC Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States, Moscow
21-24 Sept 04
Getting to know BRIFIC (terrestrial services)
How TerRaBase organised?
Three segments/portions
FM/TV – VHF sound and VHF/UHF
LF/MF – sound in LF and MF bands
FXM – Fixed and mobile services
RRC Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States, Moscow
21-24 Sept 04
Getting to know BRIFIC (terrestrial services)
FM/TV portion
Four (4) fragments
NTFD_RR – MIFR Article 11
RRC Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States, Moscow
21-24 Sept 04
Getting to know BRIFIC (terrestrial services)
LF/MF portion
Three fragments
RRC Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States, Moscow
21-24 Sept 04
Getting to know BRIFIC (terrestrial services)
FXM portion
Eight (8) fragments
Article 11
Article 9
Common frequencies
GE85 M
GE85 N
RRC Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States, Moscow
21-24 Sept 04
Getting to know BRIFIC (terrestrial services)
System requirements
Windows NT4 or higher, Windows 2000,
or Windows XP
Microsoft Access (Version 2000 or
24 MB of memory (RAM), with 32 MB
a minimum of 3.5 GB of disk space
RRC Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States, Moscow
21-24 Sept 04
Getting to know BRIFIC (terrestrial services)
CD-ROM reader configured for "Autorun“
put the BR IFIC CD-ROM in the reader, and
installation will begin automatically.
not configured for "Autorun":
Insert the BR IFIC CD-ROM into the reader.
Using Explorer, double-click on setup.exe in the
main directory of the CD-ROM.
Installation will then begin.
RRC Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States, Moscow
21-24 Sept 04
Getting to know BRIFIC (terrestrial services)
Installation tips
reboot before every BR IFIC
installation! Not necessary but
You should be logged on with the same
Username that will be used with the
data and programs to be installed
it is not possible to use the installed
programs with a different Username than
used for the installation.
RRC Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States, Moscow
21-24 Sept 04
Getting to know BRIFIC (terrestrial services)
What are installed?
the software will be installed in this
RRC Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States, Moscow
21-24 Sept 04
Getting to know BRIFIC (terrestrial services)
Ready to use!
One last tip!
Run TerRaQ first before executing
TerRaNV because TerRaQ performs
some additional initialization the first
time that it is run
RRC Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States, Moscow
21-24 Sept 04
Getting to know BRIFIC (terrestrial services)
Have a go…later!
RRC Workshop for CEE, CIS and Baltic States, Moscow
21-24 Sept 04