Enhancing Capacity For Integrated Assessment and Planning for Sustainable Development in Kenya: The Case of the Global Village Partnerships Energy Poverty Reduction Plan UNEP.

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Enhancing Capacity For Integrated Assessment
and Planning for Sustainable Development in
Kenya: The Case of the Global Village
Partnerships Energy Poverty Reduction Plan
UNEP Initiative on Capacity Building for Integrated
Assessment and Planning for Sustainable DevelopmentMid term Review meeting Geneva, February 16-17,
Outline of Presentation
Description of the Project Process
Overview of Main Issues Covered by GVEP
Status of the GVEP
Stakeholders Involvement in the Preparation of the
Key Economic, Social and Environmental Issues
Planned Activities and Next Steps
Description of the Project Process
The GVEP initiative was launched in 2002 at the World
Summit, in Johannesburg.
Brings together developing and developed country
governments, public and private organizations, multilateral
institutions and consumers to tackle the issues of energy
access and poverty reduction.
Goal of GVEP in Kenya is to enhance access to modern
energy while improving social economic development and
reduce poverty.
Subject GVEP to IAP to identify key weaknesses
Mainstream IAP into our other planning processes possibly at the
Description of the Project Process-cont.
GVEP seeks to make crucial linkages between energy, on one
hand and productive, social and consumptive applications in
non energy sectors of priority.
Sectors: Agriculture; Education, Health, SMEs,
Telecommunication, Water etc.
 IAP is a partnership between diverse membership from
Government of Kenya, Business community, civil society, and
other national stakeholders
 The Enhancing Capacity Integrated Assessment and
Sustainable Project is aimed at: enhancing the planning
capacity of the government of Kenya- Through the
development and widespread use of IAP approach
Overview of Main Issues Covered by GVEP
Access to modern energy service while improving economic
and social development, the quality of life and services, and
reducing poverty.
Promote the use of environmentally sound technology options
in a range of rural, peri-urban and urban areas where energy
access is lacking
Increase use of renewable energy resources-thro efficient
production and use of energy, greater reliance on advanced
energy technologies
Facilitate policy and market regulatory frameworks that create
the economic, social and institutional conditions to improve
Overview of Main Issues Covered by GVEPCont.
Enhance human and institutional capacity in the
delivery of energy services.
Engage in the Partnership without discrimination with
respect to race, religion or gender.
Ensure that Partnership activities are effectively
integrated and coordinated with related activities at
the local, national, regional or global levels, including
programs implemented by partner organizations, host
country governments and other partnerships.
Status of the IAP-GVEP
Formal commitments-contracts made-(UNDP,
GOK, KIPPRA, Consultant)
Steering committee formed
Literature review-Dev. concept paper (KIPPRAConsultant).
First stakeholders workshop will be held in March
The project will be completed in the next 10
Stakeholders Involvement (Proposed)
Government Ministries(Planning and Nat. Dev., Energy,
Environment and Natural Resources, Government Agencies
Research Institutes (KIPPRA, IPAR, Queconsult, IDS etc).
Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM)
NGOs (ITDG, ESD Africa, and others).
Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA)-Informal Sector, and
Community Based Organizations-Numerous-to represent
the marginalized groups.
formation of steering committee; Stakeholders workshops
Most energy projections in Kenya have relied on
historical data and not actual demand.
Projections that have been used in energy planning
have also failed to include conservation and efficiency
targets, and effects of technological development.
Indicative planning models on energy and GDP used
in Kenya are inappropriate-as they are based on
modes from developed countries with very different
energy-GDP interactions.
Key Economic, Social and
Environmental Issues
Main Streaming MDGs in our Development plans and the ERS
 Integrated Energy Planning
 Gender Mainstreaming-free primary education for all
 Climate change-done
 Energy conservation and efficiency
 Human resource development and capacity building
 Energy pricing-economic instruments project
 Legal and regulatory frameworks
Environment, Health and safety
Planned Activities and Next Steps
Complete background papers:
 Review of the impact of trade on energy,
environment, sustainable development and poverty
 Inter-linkage between trade, sustainable energy,
development and poverty in Kenya
 Planning process in Kenya.
 Review of selected strategic planning process and
identify gaps/weakness
Planned Activities and Next Steps-Cont.
A national stakeholders workshop to review mid term progress
( March 2005)
Documentation of results, lessons learned and preparation of
policy package (April)
Final stakeholders workshop to present the results to a multisectoral audience and to launch the Kenya tool kit (Proposed
UNDP proposal for Training and capacity building (Kenya,
Tanzania and Uganda)