The Gateway Computational Web Portal Marlon Pierce Indiana University March 15, 2002 Portal Overview  Computational Web Portals provide ubiquitous access to HPC resources  You can.

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Transcript The Gateway Computational Web Portal Marlon Pierce Indiana University March 15, 2002 Portal Overview  Computational Web Portals provide ubiquitous access to HPC resources  You can.

The Gateway
Computational Web Portal
Marlon Pierce
Indiana University
March 15, 2002
Portal Overview
 Computational Web Portals provide ubiquitous
access to HPC resources
 You can log in anywhere through any web browser.
 Portals simplify the use of HPCs for novice
 Basics: batch script generation, job submission and
monitoring, file transfer
 Computational grid services: Globus, Condor
 Portals can simplify the use of unfamiliar codes
(ex: FDTD).
 Provide a work management environment for all
 You can see what you did last week.
 Gateway is a computational web portal project
funded through HPCMO’s PET program.
 Our goal is to provide building block components
that can be used to build specific portals.
 We also develop browser-based interfaces for
 Basic services like file transfer
 Input file creation and job submission for specific
codes, including ANSYS and FDTD.
 Data plotting applications like gnuplot and Matlab.
Gateway Services
 Building block portal services
Secure authentication, access control
File uploading, downloading, and transfer
Session archiving
Batch script generation
Job submission
Job monitoring
Shared visualization
 All services are accessible through a browser.
 Particular applications may require additional
custom modules.
Portal Design
 Gateway is built using JavaServer Pages
(JSP) and JavaBeans.
 Basic services are built out of one or more
JavaBean components.
 Components are included in the web
pages. Example: Authentication
 Portal data types defined in XML
Gateway Architecture
Example Service: Batch Script
 User selects a
particular code,
machine, and
resource requests.
 We extend abstract
base class for
particular queues
(GRD, PBS, …)
 Factory creates
appropriate queue for
your request.
Gateway Data Types
 Users
 Name, email, Kerberos principal,…
 Applications
 How to run a code (general)
 Host machines
 How to run a code on a specific machine
 Service descriptors
 How to invoke a particular service (use WSDL now)
 We are looking to standardize within the GGF.
ANSYS Portal
 Developed with specific set of users in mind:
 PC-based, experienced ANSYS users
 New to Unix, HPC, Kerberos,….
 Basic usage:
 User has ANSYS on his PC, develops his grid there.
 Uploads DB file using Gateway, submits to the
desired machine, monitors execution, and downloads
output files when done.
 Gateway securely performs remote file transfer,
submission, monitoring at the user’s request.
 Running at DoD computing centers.
Further Information
 For more information, contact
 Marlon Pierce: [email protected]
 For more presentations and papers, see