Radiological Safety and Response RPT-243 -1 Introduction and ALARA Philosophy Radiation Protection Technology The following Learning Outcomes are addressed in Session 1 Radiation Protection Technology.

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Transcript Radiological Safety and Response RPT-243 -1 Introduction and ALARA Philosophy Radiation Protection Technology The following Learning Outcomes are addressed in Session 1 Radiation Protection Technology.

Radiological Safety and Response
RPT-243 -1
ALARA Philosophy
Radiation Protection Technology
The following Learning Outcomes
are addressed in Session 1
Radiation Protection Technology
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to:
• Explain the four common stages of team formation and
growth (PE).
• As assigned by the Instructor, participate as a
contributing team member on an RPT Student team
• Demonstrate the use of the SLAPPS mnemonic to
exercise situational awareness (PE).
• Demonstrate the proper use of the 3 part communication
model including the use of the phonetic alphabet and
numeric communication (PE).
• Demonstrate the proper use of the STAR acrostic to
exercise self-checking (PE).
Radiation Protection Technology
The following Learning Outcomes
are addressed in Session 2
Radiation Protection Technology
Learning Outcomes (cont’d)
Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to:
• Define and discuss the interrelationship
among the following:
regulatory guide
recommendation (health physics position papers)
license condition
technical specification
Radiation Protection Technology
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to:
• Identify the scope, explain the principles and the use of
the following standards:
10CFR19, Notices, Instructions, and Reports to Workers
10CFR20, Standards for Protection Against Radiation
10 CFR835, Occupational Radiation Protection
regulatory guides applicable to power reactor radiological
protection (such as RG 8.38, RG 8.13, and RG 8.15)
• Identify the ALARA philosophy for collective personnel
exposure and individual exposure.
• Discuss why radiation exposures to individuals and to
groups of workers are to be kept as low as reasonably
achievable (ALARA).
Radiation Protection Technology
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to:
• Describe the assumptions on which the current ALARA
philosophy is based.
• Identify the scope of an effective radiological ALARA
• Explain how exposure goals can be used to reduce
individual and collective exposures for specific
radiological jobs, for work groups, and for the plant.
• Explain the ALARA concept and how it is applied to
radiological work at the plant (for example, time,
distance, shielding, engineering controls, and source
Radiation Protection Technology
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to:
• Describe the “total risk” concept as it applies to the
prescription of radiological work controls.
• Describe special precautions to be used when practical
to control or reduce exposures during certain
radiological conditions, such as:
assignment of stay times and timekeepers,
continuous radiological protection technician coverage,
use of alarming dosimeters or dose rate meters,
use of temporary shielding,
availability of low dose rate waiting areas, and
removal of high dose rate sources.
Radiation Protection Technology
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to:
• Describe work time reduction techniques that can be
used to reduce worker radiation exposure, such as the
pre-job planning and preparation
pre-job mockup training for worker familiarity
review of procedures for workability and efficiency
use of special tools to improve worker efficiency
improvement of worker comfort by controlling the environment
(temperature, lighting, humidity, space)
– prefabrication of equipment in low-dose or no-dose areas
– decontamination to reduce protective clothing requirements
Radiation Protection Technology
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to:
• Describe techniques by which increased distance can
be used to reduce worker radiation exposure, such as:
– positioning workers away from hot spots or high dose areas,
– using remote operators or special tools to increase worker
distance from a source, and
– removing equipment to low dose areas for maintenance.
• Discuss factors that determine the ultimate
effectiveness of installing temporary shielding, such as
the cost of installation (dollars and person-rem) versus
benefit, physical space limitations, 10CFR50.59 review
constraints, floor loading constraints, and pipe and pipe
hanger load constraints.
Radiation Protection Technology
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to:
• Describe the consequences of removing permanent or
temporary shielding without proper review and
• Explain the responsibilities of the following personnel
regarding specifying, complying with, monitoring, and
enforcing radiological protection and ALARA
workers’ supervisor
radiological protection technician
radiological protection supervisor
Radiation Protection Technology
• Session 1 Introduction
– Team Dynamics
– Human Performance Improvement
• Session 2
– Regulatory Hierarchy and Relationships
– ALARA Philosophy and Why
– Implementing ALARA
• Total Risk Concept
• Use of Goals
• Time – Distance – Shielding
• Responsibilities
• Questions
Radiation Protection Technology
Session 1
Radiation Protection Technology
• A shift in approach:
– Up to this point – classes have been largely
theoretically based with some guided instruction
in practical hands-on competencies
– Now – we move to largely hands-on instruction
culminating in “performance for evaluation”.
– That is – we will revisit some of the tasks you
have been exposed to and coached through and
will provide an evaluation of your performance
as a team and as an individual.
Radiation Protection Technology
• Additionally, we will introduce new aspects of
previous topics, such as:
– Regulatory hierarchy and relationships
– More details from the regulations regarding and
implementation of controls for:
Access Control
Contamination Control
Emergency Response
– ALARA and Radiological Planning
– Use of the “BIG Three” – TDS
Radiation Protection Technology
• However, first we will introduce some tools that will
help you start to acclimate yourself to the day-to-day
life of an RP technician:
– Team Dynamics
– Human Performance Improvement
Radiation Protection Technology
Team Dynamics
Radiation Protection Technology
• Together Everyone Achieves More
• Many different ways to look at TEAM function and
TEAM theory exist.
• Arguably, the most popular model is one put forward
by Bruce Tuckman in an article first published in
• He described four stages of team formation and
Radiation Protection Technology
• Team members meet each other.
• Individual expectations as being part of the team are
• The leader’s ability to guide the team most likely is
tested during the forming stage.
• Notes:
– In a high turnover organization, or one that has
undergone reorganization, teams are in some
stage of forming on a frequent basis
– New employees or new team members always
start in this stage
Radiation Protection Technology
• Tips for moving through this stage:
– Recognize where you and your team mates are
– Step out and introduce yourself to each other
– Take time to get to know each other
– Seek out a clear definition of:
• The team’s mission
• Expectations on the team
• Individual member’s roles and responsibilities
– Recognize that not everyone will become
comfortable on the team at the same rate
Radiation Protection Technology
• The team begins to understand what the end goal is.
• However, each member may have a different idea as
to how best to proceed toward that goal.
• Team members’ personal agendas may become
clear as each vies for credit for ideas.
• Members may start to compete with each other.
• They may discount each other’s ideas.
• Generally, they avoid collaboration.
• Storming is usually the most difficult stage for the
Radiation Protection Technology
• Tips for moving through this stage:
Stay on task – help remind each other what that is
Learn and use compromising and negotiating skills
Ensure goals are achievable and realistic
Use the “good days” to share positive feelings and
experiences and celebrate successes
– Use appropriate humor to dampen tension
– Keep it positive and upbeat
Radiation Protection Technology
• Team members:
– Agree on the focus
– Are enthusiastic
– Are goal-driven
– Accept each other
• Tips:
– Encourage continued graciousness in giving and
receiving constructive criticism
– Stay focused
– Establish internal rules and guidelines
Radiation Protection Technology
• Team members:
– Identify and solve problems
– Implement changes
– Make measurable progress toward the goal
• Tips:
– Do not take advantage of each other’s strengths or
– Look within yourself when problems are encountered
– “Where do I need to change?”
– Work through problems within the team
– Encourage each other in taking bite sized chunks
– Seek to continue to bond as team members
Radiation Protection Technology
Mature Teams
• Recognize that actions speak louder than words
• Understand that self-respect is a strong motivating
• Agree that placing a high value on integrity builds
support within the team
• Have learned that flexibility develops deep trust
• Recognize the need to renew themselves from time
to time.
Radiation Protection Technology
Four Stages of Team Growth
Radiation Protection Technology
Teams in Summary
• Forming – We are watchful, polite, and guarded.
We don’t really know or understand the boundaries
or the rules.
• Storming and Norming – We get organized,
develop skills as a team, establish procedures, give
and receive feedback, and confront issues after we
learn how.
• Performing – We are close and supportive. We
tend to be flexible, open, and synergistic.
• Together Everyone Achieves More
Radiation Protection Technology
• RPT Students will be split into teams by the
• The Teams will stay intact over the semester until
the Instructor decides otherwise.
• The Teams shall perform all Labs and Practical
Exercises (PE) as directed by the Instructor.
• The Teams will be coached by the Instructor on
improving team performance.
Radiation Protection Technology
Human Performance Improvement
Radiation Protection Technology
According to Purdue University one definition of
Human performance improvement is:
– the systematic process of discovering and
analyzing important human performance gaps
– planning for future improvements in human
– designing and developing cost-effective and
ethically justifiable interventions to close
performance gaps,
– implementing the interventions, and
– evaluating the financial and non-financial results.
Radiation Protection Technology
What that means…
• For the nuclear worker it means:
– An acknowledgement that using radioactive
material involves humans
– That humans make mistakes (performance gaps)
– Consequences of mistakes using radioactive
material can have significant impact on the
worker, the general public and the environment
• Therefore, those performance gaps must be studied
and “tools” implemented that will minimize the
frequency of the occurrence of the gaps.
• Good News – the tools have been already been
Radiation Protection Technology
Fundamental Tools
• Four Fundamental Tools exist that should become
part of how you do business.
• Integrating these tools into your routine work habits
will help ensure a high level of performance in
everyday tasks and will assist you in responding to
off normal and emergency occurrences.
• The four tools to be reviewed are:
– Situational Awareness
– Communications
– Self-Checking
– Procedure Use and Adherence
Radiation Protection Technology
Situational Awareness
Radiation Protection Technology
Situational Awareness
• Clearly, the worker‘s mindset toward the task at
hand sets the stage for excellence.
• Situation awareness tools help the worker form an
accurate understanding of the work and equipment
situation fostering an attitude sensitive to the
presence of hazards and the possible
consequences of a mistake.
• Situation Awareness Tools to be Considered:
Task Preview
Job-Site Review
Questioning Attitude
Stopping Work
Radiation Protection Technology
Task Preview
• Just as the name implies – it is a review of a task
prior to attending a pre-job briefing or starting to
• Also it should be used after extended delays in
performing an activity
• Review procedures and related documents
• Walk down the work site (may not be feasible
because of dose or contamination)
Radiation Protection Technology
Task Preview
• Talk to workers that have done the job
• Look at old job packages for the same task (job
• Provides a structured, risk-based review from a
human performance perspective
• Consider using the SAFER mnemonic to stay on
Radiation Protection Technology
• S – summarize the critical steps
• A – anticipate errors for each critical step and
relevant error precursors
• F – foresee probable and worse-case
consequences should an error occur during each
critical step
• E – evaluate controls or contingencies at each
critical step to prevent, catch, and recover from
errors and to reduce their consequences
• R – review previous experience and lessons
learned relevant to the specific tasks and critical
Radiation Protection Technology
Job-Site Review
• Sometimes referred to as “Take Two”
• Used to improve situational awareness upon initial
arrival at a work site.
• Take time to look at and understand critical
indicators, equipment condition, work environment
hazards, and team members’ condition and location.
• Helps establish a healthy sense of uneasiness,
raising the questioning attitude and accuracy of your
situational awareness.
• Based on review, hazards should be addressed
prior to proceeding
Radiation Protection Technology
Questioning Attitude
• By definition – Attitude is a state of mind or feeling
toward a subject or object of interest.
• A questioning attitude then would a state of mind
or feeling toward a subject that involves questioning
what might be assumed or otherwise perceived
about a job or task at hand.
• A questioning attitude fosters situational
awareness prompting thought before action. Use the
following main steps to facilitate a questioning
Radiation Protection Technology
• Stop, Look, and Listen – Stop at the beginning and
periodically to search the work situation for warning
signs such as, uncertainty, confusion, and doubts.
Listen for danger words such as , “I assume,
probably, I think, maybe, should be, might be”, etc.
• Ask Questions – What are the knowns and
unknowns? What are the points of confusion and
uncertainties? Are the conditions and situations
what you expected and were briefed on?
Radiation Protection Technology
• Proceed - only if you are sure. Have your
uncertainties be resolved with facts? Otherwise, do
not proceed in the face of uncertainty!
• Stop – when you are unsure and when
uncertainties, confusion and doubts persist.
– Stop the work
– Place the job site and equipment in a safe
– Notify your supervisor
Radiation Protection Technology
Stop Work
• Every worker has the authority and responsibility to
stop any job in which they are engaged where they
are uncertain and unclear about what is happening
with the task.
• Additionally, Radiation Protection Technicians have
the responsibility and authority to stop any job
where, in their opinion, continuation with the work
will result in an unsafe radiological situation.
(Actual company guidelines will dictate the specifics
of exercising that authority.)
Radiation Protection Technology
• RPT Students are expected to use the tools and
techniques discussed here during all Labs and PEs.
• Specifically the SLLAPS mnemonic is to be used
when participating in PEs using the scenario-based
training approach.
• Students should use the “thinking out loud
techniques” encouraged in the RPT-113 course.
• Students will be graded on the proper use of the
SLLAPS mnemonic.
Radiation Protection Technology
Radiation Protection Technology
• The process by which information is exchanged
between individuals, departments, or organizations
• The lifeline of the team
• Most effective when it permeates every aspect of an
Radiation Protection Technology
Barriers to Communication
• Language – cultural, professional jargon, generational
• Distractions – noise, adjacent secondary activities,
• Physical proximity – geographical, spatial
• Personalities – Otter, Spaniel, Lion, Retriever
• Workload – overloaded schedule, collateral duties
• Varying communication styles
• Conflict – at work, at home, at school, wife, husband
• Lack of information verification – communicating
information w/o verifying accuracy or validity
• Shift change – loss of focus, distractions
Radiation Protection Technology
Standards for Effective
• Complete
– Communicate all relevant information.
• Clear
– Convey information that is plainly understood.
• Brief
– Communicate the information in a concise manner.
• Timely
– Offer and request information in an appropriate
– Verify authenticity.
– Validate or acknowledge information.
Radiation Protection Technology
Tools for Effective Communication
• Use common language – professional, technical
information, should be standardized.
• Use numeric pronunciation – that is, one – five vs.
fifteen (can sound like fifty)
• Use phonetic alphabet – alpha, bravo, charlie,
delta… Using the phonetic alphabet is unnecessary
when using standard approved acronyms, such as
“RHR” (residual heat removal).
Radiation Protection Technology
Phonetic Alphabet
A - Alpha
B - Bravo
C - Charlie
D - Delta
E - Echo
F - Foxtrot
G - Golf
H - Hotel
I - India
J - Juliet
K - Kilo
Radiation Protection Technology
L - Lima
M - Mike
N - November
O - Oscar
P - Papa
Q - Quebec
R - Romeo
S - Sierra
T - Tango
U - Uniform
V - Victor
W -Whiskey
X - X-ray
Y - Yankee
Z - Zulu
Tools for Effective Communication
• Active Listening - a way of listening that focuses
entirely on what the other person is saying and
confirms understanding of both the content of the
message and the emotions and feelings underlying
the message to ensure that understanding is
Radiation Protection Technology
Tools for Effective Communication
• Use closed loop communication (three-part
communication model) - in all critical
communications involving:
– the operation or alteration of plant equipment
– the condition of plant equipment or the value of an
important parameter
– the performance of steps or actions using an
approved procedure task assignments that impact
plant equipment or plant activities
– the safety of personnel, the environment, or the plant
• Focus
Radiation Protection Technology
Closed Loop Communication
Radiation Protection Technology
Roles and Responsibilities
• The person originating the communication is the
sender and is responsible for verifying that the
receiver understands the message as intended.
• The receiver makes sure he or she understands
what the sender is saying.
• First, the sender gets the attention of the receiver
and clearly states the message.
• Second, the receiver repeats the message in a
paraphrased form, which helps the sender know if
the receiver understands the message. (Many
organizations required verbatim repeat-backs.)
Radiation Protection Technology
Roles and Responsibilities
• During this exchange, the receiver restates
equipment-related information exactly as spoken by
the sender.
• In the event the receiver does not understand, they
will indicate it with “Say Again.”
• Third, the sender informs the receiver whether the
message is properly understood, or corrects the
receiver and restates the message.
Radiation Protection Technology
One of the shift RPTs is in the RCA and identifies a
leak on the CVCS. The RPT, using the radio, calls
the SS in the Unit 2 CR to report the leak.
Listen to the conversation and see if you can identify
some of the tools we’ve named and the closed loop
communication model.
Radiation Protection Technology
3 Part Communication Dialogue
• RPT – “Shift Supervisor, this is the Shift Radiation
Protection Technician.”
• SS – “Shift RP, this is the SS go ahead.”
• RPT – “SS, I have identified a Chemical Volume Control
System leak on the 3-3-5 elevation of the Unit 2 Auxiliary
Building – room 2-2-5-2.”
• SS – “Shift RP, I understand you have a Chemical
Volume Control System leak on the 3-3-5 elevation of
Unit 2 Auxiliary Building in Room 2-2-5-2.”
• RPT- “That is correct.”
• SS – “Shift RP, what is the approximate leak rate and
component identification for the leak.”
Radiation Protection Technology
3 Part Communication Dialogue
• RP- “SS, the leak rate is approximately fifteen drops per
minute coming from the packing gland on the 2P-32D
Charging Pump”
• SS – “ I understand fifty drops per minute from 2D-52B
packing gland.”
• RP – “That is not correct. The leak rate is one five
drops per minute from two papa three-two delta packing
• SS – “I understand, the leak rate is one five drops per
minute from two papa three-two delta packing gland.”
• RP – “That is correct.”
Radiation Protection Technology
Phonetic Alphabet
Numeric Communication
Verbatim Repeat Back
Radiation Protection Technology
• The three part communication model will be used in
all Labs and Practical Exercises for the RPT
Program. Student’s will be graded on use of the
• The phonetic alphabet will be used when
communicating alpha characters during all Labs and
Practical Exercises for the RPT Program. Students
will be graded on use of the phonetic alphabet.
• Numeric communication will use the pronunciation
of the number, i.e. one-five vs. fifteen. Students will
be graded on use of numeric communication.
Radiation Protection Technology
Radiation Protection Technology
• Self-checking enables the worker to focus their
attention on a specific step of the task at hand to:
– Think about the intended action and
– Understand the expected outcome before acting
and then,
– To verify expected results are obtained after the
action has been taken.
Radiation Protection Technology
• Used most often when:
– manipulating plant equipment
– entering data into a computer
– recording data on a form
– performing a calculation
– when assembling components with similar parts
• Use the STAR acrostic
Radiation Protection Technology
• Stop – Pause and focus attention on performing the
• Think – engage your mind to consider:
– do you understand what you are going to do?
– what the expected result will be?
– a contingency if the expected result does not
occur ?
– are there questions that need to be answered?
Radiation Protection Technology
• Act – perform the correct action on the intended
– Look at, touch, and read the component label
– Compare what is there with documentation
– Maintain contact and perform the action
• Review – verify the expected result was achieved
– If not, perform the contingency action
– Notify the supervisor as appropriate
Radiation Protection Technology
• RPT Students will be expected to employ the STAR
acrostic during those Labs and Exercises which
– manipulating plant equipment
– entering data into a computer
– recording data on a form
– performing a calculation
• The students should use the “thinking out loud”
techniques encouraged in RPT-113 PEs.
• Students will be graded on the use of the STAR
Radiation Protection Technology
Procedure Use and Adherence
Radiation Protection Technology
Procedure Use and Adherence
• Every organization’s procedure hierarchy and
expectations regarding the use of the procedures at
different levels within that hierarchy will vary
• However, most facilities using radioactive materials
will have a procedure structure similar to the
– Administrative Procedures – describe the
manner in the organization’s departments fulfill
the vision and mission of the organization as well
as satisfying regulatory requirements.
Radiation Protection Technology
Procedure Use and Adherence
• Most facilities using radioactive materials will have a
structure similar to the following:
– Administrative Procedures– Implementing Procedures – describe the step
by step means by which the requirements of the
Administrative Level Procedures are satisfied.
• They may be categorized by the discipline to which
they apply.
• These may have different kinds of procedures:
– Surveillance Procedures
– Maintenance Procedures
– Operating Procedures
Radiation Protection Technology
Procedure Use and Adherence
• Adherence means – understanding the intent and
purpose of a procedure and following its direction.
The user follows the steps of the procedure as they
are sequenced and as they are written. However, if
it can not be followed as written, the work is stopped
and the procedure is corrected. The expectation is
not BLIND compliance but THINKING compliance.
• Use means – the frequency or degree of reference
by the user versus dependence on the user’s
memory or recall.
Radiation Protection Technology
Procedure Use and Adherence
• Within the categories discussed above, the level of
use for the procedure will typically be designated as
one of the following:
– Continuous Use – for complex or infrequently
performed tasks where an improper action would
result in an immediate impact on safety, production,
or reliability.
– Reference Use – for complex or infrequently
performed tasks where the consequences of an
improper action may not be immediate.
Radiation Protection Technology
Procedure Use and Adherence
• Within the categories discussed above, the level of
use for the procedure will typically be designated as
one of the following:
– Information Use - for activities, usually
administrative in nature, that do not require direct
contact with plant equipment or components and do
not have immediate consequences when performed
Radiation Protection Technology
Procedure Use and Adherence
• How?
• Continuous Use –
– Read and understand each step before performing
the step
– Complete each step before moving to the next step
– Complete in the sequence provided
– Use a place keeping technique
– Keep the procedure document in the presence of the
user continuously
Radiation Protection Technology
Procedure Use and Adherence
• Reference Use –
– Review and understand segments before
performing any steps, periodically, and as each
segment is completed
– Segments can be performed from memory
– Use place keeping as needed
– Keep the document at the work site
– Review the document at the completion of the
Radiation Protection Technology
Procedure Use and Adherence
• Information Use –
– Activity can be done from memory
– Review the procedure before use
– Keep the document available and review as
Radiation Protection Technology
• As they are made available – RPT Students are
expected to adhere to the proper use of the
procedure as described here and as directed by the
Radiation Protection Technology
Practical Exercise - 1
Radiation Protection Technology
Session 2
Radiation Protection Technology
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to:
• Define and discuss the interrelationship among
the following:
regulatory guide
recommendation (health physics position papers)
license condition
technical specification
Radiation Protection Technology
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to:
• Identify the scope, explain the principles and the use of
the following standards:
10CFR19, Notices, Instructions, and Reports to Workers
10CFR20, Standards for Protection Against Radiation
10 CFR835, Occupational Radiation Protection
regulatory guides applicable to power reactor radiological
protection (such as RG 8.38, RG 8.13, and RG 8.15)
• Identify the ALARA philosophy for collective personnel
exposure and individual exposure.
• Discuss why radiation exposures to individuals and to
groups of workers are to be kept as low as reasonably
achievable (ALARA).
Radiation Protection Technology
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to:
• Describe the assumptions on which the current ALARA
philosophy is based.
• Identify the scope of an effective radiological ALARA
• Explain how exposure goals can be used to reduce
individual and collective exposures for specific
radiological jobs, for work groups, and for the plant.
• Explain the ALARA concept and how it is applied to
radiological work at the plant (for example, time,
distance, shielding, engineering controls, and source
Radiation Protection Technology
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to:
• Describe the “total risk” concept as it applies to the
prescription of radiological work controls.
• Describe special precautions to be used when practical
to control or reduce exposures during certain
radiological conditions, such as:
assignment of stay times and timekeepers,
continuous radiological protection technician coverage,
use of alarming dosimeters or dose rate meters,
use of temporary shielding,
availability of low dose rate waiting areas, and
removal of high dose rate sources.
Radiation Protection Technology
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to:
• Describe work time reduction techniques that can be
used to reduce worker radiation exposure, such as the
pre-job planning and preparation
pre-job mockup training for worker familiarity
review of procedures for workability and efficiency
use of special tools to improve worker efficiency
improvement of worker comfort by controlling the environment
(temperature, lighting, humidity, space)
– prefabrication of equipment in low-dose or no-dose areas
– decontamination to reduce protective clothing requirements
Radiation Protection Technology
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to:
• Describe techniques by which increased distance can
be used to reduce worker radiation exposure, such as:
– positioning workers away from hot spots or high dose areas,
– using remote operators or special tools to increase worker
distance from a source, and
– removing equipment to low dose areas for maintenance.
• Discuss factors that determine the ultimate
effectiveness of installing temporary shielding, such as
the cost of installation (dollars and person-rem) versus
benefit, physical space limitations, 10CFR50.59 review
constraints, floor loading constraints, and pipe and pipe
hanger load constraints.
Radiation Protection Technology
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to:
• Describe the consequences of removing permanent or
temporary shielding without proper review and
• Explain the responsibilities of the following personnel
regarding specifying, complying with, monitoring, and
enforcing radiological protection and ALARA
workers’ supervisor
radiological protection technician
radiological protection supervisor
Radiation Protection Technology
• Session 2
– Regulatory Hierarchy and Relationships
– ALARA Philosophy
• What
• Where
• When
• Who
• Why
– Implementing ALARA – the How
• Use of Goals
• Time – Distance – Shielding
• Responsibilities
Radiation Protection Technology
• For our purpose we will define regulation as it applies
to our industry. In order to do that, we need a little
– Congress has authorized the formation of the
various regulatory commissions by the Executive
Branch which exist for the purpose of overseeing
highly specialized or technical endeavors. In our
case the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).
– The Department of Energy and other departments
serve at the cabinet level to advise the President in
specific areas of our society and oversee the
administration of the departments.
Radiation Protection Technology
• All of the agencies, departments and commissions
promulgate “rules” for operating.
– The Administrative Procedure Act (APA) is the United
States federal law that governs the way in which
those administrative agencies of the federal
government may propose and establish the “rules” or
– Under the APA, the various agencies and
commissions are permitted to promulgate detailed
rules and regulations through a public "rulemaking"
process where the public is allowed to comment.
Radiation Protection Technology
– After a period of time, the rules and regulations are
usually published in the Federal Register as “The
Code of Federal Regulation (CFR)” and carry the full
force of administrative law (regulations).
– The CFR is divided into 50 titles that represent broad
areas subject to Federal regulation.
– The Title that we will focus on here is Title 10 – Energy
– Other Titles used in our profession would be:
• Title 29 – Labor (OSHA)
• Title 49 – Transportation (RAM Shipping)
Radiation Protection Technology
“Regulatory Guide”
• Regulatory Guides (RG) provides:
– guidance to licensees and applicants on
implementing specific parts of the NRC's
– techniques used by the NRC staff in evaluating
specific problems or postulated accidents, and
– data needed by the staff in its review of
applications for permits or licenses.
• May be used by DOE when referenced in their
implementing guides.
Radiation Protection Technology
“Regulatory Guide”
• Interestingly enough, RGs are not regulations and
do not have to be followed. However, best be sure
that you know that you are satisfying regulation with
the method(s) you are using.
Radiation Protection Technology
• Reports or brochures on regulatory decisions, results of
research, results of incident investigations, and other
technical and administrative information.
• Publications Prepared by NRC Staff NUREG-(nnnn)
• Brochures Prepared by NRC Staff NUREG/BR-(nnnn)
• Conference Proceeding Prepared by NRC Staff or
Contractors NUREG/CP-(nnnn)
• Publications Prepared by NRC Contractors NUREG/CR(nnnn)
Radiation Protection Technology
• Publications Resulting from International Agreements
• Publications Available in the Agencywide Documents
Access and Management System (ADAMS)
• Drafts for Comment
• Not regulation, rather a communication tool.
Radiation Protection Technology
“Health Physics Position Papers”
• The Health Physics Positions (HPPOS) Database
(NUREG/CR-5569, Rev. 1, 1994) is a compilation of
NRC staff positions on a wide range of topics involving
radiation protection (health physics).
• It consists of over 300 documents in the forms of letters,
memoranda, and excepts from technical reports.
• The HPPOS Database was developed by NRC
Headquarters and Regional Offices to help ensure
uniformity in inspections, enforcement, and licensing
• Again not regulation, but very valuable to help
understand what the regulations mean to
Radiation Protection Technology
“License Condition and Tech Specs”
the federal regulation that stipulates the application
and licensing process to be followed for a nuclear
power plant.
• The regulation requires that “…the applicant provide
a description and safety assessment of the site and
a safety assessment of the facility.”
Radiation Protection Technology
“License Condition and Tech Specs”
• It is expected that reactors will reflect through their
design, construction and operation an extremely low
probability for accidents that could result in the
release of significant quantities of radioactive fission
• 10CFR50 also specifies that as part of the
application process, the plant must submit a set of
technical specifications for the plant.
Radiation Protection Technology
“License Condition and Tech Specs”
• The process also requires the applicant develop a
detailed Emergency Plan that becomes part of their
• Each licensee is required to develop and implement
policies and procedures as necessary to ensure that
the plant is operated in a manner that maintains the
integrity of the license requirements.
• This includes Abnormal and Emergency Operating
Procedures (AOPs and EOPs)
• Additional License Conditions may be stipulated in
the actual License issued.
Radiation Protection Technology
Specific Regulations and Guides
Scope, Principles and Use
Radiation Protection Technology
10 CFR 19, Notices, Instructions, and
Reports to Workers
• Workers rights, responsibilities , and protection
• NRC’s obligations regarding inspections and
• Licensee’s rights and responsibilities
• Addressed in station procedures
• Applies to NRC Licensed Operations
Radiation Protection Technology
10 CFR 20, Standards for Protection
Against Radiation
• Establish standards for protection against
ionizing radiation resulting from activities
conducted under licenses issued by the
Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
• It is the purpose of the regulations in this part to
control the receipt, possession, use, transfer,
and disposal of licensed material by any
licensee in a manner that prevents the limits
from being exceeded.
• Implemented by station procedures.
Radiation Protection Technology
10 CFR 835, Occupational Radiation
• The rules in this part establish radiation
protection standards, limits, and program
requirements for protecting individuals from
ionizing radiation resulting from the conduct of
DOE activities.
• Implemented by directives, implementation
guides, and site procedures.
Radiation Protection Technology
Power Reactor
RP Regulatory Guides
• RG- 8.13 - Instruction Concerning Prenatal
Radiation Exposure - This regulatory guide is
intended to:
– provide information to pregnant women, and other
– to help them make decisions regarding radiation
exposure during pregnancy.
• This Regulatory Guide 8.13 supplements Regulatory
Guide 8.29, “Instruction Concerning Risks from
Occupational Radiation Exposure”, which contains a
broad discussion of the risks from exposure to ionizing
Radiation Protection Technology
Power Reactor
RP Regulatory Guides
• RG- 8.10 - Operating Philosophy For Maintaining
Occupational Radiation Exposures As Low As Is
Reasonably Achievable - This regulatory guide
describes to licensees a general operating philosophy
acceptable to the NRC staff as a necessary basis for a
program of maintaining occupational exposures to
radiation as low as is reasonably achievable.
• Establishes:
– The equivalence of collective and individual doses
as it pertains to ALARA philosophy
– Two main conditions for any organization’s ALARA
program to be effective (discussed later)
Radiation Protection Technology
Power Reactor
RP Regulatory Guides
• RG- 8.38 - Control Of Access To High And Very High
Radiation Areas In Nuclear Power Plants - This
regulatory guide describes methods that the NRC staff
finds acceptable for implementing the specific
requirements applicable to controlling access to high
radiation areas in 10 CFR 20.1601, and additional
requirements to prevent unauthorized or inadvertent
entry into very high radiation areas which are in 10 CFR
Radiation Protection Technology
What, Where, When, Who, and Why
Radiation Protection Technology
What is ALARA?
According to 10 CFR 835 ALARA means "As Low As is Reasonably
Achievable," which is the approach to radiation
protection to manage and control exposures (both
individual and collective) to the work force and to the
general public to as low as is reasonable, taking into
account social, technical, economic, practical, and
public policy considerations.
Radiation Protection Technology
What is ALARA?
According to 10 CFR 835 –
As used in this part, ALARA is not a dose limit but a
process which has the objective of attaining doses
as far below the applicable limits of this part as is
reasonably achievable.
Radiation Protection Technology
What is ALARA?
According to 10 CFR 20 –
ALARA (acronym for “as low as is reasonably
achievable”) means making every reasonable effort
to maintain exposures to radiation as far below the
dose limits in this part as is practical consistent with
the purpose for which the licensed activity is
undertaken, taking into account the state of
technology, the economics of improvements in relation
to benefits to the public health and safety, and other
societal and socioeconomic onsiderations and in
relation to utilization of nuclear energy and licensed
materials in the public interest.
Radiation Protection Technology
What is ALARA?
• So according to the regulations it is an acronym that
refers to:
– an approach,
– a process, and
– making every reasonable effort
to keep individual and collective operational doses
and doses to the general public as low as is
reasonably achievable.
Radiation Protection Technology
Where and When is ALARA
• As noted previously, ALARA is applicable to any
activity performed by a licensee while conducting
activities associated with that license or while
engaged in approved DOE activities.
• Within 10 CFR 20.1101(b) Radiation Protection
– The licensee shall use, to the extent practicable,
procedures and engineering controls based upon
sound radiation protection principles to achieve
occupational doses and doses to members of the
public that are as low as is reasonably achievable
Radiation Protection Technology
Where and When is ALARA
• Within 835.101(c) Radiation Protection Programs,
– The content of each Radiation Protection
Program shall be commensurate with the nature
of the activities performed and shall include
formal plans and measures for applying the as
low as reasonably achievable (ALARA) process
to occupational exposure.
• 10CFR835 also requires that ALARA be considered
in the design and modification of facilities
Radiation Protection Technology
Where and When is ALARA
• Both make application of the ALARA requirement to
Planned Special Exposures (addressed in the next
• 10 CFR 20 specifically makes application of ALARA
to include TEDE (that is internal as well as external
dose equivalent) as well as deactivation and
termination of a licensed facility.
• In daily application, ALARA can be engaged in
every activity associated with radiation protection
including contamination control and radioactive
waster generation.
Radiation Protection Technology
Who Does ALARA Apply To?
• Both 10 CFR 20 and 10 CFR 835 includes
occupational exposure (workers) and exposure to
members of the general public.
• Both include the concept of individual and collective
• Each individual is tasked with the responsibility for
maintaining their dose ALARA
• Each organization is tasked with keeping their
collective doses ALARA
• Usually taken down to the department and even the
section level.
• Treated as a “dose budget”
Radiation Protection Technology
• As we will study later, the regulations establish limits
on personnel exposure well below that which will
cause noticable effects.
• So why have additional requirements to keep the
dose received ALARA below those limits?
• Remember from RPT-103 the various Dose versus
Risk Models?
• Several theories exist regarding at what point dose
imposes measurable risk.
Radiation Protection Technology
Dose vs Risk Relationships
results involve
>10 rem
10 rem
Radiation Protection Technology
Dose vs Risk Relationships
Linear-quadratic, no
Radiation Protection Technology
Dose vs Risk Relationships
Radiation Protection Technology
Dose vs Risk Relationships
Linear, threshold.
Radiation Protection Technology
Dose vs Risk Relationships
Linear, non-threshold (LNT).
Radiation Protection Technology
Dose vs Risk Relationships
Radiation Protection Technology
Dose vs Risk Relationships
Linear, non-threshold (LNT).
Basis for regulation, ALARA.
Radiation Protection Technology
• Although the risks and biological effects to human
exposures have been shown to not conclusively
exist at lower doses (<10 rem), there is some
uncertainty in the models.
• Therefore, the most conservative model is used to
express the concept of ALARA – the linear no
thresehold model.
• This is the model used by regulators in setting the
requirements of regulation.
Radiation Protection Technology
(Implementing ALARA)
Radiation Protection Technology
Regulatory Guide 8.10
DOE G 441.1-1C
Radiation Protection Technology
• Both the NRC and DOE provide “guidance” on what
is to be considered when determining if compliance
with the regulations is obtained by the Radiation
Protection Program’s ALARA Program.
• RG-8.10 states there are two basic conditions
necessary for any program keeping occupational
exposure ALARA:
– Management Commitment
– Vigilance by the Radiation Safety Officer
(RSO)and the Radiation Protection (RP) Staff
Radiation Protection Technology
RG-8.10 Management Commitment
• Plant personnel are to be made aware of the
commitment via clear policy statement and
instructions to personnel, etc. Usually achieved
– Administrative Procedures
– Program Implementing Procedures
• Management should periodically perform formal
program audits to determine the effectiveness in
maintaining doses ALARA.
• Must have a well defined Radiation Protection
Organization with clear roles and responsibilities
Radiation Protection Technology
RG-8.10 Management Commitment
• Plant workers must receive initial and annual
training in keeping with requirements of 10 CFR
19.12 for radiation protection.
• The RSO (Radiation Protection Manager) must have
authority to ensure safe radiological operations.
• Changes to maintenance and operating procedures
and to plant equipment and facilities must be made
when they will substantially reduce doses at a
reasonable cost. (discussed later)
Radiation Protection Technology
RG-8.10 - Vigilance by the RSO and
the RP Organization
• The RSO and RP Staff will conduct surveillance and
investigations to ensure doses are ALARA below
the limits.
• They are also to be vigilant in searching out new
and better ways to perform work with less dose.
Radiation Protection Technology
RG-8.10 - Vigilance by the RSO and
the RP Organization
• Includes:
– A thorough understanding of the source term
within the facility. That is, where is the radiation,
what is causing it, and what is happening to the
magnitude over time.
– An inquisitive and intrusive approach to
understanding unusual doses for particular jobs
and tasks. Always looking for effective ways to
reduce the dose received.
– Periodic review of procedures and plant
operations that might impact radiation safety.
Radiation Protection Technology
RG-8.10 - Vigilance by the RSO and
the RP Organization
• Includes:
– Provision of adequate supplies and equipment for
radiation protection activities maintained in good
– Provision of written procedures for equipment
Radiation Protection Technology
DOE G 441.1-1C
• Very similar to RG-8.10 in that it addresses the
following major topics for Implementation Guidance:
– Policy and Management Commitment
– ALARA Training
– Plans and Procedures
– Internal Assessments and Audits
– ALARA Design review
– Radiological Work/Experiment Administration and
– Records
• Much greater detail in connecting it to 10CFR835
Radiation Protection Technology
ALARA Process
• Both NRC and DOE facilities implement a formal
Radiation Protection Program with an embedded
ALARA Program.
• These ALARA programs incorporate the following
key components:
– Annual Collective Dose Goals
– ALARA Job Planning Group
– ALARA Committee Formation and Operation
Radiation Protection Technology
ALARA Process
• These ALARA programs incorporate the following
key components:
– Annual Collective Dose Goals
• Station
• Departmental
• Individual Dose Goals
By establishing and tracking these ALARA dose
goals, accountability is established for every
mrem spent at every level in an organization.
This brings ALARA into focus for everyone
Radiation Protection Technology
ALARA Process
• These ALARA programs incorporate the following
key components:
– ALARA Job Planning Group
• Review all jobs for ALARA action
• For pre-screened jobs requiring ALARA
– Initiate Radiological Work Permit (RWP)
– Collective Dose Assessment (later)
– Determine if additional ALARA review is
indicated – collective or individual dose
above an action threshold.
Radiation Protection Technology
ALARA Process
• These ALARA programs incorporate the following
key components:
– ALARA Job Planning Group
• Cost-Benefit Analysis for ALARA Actions (later)
• Additional ALARA Pre-Job Planning
– Shielding
– System Flushing
– Additional Dosimetry
– Specialized Training (Mock-Up Training)
– Innovative, specialized, tooling and
– Stay times and time-keeper requirements
Radiation Protection Technology
ALARA Process
• These ALARA programs incorporate the following
key components:
– ALARA Job Planning Group
• In-Progress ALARA Reviews
• Post-Job reviews
• Maintain Dose-Tracking Records
• Maintain Job History Files
• “Total risk” consideration – when planning a
job, the total cumulative risk for individuals
must be considered.
Radiation Protection Technology
ALARA Process
• These ALARA programs incorporate the following
key components:
– ALARA Job Planning Group
• “Total risk” consideration – when planning a
job, the total cumulative risk for individuals
must be considered.
• For example, a respirator may be indicated,
but if the combined effects of wearing the
respirator and the protective clothing actually
poses more of a risk for personnel injury, then
the path of lesser risk must be chosen.
Radiation Protection Technology
ALARA Process
• These ALARA programs incorporate the following
key formal components:
– ALARA Committee Formation and Operation
• Representatives from every department
• Chaired by member of management (typical)
• Joint review and approval of:
– station goals including dept. level goals,
– major work packages, station modifications
– procedures which impact station collective
– temporary and permanent shielding
Radiation Protection Technology
• Radiological Work Permit (sometimes called a
Radiation Work Permit) both are RWPs.
• RWPs are used to control work performed in a
radiologically controlled area or activities associated
with the use of radioactive material.
• This is achieved by specifying:
– protective clothing requirements for a job,
– contamination control requirements,
– respiratory protection requirements,
– dosimetry requirements,
– type of RPT coverage required,
– work restrictions,
Radiation Protection Technology
• This is achieved by specifying (cont’d):
– Time keeping for stay times
– Continuous RP coverage – either locally or
– Stipulation of low dose waiting areas
– Use of temporary shielding
– Removal of source term from work area
Radiation Protection Technology
• The degree of detailed ALARA planning is normally
determined by calculating the total person-rem
estimated (dose assessment) for the job. Typical
values might be:
– < 1 person-rem - normal planning process
– > 1person-rem but < 10 person-rem – ALARA
Planning Group planning process
– > 10 person-rem – ALARA Group Planning plus
review and approval by ALARA Committee
Radiation Protection Technology
• General RWPs (sometimes called Standing RWPs)
are for routine tasks with low radiological impact into
areas where radiological conditions are usually
considered to be static.
– Usually don’t allow entry into High Radiation,
Contaminated, or Airborne Areas.
– Although the total estimated dose is high, the
effective dose rate will be very low.
– These are usually written for long periods of time,
quarterly or annually in some cases.
Radiation Protection Technology
• Specific RWPs are for tasks:
– in areas not permitted by a General RWP
– requiring the breech of a radioactive system
– that may change the radiological conditions of the
• Involve detailed job planning through the ALARA
Radiation Protection Technology
Dose Assessment
• Determine effective dose rate for the work area (in
rem/hour). Use historical data where available.
• Determine estimated person-hour for the job in the
dose rate area. Use historical data where available.
• Multiple the two together to obtain the person-rem
estimate for the job.
 rem 
person  rem  
 person  hour 
 hr 
• This will determine the level of additional review
required (if any).
Radiation Protection Technology
Cost-Benefit Analysis for ALARA
• Both 10CFR835 and 10CFR20 talk in terms of
substantial reduction of doses at a reasonable
• The obvious question to answer is “How much is a
person-rem worth when doing a cost benefit
• Depending on which plant and whether you are
DOE or NRC you will come up with differing
• The average number is placed somewhere around
$13,000 per person-rem.
Radiation Protection Technology
Cost-Benefit Analysis for ALARA
Actions - Scenario
• Let’s say that based on the dose assessment, you
have a recurring job that will cost 15.0 person-rem to
perform every year when it is done.
• If you install permanent shielding, it will reduce the
person-rem received to 10.0 person-rem every year.
• What is the maximum dollar value for the shielding
project to be cost effective from an ALARA
perspective. Use $13,000 per person-rem.
Radiation Protection Technology
Cost-Benefit Analysis for ALARA
Actions - Scenario
• What is the maximum cost dollar value for the
shielding project to be cost effective from an ALARA
perspective. Use $13,000 per person-rem.
5 person-rem saved every year
$13,000 per person-rem
= $85,000
5person  rem  13,000
  $85,000
person  rem 
Radiation Protection Technology
“Big Three”
• The most effective tools in the ALARA arsenal are still
the fundamental ones.
• Time -anything that can be done to reduce the amount
of time spent in a dose rate field WILL reduce the dose
received. For example:
• Pre-planning
• Detailed plans and procedures
• Tool lists
• Scrubbing the task to identify the best way
• Pre-fab outside of dose area
• Decontaminate area to reduce clothing
requirements (improves efficiency)
Radiation Protection Technology
“Big Three”
• Time -anything that can be done to reduce the
amount of time spent in a dose rate field WILL
reduce the dose received. For example:
• Dry Runs
• Mock-ups
• Use experienced workers
• Automated processes versus manual ones
• Stay time assignment and tracking
• Improve physical environment (temperature and
humidity), increases worker efficiency.
Radiation Protection Technology
“Big Three”
• Distance – Obviously, the further from the source of
radiation, the less dose will be received.
• More effective than time
• Remember the inverse square law?
• If the source is a point source, the dose change
is inversely proportional to the square of the
distance from the source
• Use remote handling devices
• Use long-handled tools
• Remove the work to a low dose rate area
• Position worker away from source
• Robotics (time and distance)
Radiation Protection Technology
“Big Three”
• Shielding – reduce the dose rate – reduce the
• Watch the dose required to install it and, if it’s
temporary, to remove it – you must be able to
show it is a “cost-effective” installation.
• Ensure it is the proper shielding – don’t use lead
for high beta dose rates – Bremsstrahlung.
• For temporary shielding – engineering
evaluations are required for system components
and piping.
Radiation Protection Technology
“Big Three”
• Shielding – reduce the dose rate – reduce the
• For permanent installations – station modification
process must be followed with requisite
engineering and safety evaluations performed.
May require a station license amendment.
• Since all shielding serves such a critical role in
enabling dose reduction, unauthorized removal
or tampering with it is a major offense and is
dealt with as such.
• RP must approve and be present for any
alteration of shielding.
Radiation Protection Technology
Beyond the Basics
• Source Term Reduction / Removal
• System decontamination – chemical cleaning
• Flushing crud from hot spots
• Component replacement
• Strippable coatings
• Engineering
• Initial Design and subsequent design changes
• Containment – huts, glovebags, gloveboxes
• Installed or temporary ventilation
Radiation Protection Technology
Beyond the Basics
• Administrative – addressed earlier
• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
• Industrial Safety
• Fall protection
• Hearing protection
• Eye protection
• Radiological safety
• Protective clothing
• Respiratory protection
“Bag the source, not the worker.”
James Tisaranni
Radiation Protection Technology
Who’s Job Is It Anyway?
• The short answer is “everyone’s”. Each has a
specific role.
• The individual worker is responsible to conduct
their business as described by the procedures,
policies, and work documents and to “own” their
• The work group supervisor is responsible for
ensuring the worker is informed, equipped, and
empowered to do their tasks in a manner that
controls dose. The supervisor also facilitates
tracking and managing the work group dose budget.
Radiation Protection Technology
Who’s Job Is It Anyway?
• The RP Technician is responsible for the planning,
implementation, and monitoring that contributes to
the overall safest work environment for the worker.
Also responsible for protecting the environment, and
the general public from the harmful effects of
• The RP Supervisor is responsible for ensuring that
the radiological conditions of the facility are
monitored and that the appropriate procedures,
policies and postings are enacted that
communicates the hazards to the working
Radiation Protection Technology
Who’s Job Is It Anyway?
• The RP Supervisor is also responsible for ensuring
that the RP technicians are well trained and properly
equipped as well as working with the work group
supervisors in monitoring and keeping their group’s
dose ALARA.
Radiation Protection Technology
Ways to Save a Millirem
Radiation Protection Technology
What Are Your Questions?
Radiation Protection Technology
Practical Exercise - 2
Radiation Protection Technology