Lenny Farlee, Purdue Extension Forester Forest Certification What does it mean for you?

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Transcript Lenny Farlee, Purdue Extension Forester Forest Certification What does it mean for you?

Lenny Farlee, Purdue Extension Forester
Forest Certification What does it mean for you?
Certified Sustainable
Forest Management Systems
• The first step towards certified sustainable
forest products
• Must conform to established principles and
practices in forest management
• Third party certification and audit
• Intended to provide confirmation of
sustainable, legal management of the forest
and of the products coming from it.
Third Party Certification
• Goes beyond “I’m OK”, “We’re OK” to “They’re
OK” – an independent audit procedure.
• Underwriters Laboratories – the UL seal
• USDA food safety certification - USDA grade A
• American National Standards Institute – ANSI
ISO certifications.
• Standards are set and products/operations
audited to assure compliance.
Two Major Sectors: Forest Certification
and Chain-of-Custody Certification
• Forest certification deals with forest
management systems, impacts on
communities and people, and the primary
forest products produced – land ownership
• Chain-of-custody certification tracks certified
forest products from the forest, through the
manufacturing process, to the consumer –
product ownership based.
Some of the Certification Players
• Forest Stewardship Council – FSC
• Stated mission is to create a
marketplace that promotes wellmanaged forests by ensuring
forestry practices that are
environmentally responsible,
socially equitable, and
economically viable.
• > 60 Million acres in US
• Sustainable Forestry Initiative – SFI
Stated Mission: The
Sustainable Forestry
Initiative (SFI) program is
based on the premise that
responsible environmental
behavior and sound
business decisions can coexist to the benefit of
landowners, manufacturers,
shareholders, customers,
the people they serve, the
environment, and future
94.2 million acres in
US – 2007
• American Tree Farm System – ATFS
• 24 million acres of
privately-held forest land
• Operating in the United
States since 1941
• Currently offers some
group certification options
• Now has certification
under an international
program for forest
certification systems –
PEFC – Programme for the
Endorsement of Forest
Certification Schemes
Why Be Certified?
• Independent confirmation that you use good
management practices
• Access to certified product markets
• Opportunities for price premiums for some
certified products
• Access to other “Green
• Public relations tool
Building Green – a driving
force behind some
certified forest products
• “Green” Construction
Standards may specify or
provide extra credit for
using certified sustainable
products from one or
more certification
•Green Globes
Possible Downsides to Certification
Costs to obtain and maintain certification
Increased record keeping
May limit your flexibility in management
Someone will be looking over your shoulder
Uncertainty for the future of certification
systems and markets –
Who will be the top certifier?
Will significant markets develop and last?
Will price and market access offset costs?
Certification for Small Landowners
• Group Certification provides a lower, or in
some cases, no cost option for certification of
smaller ownerships
• You become certified as a member of a group
• Groups have a manager who assures
compliance to the standard by members
Groups could be formed by:
•Forest Mgmt company
•Landowners association
•SWCD or similar group
Group Certification Opportunities
• Indiana Classified Forest and Wildlands
program is being used to create group
certification opportunities for individual
forest landowners in the program.
• The program has ATFS and FSC group
certification for eligible lands in the
• Indiana Div of Forestry is covering the entry
and annual costs of certification and will
manage the group.
Group Certification Opportunities
• The American Tree Farm System (ATFS)
program is now certified by the PEFC –
Programme for the Endorsement of Forest
Certification Schemes
An independent, non-profit, nongovernmental organization, founded in 1999
which promotes sustainably managed forests
through independent third party certification.
The largest forest certification system in the
Tree Farm certification requirements
• Management plan: The management plan requirements help streamline
the process for Tree Farm owners to participate in USDA conservation
incentive programs. The management plan requirements under the
2010-2015 Standards correlate with the US Forest Service guidelines for
forest stewardship program forest management plans. Tree Farm
management plans will address the following elements as appropriate:
• landowner objectives
• forest condition and health
• management activities/ prescriptions
• tract map
• soils and water resources
• wood and fiber production
• threatened and endangered species,
• high conservation value forests and
other special sites
• invasive species and integrated pest management
Compliance with Laws
Reforestation and Afforestation
Air, Water, and Soil Protection – BMP’s, pesticide use
Fish, Wildlife and Biodiversity – T&E species
Protect Special Sites - unique historical, archeological,
cultural, geological, biological or ecological characteristics.
• Forest owner must monitor forest product
harvests and other management activities to
ensure they conform to the management plan
Certified Acreage in the Region
• Ohio is seeking FSC and SFI certification for state
forests – 185,000 ac.
• Indiana has FSC and SFI on state forests – 150,000.
ATFS on C.F. – 460,000 ac.+
• Wisconsin has FSC and SFI on 2.9 MM acres of state
and county forests. ATFS on 2 MM ac. private forest
and seeking FSC.
• Pennsylvania has 3.3 MM ac. state forest in FSC.
• Michigan has 3.9 MM ac. in FSC and SFI
Developments Influencing Forest
• Demand for certified products is trending up
• Green Building legislation in many states –
including IN, KY, OH
• Pressure from consumers to be “Green”
• Corporate desire to be seen as “Green”
• Increasing specification for certified wood
• THE BIG ? – is this a fad or is this a market
trend? How much of the marketplace will it
occupy? Increasing demand over 10 + years.
Contacts for Forest Certification
• Tree Farm: www.treefarmsystem.org or
contact your local forester
• PEFC: www.pefc.org/
• FSC: www.fscus.org
• SFI: www.aboutsfi.org
Your Friendly Local State
Tree Farm Committee
Unconventional Opportunities – they’re
not for everyone, but work for some.
Carbon Markets for Conservation
• Carbon sequestration programs offer private
landowners an opportunity to access $ for
certain conservation practices
• The Chicago Climate Exchange, no longer
operating, provided a market trading
platform for sale and purchase of Carbon
Offset Credits, while producing verifiable
reductions in carbon emissions from
How the CCX used to work
• Entities voluntarily agree to reduce carbon
emissions through time
• Part (but not all) of the reduction can be from
purchased offsets
• Practices that sequester carbon can be
registered to sell accumulated carbon as
verified offsets
• Most landowners must work through an
aggregator to sell their carbon on the CCX
Types of Carbon Offsets
Tree Planting – urban and afforestation
Grassland planting
No-till farming
Managed forest lands
Range mgmt
Methane capture
Afforestation- tree planting or natural regen.
• Must have occurred since Jan. 1, 2003 on land
previously non-forested or degraded for at least the
previous 10 years.
• Contract to maintain the project in forest for 15
Managed Forest – NIPF land
• Must be sustainably certified – SFI, FSC, or ATFS
group certification
• Inventoried to establish baseline carbon
• Letter of intent to maintain certified sustainable
management for 15 years
What is Carbon Worth?
• A metric ton of carbon (2200lbs) was worth
$1.80 to $1.90 on 10/1/08 (CCX quote)
• Some annual carbon sequestration values per
• Tree plantations – 1 to 3 tons
• Managed forest – 1 to 3 tons
• Grass plantings – 1 ton
• Conservation tillage – 0.6 ton
Who can help me sell my carbon?
• Aggregators work with individuals to develop
pools of carbon that can be sold
• XXXXX Delta Institute: www.deltacarbon.org
312 554-0900
• ?????? AgraGate: http://www.agragate.com/
866 633-6758
• ?????? National Farmers Union:
http://www.nfu.org 701-952-0116
• FORECON: http://www.foreconinc.com
616 874-9934
The Fine Print
• Some expected fees to deduct from your income off
carbon• CCX charges $0.20 per ton of carbon traded
• Your aggregator will generally charge a commission
on carbon sales – 10% is normal
• Verification fees are generally shared by the
members of the carbon pool being sold – your share
will depend on the relative size of your practice in
the carbon pool.
• 20% holdback of annual carbon sequestration to
cover potential losses – released at contract end
Considerations in Selling Carbon
• Agricultural, grassland planting, and
afforestation carbon offset credits are
relatively easy to access
• Extra income for good land conservation
• Managed Forest program is limited by
sustainable certification requirements and
cost of inventory – probably only feasible for
larger forest holdings: 100+ acres?
• Annual reporting is required – you may be
audited to assure compliance