Video  Video consists of image frames captured from real motion and shown in succession  Animation is similar except that the frames are synthesized  The.

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Transcript Video  Video consists of image frames captured from real motion and shown in succession  Animation is similar except that the frames are synthesized  The.

Video consists of image frames captured from real motion and
shown in succession
Animation is similar except that the frames are synthesized
The frame rate is the number of frames shown per second (fps)
One minute of uncompressed video requires significant storage: 1.6
GB to 1.85 GB
Compression can be accomplished on the recording device or using
a video capture card
The IEEE 1394 (firewire) interface standard is often used for video
Analog Video
An image on a TV is drawn row by row from left to right,
starting at the top left of the screen
After the image has been drawn, it moves back up and
begins again
The refresh rate of a TV is the number of times it draws a
new image per second
The refresh rate is measured in Hertz (basically, per
Analog Video
There are two main TV formats:
• NTSC - National Television System Committee
• PAL – Phase Alternating Line
NTSC is used in America and Japan, while PAL is used
in Europe and Australia
An NTSC TV has a refresh rate of 60 Hz, while a PAL TV
has a refresh rate of 50 Hz
Standard movie frame rate: 24 fps
Video Codecs
An algorithm that shrinks the size of a movie to allow
the movie to be played on a computer or from a
codec is short for compressor / decompressor
Use lossy compression
Some video codecs are “software only” while others
require special hardware
Video Codecs
Most codecs are block-oriented
Divide the frame into blocks
Sometimes you can see the block of pixels when a video
Codecs differ in how the blocks are encoded
Video Architectures
Handles and synchronizes video files
An architecture creates file formats with its codecs
Examples of Architectures:
RealSystem G3
Microsoft Windows Media
The architecture you choose determines which codecs
you can use
Not all codecs are available for every architecture
Compression Techniques
Codecs compress video using two techniques:
• Temporal Compression
• Spatial Compression
Temporal compression eliminates information that is not
Spacial compression eliminates information that is not
necessary for visual continuity over time
necessary for continuity over area
Other compression can be accomplished by reducing
colors, frame rate, and audio quality
Temporal Compression
Temporal compression looks for differences between
consecutive frames
A keyframe is a frame that is used as the basis for
Keyframes contain the entire image
A delta frame (or difference frame) contains only the
areas that are different from one frame to the next
keyframe, delta, delta, …, keyframe, delta, delta, ...
Several keyframes are chosen throughout the movie
whenever significant changes occur
Spacial Compression
Generally focuses on individual frames
If an area is all one color, the area is defined using
geometry and the color stored once
Combines bitmap and raster graphics concepts
Temporal and spacial compression work in concert
Asymmetric vs. Symmetric
A codec can be asymmetric:
• Encoding process is slower than the decoding process
• Better suited for movies that are prerecorded and played back
Or symmetric:
• Encoding process takes about the same time as the decoding
• Better suited for live broadcasts or video teleconferencing
Video Codecs
Some popular video codecs:
• Sorenson Video
• Cinepak
– MPEG-1
– MPEG-2
– MPEG-4
• Real Video:
– RealVideo G2
– RealVideo 8
• H.261 / H.263
Sorenson Video Codec
Developed by Sorenson Vision, Inc (
• High compression
• High-quality/low data rates
• High-end processors NOT needed
Recommended for:
• Web video (fast viewing rates)
• CD-ROM video (fit more movies on a CD-ROM)
It is asymmetric
A hardware specific version is also available
Sorenson Video Codec
Sorenson is supported by the QuickTime 3 and 4
It uses:
• variable encoding
• vector quantization
• motion compensation
Variable Encoding
Adjusts the bit depth according to how much action
the scene contains
Two-pass encoding technique
Movie is analyzed to determine “easy” and “difficult”
Movie is compressed intelligently:
• Attempts to give each frame the optimum number of bytes
Vector Quantization
Image divided into segments (vectors)
The mean value of each segment is subtracted from the
individual pixels in the segment (residual vector pattern)
Each residual segment pattern is compared to a set of
previously determined patterns (stored in a codebook)
The codebook entry pattern closest to the residual vector
pattern is determined
The binary address of the codebook entry is sent to
receiver to be decoded
Vector Quantization
The decoder only needs the address of the residual
pattern and the mean value of the individual segments
If codebook pattern entries are determined ahead of time
according to test imagery, the quality of the movie will be
The number of codebook entries can be increased
substantially without too much effect on the bandwidth
Motion Compensation
From frame-to-frame, there is usually some translation
of blocks of pixels due to motion
Successive frames in a motion sequence are searched
to determine the motion compensation vectors
Motion compensation vectors indicate the direction and
distance of translation of block of pixels that has moved
The whole frame does not have to be translated - the
vectors contain the information on how to reconstruct
the new frame from the previous frame
Sorenson Tools
Allows for a media key so that the video can be locked
with a password
Tries to determine when new scenes begin and marks
them as key frames (smart screen change detection)
Allows the user to insert a custom watermark on all
Allows the user to specify intervals at which frames
should be dropped to increase playback performance
Codec maintained by Compression Techniques, Inc.
Medium-quality CD-ROM video
Does not require a lot of processing power
Is asymmetric
Uses vector quantization
Cinepak video codec is supported by the following
• Video for Windows
• QuickTime
Developed by Motion Picture Expert’s group
MPEG is both a file format and a codec (a file format that
employs compression algorithms)
Usually requires special hardware for encoding
Usually requires substantial CPU power/special
hardware for playback
Mainly used for high-end desktop video
MPEG is an open standard
MPEG is a family of codecs containing:
• MPEG-1
• MPEG-2
• MPEG-4 (approved in 1999)
MPEG supported by the following architectures:
QuickTime 3
DirectShow 6
Video CD
DVD Video
Windows Media
RealVideo a family of codecs containing:
• RealVideo 8
• RealVideo G2
Usually used for streaming video
Both RealVideo codecs are scalable
• compensates if the connection bit rate is slower than the bit rate used
to encode the video
• Allows for smoother playback on a wide range of machines
Requires a high-end computer for optimal encoding/decoding
RealPlayer 8 supports variable encoding