Christians and Capital Punishment Genesis 9:6 Romans 13:1-5 Christians and Capital Punishment Genesis 9:6 Romans 13:1-5

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Transcript Christians and Capital Punishment Genesis 9:6 Romans 13:1-5 Christians and Capital Punishment Genesis 9:6 Romans 13:1-5

Christians and Capital Punishment

Genesis 9:6 Romans 13:1-5

Christians and Capital Punishment

Genesis 9:6 Romans 13:1-5


“The British government does not support the use of the death penalty in Iraq or anywhere else. We advocate an end to the death penalty worldwide regardless of the individual or the crime.”


“An execution is always tragic news, reason for sadness, even in the case of a person who is guilty of grave crimes.” “The position of the Catholic Church against the death penalty…has been reiterated many times.”

A. Capital Punishment: Commanded in the O.T.

Capital Punishment: A government putting a human being to death for a capital crime.

 What determines a capital crime can vary somewhat.

 Historically willful or premeditated murder has always been considered a capital crime.

A. Capital Punishment:

Commanded in the O.T.

We have an innate sense that there is something unique and special about human life.

 Genesis 4:10-16

The Case of Cain


His brother’s blood cried out to God.

 Numbers 35:33; Revelation 6:9-11; 16:4-6 2.

Cain realized what he had done was worthy of death (4:13-16).


God commuted his sentence to banishment.

Genesis 9:6

 God is making a covenant with Noah and

his descendents.

 He represents the whole human race and he is the representative of what will become human government at that moment.

Genesis 9:6

 God says human life must be sanctified in the formal putting to death of murderers by other human agents who he authorizes to do so.

 The reason God gives for this action is that human life is sacred because it is created in the image of God.

Genesis 9:6

 This command was given to all mankind before the law of Israel was established.

 It is a command of God that is still applicable to all nations.

Carl F.H. Henry “Where the state considers the life of a deliberate murderer to have greater value than the life of an innocent victim, it demeans the imago Dei in mankind.”

Chuck Colson “To kill a person was tantamount to killing God in effigy.”

C. S. Lewis “To be punished, however severely, because we deserved it, because we ‘ought to have known better,’ is to be treated as a human person made in God’s image.”

Jewish Law












21 Offences

Murder Act against a judge 12.


Homosexuality Bestiality Causing a miscarriage False testimony Negligence (Ox) Idolatry Blasphemy Witchcraft False prophecy Apostasy Sabbath breaking 14.








Adultery Rape Incest Cursing parents Rebellion by children Kidnapping Drunkenness by a priest Unanointed individuals touching the holy furnishings in the temple •Great influence in the past on American jurisprudence

B. Capital Punishment: Affirmed by Jesus

 1.



John 8:1-11 v. 6 They were trying to trap Him in sedition v. 7 They failed to follow fully their own law  Deuteronomy 17: 6-7 This was a mob (kangaroo court)

Jesus’ Trial

 John 19:10-11  He affirmed Pilate’s right and authority to use the death penalty.

C. Capital Punishment: Defended by Paul

 We must look at all 27 books of the New Testament.

 Paul wrote most of the New Testament.

 He defended the use of capital punishment.

C. Capital Punishment: Defended by Paul


On a person level, he never denied the validity of Genesis 9:6.

 Acts 25:11  Paul willingly submitted to his death at the hands of the Roman government (2 Timothy).

C. Capital Punishment: Defended by Paul


   Romans 13:1-5 Longest and most definitive passage.

Inspired by the Holy Spirit.

 He reiterates several truths: Government is gift from God (v.1).

  Government is good because it maintains order (v.2-3).

Government has the right to execute.

C. Capital Punishment: Defended by Paul

 He reiterates several truths:   (v.3) terror; free from fear.

(v.4) be afraid; does not bear the sword for nothing; an agent of wrath to bring punishment.

The United States

 Sanctioned in 38 of 50 states.

 Sanctioned by Federal Government (Timothy McVeigh).

 Sanctioned by the military.

The United States

 The “books” still call for capital punishment for crimes beyond murder.

 Aggravated kidnapping in Georgia, Idaho, Kentucky, and SOUTH CAROLINA.  Legal methods still vary on the books.

The United States

 We pretty much have reduced the means to lethal injection.

 We have also reduced the punishable offense to murder.

 “In practice, no one has been executed for a crime other than murder…since 1964”.

The United States

 We only have one inmate in the country on death row for an offence other than murder.

 The average wait time after conviction is around 10 years.

The United States

 We only execute one person for about every 700 murders committed.

 We only execute one person for every 325 murder convictions.

So What Shall We Say?


The Bible commands capital punishment at least for murder.


Any government that fails to carry out this task is failing its people and its God given responsibility.

So What Shall We Say?


Our government is failing us and needs to be challenged to carry out its role.


We should elect people who support the use of the death penalty.


We should call for a revamping of the system for swifter executions and broader use of execution.

So What Shall We Say?


The purpose of capital punishment is not so much to deter as to uphold justice. 7.

No one has been shown to have been innocent who has been put to death, and in 99% of the cases there is no question about the matter. A government cannot allow itself to be paralyzed.

So What Shall We Say?


God Himself will use capital punishment in the use of eternal punishment in hell, called eternal death or the second death.