Microphysics Agenda 8:45-9 Summary of the Nov 2005 Microphysics Workshop (Gettelman) 9-9:40 Progress in implementing detailed microphysics: 1.

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Transcript Microphysics Agenda 8:45-9 Summary of the Nov 2005 Microphysics Workshop (Gettelman) 9-9:40 Progress in implementing detailed microphysics: 1.

Microphysics Agenda
8:45-9 Summary of the Nov 2005 Microphysics Workshop
9-9:40 Progress in implementing detailed microphysics:
1. Scheme description and single column tests (Morrison)
2. First global tests and timing (Neale/Gettelman)
9:40-10 Other Efforts of note (Heymsfield, Mitchell, others)
10-10:15 Next Steps & plans for coupling with other model
components (Gettelman)
10:15-10:30 Discussion
CAM Microphysics
Development Group
Summary of Fall 2005 Workshop
Gettelman, Ghan, Hess, Mitchell
Workshop Details
• November 2005, NCAR, Boulder, CO
• Attendees: 30 people
– 17 NCAR (6 CGD, 5 MMM, 3 ACD, 3 RAL)
• Funded by NSF SGER Grant
• Ongoing work in CAM
– Mailing list w/ 40 people
• Detailed white paper with results
• Info:
Workshop Science Goals
‘Better’ Microphysics to enable:
• Aerosol Indirect Effects
• Cloud Feedbacks
• Reduction of Model Biases
• Involve and engage community
• Implementation for CAM4
– 2 year development timeline
Outline of Nov Discussions
Science Goals
CAM Code and implementation
Summary (white paper) on microphysics
Implementation Plan
Plan A: New Microphysics framework
Based on ‘2-moment’ scheme (1- mass 2- size distribution)
Initial scoping study to put an existing scheme into SCAM/CAM
Plan B: Aerosol extensions to CAM3 microphysics
Marginal improvements with existing CAM microphysics framework
Provides some size information to get indirect effects
Also requires interaction with additional model components
Convection, Radiation, Cloud fraction
‘Conceptual Model’ developed
Diagnostics & Observations group formed for evaluation
Goal: have ‘baseline’ for discussion by March 2006
Assigned people to basic tasks for (A)
Conceptual Model
• Size-resolved cloud particles
• Consistent treatment of:
– particles, clouds, radiation
• Other components to interact with:
– Aerosols (nucleation, scavenging)
– Radiation
– Convection (detrained condensate)
– Turbulence/GW (subgrid W)
w’,c, qc
#,m (aerosol)
f, qc,s
Macro-micro interface?
Gravity Wave
We build
‘Wiring’ Experiment: Microphysics
Current Status
• Initial implementation of moment scheme
– ‘Modified Morrison Microphysics’
– Discussion follows: Single Column & CAM
• Some diagnostic activity
– Field/Wood Cyclone Diagnostics run in CAM
• Next Steps (see later talk)
– Get feedback from AMWG & ChemWG
– Continue work on ‘Plan A’
• Conceptual & engineering issues
– Begin interaction with other components
• Aerosols, Convection, Radiation
Affiliation Phase
s ome G C M , s imple
F avorites
A ndrew G ettelman N C A R /C G D
ic e
P hil Ras c h
N C A R /C G D
I c e, liquid,
aeros ols
c irrus
c irrus ,
mic rophys ic s , aeros ols sintratiform,
c urrent C A M
c onvec tion
L eo D onner
ic e,liquid
G FD L G C M c onvec tion c onvec tion
G raham Feingold
bin & bulk, no G C M
Steven G han
ic e, liquid,
aeros ols
Ric hard N eale
N C A R /C G D
C hris Bretherton
U W- Seattle
s upers aturation
I nteres ted in ic e and s upers aturation, als o whole
pic ture: putting model together
ic e proc es s es , c onvec tive mas s fluxes , trac er
trans port and aeros ol
A M WG C o- C hair
c onvec tion, vertic al veloc ity, double moment
mic rophys ic s , mes os c ale c omponent
A M WG C o- C hair
J ón E gill Kris tjáns s on
U O s lo
aeros ols ,
water/ic e
boundary layer autoc onvers ion, growth, c ollis ion c oales c enc e,
c louds
evaporation of prec ipitation for G C M s
D eveloped bin and bulk s c hemes
N uc leation/A c tivation P arameterization, aeros ols
G C M aeros ols &
in C A M 2 , C C M 3 . P D F of updraft veloc ity, Sudinteres
grid ted in s haring s c hemes in C A M , getting
mic rophys ic s
autoc onvers ion, Radiation
indirec t effec ts going
A tmos pheric M odel L ias on, expec ts to work on
c onvec tion
c onvec tion
c onvec tion
c onvec tion
P BL , s hallow
G C M parameterization c umulus
turbulenc e, boundary layer, s hallow c umulus c rude mic rophys ic s in s c hemes , want more.
C A M prognos tic water,
developed c urrent s c heme with Ras c h, interes ted
C A M aeros ol pac kage aeros ols
aeros ol indirec t effec ts , ic e c louds
in helping with next s c heme
Xiaohong L iu
U M ic higan
ic e
C A M ic e/aeros ols
E ric Jens en
N A SA A mes ic e
A ndrew H eyms field N C A R /M M M ic e
c irrus , ic e,
aeros ols
c irrus ,
c onvec tion
Bin mic rophys ic s
Bin,Bulk mic rophys ic s
and G C M
c irrus
ic e nuc leation & # c onc etnration, homogenousdeveloping s c heme to do ic e indirec t effec ts ,
nuc leation, mixed phas e c loud.
working on tying to radiation
P utting C A RM A into C A M , happy to help with
Bin mic rophys ic al model into C A M
c omparis ons
s edimentation veloc ity, ic e proc es s es and indirec
t ted in c ontinuing paramerization work for
effec ts , s mall ic e partic les
s edimentation
A lexei K orloev
M et Servic e
C anada
ic e, liquid
H ugh M orris on
ic e, liquid
G reg T homps on
N C A R /R A L
ic e, liquid
frontal, mid-lat, c ollec tion of in- s itu obs ervations of re v. T , I WC
C an provide 'parameterizations ' bas ed on large
s tratiform c louds
v. T , pdfs , L WP ,e tc
numbers of in-s itu obs ervations .
H as a 2 moment s c heme for M M 5 , working on
moment mic rophys ic s for
WRF and C RM implementations with M M M ,
mes os c ale models
s tratiform
nuc leation proc es s es , rec onc ile nuc leation theory
interes ted in C A M applic ation.
autoc onvers ion, s now->graupel, c as e s tudy M os tly s ingle moment s c heme with double
M M 5 mic rophys ic s
s imulations , c ollec tion ic e/s now
moment ic e.
Bill H all
N C A R /R A L
ic e, liquid
M M 5 , WRF mic rophys ic s
P aul F ield
C huc k B ardeen
N C A R /M M M liquid
ic e, liquid
Rob Wood
U W- Seattle
J amie Smith
Ben J ohns on
N C A R /U KM O liquid
C atherine C huang
aeros ols
D avid M itc hell
ic e
ic e,
c onvec tion
P eter H es s
N C A R /A C D aeros ols
O T H E RS: Smith, Barth, D udhia, L amarque
O bs ervations , in- s itu
meas urements
4 autoc onvers ion parameterizations , multiple has a good way to put s tuff into WRF , working
levels of c ons is tenc y
with T homps on, M orris on, Ras s mus en
with Rob Wood: databas e of c ompos ite
midlatitude c yc lones to apply to C A M . I nteres ted
mes os c ale proc es s es midlat c yc lones prec ipitation, c loud s truc ture
in helping with evaluation
bin mic rophys ic s
aeros ols
bin mic rophyis c s , aeros ols
working with Jens en on C A RM A in C A M
obs , warm rain
warm rain, autoc onvers ion, s c avenging, metricmetric
s with P aul Field, has a parameterization,
and diagnos tic s , aeros ol s c avenging
working now on aeros ols
is otopes in L E S and C RM models . T inkering with
L E S , C RM
deep c onvec tionC A M and bin M ic rophys ic s
P D F c loud frac tion s c heme for C A M , modified will be leaving s oon for U KM O to do s omething
P D F s c heme for water c loud frac tion s lingo c loud frac tion s c heme
els e
bin aeros ol in c hem
aeros ol bin model into c am, c loud drop
working on aeros ol c loud interac tions in N WP
aeros ols
nuc leation, optic al properties
midlat and tropic al c irrus , bimodal.
has 3 different s c hemes at various levels , als o
Supers aturation, analytic framework for
working on optic al properties . L ink aeros ol
obs , ic e parameterization
c irrus , ic e
aggregation, nuc leation, advec tion
indirec t effec ts to c irrus drop freezing
C limate- C hem WG c o-c hair. Working on aers ols
c hemic al models
aeros ols
c hemis try in c limate models , aeros ols
and c hemis try in C A M