Evaluation Support Mechanisms Presentation to International Reference Group 30 November, 2009 Joint Evaluation of the Paris Declaration, Phase 2 Core Team.

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Transcript Evaluation Support Mechanisms Presentation to International Reference Group 30 November, 2009 Joint Evaluation of the Paris Declaration, Phase 2 Core Team.

Evaluation Support Mechanisms
Presentation to International Reference Group
30 November, 2009
Joint Evaluation of the Paris Declaration, Phase 2
Core Team
Country Studies
Kyrgyz Rep.
Vietnam, Nepal,
Sri Lanka
Senegal, Benin,
Cameroon, Mali
Ghana, Malawi,
South Africa,
Uganda, Zambia,
Joint Evaluation of the Paris Declaration, Phase 2
Cook Islands
Core Team
Donor / Agency HQ Studies
UK, Finland, France,
Germany, Luxembourg,
Netherlands, Denmark
Spain, Ireland,
Austria, Sweden
Phase 1 updates
New Zealand
Phase 2 studies
Joint Evaluation of the Paris Declaration, Phase 2
Core Team
Support Mechanisms for Country Evaluation
– a Service
• Focused on assuring quality to the ‘process’ and the
‘product’ of the Country Evaluation.
• People based approach – using continuous communication
and engagement at scheduled milestone points.
• Maximising opportunities for shared learning.
• Result - getting all countries to complete strong evaluations
(national/ global) within the timeframe set by the International
Reference Group.
Joint Evaluation of the Paris Declaration, Phase 2
Core Team
Country Evaluation Support – Start Up
• Design of Generic ToR – focus on the common questions
(Regional Workshops Oct-Nov 2009)
• Source of Guidance to the National Evaluation Coordinators
on Country Specific ToR, on terminology (Glossary), on the
selection and contracting of Evaluation Teams and on a
communication plan.
• Briefing of Evaluation Teams and National Coordinators –
focus on sources of evidence/ common indicators, methods
and tools (Regional Workshops March-April 2010)
• ‘Getting Started’ pack for Evaluation Teams – background
information in the form of a Country Dossier and including a
digest of material from the Literature Review.
Joint Evaluation of the Paris Declaration, Phase 2
Core Team
Country Evaluation Support – Evaluation
• Evaluation support to engage long-distance or in country at
key milestones (to extent Core Evaluation Team resources
Event: Presentation/ discussion of country Evaluation
Workplan (including Matrix)
Event: Presentation/ discussion of Country Evaluation
Inception Report
Stage where Team analyses evidence & prepares “emerging
Event: Presentation/ discussion of Draft Evaluation Report
This engagement along the way with country evaluations will
also strengthen the Synthesis later.
Joint Evaluation of the Paris Declaration, Phase 2
Core Team
Support - Donor/ Agency HQ Evaluation
• The development of the “Generic Terms of Reference” for
Donor/Agency HQ Evaluations
• Professional advice to the Evaluation Coordinator and members of
the Reference Group on the basis for and processes of selection,
contracting and briefing of HQ Evaluation Teams
• Ongoing advice and support to HQ Evaluation Teams to ensure the
coherence of the evaluation (including effective intersection points
with the Country Evaluations) and the comparability of its different
• Support will be mainly web-based (‘the Extranet’), remote support,
but can also be face-to-face on a selective basis.
Joint Evaluation of the Paris Declaration, Phase 2
Core Team
Introduction to the Extranet
Communication and
Information Sharing
Joint Evaluation of the Paris Declaration, Phase 2
Core Team
Introduction to the Extranet
What is it?
A secure, password-protected website,
available anywhere in the world, 24
hours a day
Joint Evaluation of the Paris Declaration, Phase 2
Core Team
Introduction to the Extranet
To facilitate the management and
sharing of electronic documents and
communication within teams and
between teams
Joint Evaluation of the Paris Declaration, Phase 2
Core Team
Introduction to the Extranet
Core functions:
• Library: electronic filing, information
management and version tracking
• Support Centre: Inter- and intra- team
communication, advice and support
• Calendar: Activity and milestone
Joint Evaluation of the Paris Declaration, Phase 2
Core Team
Introduction to the Extranet
Other Functions and Tools:
Public and private document storage for
all teams
Contacts Directory
Discussion Board
Progress reporting via Timeline
Joint Evaluation of the Paris Declaration, Phase 2
Core Team
Introduction to Extranet
Trilingual: Main content available in
English, French and Spanish
Simple: Easy and intuitive to use,
designed for low-speed connections
Support: Full video tutorials available
once logged in
Joint Evaluation of the Paris Declaration, Phase 2
Core Team
Continuous Quality Assurance – proactive
and reactive
• Open channel of communication between Core
Evaluation Team and the ‘teams’ involved in the
Country Evaluations and the Donor/Agency HQ
• Bi-monthly monitoring reports on evaluation
• “Trouble-shooting” capacity
• A contribution to evaluation capacity development
Joint Evaluation of the Paris Declaration, Phase 2
Core Team