Literature Mining and Systems Biology Lars Juhl Jensen EMBL Why? Overview • Information retrieval: finding the papers • Entity recognition: identifying the substance(s) • Information extraction:

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Transcript Literature Mining and Systems Biology Lars Juhl Jensen EMBL Why? Overview • Information retrieval: finding the papers • Entity recognition: identifying the substance(s) • Information extraction:

Literature Mining and
Systems Biology
Lars Juhl Jensen
• Information retrieval: finding the papers
• Entity recognition: identifying the substance(s)
• Information extraction: formalizing the facts
• Text mining: finding nuggets in the literature
• Integration: combining text and biological data
• IR, ER, and simple IE
methods are fairly well
• Advanced NLP-based IE
systems are rapidly being
• Methods for text mining
and text/data integration
are still in their infancy
Mitotic cyclin (Clb2)-bound Cdc28 (Cdk1
homolog) directly phosphorylated Swe1 and this
modification served as a priming step to promote
subsequent Cdc5-dependent Swe1
hyperphosphorylation and degradation
Information retrieval
• Ad hoc information retrieval
 The user enters a query/a set of keywords
 The system attempts to retrieve the relevant texts from
a large text corpus (typically Medline)
• Text categorization
 A training set of texts is created in which texts are
manually assigned to classes (often only yes/no)
 A machine learning methods is trained to classify texts
 This method can subsequently be used to classify a
much larger text corpus
Ad hoc IR
• These systems are very useful since the user can
provide any query
 The query is typically Boolean (yeast AND cell cycle)
 A few systems instead allow the relative weight of each
search term to be specified by the user
• The art is to find the relevant papers even if they
do not actually match the query
 Ideally our example sentence should be extracted by the
query yeast cell cycle although none of these words are
Automatic query expansion
• In a typical query, the user will not have provided
all relevant words and variants thereof
• By automatically expanding queries with
additional search terms, recall can be improved
 Stemming removes common endings (yeast / yeasts)
 Thesauri can be used to expand queries with synonyms
and/or abbreviations (yeast / S. cerevisiae)
 The next logical step is to use ontologies to make
complex inferences (yeast cell cycle / Cdc28 )
Document similarity
• The similarity of two documents can be defined
based on their word content
 Each document can be represented by a word vector
 Words should be weighted based on their frequency and
background frequency
 The most commonly used scheme is tf*idf weighting
• Document similarity can be used in ad hoc IR
 Rather than matching the query against each document
only, the N most similar documents are also considered
Document clustering
• Unsupervised clustering algorithms can be applied
to a document similarity matrix
 All pairwise document similarities are calculated
 Clusters of “similar documents” can be constructed
using one of numerous standard clustering methods
• Practical uses of document clustering
 The “related documents” function in PubMed
 Logical organization of the documents found by IR
Text categorization
• These systems are a lot less flexible than ad hoc
systems but can attain better accuracy
 Works on a pre-defined set of document classes
 Each class is defined by manually assigning a number
of documents to it
• Method
 Rules may be manually crafted based on a very small
set of manually classified documents
 Statistical machine learning methods can be trained on
a large number of classified documents
Mitotic cyclin (Clb2)-bound Cdc28 (Cdk1
homolog) directly phosphorylated Swe1 and this
modification served as a priming step to promote
subsequent Cdc5-dependent Swe1
hyperphosphorylation and degradation
Hints in the text
 Strong: Cdc28 and Swe1 (“cell cycle” and “yeast”)
 Weaker: mitotic cyclin, Clb2, and Cdk1 ( “cell cycle)
Machine learning
• Input features
Word content or bi-/tri-grams
Part-of-speech tags
Filtering (stop words, part-of-speech)
Singular value decomposition
• Training
 Support vector machines are best suited
 Choice of kernel function
 Separate training and evaluation sets, cross validation
Entity recognition
• An important but boring problem
 The genes/proteins/drugs mentioned within a given text
must be identified
• Recognition vs. identification
 Recognition: find the words that are names of entities
 Identification: figure out which entities they refer to
 Recognition without identification is of limited use
Mitotic cyclin (Clb2)-bound Cdc28 (Cdk1
homolog) directly phosphorylated Swe1 and this
modification served as a priming step to promote
subsequent Cdc5-dependent Swe1
hyperphosphorylation and degradation
Entities identified
 S. cerevisiae proteins: Clb2 (YPR119W), Cdc28
(YBR160W), Swe1 (YJL187C), and Cdc5 (YMR001C)
• Features
 Morphological: mixes letters and digits or ends on -ase
 Context: followed by “protein” or “gene”
 Grammar: should occur as a noun
• Methodologies
 Manually crafted rule-based systems
 Machine learning (SVMs)
• But what can it be used for?
• A good synonyms list is the key
 Combine many sources
 Curate to eliminate stop words
• Flexible matching to handle orthographic variation
Case variation: CDC28, Cdc28, and cdc28
Prefixes: myc and c-myc
Postfixes: Cdc28 and Cdc28p
Spaces and hyphens: cdc28 and cdc-28
Latin vs. Greek letters: TNF-alpha and TNFA
• The same word may mean many different things
 Entity names may also be common English words
(hairy) or technical terms (SDS)
 Protein names may refer to related or unrelated proteins
in other species (cdc2)
• The meaning can be resolved from the context
 ER can distinguish between names and common words
 Disambiguating non-unique names is a hard problem
 Ambiguity between orthologs can be safely be ignored
Co-occurrence extraction
• Relations are extracted for co-occurring entities
 Relations are always symmetric
 The type of relation is not given
• Scoring the relations
 More co-occurrences  more significant
 Ubiquitous entities  less significant
 Same sentence vs. same paragraph
• Simple, good recall, poor precision
Mitotic cyclin (Clb2)-bound Cdc28 (Cdk1
homolog) directly phosphorylated Swe1 and this
modification served as a priming step to promote
subsequent Cdc5-dependent Swe1
hyperphosphorylation and degradation
 Correct: Clb2–Cdc28, Clb2–Swe1, Cdc28–Swe1, and
 Wrong: Clb2–Cdc5 and Cdc28–Cdc5
Categorization of relations
• Extracting specific types of relations
 Text categorization methods can be used to identify
sentences that mention a certain type of relations
 Filtering can be done before or after relation extraction
• Well suited for database curation
 Text categorization can be reused
 High recall is most important
 Curators can compensate for the lack of precision
Relation extraction by NLP
• Information is extracted based on parsing and
interpreting phrases or full sentences
 Good at extracting specific types of relations
 Handles directed relations
• Complex, good precision, poor recall
Mitotic cyclin (Clb2)-bound Cdc28 (Cdk1
homolog) directly phosphorylated Swe1 and this
modification served as a priming step to promote
subsequent Cdc5-dependent Swe1
hyperphosphorylation and degradation
 Complex: Clb2–Cdc28
 Phosphorylation: Clb2Swe1, Cdc28Swe1, and
An NLP architecture
• Tokenization
 Entity recognition with synonyms list
 Word boundaries (multi words)
 Sentence boundaries (abbreviations)
• Part-of-speech tagging
 TreeTagger trained on GENIA
• Semantic labeling
 Dictionary of regular expressions
• Entity and relation chunking
 Rule-based system implemented in CASS
Semantic labeling
 Gene and protein names
 Cue words for entity recognition
 Cue words for relation extraction
Named entity chunking
 A CASS grammar recognizes
noun chunks related to gene
[nxgene The GAL4 gene]
Relation chunking
 Our CASS grammar also extracts
relations between entities:
[nxexpr The expression of
[nxgene the cytochrome genes
[nxpg CYC1 and CYC7]]]
is controlled by
[nxpg HAP1]
Lyn, [negation but not Jak2]
the IL-2 gene]
also participates in
[phosphorylation the tyrosine phosphorylation
and activation of syk]]
also decreased
the phosphorylation of
[expression mRNA expression of
the adapter protein SHC
IL-2 and IL18 cytokine receptors]
by the Src-related kinase Lyn]
phosphorylation of Shc by
the hematopoietic cell-specific
tyrosine kinase Syk]
Dephosphorylation of
Syk and Btk
mediated by
[expression IL-13 expression]
induced by
IL-2 + IL-18]
Mining text for nuggets
• New relations can be inferred from published ones
 This can lead to actual discoveries if no person knows
all the facts required for making the inference
 Combining facts from disconnected literatures
• Swanson’s pioneering work
 Fish oil and Reynaud's disease
 Magnesium and migraine
• Most similar to existing data mining approaches
 Although all the detailed data is in the text, people may
have missed the big picture
• Temporal trends
 Historical summaries
 Forecasting
• Correlations
 “Customers who bought this item also bought …”
• “Customers who bought
this item also bought …”
• Protein networks
 “Proteins that regulate
expression …”
 “Proteins that control
phosphorylation …”
 “Proteins that are
phosphorylated …”
• Co-author networks
Transcriptional networks
P < 910-9
Signaling pathways
P < 210-7
• Automatic annotation of high-throughput data
 Loads of fairly trivial methods
• Protein interaction networks
 Can unify many types of interactions
 Powerful as exploratory visualization tools
• More creative strategies
 Identification of candidate genes for genetic diseases
 Linking genes to traits based on species distributions
Disease candidate genes
• Rank the genes within a chromosomal region to
which a disease has been mapped
• Methods
 G2D
• GeneFunctionChemicalPhenotypeDisease
• Uses MEDLINE but not the text
• GeneWordsDisease (similar to ARROWSMITH)
 Hide and co-workers
• GeneTissueDisease
• Genes can be linked to traits by comparing the
species distributions of both
 Mainly works for prokaryotes
 Traits are represented by keywords
• Finding the species profiles
 Gene profiles are found by sequence similarity
 Keyword profiles are based co-occurrence with the
species name in MEDLINE
• Many experiment result in groups of related genes
ER is used to find the associated abstracts
The frequency of each word is counted in the abstracts
Background frequencies of all words are pre-calculated
A statistical test is used to rank the words
• The same strategy can be applied to find MeSH
terms associated with a gene cluster
• Most people prefer using GO annotation instead
• Literature mining will not be made obsolete by
<insert your favorite new technology here>
Repositories are always made too late
There will always be new types of relations
Semantically tagged XML may replace ER (hopefully!)
Semantically tagged XML will never tag everything
• Specific IE problems will become obsolete
 Protein function
 Physical protein interactions
Permission denied
• Open access
 Literature mining methods cannot retrieve, extract, or
correlate information from text unless it is accessible
 Restricted access is already now the primary problem
• Standard formats
 Getting the text out of a PDF file is not trivial
 Many journals now store papers in XML format
• Where do I get all the patent text?!
• The basic tools are now in
place for IR, ER, and IE
 Development was driven by
computational linguists
• Text- and data-mining
 Biologists are needed
 Collaboration with linguists
• Lack of innovation
 Very few new ideas
 Text should be combined
with other data
• EML Research
 Jasmin Saric
 Isabel Rojas
• EMBL Heidelberg
Peer Bork
Miguel Andrade
Michael Kuhn
Rossitza Ouzounova
Jan Korbel
Tobias Doerks
Lars Juhl Jensen
Entity recognition
• iHOP
• Ideas
 Compare iHOP vs. PubMed for finding papers related
to a particular gene
 Use iHOP to construct a small literature-based network
Information extraction
• Relation extraction
 iProLINK (
 PreBIND (
 PubGene (
• Ideas
 Check how complex sentences iProLINK can handle
 Check how well PreBIND can discriminate between
physcial and other interactions (other interactions can
be found with PubGene, ProLinks, or STRING)
Text mining
• Ideas
Fish oil and Reynaud's disease
Magnesium and migraine
Arginine and somatomedin C
Estrogen and Alzheimer's disease
Integration 1
• Protein networks
 ProLinks (
• Ideas
 Use both tools to find functions for proteins of known
and unknown function
 Use STRING to construct a network for a set of proteins
 Try to reproduce the Ssn3–Msn2–Hsp104 link
Integration 2
• Finding candidate disease genes
 G2D (
• Ideas
 Take a look at the G2D results for some diseases where
you know which types of genes would be sensible to
 Compare the results with BITOLA (if you have the
patience to figure out there interface!)