Machine Learning Group WEKA Tutorial Sugato Basu and Prem Melville Machine Learning Group Department of Computer Sciences University of Texas at Austin University of Texas at.

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Transcript Machine Learning Group WEKA Tutorial Sugato Basu and Prem Melville Machine Learning Group Department of Computer Sciences University of Texas at Austin University of Texas at.

University of Texas at Austin

WEKA Tutorial

Sugato Basu and Prem Melville

Machine Learning Group Department of Computer Sciences University of Texas at Austin

Machine Learning Group

Machine Learning Group

What is WEKA?

• • • • • Collection of ML algorithms – open-source Java package – Schemes for


include: – decision trees, rule learners, naive Bayes, decision tables, locally weighted regression, SVMs, instance-based learners, logistic regression, voted perceptrons, multi-layer perceptron Schemes for

numeric prediction

include: – linear regression, model tree generators, locally weighted regression, instance based learners, decision tables, multi-layer perceptron


include: – Bagging, boosting, stacking, regression via classification, classification via regression, cost sensitive classification Schemes for


: – EM and Cobweb

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Getting Started

• Set environment variable WEKAHOME – setenv WEKAHOME /u/ml/software/weka • Add $WEKAHOME/weka.jar to your CLASSPATH – setenv CLASSPATH /u/ml/software/weka/weka.jar

• Test – java weka.classifiers.j48.J48 –t $WEKAHOME/data/iris.arff

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ARFF File Format

• • Require declarations of






declaration associates a name with the dataset – @RELATION @RELATION iris • •


declaration specifies the name and type of an attribute – @attribute – Datatype can be numeric, nominal, string or date @ATTRIBUTE sepallength NUMERIC @ATTRIBUTE petalwidth NUMERIC @ATTRIBUTE class {Iris-setosa,Iris-versicolor,Iris-virginica}


declaration is a single line denoting the start of the data segment – Missing values are represented by ?

@DATA 5.1, 3.5, 1.4, 0.2, Iris-setosa 4.9, ?, 1.4, ?, Iris-versicolor

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Sparse ARFF Files

• • Similar to AARF files except that data value 0 are not represented Non-zero attributes are specified by attribute number and value @data 0, X, 0, Y, “class A” 0, 0, W, 0, "class B" @data {1 X, 3 Y, 4 "class A"} {2 W, 4 "class B"} • For examples of ARFF files see $WEKAHOME/data

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Running Learning Schemes

• java [options] • Example learner classes C4.5

Naïve bayes KNN weka.classifiers.j48.J48



• Important generic options -t -T -x -s -l -d Specify training file If none, CV is performed on training data Number of folds for cross-validation For CV Use saved model Output model to file • Invoking a learner without any options will list all the scheme-specific options

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• Summary of model – if possible • Statistics on training data • Cross-validation statistics • Example • Output for numeric prediction is different – Correlation coefficient instead of accuracy – No confusion matrices

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Using Meta-Learners

• java -W [meta-options] -- [base-options] – The double minus sign (--) separates the two lists of options, e.g. java weka.classifiers.Bagging –I 8 -W weka.classifiers.j48.J48 -t iris.arff -- -U • MultiClassClassifier allows you to use a binary classifier for multiclass data java weka.classifiers.MultiClassClassifier –W weka.classifiers.SMO –t weather.arff

• CVParameterSelection finds best value for specified param using CV – Use –P option to specify the parameter and space to search -P “ <# of steps>, e.g.

java …CVParameterSelection –W …OneR –P “B 1 10 10” –t iris.arff

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Machine Learning Group

Using Filters

• Filters can be used to change data files, e.g.

– delete first and second attributes java weka.filters.AttributeFilter







lets you select a set of attributes using classes in the weka.attributeSelection

package java weka.filters.AttributeSelectionFilter


weka.attributeSelection.InfoGainAttributeEval –i weather.arff • Other filters

DiscretizeFilter NominalToBinaryFilter

Discretizes a range of numeric attributes in the dataset into nominal attributes Converts nominal attributes into binary ones, replacing each attribute with


values with


new binary attributes


Transforms numeric attributes using given method ( java weka.filters. NumericTransformFilter




sqrt … )

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The Instance Class

• All attribute values are stored as doubles – Value of nominal attribute is index of the nominal value in attribute definition • Some important methods










() Returns class attribute Returns an instance's class value Returns an specified attribute value in internal format Returns an enumeration of all the attributes Returns the instance's weight • Instances is a collection of Instance objects






() Returns the number of instances in the dataset Returns the instance at the given position Returns an enumeration of all instances in the dataset

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Machine Learning Group

Writing Classifiers

• • • • Import the following packages import weka.classifiers

.*; import weka.core.*; import weka.util.*; Extend


– If predicting class probabilities then extend


Essential methods






(Instance) Generates a classifier Classifies a given instance Predicts the class memberships (for DistributionClassifier) Interfaces that can be implemented


For incremental classifiers


If classifier can make use of instance weights

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Machine Learning Group

Example: ZeroR (Majority Class)

public class ZeroR extends DistributionClassifier implements WeightedInstancesHandler { private double m_ClassValue; //The class value 0R predicts private double [] m_Counts; //The number of instances in each class public void buildClassifier (Instances instances) throws Exception { m_Counts = new double [instances.numClasses()]; for (int i = 0; i < m_Counts.length; i++) { //Initialize counts m_Counts[i] = 1; } Enumeration enum = instances.enumerateInstances(); while (enum.hasMoreElements()) { //Add up class counts Instance instance = (Instance) enum.nextElement(); m_Counts[(int)instance.classValue()] += instance.weight(); } m_ClassValue = Utils.maxIndex(m_Counts); //Find majority class Utils.normalize(m_Counts); } //Normalize counts

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Example: ZeroR - II

//Return index of the predicted class public double classifyInstance (Instance instance) { } return m_ClassValue; //Return predicted class probability distribution public double [] distributionForInstance (Instance instance) throws Exception { } return (double []) m_Counts.clone();

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WekaUT: Extensions to WEKA

• Clusterers package:

– SemiSupClusterer: Interface for semi-supervised clustering – SeededEM, SeededKMeans: Implements SemiSupClusterer, has seeding – HAC, MatrixHAC: Implements top-down agglomerative clustering – ConsensusClusterer: Abstract class for consensus clustering – ConsensusPairwiseClusterer: Takes output of many clusterings, uses cluster collocation statistics as similarity values, applies clustering algo – CoTrainableClusterer: Performs co-trainable clustering, similar to Nigam’s Co-EM – CVEvaluation: 10-fold cross-validation with learning curves, in transductive framework

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WekaUT (contd.)

• Metrics:

– Metric: Abstract class for metric – LearnableMetric: Abstract class for learnable distance metric – Weighted DotP: Learnable – WeightedL1Norm: Learnable – WeightedEuclid: Learnable – Mahalanobis metric: Uses Jama for matrix operations

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Machine Learning Group

Making Weka Text-friendly

• Preprocess text by making wrapper calls to: – Mooney’s IR package: Tokenize, Porter Stemming, TFIDF – McCallum’s BOW package: Tokenize, Stem, TFIDF, Information theoretic pruning, N-gram tokens, different smoothing algorithms – Fan’s MC toolkit: Tokenize, TFIDF, pruning, CCS format • No inverted index in Weka: OK if not doing IR, but KNN is inefficient – May want to integrate


package of


with Weka • Probability underflow currently: have to do calculations with logs – NaiveBayes, KNN, etc: Can have 2 versions of each (sparse, dense) • Sparse vector format: – Weka’s


– IR’s


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Weka’s SparseInstance format

• Non-zero attributes explicitly stated, 0 values not stated: @data {1:”the”,3: ”small”,6:”boy”,9: “ate”,13: “the”,17: “small”,21: “pie”} • Strings mapped to integer indices using a hashtable: the small boy ate the small 0 1 2 3 4 5 pie 6 • Use StringToWordVectorFilter to convert text SparseInstance to word vector (in Weka 3-2-2)

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Comparison of sparse vector formats

• •


+ Compact hashMap representation + Amortized constant-time access – Does not store position information, maybe necessary for future apps – Will need a lot of modification to Weka

SparseInstance +

Efficient storage, in terms of indices of string values and position + Contains position information of tokens + Will not require any modification to Weka – Uses binary search to insert new element to vector – Would need filters for TF, IDF, token counts, etc.

– Will require a hack to bypass soft-bug during multiple read-writes

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Future Work

• Write wrappers for existing C/C++ packages – mc, spkmeans, rainbow, svmlight, cluto • Data format converters e.g. CCStoARFF • 10 fold CVevaluation with learning curves – inductive (modify Weka’s) – transductive (use clusterer CV code) • Statistical tests e.g. t-tests for classification • Cluster evaluation metrics – we have KL, MI, Pairwise • Making changes to handle text documents

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Weka Problems

• Internal variables private – Should have protected or package-level access • SparseInstance for Strings requires dummy at index 0 – Problem: • Strings are mapped into internal indices to an array • String at position 0 is mapped to value “0” • When written out as SparseInstance, it will not be written (0 value) • If read back in, first String missing from Instances – Solution: • Put dummy string in position 0 when writing a SparseInstance with strings • Dummy will be ignored while writing, actual instance will be written properly

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