Eating Disorders Anorexia Nervosa Bulimia Nervosa Eating Disorder NOS Nichole Grier MD UNC Dept. of Psychiatry.

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Transcript Eating Disorders Anorexia Nervosa Bulimia Nervosa Eating Disorder NOS Nichole Grier MD UNC Dept. of Psychiatry.

Eating Disorders
Anorexia Nervosa
Bulimia Nervosa
Eating Disorder NOS
Nichole Grier MD
UNC Dept. of Psychiatry
What is “normal” eating?
How do you know if you are “fat” or “too
When is it a “mental illness”?
Does anyone talk about it?
How common is it?
Whose fault is it?
Who recovers?
What is Healthy Eating?
•Mindful: Know the difference between physical
and emotional cues and needs. Eat when you are
hungry; stop when you are full. Meet your body’s
•Enjoyable: Eat pleasurable foods without guilt or
•Flexible: Be able to eat needed amount in
available time. No calorie counting. Eat a variety of
foods. Don’t avoid any food group. Try new things
without knowing all ingredients.
Defining “Healthy” Weight
 Pediatrics
 Standard: 50th Percentile BMI-for-age, CDC
growth charts for US
 Utilize height and weight history to plot growth on
BMI-for-age chart to establish individualized goal
 Adults
 Standard: Medium frame, 1983 Metropolitan
Height/Weight Tables, or BMI
 Set minimum goal for BMI 19.5
 Individualize based on premorbid weight,
resumption of menses, physical health indicators
What about fat . . .
The American College of Sports Medicine
(ACSM) recommends that males age 16 and
under with < 7% body fat and males over 16
years of age with < 5% body fat not be allowed
to compete unless they have medical clearance.
The ACSM recommends 12%-14% body fat as
the minimum safe percent body fat for high
school girls.
some historical context . . .
“Anorexia Nervosa” was first described
as a distinct diagnostic entity in 1873
 “Bulimia Nervosa” became a diagnostic
category in 1979
Keyes study
Healthy males
Voluntary starvation then refeeding
Development of apathy, ritualistic behaviors,
preoccupation with food
Physical symptoms cold intolerance, edema,
slowed heart rate, diminished sexual interest
Increased caloric needs with refeeding
Onset binge urges
DSM-IV criteria:
Anorexia Nervosa
Refusal to maintain body weight at or above that
expected for age & height (<85%)
 Intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat
 Disturbance in the way one’s body size is
experienced, OR undue influence of body size on
self evaluation, OR denial of seriousness of low
 Amenorrhea in postmenarcheal females (absence
of 3 or more consecutive menstrual cycles)
Anorexia Nervosa: Subtypes
Restricting Type: during current episode
of AN, no regular binge eating or purging
Binge-Eating/Purging Type: during
current episode of AN, regular binge
eating or purging
Anorexia nervosa is not a
disorder of appetite.
May report decreased appetite
Others FEAR appetite
DSM-IV criteria:
Bulimia Nervosa
Recurrent episodes of binge eating
objectively a large amount of food
individual feels “out of control”
Recurrent compensatory mechanisms
self-induced vomiting
laxative use
excessive exercise
DSM IV criteria:
Bulimia Nervosa
Binge/Purge episodes occur, on average, at
least two or more times a week for at least
three months
Self-esteem unduly influenced by
weight/body shape
Current weight does not meet criteria for AN
(>85% IBW)
Bulimia Nervosa: subtypes
Purging type: self-induced
vomiting, laxative abuse, diuretic
Non-purging type: restricting,
Eating Disorder NOS
Subsyndromal AN or BN
Current nomenclature for set of
criteria under investigation as “Binge
Eating Disorder”
DSM IV Research Criteria:
Binge Eating Disorder
Recurrent episodes of binge eating:
large amount with subjective loss of control
Associated with 3 or more:
eating rapidly, eating until uncomfortably full, eating in
private (embarrassment), eating when not physically
hungry, feeling guilty about eating
Marked distress regarding binge eating
 Binge eating occurs, on average, at least
twice/week for six months
Binge Eating Disorder
Usually associated with overweight or obesity
Approximately 30% of individuals presenting
to medical weight loss programs meet criteria
for BED
Obesity itself is not a psychiatric illness,
but 8% of overweight women and almost
one third of those presenting for weight
loss treatment meet criteria for BED
Often hard to diagnose – different from
emotional eating /grazing
Eating Disorders: Epidemiology
Abnormal eating can be found in all
cultures but eating disorders are far more
common in industrialized countries
 EDs occur in all ethnic and
socioeconomic groups in the US,
although they are far more prevalent in
the caucasian community and seem to
have lowest rates in African American
Anorexia Nervosa: how common?
AN incidence around 8/100,000 per
 AN average prevalence among young
females around 0.3%
 About one third of AN population enters
mental health care
 Increasing incidence in past century
until 1970’s, particularly in 15-24 year
old age group; debate about increase or
decrease in rates since then
Bulimia Nervosa: how common?
BN incidence 11-13/100,000 per year in
1980s then decreasing through 1990s
to around 6.6/100,000 per year in 2000
 BN prevalence around 1% of young
 BN population enters mental health
treatment at very low rate
ED NOS: how common?
60% of the eating disorder cases in
outpatient settings
 Unknown incidence, changing definition
 BED prevalence in US 2-5% and
possibly occurring more frequently in
AA community than in caucasian
All ages at risk, but . . .
Eating disorders have onset most
commonly in teen and young adult
years, but may occur at other ages (BN
slightly later peak onset than AN)
<10% have onset prior to puberty
Eating Disorders: Males
Up to 10% of AN & BN patients are male
 As many as 25% of BED patients are male
 Males with eating disorders are more likely
to have once been overweight and more
likely to have used exercise for weight
 Males may be less likely to pursue
treatment for an eating disorder, but eating
disorders are just as dangerous for males
as they are for females
Dieted in the past year: 62% of high
school girls, 40% of high school boys
Ever binged and purged: 13% of
adolescent girls, 7% of adolescent boys
At least one third of junior high school
girls admit concerns about weight
6% of 10th grade boys have used
Higher rates in those with alcoholism
Higher rates when not involved in athletics Or when
competing at elite level
AN: mortality 5-6% per decade of follow-up;
SMR 9.6 in studies with 6-12 years of follow-up,
3.7 when 20-40 years of follow-up
Causes of death: suicide, starvation, cardiac
Risk factors for death: BMI<13, body weight
<60%, low serum albumin
Suicides do not occur exclusively during
significant underweight
Purging behaviors are worse prognostic sign
than restricting alone
AN: half will have full recovery; up to 20% with
chronic unremitting course
 BN: 80% recovery if treated within first 5 years
of illness; recovery falls to 20% by 15 years of
 Much crossover between AN and BN
 Positive indicators for recovery: early onset,
early treatment, higher weight at discharge or
step-down, good social support, good
premorbid psychological functioning
Psychiatric comorbidity
More than a quarter of ED patients have a
comorbid mood disorder
 Comorbid anxiety disorder in up to half of AN
patients, up to 75% of BN patients
 Comorbid alcohol abuse, drug abuse,
impulsivity common
 >90% have at least one additional psychiatric
diagnosis in lifetime, 50% at least one
concurrent with episode of AN
Morbidity: Mental health
Poor sleep and Depressive symptoms
secondary to starvation itself
Antidepressants generally ineffective at low
Cognitive impairment during underweight,
changes in brain volume
Increased anxiety during weight gain
secondary to changing hormonal milieu and
increasing serotonin
Adverse effects of major illness episode on
normal developmental trajectory
Morbidity: Reproduction
Reduced fertility at low weight
 Higher rates of obstetric difficulties
 Decreased intrauterine growth of baby
Morbidity: Bone health
Decrease in peak bone mineral density
Calcium supplements less effective at low
Weight-bearing exercise helpful but cannot
offset adverse effects of underweight
Estrogen supplements alone do not preserve
bone density in underweight premenopausal
Bisphosphonates teratogenic potential
Morbidity: Body image, Self esteem
Initial weight gain truncal. Degree of
redistribution variable
 Lower rates of marriage and
 Decreased achievement relative to
What causes an eating disorder?
Strong evidence of genetic
component from twin studies
 Higher incidence in industrialized
countries AND not everyone with a
weight concern develops an eating
Genetic factors
58-88% of risk for developing AN, and roughly
same for BN
Eating and Body-related behavioral and
attitudinal factors appear to have heritable
BMI highly heritable and independent of EDrelated heritable factors
AN and Chromosome 1
BN and self-induced vomiting and Chromosome
Other factors
Developmental events
Family dynamics
Peer milieu
Cultural influences
“Genetics loads the gun . . .
Environment pulls the trigger”
(C. Bulik)
The assessment
Ask About:
 Weight History
 Highest and lowest adult weights
 Recent weight changes
 Perceived “ideal” weight
 Eating Behaviors
 Attempts to restrict intake (diet pill use, skip
meals, limit amounts or types of food,
counting fat/CHO grams, counting kcal)
 Binge Eating (objective vs subjective)
Ask About:
 Attempts to “compensate” for intake
 Self-induced vomiting (*ask about use of
Ipecac syrup)
 Laxative abuse
 Diuretic abuse
 Driven exercise
 Body Image
Ask About:
Menstrual history
Review of Systems (dizziness, fainting,
weakness, fatigue)
Psychiatric Symptoms (depressed mood,
self-harm ideations, self-harm behaviors,
anxiety, neurovegetative symptoms)
Substance Use, past and current
Medical assessment
Physical Exam, review of systems
 Medical history, weight history
 Medication use, substance use
 Vital signs, laboratory testing, EKG
Common Medical Issues
Orthostatic hypotension (starvation)
 Bradycardia (starvation)
 Prolonged QTc and T-wave abnormalities
on EKG (purging behaviors)
 Mitral valve prolapse (diminished muscle
 Cardiomyopathy (Ipecac)
Medical Issues (continued)
Cell counts
Low WBC (starvation and stress)
 Anemia (starvation)
Fluid and electrolytes
Dehydration (starvation, purging)
 Decreased albumin (starvation)
 Peripheral edema and effusions
 Electrolyte disturbances (purging)
Medical issues (continued)
Acid-base disturbances (purging)
 Impaired concentrating ability
 Osteoporosis
Medical Issues (continued)
Hypoglycemia (starvation)
 Hypothermia (starvation)
 Thyroid abnormalities (starvation, stress)
 Amenorrhea and decreased sex hormone
levels (starvation, stress)
Medical issues (continued)
Bloating, nausea (starvation)
 Elevated liver enzymes (starvation,
 Elevated cholesterol (starvation)
 Constipation and decreased motility
 Esophageal tears (purging)
Medical issues (continued)
Hair loss (stress, starvation)
 Dull hair (decreased fat)
 Lanugo hair (starvation)
 Dry skin (decreased fat)
 Calloused or scarred knuckles (purging)
 Acrocyanosis (starvation)
Dental (purging)
Other causes of weight loss . . .
Thyroid disease
 Adrenal disease
 GI disease (motility problems, IBD, celiac
 Malignancies
 Infection
 . . . and other rare entities . . .
Nutrition needs
Refeeding: start with 30-35 kcal/kg, then
increase by around 300 kcal every three days to
achieve gain of 1-2 kg per week as inpatient,
0.5-1 kg per week as outpatient. (Diet 55-60%
CHO, <30% fat, meet calculated protein needs)
Starved patients become hypermetabolic,
often requiring 60-100 kcal/kg per day to gain
and maintain.
 Hypermetabolic state may persist for 6-12
months after weight recovery
Assessment done. Now what?
Indications for Inpatient Care
< 75% definite
<75% or ongoing wt loss
despite intensive mgt
< 85% highly structured
> 20 bpm
> 20 mm Hg
> 20 bpm
> 10 mm Hg
< 40 bpm
(in 40s for children)
< 50 bpm day
< 45 bpm night
Blood pressure
< 90/60 mm Hg
< 80/50 (children)
Systolic < 90 mm Hg
< 97 deg
<96 deg
Body fat %
< 10%
Other Indications for Inpatient Care
Serum potassium < 3.2 mmol/L
Serum chloride < 88 mmol/L
Esophageal tears
Cardiac arrhythmias, including prolonged QTc interval
Intractable vomiting
Failure to respond to outpatient treatment
Severity of psychiatric comorbidities (Major
depression, anxiety disorders, substance abuse
Indications for Partial Hospitalization
Individual does not require inpatient
care but has not made progress in less
intensive treatment setting OR
transitioning from inpatient care
Indications for outpatient care
Individual is above 75% IBW, medically
stable, appropriate with self-care, and
motivated for treatment
 No adequate trial of outpatient care (a team
including Family/Individual therapist, PCP,
Psychiatrist and Nutritionist)
 Medical and psychiatric comorbidities are
stabilized or can be managed in an outpatient
A word on medications . . .
Psychotropic Medication
 Stay away from
 Stimulants
 Buproprion
 TCA’s
 Megace/appetite stimulants
 Nutrition remains the key
Anorexia Nervosa
Some evidence of lower relapse rates with
use of SSRI’s once weight-recovered
SSRI’s are ineffective at low weights, but may
begin to exert some effect once patient has
progressed beyond 80% of IBW
Typical antipsychotics, lithium,
anticonvulsants, opioid antagonists, appetite
stimulants do not appear to be effective
Bulimia Nervosa
SSRI’s at higher doses seem to
decrease binge/purge behaviors
independent of their efficacy with regard
to depressive symptoms
Some data support decreased
binge/purge frequency with topiramate
but side effects are common, weight
loss common
Best Practices Treatment Guidelines
American Psychiatric Association
American Academy of Pediatrics
NICE guidelines (UK)
UNC Hospitals ED program (919)966-7012