Common Core: Leading the Change Oakland Schools District Instructional Leadership Team Urgent Patience “Behaving urgently to help create great twenty-first-century organizations demands patience, too…The right attitude.

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Transcript Common Core: Leading the Change Oakland Schools District Instructional Leadership Team Urgent Patience “Behaving urgently to help create great twenty-first-century organizations demands patience, too…The right attitude.

Common Core:
Leading the
Oakland Schools District Instructional Leadership Team
Urgent Patience
“Behaving urgently to help create great
twenty-first-century organizations demands
patience, too…The right attitude might be
called “urgent patience”…It means acting
each day with a sense of urgency but having
a realistic view of time”
- J.Kotter, A Sense of Urgency (2008)
Purpose of our day…
to launch the preparation of
Instructional Leaders for the shifts required
to lead and support the implementation
of the common core.
Prepare: for common core implementation
Design: communications for leading the change
Inspire: others to action
• Take responsibility for you own learning
• Support the learning of your colleagues
• If you need to take a call or have a side
conversation, please step into the hall
• If you have a question, ask.
Webb’s Depth of Knowledge
Create – a definition
Create – a summary
Create – a hypothesis
Create – an analysis
Where have you used each of the levels in
your work this last week?
Building context
Assessment Tasks
See – Feel – Change
Tracking Space Debris
Focused Read
2 passages
Engaging in the Performance Task
What is standing out for you?
Taking account the full assessment event
• 35 minutes – video, 2 articles, 3 questions
• 70 minutes – score elements, plan, write,
revise and edit
105 minutes
Your choice of
Performance Tasks
Ele, MS, HS
5 minutes
Choose a Performance Task – take 5 minutes to
walk through it and reflect
• What are your first impressions?
• What is the thinking & skills required?
• What shifts will educators encounter when
facilitating these types of performance tasks?
Meet a friend who looked at the same
performance task…
• Unpack and share what you have discovered
with ‘like task’ colleagues
• You have 5 minutes
Back with your table team
• Starting with a 4th grade task – share what you
• Move to 6th grade sharing,
• Wrap up with 11th grade sharing
– You have 10 minutes
What do students have to know
and be able to do
in order to be successful on
Smarter Balanced performance tasks?
Grab a handful of sticky notes…
Putting only one idea per note, write out
What are the instructional and assessment
shifts in the Common Core?
You will end with a cluster of sticky notes in
front of you
What does the learner need to know and be able to do
• One person begins by
sharing one of their
sticky note ideas
• One person begins by
sharing one of their
sticky note ideas
• Anyone with the same
idea will add theirs to
the original sticky
making a cluster
• One person begins by
sharing one of their sticky
note ideas
• Anyone with the same
idea will add theirs to the
original sticky making a
• The next person share an
idea other add their
similar idea sticky and this
repeats round robin until
all sticky note are placed
• Grabbing a marker,
write the big ideas or
themes above the circle
The Change Problem
Mistake #1: Complacency
Mistake #2: No Support
Mistake #3: Lack of a Vision
Mistake #4: Undercommunicating
Mistake #5: Allowing Obstacles to Block
Mistake #6: Failing to Identify Short-Term Wins
Mistake #7: Declaring the Victory Too Soon
Mistake #8: No Anchor to the Future
Downloaded from Mind Tools (2011) Kotter’s 8-Step Change
Eight Step Process
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
Step 5:
Step 6:
Step 7:
Step 8:
Create Urgency
Form a Powerful Coalition
Create a Vision for Change
Communicate the Vision
Remove Obstacles
Create Short-Term Wins
Build on the Change
Anchor the Change in the Culture
Downloaded from Mind Tools (2011) Kotter’s 8-Step Change
Step 1: Create Urgency
The desire to have
everything stay exactly the
same has a lot of
momentum – that’s called
- John Kotter
See – Feel – Change
is more effective than
Analyze – Think - Change
CCSS States and the
Assessment Consortia
Partnership for Assessment of Readiness
for College and Careers (PARCC)
Balanced and Dynamic
Learning Maps Assessment Consortia
CCSS Assessment Systems in Michigan
alternative assessment for
students with significant
cognitive disabilities
Step 2: Form a Powerful Coalition
The biggest mistake you
can make is to
“go it alone”.
- John Kotter
Who are your stakeholders?
Round robin share out
School board – local, state
Great Start Collaborative
Charter Schools
ESL / Migrant
Support Agencies
Other countries
Testing/ Assmt developers
Athletic Directors/Coaches
Alternative Programs/ Tech Centers
Community Colleges / 4 year
News media
Title I / RTI teachers
Feeder schools
Technology Dept / Directors
Parochial Schools/Private
Every Discipline
Local Businesses
Legislature- gov, house, senate
Psy/Social Workers/Speech
Curriculum Publishers /software
Building Maintenance Workers
________ ________ _______ ____
Eight Step Process
• Step 1: Create Urgency
• Step 2: Form a Powerful Coalition
Downloaded from Mind Tools (2011) Kotter’s 8-Step Change
Step 3: Create a Vision for Change
A well-articulated,
inspiring vision clears
away distractions and
aligns the resources…to
the ultimate goal.
- John Kotter
What is the impact of change for each
stakeholder group?
• Cross content
• Update
• Align courses
• Focus on
• Longer tasks –
• Non-fiction
• Rigorous
________ ________ _______ ____
Eight Step Process
• Step 1: Create Urgency
• Step 2: Form a Powerful Coalition
• Step 3: Create a Vision for Change
Downloaded from Mind Tools (2011) Kotter’s 8-Step Change
Step 4: Communicate the Vision
Keep your message
- John Kotter
Elevator Speech
What do you need to share
with …..?
Example: Students
We know that you will do your best when you
know why we make changes in our classroom’s
instruction and assessments. Few problems in life are
solved in 50 minutes. They require collaboration, deep
thinking and analysis. This new way of assessing your
ability to do this will occur in a couple years, so we want
to make sure you have an opportunity to practice. This is
an opportunity for you to shine, to show your talents, to
really solve meaningful, real-life problems.
Let’s take a look at what you will be asked to do.
As we progress and continue to grow as a school
district we will begin to implement a new curriculum
for our courses that will ensure college and career
readiness for our children. This change will bring
with it a shift in how we look at our teaching
methods. During this change you will see an
increase in the need for improved reading and
writing skills as well as a true need to teach our
children perseverance. We look forward to taking
this journey with you and appreciate your support in
this needed and positive change.
Samples: Teachers
• The common core requires a significant shift in
developing depth of knowledge for students by
focusing our daily priorities and practices on
increasing rigor – connecting interdisciplinary
learning with real world applications.
• Students are being asked to demonstrate their
knowledge in unprecedented ways. We need to get
them there! Through support in instructional
practices professional development and resources,
we will get them there!
Elevator Speech
Pair Share
What do you need to share
with your ________?
Sample: Community Members
• Have you heard about the new common core
state standards and the Smarter Balanced
assessments? This new approach is going to
increase teacher collaboration, content
integration, and depth of knowledge for
students. This will help children to think more
flexibly and prepare then for success in college
and career. You should learn more about the
exciting initiative. Would you like my card?
Samples: Parents
• We are going to be giving your students
opportunities to learn in new and different ways.
Our goal is to prepare them for the workplace of
their future. As we go thru this process we want to
work together with you to build success and keep
you a part of our student’s learning.
Samples: Board Member
• With our limited PD time we do not have enough
opportunities to ready our staff for the expectations
• We have an opportunity for unprecendented
changes in our schools at this time. You and all of
our stakeholders want our student so achieve at
higher levels. Therefore the district administrators,
and you the board, along with our teachers,
administration, staff and students will be focusing
their efforts on transitioning to the successful
implementation of the CCSS, in ALL our classrooms.
Sample: Parents
• We know that you want your child to be
successful in their life. That’s important to use
too, that’s why we are here. The shift to the
common core will teach your child how to
problem solve. And this will help them adapt
to the changes they will face in their life.
Sample: School Board
• Common Core is important because Smarter
Balanced will replace the MEAP in 2014-15.
We want to be proactive in our professional
development and our teaching to best
prepare our students for Career and College
Sample: ESL learner & Migrant/
Title I
• Many states are having new state tests. These
tests will use more skills that your children learn
at school and at home. There are many things
you can do to help your child such as have your
child bring home books from the library and ask
your child questions about what he or she is
reading. You can show that reading and learning
is important by having lots of books in your home
and have your child see reading/looking at books,
too. You can always take your child to the public
library to borrow books and use the computers
and other programs there for free.
Sample: Superintendents
• I’ve been looking at our data county-wide and
we have a lot of work to do to teach our
students for the career and college readiness
standards and prepare for the Smarter
Balanced Assessments. I would like to ask you
for your support in our work by creating the
structures and processes for our work. Do you
have some time that we could talk about that
so I can gain your commitment?
Samples: Teachers
• Our target is next spring – we’ll analyze what we
need to do any break it up into manageable chunks.
Don’t panic we are already doing much of this.
• We are preparing students for their post-secondary
experiences. We want to be sure that they have the
rigorous background necessary for this goal.
Nominate a speech to be shared
Strategy Harvest
Purpose / Goals
Lecture Burst
Shared Assessment
• Choice Task
– Individual Reflection
– Expert Conversation
– Home Sharing
Circle Map
Lecture Burst
Elevator Speech
Strategy Harvest
Purpose / Goals
Thank you!
Purpose of our day…
to launch the preparation of
Instructional Leaders for the shifts
required to lead and support the
common core.
Prepare: for common core implementation
Design: communications for leading the change
Inspire: others to action
When next we meet….
1685 N. Opdyke
Auburn Hills, MI
Thank you!
Marty Chaffee
[email protected]
Kristine Gullen, Ph.D
[email protected]