CyberGIS and Online Map games Ola Ahlqvist David Massey Kiril Vatev Department of GEOGRAPHY Our world game will be played electronically by remote controls on a giant.

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Transcript CyberGIS and Online Map games Ola Ahlqvist David Massey Kiril Vatev Department of GEOGRAPHY Our world game will be played electronically by remote controls on a giant.

CyberGIS and Online Map games

Ola Ahlqvist David Massey Kiril Vatev Department of


Our world game will be played electronically by remote controls on a giant model of our earth globe opened out into its flat projection which will be the size of a football field. (Fuller, 1969)

“…the World Game has not yet, in truth, been played; for to play it one needs the computer tools, which are not yet commercially available, and the logic to ask the right questions. […] The total accurate earth resources data, which the earth resources satellites promise to deliver, in fact still relies on individual, long-hand study through heavy tomes of statistics. Until all of this is facilitated by a fairly expensive physical facility and staff, the World Game is not played-it is merely acted-out by alert students who wish to demonstrate for themselves the relevancy of the metaphor.” (Fuller, 1969)

“While a special computer of unique capability would have been of great advantage yesterday to my World Game work,-today the wired integration of the leading universities’ computer facilities provides tie-in capability to an ever more effective total machine to accommodate the World Game at any one headquarter’s locale.” (Fuller, 1970)

“World leaders will be invited to play the game and to introduce any new data they deem to be missing and the computers memory banks will retain all the data ever fed into it as well as remembering all the plays that have been previously made and their respective outcomes .” (Fuller, 1969)

“The objective of the game would be to explore for ways to make it possible for anybody and everybody in the human family to enjoy the total earth without any human interfering with any other human and without any human gaining advantage at the expense of another”

“Winning” in the World Game is making the world work, making mankind a success, in the most efficient and expeditious ways possible. (Fuller, 1969)

Sketching Iteration Spatial models Rapid feedback

A Hypothesis Regarding the Relationship between Geographic Study Area (Size and Scale) and Change Models (Source: Carl Steinitz)

“The World Game demonstrates that the Malthusian doctrine is fallacious. If we apply to direct human support all the high technology resources now going into the world’s annual 200 billion dollar war preparation, all of humanity can be brought to economic success within ‘one quarter century.” (Fuller, 1969)

Source: Hershey and McKeown, TerraSim Inc., Bohemia Interactive Australia Pty Ltd Source:

“The World Game makes it possible for intelligent amateurs to discover within a few weeks of simulated design revolution illustrated on the World Map that the foregoing premises are valid .” (Fuller, 1969)

Multiplayer Online Gaming Online GIS

The word “synergy” means “Behavior of whole systems unpredicted by behavior of any of the systems parts .” – (Fuller, 1969)

Thank you!

Ola Ahlqvist David Massey Kiril Vatev Department of