MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND WATER EXECUTIVE ENVIRONMENT AGENCY Latest Developments in the Information Systems for Environmental Monitoring in ExEA - Bulgaria 13th session of the.

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Transcript MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND WATER EXECUTIVE ENVIRONMENT AGENCY Latest Developments in the Information Systems for Environmental Monitoring in ExEA - Bulgaria 13th session of the.

Latest Developments in the Information
Systems for Environmental Monitoring
in ExEA - Bulgaria
13th session of the UNECE Working Group
on Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
Geneva,1-2 November 2012
National Automatic Air Quality Monitoring
In 2011 the new IS for air
quality monitoring became fully
The National level of the system
operates in ExEA.
It collects data from databases
in 16 Regional Inspectorates of
Environment and Water (RIEW).
The data is generated by 44
automatic stations distributed in
6 Districts.
In 2012 the system was upgraded with functionality for
automatic generation of:
• Daily Bulletin for Air Quality and
• Public Information for the Last Exceedances of Alarm
Thresholds for NO2, SO2 and O3
Currently a new module for automatic data dissemination to
the municipalities is under development.
System of Automatic Stations for Water
The system has 3 levels:
• National – Executive Environment Agency
• Regional – 4 Basin Directorates (BD)
• Local – 23 automatic stations throughout the country
In 2012 the system was united
through integration of the 4
former subsystems for the BD and
was extended with third (national)
level, located in ExEA.
The data is disseminated also to
MoEW and NIMH.
Information System for Water Permits and
The system uses a central database and allows
access to the data and the software modules
to all national users:
• Ministry of Environment and Water;
• Executive Environment Agency;
• 4 Basin Directorates;
• 16 Regional Inspectorates of Environment
and Water;
The municipalities will be included in the
system during its upgrade.
The system consists of:
• Register for Permits;
• Control Module;
• Financial Module;
• Module for Data Search and Output;
• GIS Module.
National Automated System for Online
Monitoring of the Radiological GammaBackground
The system consists of 26 automatic
stations. Users of the system are:
• Ministry of Interior
• Nuclear Regulatory Agency
• Nuclear Power Plant “Kozloduy”
• Regional Laboratories of ExEA
The data is publicly available through Daily
Bulletin for the Radiological Situation.
The system is part of the European
Radiological Data Exchange Platform
Information System for the National
Biodiversity Monitoring System (NBMS)
The new information system for the NBMS was developed in 2011 and in
2012 it was implemented in the responsible organizations.
The system consists of:
• A mobile GIS application,
which allows data input and
mapping in the field;
• New regional databases;
• A National Database at ExEA;
• A
opportunities for public access to
the summarized and analyzed
Integrated Information System for Waste
In 2011 a GIS-based model was developed with the following objectives:
• Assessment of the potential impact of waste landfills on the environment and
• Contributing to the environmental protection through improving waste management.
Currently the integrated system for waste is being extended with new modules for data exchange about
widespread waste. The system allows data input as close as possible to the source - by the operators,
generators of waste, as well as:
• Centralized user administration by ExEA and RIEW;
• Data manipulation by ExEA and RIEW;
• Centralized database at ExEA.
Data dissemination through up-to-date
Bulgaria joined the EEA project Shared European and
National State of the Environment (SENSE) and
successfully implemented new technology for data
dissemination and exchange (Linked Data) in the web site
for publishing the National Report on the State of the
Currently ExEA is part of the second phase of the SENSE
project during which web tools for dissemination of the
Environmental Indicators is being developed.
ExEA web site
generated RDF file
EEA web site
Dr. Vanya Grigorova
Executive Director