Why Biostatistics? • Wall Street Journal – the best jobs http://online.wsj.com/public/resources/documents/st_BE STJOBS0104_20110105.html Programs at a glance • The Graduate Certificate in Biostatistics Program provides basic.

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Transcript Why Biostatistics? • Wall Street Journal – the best jobs http://online.wsj.com/public/resources/documents/st_BE STJOBS0104_20110105.html Programs at a glance • The Graduate Certificate in Biostatistics Program provides basic.

Why Biostatistics?

• Wall Street Journal – the best jobs

http://online.wsj.com/public/resources/documents/st_BE STJOBS0104_20110105.html

Programs at a glance

• The

Graduate Certificate in Biostatistics Program

provides basic and intermediate graduate level applied biostatistics training.

• The upcoming

MS and MBStat programs

provide graduate level training in both application and theory of biostatistics.


Why pursue a Graduate Certificate in Biostatistics at OHSU?

• Broaden knowledge base in biostatistics analysis methods.

• Be able to plan and properly analyze biomedical & health datasets.

• Enhance understanding of biostatistics methods. • Establish scientific hypotheses and study designs that are bio statistically sound • Develop the ability to co ntextualize and communicate research findings • To become more effective members of multidisciplinary research teams.


Potential candidates for the Biostatistics Certificate Program

• Researchers in various biomedical and health related fields – Researchers at all levels – Data managers, Database programmers, Informaticists – Project Directors, Study Coordinators, Program Coordinators • Students enrolled in other graduate degree programs – Certificate in Biostatistics can be pursued concurrently with other degrees • Clinicians/scientists launching research careers – K-awardees – Junior investigators • Health professionals who are involved (or wish to be involved) with quantitative analysis (state, county, etc.).

• The program can be completed in 1-year as a full time student, or 2~3 years part time.


Competencies when Completing Certificate

• Perform a broad range of

basic and intermediate

procedures statistical • Interpret and summarize analysis results to answer questions posited in the biomedical and health sciences.

• Communicate analysis results to collaborators in oral and written form.

• Apply the principles of research design to address problems in biomedical and health sciences. • Identify strengths and weaknesses of different study designs and analytic methods. • Conduct analyses for your own research, or provide support to multidisciplinary research teams. 5


• Curriculum is focused on biostatistics applications in the biomedical and health sciences.

– Designing appropriate analytic plans – Conducting analyses – Interpreting and synthesizing results – Statistical theory introduced via relevant motivating examples • Students will have ample opportunity to learn multiple statistical packages – Stata – SAS – R – Others • Hands-on experience working with real datasets • Students can have opportunity to collaborate with biostatistics faculty and researchers on current projects. 6


• 30 credits total • Most courses are on campus – Some may have an online component • Courses usually held in morning or late afternoon or evening • 5 required courses (18 credits): – Estimation and Hypothesis Testing for Applied Biostatistics (4 credits) – Linear Models (4 credits) – Categorical Data Analysis (4 credits) – Survival Analysis (3 credits) – Biostatistics Lab (3 credits) 7

Courses - continued

• 12 elective credits taken from the following: – Data Management & Analysis in SAS (3 credits) – Spatial Data Analysis with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) (3 credits) – Statistical Methods in Clinical Trials (3 credits) – Topics in Biostatistics (3 credits) • This course will teach more advanced or specialized statistical methods, for example, longitudinal data analysis and models for classification and prediction. – Design and Analysis of Surveys (3 credits) – Epidemiology I (4 credits) – Epidemiology II (4 credits) – Bioinformatics & Computational Biology I (4 credits) – Bioinformatics & Computational Biology II (4 credits) – Reading and Research in Biostatistics (1 – 3 credits) – Lean Six Sigma 1 and 2 8

Application Procedures for Graduate Certificate

• Candidates require a bachelor’s degree and one undergraduate course in statistics • Application is required for all candidates – Application form – Letter of recommendation (at least 1) – College transcript(s) – Personal statement – Application fee • Application materials are found at: – www.ohsu.edu/academic/public-health/biostatistics • Applications currently being accepted for Fall 2011 admission – Accepting applications through May 15 th reached or until program capacity is 9


• For 2011 – 2012 academic year: – $371 per credit for in-state students – $477 per credit for out-of-state students • Additional OHSU fees (based on 2010-2011 info) – A Health Service Fee of $257 is charged each term.

– Quarterly charges for Dental Insurance ($108.24) and Major Medical ($1079.72) can be waived with proof of insurance to Student Health at least a month prior to matriculation. – A quarterly “incidental” fee of $299 is charged for all full time students (9 or more credits per term). – For more information: http://www.ohsu.edu/xd/education/student services/registrar/registration-information/tuition-fees.cfm

– Fees may change slightly in upcoming academic year.

• At this point, OHSU employee tuition benefit is not available. 10

Non-matriculated Students

• Some individual courses may be open to non matriculated students as space allows.

• Appropriate pre-requisites must be met.

• Program office and instructor approval required prior to enrollment • Email [email protected]

to request permission.


Career options/direction post-graduation

• • Become a biostatistics-savvy researcher or health professional.

• Research support positions, e.g. biostatistician, data analyst • Transition from data coordinator or database programmer to more analysis-oriented positions.

Further training in Biostatistics – OHSU • MS and MBStat – Biostatistics (Approved by OUS Provosts’ Council, and approval pending by OUS board for 2011-2012) – Portland State University • MS - Statistics • PhD – Applied Mathematics w/ concentration in Biostatistics – Oregon State University • MS – Statistics • PhD – Statistics

The upcoming Master programs

• Two tracks

Master of Science in Biostatistics

requires MS thesis (3 credits) –

Master in Biostatistics

requires passing comprehensive test and taking an additional elective (3 credits) in lieu of thesis.

• Both programs can be taken on a part-time or full-time basis. • Similar to the graduate certificate program, the programs will include formal didactic sessions and hands-on statistical computing training.

Competencies when completing the program

• Apply intermediate to advanced biostatistical theory and techniques to design, plan, and manage data collection to conduct analysis for own research projects or support collaborative research teams. • Translate broad research goals into specifications and procedures for statistical analysis and interpretation of results in basic, clinical, translational and public health research studies. • Select and use appropriate statistical analysis software for assessment, decision-making and information-sharing (e.g., Stata, SAS, R or other special programs).

• Communicate statistical methods and findings clearly and unambiguously to specialists and non-specialist audiences.

• For MS in biostatistics, gain basic skills of doing statistics methodology research.

Coursework for Master degrees

• 48 credits total • 6 required courses (30 credits): – Estimation and Hypothesis Testing for Applied Biostatistics (4 credits) – Linear Models (4 credits) – Categorical Data Analysis (4 credits) – Mathematical Statistics 1, 2 (3 credits each) – Survival Analysis (3 credits) – Statistical Methods in Clinical Trials (3 credits) – Biostatistics Lab (3 credits) – Thesis or a required elective (3 credit) • There are a variety of courses for selective credits, including a few more to be developed. 15

Which one suits for me?

• Either program is appropriate for those: – Wishing to pursue a career as an intermediate level biostatistician. – Applying for doctoral programs in Biostatistics. – Graduate Certificate students pursuing further training.

• Degree vs. Certificate – A degree is more widely recognized and has a better job opportunity nationwide.

– Master programs will provide more balanced trainings in applications and theory.

– Certificate program focuses on applied biostatistics.

– Master programs is calculus-based and certificate program is not. – May start with certificate and transfer to a Master program.

Other questions

Any questions?

More information is available from

• Brochure • Website: www.ohsu.edu/academic/public-health/biostatistics • Email: [email protected]