The Aarhus Convention Reporting Mechanism Adapted from materials by Aphrodite Smagadi OVERVIEW The Convention’s provisions on reporting  MOP Decisions  Process (Who? What? How?

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Transcript The Aarhus Convention Reporting Mechanism Adapted from materials by Aphrodite Smagadi OVERVIEW The Convention’s provisions on reporting  MOP Decisions  Process (Who? What? How?

The Aarhus Convention
Reporting Mechanism
Adapted from materials by Aphrodite Smagadi
The Convention’s provisions on reporting
 MOP Decisions
 Process (Who? What? How? When?)
 The role of the secretariat
 The role of the Compliance Committee
 Format
 Reporting Cycles
Convention Provisions – Art.10 par.2
The Parties shall:
 Keep under continuous review the
implementation of the Convention on the
basis of regular reporting by the Parties
Review the policies for and legal and
methodological approaches to access to
information, public participation in decisionmaking and access to justice in
environmental matters, with a view to further
improving them.
MOP Decisions
Decision I/8 (2002): main process and
format (annex)
followed up by:
 Decision II/10 (2005)
 Decision III/5 (2008)
 Decision IV/4 (2011)
 Guidance on reporting requirements
Parties to the Convention: required
 Signatories and other States: may report
on measures taken, pending ratification
and/or accession
 International organizations engaged in
programmes or activities providing
support to Parties/States in the
implementation may report on activities
and experience
Parties are requested to submit report
The legislative, regulatory or other
measures taken to implement the
provisions of the Convention
Their practical implementation
Prepare reports through a transparent
and consultative process involving the
in accordance with the format set out in
the annex to Decision IV/4
How? (con’d)
Submit reports to secretariat
electronically and on paper
In one of the UNECE languages, as well
as in the language(s) of the Party
 Voluntary translation of the reports in the
other two UNECE languages
How (con’d) - new slide
New electronic database in Aarhus
Clearinghouse should be used for online
submission of reports and easy access to
information :
Submit an updated version in advance of each MOP
180 days in advance of MOP
Role of the Secretariat
Prepares synthesis report for each MOP
summarizing the progress made
 identifying significant trends, challenges and
Arranges for translation into other
UNECE languages and circulates as part
of official documentation
Role of the Compliance Committee
Prepared the Guidance on reporting
requirements to be followed for preparing NIRs
 Decision I/7 on review of compliance
paragraph 13(c)
 The Committee shall monitor, assess and
facilitate the implementation of and
compliance with the reporting requirements
under article 10, paragraph 2, of the
Reporting Format
In form of a questionnaire
 Only concerns articles of Convention for
national implementation
 Each article dealt with through separate set
of questions
 Revised format adopted by Decision IV/4 to
incorporate GMO amendment and provisions
of the Convention on public participation in
international forums (Art. 3 para. 7)->
Valuable information provided
Positive developments in legislative
frameworks and practical implementation
Challenges to implementation identified
Content: challenge
Some reports did not provide adequate
answers to the questions
 Parties provided lists of instruments without
clarifying how they transposed the
provisions of the Convention into national
 Requested information was provided in
answer to different question
Process: challenge
Public participation process was criticized
as not having been performed in an
adequate manner
Reporting cycles
Three reporting cycles since establishment of
reporting mechanism (Decision I/8)
First cycle (2005): 26 reports
(30 Parties) = 87%
 Second cycle (2008): 35 reports
(41 Parties) = 85%
 Third cycle (2011): 38 reports
(44 Parties) = 86%
 Fourth cycle: 2014?