Mutual Funds Chapter 14 Planning Your Financial Future, 4e by: Boone, Kurtz & Hearth.
Transcript Mutual Funds Chapter 14 Planning Your Financial Future, 4e by: Boone, Kurtz & Hearth.
Mutual Funds
Chapter 14
Planning Your Financial Future, 4e
by: Boone, Kurtz & Hearth
Understanding Mutual Funds
A pool of
money from numerous investors used to
invest in a portfolio of securities—managed by a
professional portfolio manager
When you own shares in a mutual fund, you own a
small part of the portfolio
Distributions of interest income, dividend income
and capital gain/losses occur to investor in terms
of the proportion of the total number of mutual
fund shares owned
Understanding Mutual Funds
There are over 8,000 mutual funds today
Compared to about 600 in 1980
The net assets of
mutual funds is about $7.5
Why are they so popular?
Bull market for stocks and bonds
Growth of self-directed retirement plans
Figure 14.1: Growth of Mutual
Source: Based on data from the Investment Company Institute.
How a Mutual Fund Operates
A mutual fund raises money by selling shares of
the fund to the investing public
The funds are used to purchase assets such as
stocks, bonds, money market securities, etc.
The shareholder of the mutual fund is said to
indirectly own the assets held by the mutual fund
AKA open-ended investment companies
Constantly issues new shares and redeems existing
How a Mutual Fund Operates
The fund’s NET ASSET VALUE represents
The market value of the fund’s assets, less any
liabilities, divided by the number of shares
How To Buy Mutual Fund Shares
Can purchase either
Through your stockbroker or
Directly from the mutual fund
Check the fund’s Web site
Review the fund’s prospectus
States the fund’s investment objectives, types of
securities it can purchase, fees, recent performance
Send in your application along with a check
Services Offered
Automatic reinvestment of
Effectively increases the number of shares you own
Automatic investment plans
Can be as little as $50 a month
Exchange privileges
Transfer within fund family
Check writing
Mostly money market funds (and a few others) allow
minimum checks ($500+ each)
Doesn’t replace a regular checking account
Regulation and Taxation
Regulated by SEC
Must present certain types of information in prospectus
and other reports
Limits types of advertising
mutual fund retains investment profit, it must
pay taxes on it; therefore, most mutual funds
distribute the gains to shareholders
Shareholders must report these distributions for tax
purposes, as well as any gain/loss on redemption of
Where to Get Mutual Fund
Money’s February issue is heavily devoted to
mutual funds
The Wall Street Journal publishes a mutual
fund section regularly
Classifying Mutual Funds
Can be classified based on
Investment objectives
Investment style
Types of securities owned by fund
Bonds (or income)
Hybrid (balanced)
Money market
Figure 14.2: Distribution of
Mutual Fund Assets
Source: Based on data from the Investment Company Institute.
Classifying Mutual Funds
Common subcategories for stock funds
Aggressive growth
Growth and income
Long-term growth
Small-company growth
Common subcategories for bond funds
High-yield corporate (junk bonds)
Investment-grade corporate
World income
Mortgage-backed securities
Municipal bond
Classifying Mutual Funds
Common subcategories for money market
Mutual Fund ‘Styles’
Even mutual funds that fall into the same
subcategory can have different management styles
One fund may try to achieve growth by investing in
stocks with potential for strong earnings growth;
Another fund may try to achieve same objective by
selecting stocks it currently believes to be currently
undervalued in the market
Different Fund Types
Some fairly new fund types
Asset allocation funds
Invest in a mixture of stocks, bonds, and money market instruments,
shifting allocation of money in an attempt to gain high returns with
low risk
Index funds
Attempt to replicate performance of a major stock index (most popular
is S&P 500)
Why are these so appealing?
Very low fees (not that much management to be done)
Most mutual fund managers can’t consistently outperform the market
Sector funds
Invest only in one industry
Advantages of Mutual Funds
Can increase your return without increasing
your risk (or may even reduce your risk)
But doesn’t eliminate risk!
Not all mutual funds are diversified—they’re not
meant to be
Advantages of Mutual Funds
Smaller minimum investments
Can purchase a piece of a well-diversified portfolio for a
relatively small investment
Money market mutual funds minimum investment
Stock and bond mutual funds minimum investment
$1,000–$3,000 (less for IRAs)
Additional investments can be as little as $50–$100
Many funds offer automatic investment plans that require initial
investments of as little as $50
Advantages of Mutual Funds
Professional management
Do all mutual funds always beat the market?
Over the past 10 years, stock funds have had an
average annual return about 1.5% less than the S&P
500 (9% vs. 10.5%)
Picking the Right Mutual Funds
Step 1: Choose your investment goals and
assess your risk/return position
You can then identify the types (group) of
mutual funds that meet your criteria
Step 2: Assess the fees and performance of
the mutual funds
Fees and Expenses
Several types of
Load charges: fees associated with either buying or
redeeming mutual fund shares
Front-end – paid when shares are purchased
Cannot exceed 8.5%
Example: You deposit $1000 in a fund with a 2% front-end load—
only $980 goes toward purchase of shares, the remaining $20 is a
Most funds use front-end loads with very few actually charging the
maximum 8.5%
Redemption fee (back-end load) – paid when shares are sold
Often depends on how long the shares were owned—with a lower
fee charged for a longer holding period
Fees and Expenses
Trend is toward low front-end loads or no-loads
No charges associated with buying or selling the mutual fund
Over half of all mutual funds are no-load
Annual operating expenses
Includes fees paid to portfolio manager, transaction costs, printing
Paid from investment income before it is distributed
Average is about 1.5% for stock funds; 1.1% for bond funds
12b-1 fees
Pays for distribution costs (such as advertising) in lieu of a load charge
Fees and Expenses
Evaluating fees and expenses
Not all funds charge the same operating fee %—shop
Can range from 0.1% to 2.5+%
Fees and expenses can have a dramatic impact on the
value of your investment over time
No definitive evidence shows that funds charging higher
fees earn higher returns
Everything else being equal, you’re better off buying a no-load
fund with low operating costs
Need to examine absolute performance AND
relative performance as well as risk
When comparing fund to a benchmark,
choose the right benchmark
The Relationship Between Past
and Future Performance
Some funds beat the market some years and not
Should we try to predict which funds will beat the
averages next year (or during the next 5 years) or not?
Randomly choosing funds will probably lead to the same results
according to some people
Others argue that superior funds may underperform
some years, but over the long run produce superior
The Relationship Between Past
and Future Performance
Results are mixed
Don’t chase returns—the fees are too great and
your results probably won’t be stellar
Past performance in NO WAY GUARANTEES
Performance and Taxes
Mutual funds pass investment income and
realized capital gains to shareholders, so
taxes must be paid on these distributions
The more distributions paid to you, the more
taxes you’ll pay
When Not to Buy Mutual Fund
Most mutual funds have regularly scheduled
distribution dates
For tax purposes, you shouldn’t buy shares
in a mutual fund right before a distribution
You’d owe taxes on that immediate distribution
What About Index Funds
Designed to track performance of
a broad
stock or bond market index
Most popular track the S&P500
Number of
index funds has grown rapidly
Making Changes to Your
Mutual Fund Investments
Will your goals remain the same for the next
30–40 years?
No—the mix of your investments will need to
change over time
You’ll also need to rebalance over time
Adjusting investments periodically to return to
the target asset allocation
When to Sell a Mutual Fund
One reason many people sell shares is due to poor
BUT, selling shares based on poor short-term
performance may be a bad idea
Are you chasing past returns?
This rarely produces superior returns over the long run
Even the best funds have poor performance at times
If you have a good fund, keep it even if it offers poor
short-term performance
When to Sell a Mutual Fund
There are viable reasons for selling a fund
Performance lags behind the benchmarks for an
extended time period (three years or so)
Fund gets very large very fast
Expenses keep rising
Fund is trying to capitalize on its popularity
Management turnover