January 2003 doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/044r0 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [PULSERS presentation to IEEE 802.15.4] Date.

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Transcript January 2003 doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/044r0 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [PULSERS presentation to IEEE 802.15.4] Date.

January 2003
doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/044r0
Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)
Submission Title: [PULSERS presentation to IEEE 802.15.4]
Date Submitted: [January 2003]
[Ph.Rouzet STMicroelectronics] on behalf of PULSERS
Company [STM]
Address [STMicroelectronics, 39 Chemin du Champ des Filles 1228 Geneve Plan-les-Ouates, Switzerland]
Voice [+41 22 929 58 66], Fax [+41 22 929 29 70]
E-Mail[Philippe [email protected]]
Re: []
Abstract: [This contribution describes the on-going process of putting in place a UWB focused European Project
called PULSERS, which is applying for the 6th framework of the European Community telecommunication projects]
Purpose: [In this presentation, we describe the process of putting in place a comprehensive UWB project for the 6 th
framework, as well as the motivations and main targets for such a project. The framework is supposed to last for about 5
years with several calls for projects within this period of time. PULSERS is a strong initiative with more than 45
organizations wishing to apply, and with the goal of contributing to regulation, standardization, algorithms and IPs
development, and demonstrator implementation. High speed communication systems, meshed networks and low data
rate sensor networks are targeted.]
Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not
binding on the contributing individual or organization. The material in this document is subject to change in form and
content after further study. The contributor reserves the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
The contributors acknowledge and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be
made publicly available by P802.15.
Slide 1
Philippe Rouzet – on behalf of Pulsers
January 2003
doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/044r0
Pervasive Ultra-wideband Low Spectral Energy Radio Systems
A European Initiative for Integrated UWB System Research
Walter Hirt
IBM Zurich Research
Rüschlikon, Switzerland
([email protected])
Domenico Porcino
Philips Research
Redhill, UK
([email protected])
Philippe Rouzet
STMicroelectronics NV
([email protected])
Joint IEEE Interim 802.11, 802.15, 802.18, 802.19 and 802.20 Standards Meetings
Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA
January 13-17, 2003
Slide 2
Philippe Rouzet – on behalf of Pulsers
January 2003
doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/044r0
A European Initiative for Integrated UWB System Research
“What is a Pervasive Wireless System?”
 A state of wireless networking where a user moves
seamlessly from one area to another unhindered by
bandwidth and incompatible wireless methods.
 Seamless and wireless networking not just between
users but between users and intelligent appliances and
between such appliances themselves.
 Wireless (indoor) networking where data transactions
and network operation and management are supported
by up-to-date and precise terminal location information.
Slide 3
Philippe Rouzet – on behalf of Pulsers
January 2003
doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/044r0
A European Initiative for Integrated UWB System Research
 PULSERS (Pervasive Ultra-wideband Low Spectral Energy Radio Systems) is an new international
consortium preparing an Integrated Project proposal under the upcoming 6th Framework Program
(FP6) of the European Information Society and Technologies (IST) program:
 Initially proposed by IBM Research (Zurich, Switzerland) and Philips Research (Redhill, England),
the PULSERS idea has now focused the interest and support of some 45 industrial and academic
research & development organizations mainly – but not exclusively - located in Europe:
► The PULSERS Consortium is presently under formation to prepare a detailed proposal.
 Technical focus of PULSERS is on short-range wireless systems based on Ultra-wideband (UWB)
radio technology concepts, e.g., to enable reliable high rate transmission in multimedia applications
and lower-rate transactions combined with position location & tracking, sensing and identification.
 PULSERS will also be guided by the fact that significant efforts are required to increase acceptance
of UWB radio technology on a worldwide basis in appropriate regulatory and standards bodies.
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Philippe Rouzet – on behalf of Pulsers
January 2003
doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/044r0
Main Objectives
 User Scenarios and Applications – Define new, perhaps unconventional user scenarios and
applications which leverage the unique advantages and properties offered by UWB-RT; determine
requirements on the qualitative and quantitative PHY/MAC and higher layer specifications (e.g., joint
data and positioning).
 Performance and Algorithms – Perform a comparative performance analysis (theory, simulation and
experiments) to assess the merits of various coding, modulation, multiple-access and positioning
schemes for UWB radio applications; include pulsed and alternate (ultra-)wideband signaling methods.
 Interference and Coexistence – Determine interference and coexistence effects of – and on – UWB
devices in heterogeneous network situations; coordinate and cooperate with related organizations.
 Semiconductor and Circuit Technologies – Advancements in the use of high-speed, mixed-signal
semiconductor processes (e.g., CMOS, SiGe/BiCMOS, GaAs, InPh) and design methods, enabling
high-volume, low-power and cost-effective “system on chip” (SoC) or “system on package” (SoP)
 Implementation and Demonstration – Implement/demonstrate selected user scenarios in terms of UWB
hardware and specific software and trial application functions (e.g., data, positioning, sensing) in
ambient intelligent environments.
 Regulation and Standardization – Support a global consensus on UWB radio regulation and work
towards consolidated proposals and submissions to international bodies standardizing UWB radio
devices and services.
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Philippe Rouzet – on behalf of Pulsers
January 2003
doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/044r0
Basic Capabilities and Promising Application Spaces
Very High
Data Rate
Channel Capacity or Cutoff Rate ~[Mb/s]
Free Space UWB Channel
Channel Capacity: C
f C  6.85 GHz
FPRF  20 Mp/s
DT GT  75 nW/MHz
Cutoff Rate: R o
B  7500 MHz
BP-2-PAM / 256-PPM
BP-2-PAM / 64-PPM
B  1500 MHz
GR  1
Rx-NF  3 dB
PM  10 1
BP-32-PAM / 1-PPM
BP-2-PAM / 1-PPM: N  1
PM  10  8
BP-2-PAM / 1-PPM: N  10
Low Data Rate
Location Tracking
BP-2-PAM / 1-PPM: N  100
IBM Zurich Research Laboratory
Link Distance [m]
Slide 6
Philippe Rouzet – on behalf of Pulsers
January 2003
doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/044r0
Basic User Scenarios
Intelligent Wireless
Area Network (IWAN) ►
Hot-spot Wireless Personal
Area Network (WPAN)
Wireless Body Area
Network (WBAN)
Sensor, Positioning, and
Identification Network (SPIN)
Outdoor Peer-to-Peer
Networking (OPPN)
Slide 7
Philippe Rouzet – on behalf of Pulsers
January 2003
doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/044r0
Hot Spot Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN)
Key Parameters
Wide Area
Cellular Network
Computer Digital
 High data rate (100 - 500 Mb/s) to
enable multiple parallel video links
 Short-distance links (typ. 1 – 10 m)
between neighboring devices
 Standard wireless and/or cable bridge
to internet and wide area networks for
connectivity to the outside world
 Typical topology: peer-to-peer
 Device density: medium, typically a
variable number of active devices per
room (e.g., home theater using 5 to 10
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Philippe Rouzet – on behalf of Pulsers
January 2003
doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/044r0
Intelligent Wireless Area Network (IWAN)
Wide Area
Cellular Network
(Alarms, Remote Control)
Key Parameters
 High devices density (e.g., intelligent
sensors) per room (>5 per room in
most rooms)
 Medium-to-low data rate + position
(typ. data rate: 10’s kb/s - 2 Mb/s)
 Medium-to-long distance links (typ.
Range: 20 – 80 m) between devices
 Typical topology: master-slave
 Very low power use from batteries
(e.g., 1 – 10 mW) and very low cost
(e.g., <1 $) to equip common objects
and assets with intelligent sensors
Slide 9
Philippe Rouzet – on behalf of Pulsers
January 2003
doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/044r0
Outdoor Peer-to-Peer Networking (OPPN)
Internet Access
Fix Line
3G Core Network
High rate data
exchanges over
short distances
 Up and downloads
on streets (outdoors)
Access Box
 Gaming applications
UWB connection
Ad Hoc
Connection Option
 Ad hoc networking
High Data Rate
Data Exchange (Gaming)
Slide 10
Broadband and low
cost replacement for
Philippe Rouzet – on behalf of Pulsers
January 2003
doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/044r0
Sensor, Positioning and Identification Network (SPIN)
Key Parameters
 High density of devices (intelligent
sensors) per factory (e.g., 100’s)
 Low data rate + positioning
(typ. >10’s kb/s and accuracy <1 m)
 Medium-to-long distances
(typ. ~100 m) between an individual
device and the master station
 Typical topology:
a) master-slave
b) ad-hoc
 Very reliable and highly adaptive
system reacting to a changing and
hostile RF environment
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Philippe Rouzet – on behalf of Pulsers
January 2003
doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/044r0
PULSERS Cooperation with Non-European Organizations
 The European Commission encourages a cooperation between future European projects – funded
under the 6th Framework Program (FP6) of the European Information Society and Technologies
(IST) program – with related international projects and consortia or their individual members:
 In particular, the PULSERS interest group invites initiatives from non-European organizations with
similar goals in the area of UWB systems research and development to consider the cooperation
opportunities provided by the PULSERS initiative:
► Non-European organizations qualify as “third countries” under FP6 – i.e., these countries
can participate in European FP6 projects but they will not be able to receive any funding;
► Besides cooperation in suitable technical fields, PULSERS encourages to explore a potential
cooperation in the areas of radio regulatory matters (e.g., spectrum mask, future requirements)
and international industrial standardization of UWB communication and positioning devices;
► PULSERS foresees significant efforts to facilitate the introduction and acceptance of UWB radio
technology in the appropriate worldwide regulatory and standardization bodies.
 PULSERS contact information – please inquire with the authors or one of the following individuals:
► Dr. Veselin Brankovic, THALES EE, Germany ([email protected])
► Dr. Walter Hirt, IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Switzerland ([email protected])
Slide 12
Philippe Rouzet – on behalf of Pulsers
January 2003
doc.: IEEE 802.15-03/044r0
PULSERS defined the operational contexts and user scenarios for UWB applications
requiring data communication and location tracking or a combination of both
Four main user scenarios have been identified:
- Hot spot wireless personal area network (WPAN);
- Intelligent wireless area network (IWAN);
- Outdoor peer-to-peer networking (OPPN);
- Sensor, positioning and identification network (SPIN).
Started to determine the requirements in terms of communication needs (e.g., data
rate, link distance, ad-hoc or centralized network) and location information (e.g.,
distance, direction, and position accuracy).
Next steps include definition of requirements for the physical layer (PHY) and
medium access control (MAC).
The need for a globally harmonized spectrum regulation is considered a critical asset
- coordinated actions are planned or have already started.
PULSERS will apply for an Integrated Project under IST-FP6 (Call 1).
Slide 13
Philippe Rouzet – on behalf of Pulsers