APPOINTMENT AND PROMOTION COMMITTEE WORKSHOP Winter 2013 Sheila McKee-Protopapas, Executive Director, WLUFA Kendra Young, Administrative Manager, Faculty Relations.

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Transcript APPOINTMENT AND PROMOTION COMMITTEE WORKSHOP Winter 2013 Sheila McKee-Protopapas, Executive Director, WLUFA Kendra Young, Administrative Manager, Faculty Relations.

Winter 2013
Sheila McKee-Protopapas, Executive Director, WLUFA
Kendra Young, Administrative Manager, Faculty Relations
The Committee
Articles: 13.12 [DAP],13.12.4 [LBAP], 13.12.5 [BDAP],14.8 [LAP]
 Ensure that the process for election of the APC is set out in the
procedures that are sent to WLUFA under Art. 13.12.2
 Size of the committee:
 5 is the minimum but 7-9 is ideal
 Have representatives from all of the areas in your department if
that is appropriate
 Whole department is not a good idea unless you have a small
department (doesn’t allow for alternates)
The Committee
 Recommending the D-I-C/F-I-C/L-I-C elect alternates for the
appointment and promotion committee
 If an alternate is used they sit through the application to the final
 Students are not members of the committee so are not to be
involved in appointment and promotion cases (Note: they can be
involved in the D-I-C hiring if your DAPC procedures allow it)
The Committee
Articles: 13.12 [DAP],13.12.4 [LBAP], 13.12.5 [BDAP],14.8 [LAP]
 Recommending somebody participate in the committee in the
position as equity representative. They would be a non-voting
member of the committee.
 The position would be similar to the Equity Rep position on SPAT
 Recommending a pool of individuals be trained to act as the equity
rep on the committee.
The Committee
Membership – Conflict of Interest (Article 9)
 “…a Member shall not participate in or vote at more than one stage
in the consideration of any application by a Member; the
consideration of an application by a unit or sub-unit constitutes the
first stage of an application. “ [Article 9.4(d)]
 This is repeated in Article 15.5.8 with reference to SPAT(new)
 If you are a member of SPAT, you have to choose whether you are
going to participate in DAPC or in SPAT – you can’t do both
 “Peer assessments…must be performed in an objective manner and
on objective grounds and be seen to be so.” [Article 9.2]
The Committee
Membership – Conflict of interest
Excerpt from NSERC guidelines:
 when the member has been a research supervisor or graduate
student of the candidate within the past six years;
 when the member has collaborated with the candidate within the
past six years, or has plans to collaborate with them in the
immediate future;
 when the member is uncomfortable with reviewing the candidate’s
application due to previous conflicts or any other reason (e.g.,
personal, financial);
The Committee
Sub-committees of the Department (or equivalent) Appointment and
Promotion Committee
 No provision for sub-committees in the CA
 e.g., a separate sub-committee for hiring and another one for tenure
and promotion
 If there are subcommittees, all members of all subcommittees must
be members of DAPC (or equivalent) and participate in full
discussions and voting on recommendations at DAPC
 Subcommittees with members who are not part of DAPC (or
equivalent) (e.g., students, other department members) is NOT
 Departments can sit as a committee, but this is only recommended
for very small departments
The Procedures
 Know the DAP/LAP committee procedures for making
 Reference: “Guidelines for DAPC” – October 2012
 Procedures of Department (or equivalent) Appointment and
Promotion Committee [Articles 13.12, 13.13, 15.4 and Articles14.8,
14.9, 16.5 for Librarians]
The Procedures
The candidate is to be invited to DAPC/LAPC to present any
further evidence and/or supporting information, oral and/or
written, he/she deems appropriate. (Article 15.4.3/16.5.6)
The Department (or equivalent) APC shall request from the
Member any further information it deems necessary or relevant
to make a recommendation (Article 15.4.3/16.5.6)
The DAPC/LAPC is to assess the overall record of
performance (Article 15.7/16.6)
The Procedures
If there is Negative Information:
Stop the meeting!
“In the event any negative information is presented to the
Committee, the Member shall be provided with such
information in writing and shall be invited (prior to any vote
being taken by the Committee) with a reasonable opportunity
of responding to such negative information.” [Article 15.4.3]
The Procedures
Negative Information:
It is important when scheduling the APC that consideration be
given to the possibility of having to stop the meeting to allow
the candidate to respond.
More reason to have alternates so the first meeting isn’t
delayed due to scheduling
The Procedures
Recommendation Letter
“Shall be based only on documentation presented”
Address all criteria for tenure and promotion (Teaching, Scholarship
and Service) [15.7 and 15.7.5, if applicable]
Must contain the numerical vote. Note: the vote is to be framed in the
affirmative, so the letter should read as such, e.g,. “the committee
voted 7-0 that the candidate be given Tenure.”
Letter is sent to the candidate by the same date the recommendation
is sent to SPAT/ULCAP. Letter is copied to the Dean/University
Librarian. [Article 15.4.5 & 16.5.7]
The Procedures
Recommendation Letter
Stick to the criteria of Teaching, Research and Service. Do not include
any information that does not pertain directly to the application the
committee reviewed and voted on.
If the committee wants to voice opinions on process or the collective
agreement, a separate letter can be sent to Administration and
WLUFA. Remember the recommendation goes in the Member’s
Official File and should only address information relevant to that
Note that the recommendation goes to the VP: Academic and the
candidate with a copy to the Dean. It does NOT go to DIC or the
The Procedures
Recommendation Letter
“Shall include reasons supporting and opposing the
“Such reasons shall relate only to the conditions and criteria for
tenure and promotion .”[15.7.4 & 16.6.2]
The Procedures
If the recommendation is not unanimous…..
……there have to be reasons provided during the discussion.
If there weren’t any reasons provided – destroy the ballots and
carry on the discussion
The Procedures
Issue related to recommendations:
Important to Note: The criteria for tenure and relationship
between those criteria [Article 15.7.4 & 16.6.2 for Librarians]
If a case is being made for mitigation, this should be clear and
The Criteria
 Under Article 15.7.4, there must be consistent evidence of
satisfactory academic performance, demonstrated professional
growth, and the promise of future development.
 Applies to all three areas – teaching, scholarly activity and service
 Note that “a demonstrated record of excellence in teaching may be
used to lessen the usual standards required in scholarly or creative
work. In the same way, an exceptional record of scholarly or creative
work may be used to lessen the standards usually applied under
criteria teaching and service.”
 If the DAPC considers this last point in their recommendation, it
must be clearly spelled out in the letter to SPAT.
The Criteria
Promotion Associate to Professor (15.7.9)
 Note that “A recommendation for promotion from Associate
Professor to Professor usually requires that a Member’s scholarly or
creative achievements be of sufficient significance to be recognized
outside of, as well as within, the University community, but
notwithstanding the provisions above, sustained excellence in
teaching and/or academic service, together with a satisfactory
record of scholarly or creative work, shall make a Member eligible
for promotion to Professor.
 If the DAPC considers this last point in their recommendation, it
must be clearly spelled out in the letter to SPAT.
The Criteria
Criteria for Tenure and Promotion (Article 15.7)
“publications and/or presentations in a credible professional
and academic forum including the publication and/or airing of
research-dependent works of Journalism in a credible
journalistic forum.” [Article 15.7.2(iii)
“scholarship in teaching, including research, publications and
academic presentations or workshops on teaching within
universities and/or scholarly disciplines.” [Article. 15.7.2(iv)]
The Criteria
Criteria for Tenure and Promotion (Article 15.7)
New (underlined)
A requirement for tenure or for promotion to any rank is
demonstrated competence and responsibility in teaching and a
commitment to the facilitation of student learning including
contributions to the development of curriculum and
programs of study within a Member’s academic unit or
sub-unit. Teaching performance which is superior to the
necessary requirements counts additionally in the candidate’s
favour. [15.7.2(a) Teaching]
The Criteria
New - Criteria for Tenure and Promotion (Article 15.7.5)
(a) A satisfactory record as a teaching, including in-class peer
reviews as per article 13.3.2 and;
(b) A satisfactory record of scholarly activity and achievement, or
creative work in the performing and fine arts and professional
activity normally to be demonstrated by presentation or
publication in a credible academic, artistic or professional
forum; as listed under 15.7.2(b), and with appropriate
weighting of activities under 15.7.2(b)(iii) and 15.7.2(b)(iv)
The Criteria
Criteria for Tenure and Promotion (Article 15.7)
The APC is looking at the whole record, including prior to Laurier.
More weight is given to the performance since hired to the tenure
track position at Laurier.
The record prior to that time was evaluated and got them the tenure
track position and, hopefully, the candidate had “irons in the fire”
when they were hired.
The review of the period prior to would be to review that progress of
the “irons.”
The Criteria
Criteria for Tenure and Promotion/Continuing Appointment
“tenure shall be granted when there is consistent evidence of satisfactory
academic performance, demonstrated professional growth, and the
promise of future development. “[15.7.4]
“Continuing Appointment shall be granted if there has been evidence of
consistent and satisfactory performance of the appropriate duties and
responsibilities, as described in 19.1.1 and 19.1.2…” [16.6.2]
Equity in Promotion and Tenure
Be alert to bias at both the level of expectations and the level
of evaluation in all 3 main areas (in formal and informal ways)
for members of designated groups:
Research (eg., non-traditional areas of research, dissemination, funding)
Teaching (be alert to potential bias on the part of students and faculty)
Service (fairness in terms of quantity of service required and the value
attributed to the substance of service areas)
Equity in Promotion and Tenure
The tenure clock stops for leaves under article 32 (Pregnancy,
Parental and Extended Parental Leaves, Medical Leave)
New: Article 20.2.3 – reduced load for family care
under certain circumstances, a candidate can request an
extension of their appointment and the same provisions
apply as for maternity or parental leave requests for
extension under Art. 32.6.3
New - Article 20.2.3
A Member, who is on a Reduced Load for the purposes of family
care or elder care responsibilities, may elect to have his/her
appointment extended by one year if:
The Member’s load was reduced to 50% or less in any year during
their provisional or candidacy appointments; or
The cumulative reduction of the Member’s load is 75% or more over
the term of their provisional and/or candidacy appointments
Note: may only occur once during provisional or candidacy
At SPAT Committee
Chair’s Presentation to SPAT
Be prepared to present the case
Address the candidate’s performance in all three areas
(teaching, scholarship, service).
Be prepared to answer questions
Include any relevant updates
Base remarks on the documentation presented and avoid
hearsay or comments of a personal nature
At SPAT Committee
The candidate is to be invited to SPAT/ULCAP to present any
further evidence and/or supporting information, oral and/or
written, he/she deems appropriate.
The SPAT/ULCAP is to assess the overall record of performance
“In the event any negative information is presented to the
Committee, the Member shall be provided with such information
in writing and shall be invited (prior to any vote being taken by the
Committee) with a reasonable opportunity of responding to such
negative information.”
At SPAT Committee
The SPAT Meeting
• The candidate, if attending, presents first and answers questions
• The candidate leaves and then the chair presents and answers
• The chair leaves the room and waits in the hall, while the committee
continues discussion and holds the vote. The chair has to wait in case
the committee has any further questions.
At SPAT Committee
 Voting:
 Nine (9) members constitute a quorum; all seven (7) voting members shall
vote on any application. Voting members are: Tenured Faculty elected by
UFC; Dean and the Vice-President: Academic. The VP: Research and the
Employment Equity rep do not vote.
 A member only gets one vote in the tenure and promotion process. If you
have a member of DAPC who is also on SPAT they must choose one body
or the other to participate on – they cannot do both.
 Votes are yea or nay.
 Voting is done by secret ballot
 Motion is framed in the affirmative. That candidate X be granted
promotion and tenure.
 The recommendation is determined by a simple majority. Failure to obtain
a majority on the motion results in the defeat of the motion and a
negative recommendation will go forward.
After SPAT Committee
After the vote:
 The Member is sent written notification of the SPAT
recommendation that will go forward to the President. The
notice will include the numerical vote and a statement of
reasons for the recommendation. If the vote is not unanimous,
then the statement is to include reasons opposing the
recommendation. The notification is copied to the Dean and
 The VP: Academic sends a report of the SPAT meeting(s) to the
President along with all the documentation presented.
 The President sends his recommendation to the Board, copied
to the applicant.
 Faculty Relations
Kendra Young, Administrative Manager: Faculty Relations
[email protected]
ext. 2980
Sheila McKee-Protopapas, Executive Director
[email protected]
ext. 2367