HTML 5 Security Philadelphia OWASP August, 2013 Copyright Justin C. Klein Keane Announcements ● ● ● OWASP App Sec USA is coming up in November in NYC (! Please.

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Transcript HTML 5 Security Philadelphia OWASP August, 2013 Copyright Justin C. Klein Keane Announcements ● ● ● OWASP App Sec USA is coming up in November in NYC (! Please.

HTML 5 Security
Philadelphia OWASP
August, 2013
Copyright Justin C. Klein Keane
OWASP App Sec USA is coming up in
November in NYC (!
Please register with the discount code
"Support_PHI" to support the chapter.
$50 cheaper if you're an OWASP member, and
individual membership only costs $50
) so join!
Copyright Justin C. Klein Keane
About HTML 5
New HTML standard
Like JavaScript, dependent on browser
Browser support varies
Remarkably, mobile tends to have more support
Designed to address persistent headaches of
web developers
Makes web applications much closer to native
Spec available atCopyright
Justin C. Klein Keane
Notable Features
Canvas element for dynamic drawing
Video and audio tags for embedding
multimedia without plugins
Local storage for offline web stores (cookie++)
Content specific tags
New form controls (calendar pop-ups, time
data types, e-mail validation, etc.)
Copyright Justin C. Klein Keane
Take Note
“Some features of HTML trade user convenience
for a measure of user privacy.”
“When HTML is used to create interactive sites,
care needs to be taken to avoid introducing
vulnerabilities through which attackers can
compromise the integrity of the site itself or of the
site's users.”
Copyright Justin C. Klein Keane
Local Storage
Web storage
NoSQL key-value store, much like cookies
Simple and easy to use
Set and called via Javascript with localStorage
or sessionStorage
Session storage persists merely for the local
session (no persistence)
“A mostly arbitrary limit of five megabytes per
origin is suggested.”
Copyright Justin C. Klein Keane
Web SQL Database
Full transactional database
W3C no longer supports it for development
Not clear what development roadmap will look
Creates all the security risks of a SQL
database, but at the client
Copyright Justin C. Klein Keane
Security & Storage
SQL injection moves to the client!
Persistent XSS moves to the client
Offline stores may become a target of malware
Offline stores lead to new sources, and
volumes, of forensic evidence
Cross directory attacks
DNS spoofing could expose data store
Copyright Justin C. Klein Keane
Filesystem API
Allows applications access to local filesystem
Useful for large files
Uploads, downloads, and usage
Creates all sorts of new security challenges:
Denial of service
Theft or erasure of private data (client side
Storing malicious executables client side
Storing dangerous or illegal files on a filesystem
surreptitiously Copyright Justin C. Klein Keane
Web Sockets
Answer to AJAX
Allows for synchronous connections between
the client and a remote server
Origin policies apply
ws:// and wss:// protocol identifiers
Uses port 80
Server validates client requests based on a
Copyright Justin C. Klein Keane
Security Implications of Web
New DoS surface
Could make for interesting data exfiltration
No implicit security/validation
Copyright Justin C. Klein Keane
Vector Graphics
Allows for dynamic image generation in HTML
Great for scaling and responsive design
Eliminates much of the need for embedded
Copyright Justin C. Klein Keane
SVG Security Issues
Graphics defined in HTML
This leads to interesting new XSS attacks
Clickjacking just got easier
Potential for new client DoS or crash
Copyright Justin C. Klein Keane
Web Workers
“threads” for HTML in JavaScript
No DOM access
Can use AJAX and Web Sockets
Worker threads can send and receive
SharedWorker allows multiple pages to use
the same worker
Copyright Justin C. Klein Keane
Web Worker Security
Multi-threading, what could possiblie go
Workers may have access to sensitive data so
SharedWorkers must be scrutinized
New asynchronous model is bound to produce
Copyright Justin C. Klein Keane
New Security Model
Old same origin policy is relaxed (CORS)
Cross origin resource sharing redefines XSS
attack surface
Assumption: same origin == trust
In HTML 5 origin policy is more nuanced
document.domain can be used to reset to
remove subdomains
New challenges:
“Do not use the document.domain attribute when using
shared hosting. IfCopyright
an untrusted
third party is able to host
Justin C. Klein Keane
an HTTP server at the same IP address but on a
Content Security Policy
Content Security Policy (CSP) defined in
Specify the source of trusted content
Content, font, frame, img, media, object, style
(http|https), none, self, unsafe-inline, unsafe-eval
Inline code is considered unsafe!
All CSS, JavaScript must be external (.js files)
No more injected XSS!!!
None of your existing apps will work :(
Copyright Justin C. Klein Keane
CSP Reporting
CSP can specify reporting
Allows browsers to report back to a specific
server URI when something is blocked
Protect - Detect – React
Can be set to report only for debugging
Copyright Justin C. Klein Keane
New Security Model
Sandbox flag
Effectively isolates origin
Prevents loading of plugins
Can force a unique origin
Can block form submission
And more...
Copyright Justin C. Klein Keane
New Complexities
Complexity brings new security challenges
Developers eager to implement features may
not understand security challenges
Testers may not be familiar with new features,
or security risks
Totally new security model at the browser level
Replacing 3rd party plugins may bring win
Copyright Justin C. Klein Keane
Other Security Issues
New dynamic attributes create new DOM
based XSS attacks
Formaction, oninput, onerror, onforminput, onformchange, etc.
Older security libraries may not recognize new
security threats
Greater capability and communications may
make the browser a target for malware
Fun new geolocation.GetCurrentPosition()
Use getUserMedia() to capture audio/video!
Copyright Justin C. Klein Keane
Special thanks to Mike Shema and Brad Hill for
their excellent research into this topic,
presentations, and book, which I relied upon
heavily for this material.
Copyright Justin C. Klein Keane