Past, Present and Future of User Interface Software Tools Brad A. Myers, Scott E.

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Transcript Past, Present and Future of User Interface Software Tools Brad A. Myers, Scott E.

Past, Present and Future of User Interface Software Tools

Brad A. Myers, Scott E. Hudson, and Randy Pausch Developed for HCIC’99 and TOCHI Updated 2009 1


User Interface Software Tools  Help developers design and implement user interfaces   Focus on


, but influenced by future UIs Today’s tools are highly successful  Window Managers, Toolkits, Interface Builders ubiquitous   Most software built using them


based on HCI research Brad A. Myers. “A Brief History of Human Computer Interaction Technology.”

ACM interactions

. Vol. 5, no. 2, March, 1998. pp. 44-54.


Talk Outline

 Historical Perspective     What worked What didn’t catch on Why Lessons Learned  Future Prospects and Visions  UI Trends that will require new tools  Important issues 3

Historical Perspective


 Address the useful & important aspects of UIs  Tools that succeeded helped (


) where needed  Threshold / Ceiling  Threshold = How hard to get started  Ceiling = how much can be achieved  Path of Least Resistance  Tools influence user interfaces created  Predictability  If not predictable, then not accepted by programmers  Moving Targets  Changing user interface styles makes tools obsolete 4

What Worked

 Window Managers and Toolkits  Event Languages  Graphical, Interactive Tools  Component Architectures  Scripting Languages  Hypertext  Object Oriented Programming  Constraints 5

Window Managers

  Multiple (tiled) windows in research systems of 1960’s: NLS, etc.

Overlapping introduced in Alan Kay’s thesis (1969)  Smalltalk, 1974 at Xerox PARC  Successful because multiple windows help users manage scarce resources:   Screen space and input devices Attention of users  Affordances for reminding and finding other work 6


 A collection of widgets  Menus, scroll bars, text entry fields, buttons, etc.

 Toolkits help with programming  Help maintain consistency among UIs  Key insight of Macintosh toolbox  Path of least resistance translates into getting programmers to do the right thing  Successful partially because address common, low-level features for all UIs  Address the useful & important aspects of UIs 7

Event Languages

 Create programs by writing event handlers  Many UIMSs used this style  Univ. of Alberta (1985), Sassafras (1986), etc.

 Now used by HyperCard, Visual Basic, Lingo, etc.

 Toolkits with call-backs or action methods are related  Advantages:   Natural for GUIs since generate discrete events Flow of control in user’s hands rather than programmer’s  Discourages moded UIs  May not work well in future 8

Graphical Interactive Tools

 Create parts of user interface by laying out widgets with a mouse   Examples: Menulay (1983), Trillium (1986), Jean Marie Hullot from INRIA to NeXT Now: Interface Builders, Visual Basic’s layout editor, resource editors, “constructors”  Advantages:   Graphical parts done in an appropriate, graphical way  Address the useful & important aspects of UIs Accessible to non-programmers  Low threshold 9

Component Architectures

 Create applications out of


separately developed and compiled which are   In UI software, each component controls an area of the screen Example: drawing component handles picture inside a document  Invented by Andrew research project at CMU (1988)  1999: OLE, OpenDoc, ActiveX, Java Beans  Now: SOA  Address the useful & important aspects of UIs  Just the “glue” to hold together components 10

Scripting Languages

 First GUIs used interpreted languages  Smalltalk, InterLisp  Rapid development, supports prototyping  Low threshold  Then C and C++ became popular  Now, bringing back advantages in scripting languages   tcl/tk, Python, perl Visual Basic, Javascript, Ruby, …  But language


contain general-purpose control structures 11


 Ted Nelson named it in 1965 and developed Hypertext system at Brown University  Important systems: NLS (1967), Hyperties (1986)  World-Wide Web  Phenomenal success due to:  Ease of use of Mosaic browser  Support for embedded graphics  Support for easy authoring  Low threshold both for authoring and viewing 12

Object Oriented Programming

 Success of OO owes much to UI software field  Popularized by Smalltalk  GUI elements (widgets)


like objects  Have state, accept events (messages)  Rise parallels GUIs  C++ with Windows 3.1

  Java for behaviors in WWW 2009: Flash, etc.



   Declare a relationship and system maintains it Sketchpad (1963), ThingLab (1979), Higgens (85), Garnet (1990), Amulet (1997), SubArctic (1996) 1999: hadn’t caught on  We thought would be mostly used for graphics  Now: Flash data bindings   Connect data to graphics Address the useful & important aspects of UIs  Predictability   Constraint networks can be hard to debug Especially in multi-way constraints  High threshold  Programmer must specify (or deduce) solving order  Constraints require thinking differently 14

What Hasn’t Caught On

 User Interface Management Systems  Formal Language-Based Tools  Model-Based and Automatic Techniques 15

User Interface Management Systems

 Original goal: like databases, provide high level language that abstracts details of input and output devices  This separation has not worked in practice  Good user interfaces must take into account the pragmatics and detailed behavior of all objects  Standardization of GUI input and output devices has made goal somewhat moot  Doesn’t address the useful & important aspects of UIs 16

Formal Language Based Tools

 Early UIMSs used grammars and state transition diagrams  Focus on

dialog management

 Moving Targets  Direct manipulation made dialog management less important  Path of Least Resistance  State diagrams afford


user interfaces  High threshold  Formal languages are often hard to learn 17

Model-Based and Automatic


Automatic techniques for generating UIs from a


or declarative specification of contents  Cousin (1985), Mike (1986), UIDE (1993), MasterMind (1993)  Try to separate specification of UI from content  May provide automatic reformating, retargeting, customization to users, etc.

 Result is often unpredictable  Often can be


UI than hand-drawn  Sometimes model is


than the code it would replace 18

Discussion of Themes

 Address the useful & important aspects of UIs   Narrower tools have been more successful than ones that try to do “everything” Do one thing well  Threshold / Ceiling    Research systems often aim for high ceiling Successful systems seem to instead aim for a low threshold Impossible to have both?


Discussion of Themes, cont.

 Path of Least Resistance   Tools


guide implementers into better user interfaces Goal for the future: do this more?

 Predictability   Programmers do not seem willing to release control Especially when system may do sub-optimal things  Moving Targets  Long stability of Macintosh Desktop paradigm has enabled maturing of tools  1999: We predicted a change soon  2009?


Future Prospects and Visions

 Important Trends    Ubiquitous Computing Move to recognition-based interfaces 3-D interfaces   End-user customization and scripting Violate assumptions of today’s tools  Assumptions limit what designers can do   Often unrecognized Implications for future tools 21

Ubiquitous Computing

 Computation embedded in many kinds of devices  Digital pagers and cell phones, Palm Pilots, CrossPads, laptops, wall size displays, “smart” rooms  Next wave: easy communication with radio  E.g., BlueTooth:

 Significant Implications for tools   Tools for coordinating multiple, distributed, communicating devices  “Multi-computer” user interfaces Moving target problem 22

Varying Input and Output

  Today’s Desktop screens vary by a factor of 2.5 in size and a factor of 4 in pixels Tomorrow’s screen will vary by factors of 100 and a factor of 625 in pixels  Cell phone to Stanford’s wall (3796 x 1436 pixels) in size 23

Need New Interaction Techniques

 Interaction techniques for desktop will not work    No room on small devices Can’t reach menubar on wall-size devices 2009: iPhone doesn’t use desktop metaphors  Want to run same application on different devices 24

Need for Prototyping Devices

 User interface will be in hardware  Rapid design and prototyping needed for hardware  Pragmatics and usability cannot be evaluated from a simulation on a screen 25

Multiple, Distributed, Communicating

 Computers more for


, not for


 Already true for WWW, email, digital pagers, cell-phones   Computers as intermediaries between people   CSCW But can’t assume have similar systems Single person with multiple devices   Room-area networks like BlueTooth or HomeRF People communicating with


 Tools will need to help with data sharing and synchronization 26

Limitations of Today’s Tools for UbiComp

 Tools assume a Pointing Device  Hidden reliance on specific characteristics of common devices    Size of display Many tools cannot handle a different number of mouse buttons Change to a stylus on a touchpad requires different techniques  Assumptions about the setting   Assume user is sitting and looking at UI Assume has user’s full attention 27

Move to Recognition-Based Interfaces

 Speech, gestures, camera-based vision  Multimodal interaction   User will pick which modality to use Use multiple modalities at same time  Today, programming these requires knowing about Hidden-Markov Models, grammars, feature vectors, etc.

 Need tools to hide these complexities 28

Fundamental Differences of Recognition-based UIs

 Input is uncertain   Recognition can make errors Requires monitoring, feedback, correction  Interpreting input requires deep knowledge of data  


of the application “Move the red truck to here” 29

Implications of Recognition-based UIs

 GUI event model no longer works  Do not produce discrete events  Separation of UI from application no longer works  Need a architecture based on accessible application data structures  “Reflection”, “Open Data Model” 30

3-D Interfaces

 Difficult to design the right abstractions for tools  Demise of VRML for Web  Need to settle on the 3-D widgets and interaction techniques that will be standard  Requirement for near-real-time interactivity  Need to hide the mathematics  2009: but what useful for?


End-user Customization and Scripting

  Spreadsheet enables end users to specify their own computation Visual Basic, other “scripting” languages  Needed in


applications   Threshold for programming is too high Need “gentle slope systems” 32

Gentle Slope Systems

Difficulty of Use Programming in C Visual Basic Flash HyperCard

MFC C Programming ActionScript HyperTalk Basic xCmds C Programming


Sophistication of what can be created 33

More Assumptions of Today’s Tools

 Skill and Dexterity of users   Older users Makes single, fixed library of widgets untenable  Non-overlapping and opaque components  Preclude translucency, magic lens interactions  Fixed libraries of components (widgets)   Creating new widgets is very difficult New devices will require new interaction techniques  Interactive tools provide freedom of design  Aim for “Mechanism not Policy” 34

Operating Systems Considerations

 What is in the OS?

 Window Manager? Toolkit? Communication? Scripting facilities?

 Need ever increasing services for applications  Need more access to low-level information  E.g., hardware buttons, whether on network  Ideally, API to support competition and research into these components 35

Some Design Guidelines for Future Tools

 Many things require further research  Organize around providing rich context     Of application and device state To inquire about data & methods; “reflection” Enables EUP, Recognition-Based UIs, data sharing for UbiComp Rather than event-based 36

More Design Guidelines

 Replaceable User Interfaces    Ability to have multiple UIs Enabled by procedural interface to everything in UI Enables UbiComp devices, EUP  Aim for low threshold, rather than high ceiling  But cover the


parts of the interface  Predictable for programmers rather than “smart” or automatic  Need for support for




 Research in tools necessarily trails innovation in UI design  Due to consolidation on desktop metaphor, significant progress in tools  UI design poised for radical changes  New opportunities and challenges for tools 38