Chapter 22 Water Pollution 22-1 Types, Effects, & Source of Water Pollution WATER POLLUTION- Any chemical, biological, or physical change in water quality that.

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Transcript Chapter 22 Water Pollution 22-1 Types, Effects, & Source of Water Pollution WATER POLLUTION- Any chemical, biological, or physical change in water quality that.

Chapter 22
Water Pollution
22-1 Types, Effects, & Source of Water
WATER POLLUTION- Any chemical, biological, or
physical change in water quality that has a harmful effect
on living organisms or that makes water unsuitable for
desired use
 Approx. 3.4 million people die prematurely each year
from waterborne diseases
Categories of water pollution
 Infectious agents
 Bacteria, viruses,
 inorganic chemicals
 Acids, toxic metals
 organic chemicals
 Oil, gasoline,
cleaning solvents
 excess heat
 Sediment
• Soil, silt
 Plant nutrients
• Nitrates, manure
Water quality
 Scientists monitor water quality by using bacterial counts,
chemical analysis, and indicator organisms.
Fecal coliform
Water quality
 Bacterial source tracking (BST) uses molecular biology
techniques to determine subtle differences in strains of
E.coli based on their animal host.
 Biological oxygen demand (BOD)- the amount of
dissolved oxygen consumed by aquatic decomposers
 Monitor populations of indicator species
Point vs. nonpoint sources
 Point sources discharge
pollutants at specific
locations through drain
pipes, ditches, or sewer lines
into bodies of surface water.
 Nonpoint sources are
scattered and diffuse and
cannot be traced to any
single site of discharge.
 The leading sources of water pollution:
agriculture, industries, and mining.
 About 1.4 billion people in developing countries
do not have access to clean drinking water.
 In a warmer world, too much rain and too little
rain can increase water pollution.
Pollution Of Freshwater Streams
 Flowing streams can recover from a moderate level of
degradable water pollutants if their flows are not
 oxygen sag curve -reduces or eliminates populations of
organisms with high oxygen requirements until the stream
is cleansed of wastes.
 Depth and width of curve depend on volume of
wastes, flow rate, temperature, pH level
Oxygen sag curve
Pollution Of Freshwater Streams
 Most developed countries have sharply reduced point-source pollution,
but toxic chemicals and pollution from nonpoint sources are still
 Stream pollution in most developing countries is serious
Cuyahoga River (Cleveland, OH)
fire 1959 and 1969
- bottom-up pressure from
citizens caused change
Case Study: India’s Ganges River
 Ganges is a holy river
 More than 1million bathe in river
 Poor sanitation
 Waste treatment plants are
being build
 Snapping turtles have been
released to feed on bodies
 Religious beliefs of cremation and
throwing ashes into river
 Many people are poor and cannot
burn the bodies, so they are
placed in whole and decompose
in water
Pollution Of Freshwater Lakes
 Lakes and reservoirs more susceptible to
pollution due to lack of flowing water and
infrequent mixing of stratified layers, which help
dilute pollutants.
 Contaminants can include runoff of
fertilizers, oil, pesticides, toxic
substances from mining and
industrial waste such as lead,
mercury and selenium.
bioaccumulation) can occur as
pollutants move through the lake
ecosystem (ie. DDT)
Cultural Eutrophication Human activities accelerates the input of plant
nutrients into a lake. (mostly nitrates and phosphates)
 Effects include algal blooms, which decrease
light penetration needed for photosynthetic
organisms. Also, increases decomposing
bacteria concentrations which leads to
decreases in available oxygen content.
Major Sources that leads to Cultural
Dealing with Cultural Eutrophication
Ways to prevent/ reduce:
Ways to clean up lakes:
 Advance waste treatments systems
that remove nitrates and
phosphates before discharging
 Removal of weeds and excess
plant growth
 Banning/limiting use of phosphates
in household cleaners
 Soil conservation and land control
to slow run off
 Pumping air into lakes and
reservoirs to prevent oxygen
Case Study: Lake Washington and Puget Sound- A Success Story??
Sewage going to Lake
Washington was diverted
to Puget Sound (more
flowing of water mixed
with Pacific Ocean
waters would dilute
Action was taken early to
prevent eutrophication of
Lake Washington,
however, now Puget
Sound is seeing
eutrophic effects due to
rapid rate of sewage
discharge from all
surrounding cities.
Case Study: Great Lakes Pollution
 Nearly 25 % of Canadian agricultural production and 7 % of American farm
production are located in the Great Lakes basin.
 More than 30M people live in Great lakes basin, which is roughly 10% of US
pop and more than 30% of Canadian pop. The daily activities of these
people, from the water consumed to the waste returned, directly affect the
Great Lakes environments.
 Major stresses on the lakes include toxic and nutrient pollution, invasive
species and habitat degradation.
 Sources of pollution include the runoff of soils and farm chemicals from
agricultural lands, waste from cities, discharges from industrial areas and
leachate from disposal sites. The large surface area of the lakes also makes
them vulnerable to direct atmospheric pollutants that fall as rain, snow, or dust
on the lake surface, or exchange as gases with the lake water.
 Outflows from the Great Lakes are relatively small (less than 1 percent per
year) in comparison with the total volume of water. Pollutants that enter the
lakes are retained in the system and become more concentrated with time.
 Pollutants in drinking water (which is
mostly groundwater) = high risk health
1. Pollutant/contaminant can leaks into
pores of bedrock surrounding aquifer.
2. Pollutant slowly flows through aquifer,
as a plume of contaminated water,
which may reach well used to extract
groundwater for drinking and irrigation
 Groundwater cannot cleanse itself of
degradable wastes (nondegradable=
permanent) due to slow flow, cold
temps, less O2, less bacteria
 1/3 of US industrial waste ponds have
no liners to prevent seepage
 76,000+ underground tanks storing
gas/fuel/oil are leaking
 Fluoride contamination- crippling
backbone and neck damage (China
& India )
 Nitrate ions (NO3-) cause cancer
and “blue baby syndrome”
 Arsenic- skin, bladder, and lung
cancer (mostly in Bangladesh)
 Clean-up once chemicals reach an
aquifer is nearly impossible
Erin Brockovich” movie Pacific Gas & Electric had
been poisoning the small
town of Hinkley’s Water
for over 30 years. It was
exposed for leaking toxic
Chromium 6 into the
ground water. This poison
affected the health of the
population of Hinkley.
is the most
effective and
 The ocean can break down
wastes that we put into it so
people have taken this fact for
granted and added large amounts
of waste into the ocean rather
than burying them.
 Scientists say that we do not know
how much the ocean can handle,
adding wastes would postpone
pollution prevention rather than
promoting it.
 40% of the world’s population lives on
the coast and pollutes the water.
 Sewage and industrial waste is dumped
into the sea without treatment which
causes beach pollution and shellfish
 Because of the pollution, the coastal
waters are full of colonies of viruses
 Harmful algal blooms (HAB) are formed
because of the excess nitrate and
phosphate plant nutrients in the water.
 In 1980, the countries surrounding the
Baltic Sea signed the Helsinki Convention
– the world’s first international agreement
to reduce marine pollution
 To reduce the number and size of oxygen
depleted zones, scientists have done
some of the following:
i. Reduced nitrogen inputs from various
ii. Restored coastal wetlands
iii. Planted forests and grasslands to soak up
excess nitrogen and keep it out of
 The Chesapeake Bay had a large
amount of water pollution because
of growing population.
 It received wastes from many point
and nonpoint sources.
 Phosphate and nitrate levels rose
which caused algal blooms and
oxygen depletion. Populations of
oysters, crabs and fish dropped
because of pollution overfishing and
 The US implemented The
Chesapeake Bay Program where
citizens, communities, and the
government collectively worked
together to reduce pollution into
the bay.
 Between 1985 and 2000,
phosphorous levels declined 27%
nitrogen levels dropped 16% and
grasses came back.
Solutions: Can Oysters Help Clean Up
the Chesapeake Bay?
 A way to decrease water
pollution in the Chesapeake Bay
would be to rebuild the bay’s
depleted oyster population with
disease-resistant oysters.
 This is because oysters filter
algae and silt from water.
 Over-harvesting and disease
were responsible for the decline
in the population.
 Link:
What is being done to control the
dumping of pollutants into the ocean?
 Although dumping off US coasts has
stopped ships still legally dump
dredge spoils at 110 sites through
the world.
 Sewage sludge is also being
 Since 1992 the US has banned this
practice and 50 other countries have
agreed to stop dumping.
 Since the ocean is so vast the
agreement is difficult to enforce and
is violated all the time.
What are the major sources of ocean oil
 Human activities on land.
 Tankers get much of the publicity for oil but
over two years twice as much oil is leaked
from shore activities than tanker spills.
 Normal operation of off-shore wells, washing
oil tankers and releasing oily water,
loading/unloading oil tankers, and leaks from
oil pipelines, refineries, and storage tanks
are all responsible.
 Almost half of oil reaching the ocean is from
being dumped on the ground, poured down
the drain, spilled, or leaked onto land/sewers
by cities, industries, and people changing
their motor oil.
Depend on a number of factors:
 Types of Oil:
 Crude Oil- marine life recovers within about 3
 Refined Oil- marine life recovers can take 1015 yrs.
 Type of Aquatic System
 Amount Released
 Distance of Release from Shore
 Time of Year
 Weather Conditions
 Average Water Temperature
 Ocean Currents
 Heavy oil components that sink to the ocean floor
or wash into estuaries can smother bottomdwelling organisms. (crabs, oysters, mussels,
and clams)
Water Pollution Solutions:
Mechanical Methods include:
 floating booms to contain the oil spill or keep it from reaching
sensitive areas
 skimmer boats to vacuum up some of the oil into collection
 absorbent devices such as large mesh pillows filled with
feathers or hair to soak up oil on beach on beaches or in
waters too shallow for skimmer boats.
Chemical Methods include:
 Coagulating agents to cause floating oil to clump together
for easier pickup or to sink to the bottom (less harmful)
 Dispersing agents to break up oil slicks (damage some
 Fire can burn off floating oil (crude oil hard to ignite, and
produces air pollution)
Biological Methods include:
 In which “cocktails” of bacteria are sprayed on the oil to
break it down into chemicals that the bacteria consume or
that disperse harmlessly into the sea.
Cheaper and may be more effective than other cleanup
Solutions: How Can We Protect Coastal
Waters? Think Prevention
Coastal Water Pollution
Reduce input of toxic pollutants
Improve oil-spill cleanup capabilities
Separate sewage and storm lines
Ban dumping of wastes and sewage
by maritime and cruise ships in
coastal waters
Sprinkle nanoparticles over an oil or
sewage spill to dissolve the oil or
sewage without creating harmful
byproducts (still under development)
Ban ocean dumping of sludge and
hazardous dredged material
Protect Sensitive areas from
development, oil drilling, and oil
Require at least secondary treatment
of coastal sewage
Regulate coastal development
Recycle used oil
Require double hulls for oil tankers
Use wetlands, solar-aquatic, or other
methods to treat sewage
Reducing Pollution From Nonpoint Sources
 Most of non point source pollution is caused
by the agriculture industry
 We can prevent pollution by
Reducing soil erosion
Using less fertilizers
Apply pesticides only when needed
Control runoff
 In 2002 EPA required 15,500 of the nation’s
largest feed lots/ factory farms to apply for
EPA runoff permits by 2006
 Annual reports
 Develop plans to handle manure/wastewater
 In 2003 Smithfield Foods built a factory to
transform waste into bio-diesel fuel
Reducing Pollution From Point Sources
Clean Water Act
(1972 and 1977)
 Sets standards for allowed levels
of certain pollutants
 Polluters must get permits
discussing amount and types of
Water Quality Act
 Most developing nations do
not have regulations and 8090% of waste water goes into
watersheds with no treatment
 Citizens then use this water
for drinking, bathing, cooking
Reducing Pollution From Point Sources
 Technological approach
 Septic Tanks (25% of homes in US)
 System where sewage from houses can be drained
 Sewage treatment plant
 Primary- removes about 60%
 Secondary- removes aerobic bacteria and 90% of
organic waste
 Advanced/ Tertiary- remove specific pollutants
 Chlorination
Septic Tank
Sewage Treatment Plant
What to Do With Sewage Sludge
 Sludge is a mixture of bacterialaden solids and toxic chemicals
 36% used to fertilize
 55% dumped in landfills or burned
 Very harmful and causes a lot of
health problems due to all of the
toxins it contains
Improving Sewage Treatment
 Prevent toxic chemicals from
reaching treatment plants so
chemicals from the sludge will be
eliminated along with discharged
water from plants.
 Convert to waterless, composting
toilet systems
 Composting toilet systems are
cheap to install and don’t require
intricate and large systems of
underground pipes that connect to
treatment plants.
Treating Sewage through Nature
 Natural and artificial wetlands and
other ecological systems can be
used to treat sewage.
 John Todd developed “living
Sewage goes to sedimentation tanks
where the solid particles become sludge
which is then taken out and made into
The liquid is pumped into oxidation
ponds where the remaining waste is
broken down by bacteria.
After about a month, the water is let into
the artificial marshes where further
filtration and cleansing is done by
bacteria and plants.
The clean, purified water then flows into
the Humboldt Bay.
Treating Sewage through Nature
 Mark Nelson also developed a
wastewater garden system that removes
99.9% of bacteria and more than 80% of
nitrates and phosphates from incoming
 Small, low tech, inexpensive artificial
wetland system for developing nations,
hotels, restaurants, and homes.
 The water flowing out of this system can
be used to water lawns or flush toilets to
conserve water.
 1.7 billion do not have access to proper
sanitation, by 2050 it could be up to 3
Reducing Water Pollution
 Water pollution laws have improved water quality
in many areas in the U.S. due to the Clean Water
Act of 1972.
 The number of water systems that met federal
health standards increased from 79% to 94%.
 Also, annual wetlands losses decreased by 80%.
 Suggestions to strengthen Clean Water Act to
increase funding and control of nonpoint source
pollution, upgrading computer systems for
monitoring, and strengthening programs to
prevent/control toxic water pollution. Also, to
protect groundwater and surface water from
 Many government officials think its too expensive
to carry all this out and test for water pollutants.
Drinking Water Quality
 Most drinking water has only disinfection
treatments before going out to households
 In areas where surface water is used for
drinking, it goes through a more thorough
process of aeration and purification.
Do we need to protect water
purification systems?
 The US is upgrading security, but the threat is small
 The average water reservoir is so big that it is difficult to
tamper or poison but because of the large network of
purification plants and accessibility, the drinking water
is still hard to protect.
 Growing concerns have produced results in more
security measures such as upgrades in security
cameras, special chemical indicating technology and
emergency response plans.
Purifying Drinking Water in Developing Nations
 Simple ways to purify water:
 Putting water in a clear plastic bottle and exposing to sunlight
Painting one side of the bottle black can improve UV
absorption. (but could break down plastic and release harmful
 Using strips of cloth to filter cholera.
 Using chlorine-disinfectant solution.
 Simply boiling water or using clear bottles and putting them in
the intense sunlight is still the most efficient way to kill bacteria.
 Most rates of cholera and diarrheal diseases have been
reduced by half in India, Kenya, and other tropic nations
Water laws
US Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974EPA sets standard for contaminants
Only public wells/systems are
Bottled Water: Solution or Rip-off?
 Studies and experts show
that in the United States
bottled water is 240 to
10,000 times more
expensive than ordinary tap
 Other harmful effects of
bottled water include
environmental toxic gases
and liquids expelled during
the manufacturing process.
Reducing Water Pollution
 Most of the worlds developed
countries have already
enacted laws preventing water
 Yet still little has been done to
improve conditions in the
developing parts of the world.
 Water Pollution Solutions
Reducing poverty
Reducing resource waste
Reduce nonpoint runoff
Reuse treated water
Prevent Groundwater
 Reducing air pollution
 Bottom-up political pressure