social justice and environmental video online QuickTime™ and a Sorenson Video 3 decompressor are needed to see this picture.

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Transcript social justice and environmental video online QuickTime™ and a Sorenson Video 3 decompressor are needed to see this picture.

social justice and environmental video online
QuickTime™ and a
Sorenson Video 3 decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
EngageMedia Aims
• Content
• Network
• Training
• Software
Content - Sourcing
• Independently
• Social-justice
• Environmental
• Asia-Pacific
Content - Video Distribution
• Website
• Video Podcast
• Download
• Screenings
• Festivals
• Community TV
• Online / Offline
Network - Asia-Pacific Video
• Videomakers
• FOSS developers
• Campaigns and
• Asia-Pacific
• Transmission
meetings - TX
Rome, TXAP
Training - Online Video
• Online video
• Video
• Open content
• FOSS (Free
Open Source
Software - Plumi video-sharing
• Based on
Plone CMS
• Auto
• Vodcasts
• News,
• BitTorrent
QuickTime™ and a
BMP decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
QuickTime™ and a
BMP decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
QuickTime™ and a
BMP decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
My Profile
Your public profile on EngageMedia. This
page lists all your video contributions and has
a link to your personal Video Podcast.
Publish Video
Share your productions by uploading video to
EngageMedia. Videos will be automatically
submitted for publishing approval. View
editorial policy.
Publish Event
List your events such as screenings, film
festivals or workshops here.
Publish News
Tell us news about your past and future
productions and promote your work.
Call out!
Looking for content for a DVD compilation,
screening, film festival or crew for a
production? Let people know about it by
adding a call-out.
My Workspace
Your folder containing Videos, News and
Events you have already contributed. You
can also use your workspace to upload files,
images and other material related to your
video work, such as downloads for flyers and
Why independent online video?
• like community TV, print or radio - we need
to have control of our own community
media infrastructure (like the printing
presses, or the radio transmitters)
• sidestep censorship from
governments or content
guidelines from corporations
Why independent online video?
• why make money for big online media
corporations, using their “free” services?
• keep control of your intellectual property
- or explore options for open content
licensing, encouraging a culture of
free sharing of ideas, stories and
Why independent online video?
• security and privacy - don’t just give your
personal data away to corporations for
marketing or surveillance
• use free and open source software rather
than proprietary software contribute back to the
• Advertising revenue
- shareholders
• Streaming - no redistribution
• YouTube license - for
their re-use
• Closed software
• Sold to Google Google ads
• No advertising
• Download for redistribution
• Creative Commons producer choice
• Free software platform
• No sale, community
management features
• open content licensing system
• alternative to restrictive copyright
• “some rights reserved” NOT all rights
• flexible system to allow choice of
You let others copy, distribute, display, and perform
your copyrighted work ONLY:
Attribution - if they give you credit
Noncommercial - for noncommercial purposes
No Derivative Works - verbatim copies of your
work, not derivative works based upon it - no
Share Alike - derivative works only under a license
identical to the license that governs your work others must let others remix also
Video Podcasting (Vodcasting)
• Uses RSS feeds.
RSS = Really Simple Syndication
• Publishes a “vodcast feed” or
“channel” of videos
• Users can subscribe to video podcast
channel in iTunes or Miro
• Automatically download videos
• Notified when new videos are
Vodcasting on
• Vodcast channels created automatically
– User
– Genre eg. Documentary
– Country eg. Malaysia
– Topic eg. Sustainability
How do I Video Podcast?
1. Choose VODCAST - by user,
country, topic or genre
2. Copy VODCAST link
3. Open Miro
4. Choose “Subscribe to Channel”
5. Wait for channel to load
6. Download videos
How do I Video Podcast?
1. Choose VODCAST - by user,
country, topic or genre
How do I Video Podcast?
2. Copy VODCAST link
How do I Video Podcast?
3. Open Miro
4. Choose “Subscribe to Channel”
Democracy Player
Democracy Player
How do I Video Podcast?
5. Wait for channel to load
6. Download videos
EngageMedia Facebook App
“ Latest Videos”
Uses RSS2 Vodcast feed
Install app onto profile
Shows latest videos
Working with Activist
• example: Climate Camp Australia 2008
– coordinated the media space
– online video training
– video publishing
– screenings
Climate Camp Media
• Flickr
• Picasa
• tags
• linked galleries
Climate Camp Media
• CC website
• Sydney
• multimedia
Climate Camp Media
• Engage
• You
Online Video Distribution
1. Audience and distribution
2. Compress and upload video
3. Promote and syndicate
1. Audience and Channels
• determine digital distribution strategy screenings / TV / DVD / VCD / online
• determine audience and how to reach them what viewing habits? where do they go?
• pick online video website/s
2. Video Compression
• determine best format/codecs to use
• find appropriate encoder
• export movie from editing application - DV
• compress video
• prepare metadata
• upload video and metadata
3. Syndicate and Promote
• Email
• Blogs
• RSS info feeds readers / other sites
• RSS Vodcast
• Peer2peer networks torrent trackers
• Mobile phones
• Offline distro - re-use on
TV, cinema, local screenings
• Fax media releases
• Interviews - radio,
print, TV
• Promotional materials
Transmission Asia-Pacific (TXAP)
• Organised by EngageMedia and Ruangrupa
• 50 participants from around Asia-Pacific
• Videomakers, free software developers,
organisations with online video websites
Transmission Asia-Pacific
– Main page
– Blogs
– Projects list
– Txap main page
• Main txap page
• Photos