Introduction to the course Computer Programming through Robotics CPST 410 Summer 2009 Contact  Prof.

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Transcript Introduction to the course Computer Programming through Robotics CPST 410 Summer 2009 Contact  Prof.

Introduction to the course
Computer Programming
through Robotics
CPST 410
Summer 2009
 Prof. Harry Howard
 howard at tulane dot edu
 862-3417 (voice mail 24 hours a day)
 Newcomb Hall 322-D
 Office hours: right before class & by appointment
(the link goes to my home page, which displays
my Google calendar)
 Course home page
Harry Howard, CPST 410, Tulane University
Show of hands
 Who are the beginners?
 Who are the continuing students?
 You can do both.
Harry Howard, CPST 410, Tulane University
Goals - beginners
 The goal of this course is to introduce you
to the principles of computer programming
by programming a small mobile robot.
 We use the Lego Mindstorms NXT robot, v.
 This course will gravitate towards my
interests in linguistics and cognitive
Harry Howard, CPST 410, Tulane University
Goals - beginners, cont.
 However, it is an introduction and does not
require any knowledge of computer
programming, robotics, cognitive science,
or linguistics.
 It satisfies the formal discipline
requirements for the Cognitive Studies
(CGST) major.
Harry Howard, CPST 410, Tulane University
 For you to demonstrate your understanding
of computer programming, you will perform
the following tasks:
turn in a daily project,
turn in a final project by the final-exam day,
perhaps come to class.
Harry Howard, CPST 410, Tulane University
Objectives: weekly project
 Turn in a project every day except the first &
 No project can be accepted late
 10 * 7.5% = 75%
 Even though these look like a lot of small grades
 If you know ahead of time that you will miss a
project, send me an e-mail and I will excuse you
with no penalty.
Harry Howard, CPST 410, Tulane University
Objectives: final project
 Turn in a final project by the final exam day
(Aug 10). This may be a group effort, but
the entire group will receive the same grade.
Harry Howard, CPST 410, Tulane University
Objectives: class participation
 Note that there is no credit for class participation.
 I will post my PowerPoint presentation to the class
website after each class (my presentations are ugly
so that you can print them easily).
 I am recording myself and will post an mp3 (i.e.
podcast) to the class website after each class.
 So you don't have to come to class, if you can turn
in the daily project somehow.
 In any event, I will change any high X– into a Y+
if I notice you participating in class
Harry Howard, CPST 410, Tulane University
Code of Academic Integrity
 “The integrity of Newcomb-Tulane College is based on the absolute honesty
of the entire community in all academic endeavors. As part of the Tulane
University community, students have certain responsibilities regarding work
that forms the basis for the evaluation of their academic achievement. Students
are expected to be familiar with these responsibilities at all times. No member
of the university community should tolerate any form of academic dishonesty,
because the scholarly community of the university depends on the willingness
of both instructors and students to uphold the Code of Academic Conduct.
When a violation of the Code of Academic Conduct is observed it is the duty
of every member of the academic community who has evidence of the
violation to take action. Students should take steps to uphold the code by
reporting any suspected offense to the instructor or the associate dean of the
college. Students should under no circumstances tolerate any form of academic
 For further information, point your browser at
Harry Howard, CPST 410, Tulane University
Students with disabilities
 Students with disabilities who need academic
accommodation should:
 Contact and register with the Office of Disability
Services (ODS). For more information, visit the ODS
website at
 Bring official notice to me from the ODS indicating
that you need academic accommodation. This should be
done before the first project.
Harry Howard, CPST 410, Tulane University
 Textbooks
 Beginners:
 LEGO Mindstorms NXT-G Programming Guide by James
Floyd Kelly (~$17)
 LEGO Mindstorms NXT Power Programming: Robotics in C by
John C. Hansen (~$22)Advanced
 None, as of right now
 Other readings: There may be supplementary
readings, distributed as pdf files on Blackboard.
Harry Howard, CPST 410, Tulane University
Schedule of assignments
 See handout or website for details of the schedule.
 Any changes to the schedule will be made to the
 I have never taught on this schedule before, so I
do not know whether the syllabus is too fast or too
slow. We will figure that out as we go.
Harry Howard, CPST 410, Tulane University
Odds and ends
 We will cover 30-40 pages a day, though
Hansen's book is much denser than Kelly's
Harry Howard, CPST 410, Tulane University
Continuing students
 Goals
To practice and expand on what you know
 Objectives:
Turn in a final project by the final exam day
(May 6). This may be a group effort, but the
entire group will receive the same grade.
Harry Howard, CPST 410, Tulane University
Special for today
 If you prefer to use an e-mail address other
than your Tulane one, please e-mail me a
message to that effect.
Harry Howard, CPST 410, Tulane University
Go over roster
 And pass around sign-up sheet & camera.
Harry Howard, CPST 410, Tulane University
Robots and programs
Kelly §1
What is a robot?
 Kelly's definition
 A robot is a device that is built to INDEPENDENTLY perform
actions and interact with its surroundings. (p.1)
 More generally, such things are divided into
 autonomous robots
 non-autonomous or remote-controlled robots
 Autonomy is much more interesting and is what we are
interested in
Harry Howard, CPST 410, Tulane University
What is a program?
 Kelly's definition
A program is a set of instructions for a robot.
Programming is what you do when you create
a program.
 Robots, and computers in general, are
Their instructions have to be extremely explicit
Harry Howard, CPST 410, Tulane University
 The MINDSTORMS NXT application is the tool that you
will use to create instructions for your robot
 Version 1.1 is the most recent
 The CDs that came with the boxes are v. 1
 There are two flavors, the regular one (in the big cardboard
boxes), and the educational one (in the plastic bins).
 I want you to all install the educational flavor, which has
the Robot Educator
Harry Howard, CPST 410, Tulane University
 NXT-G is the programming language that the
MINDSTORMS NXT application uses
 Like I said the first day, it is a graphical language, which
means that you build a program by inserting icons and
moving them around
 Most other languages are based on text, like the (not quite)
C language we will use later on
Harry Howard, CPST 410, Tulane University
Program structure
Kelly §2
Pseudo code
 Before writing a program in the way that
the robot understands, we will sketch what
we want it to do in a way that people
 Kelly calls this a 'fake program' but the
technical term is pseudo-code.
Harry Howard, CPST 410, Tulane University
One example of pseudo-code
 SPOT, move forward about 10 inches, turn
left 90 degrees, and start moving forward,
then start looking for a black object with
your ultrasonic sensor, because I want you
to stop when you find a black object, then
turn right 90 degrees, and move backward 2
feet, OK? (Kelly, p. 8)
 What is good or bad about this example
Harry Howard, CPST 410, Tulane University
A different phrasing of the
pseudo-code example
 SPOT, move forward about 10 inches and stop
 Now turn left 90 degrees
 Start moving forward, and turn on your ultrasonic sensor,
 Stop when you find a black object
 Turn right 90 degrees and stop.
 Move backward 2 feet and stop.
What is good or bad about this example?
Harry Howard, CPST 410, Tulane University
Pseudo and real code
 The main advantage of the second phrasing
is that we can match up the commands in
each line to elements in the programming
 In NXT-G, these elements are called blocks.
Harry Howard, CPST 410, Tulane University
Test the robot!
 Put in 6 batteries and see whether it starts
 Play with right and left buttons
 To shut down
Go back to 'My files'
Press dark grey button
Press orange button for check mark
Harry Howard, CPST 410, Tulane University
Next time
 Finish Tribot
 NXT introduction
 Movement, 'Going the Distance'
 Kelly §1-4, 24
 Bring your laptops!
Harry Howard, CPST 410, Tulane University