UNISA Workshop: Designing a road map for OER implementation Dr Andreia Inamorato dos Santos Fluminense Federal University - OportUnidad Project and Mackenzie University (Brazil) [email protected] September.

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Transcript UNISA Workshop: Designing a road map for OER implementation Dr Andreia Inamorato dos Santos Fluminense Federal University - OportUnidad Project and Mackenzie University (Brazil) [email protected] September.

UNISA Workshop: Designing a road map for
OER implementation
Dr Andreia Inamorato dos Santos
Fluminense Federal University - OportUnidad Project
and Mackenzie University (Brazil)
[email protected]
September 4th 2012 – University of South Africa
Blog: Open Content Online
What are OER?
OER are teaching, learning and research
materials in any format or media that are in the
public domain or open licensed allowing their
use and adaptation by third parties.
(UNESCO, 2002 e COL, 2011)
Who uses OER?
The 4 Rs of OER
Creative Commons licenses
Open format for OER
.doc .docx are proprietary formats and
depend upon commercial software (Microsoft
Office and Mac packages)
.odt is an open format and is downloadable for
free over the Internet: Open Office
OER business models
Adapted from Downes’ categories (2007)
• Donation: funding body or foundation
provides funding for the production and
provision of OER (ex. OpenLearn – first 2
years, Khan Academy)
• Subscription: institutions pay to become
members of a consortium which manages the
repository (ex. Connexions)
OER business models
• Contribution: the author of the OER is
responsible for the costs of the production
and promotion of the resources (ex. lecturers,
students, teachers etc)
• Sponsorship: the cost of OER production and
promotion is covered by a sponsor in
exchange for visibility and publicity (ex. FGV –
OER business models
• Institutional: the educational institution
covers the cost for OER production and
• Governmental: resources are created with
governmental targets in mind, normally fully
financed by the State
• Commercial : the user pays ( a symbolic
amount) for parts of the contet, tutoring or
certification (ex. OUNL, UnisulVirtual)
Remix and Redistribute
In pairs please
Use the template to think of your own context
Try and fill in the more you can please
Think of the main challenges
Think of any existing practices or examples
Post a question using Twitter or a comment
using the blog route
• If not connected to the Internet: please write
it down or speak it up! Thanks 
Thank you!
[email protected]
Image credits (Creative Commons licensed)
One laptop per child :wwnorm.com
Pregnant woman: offbeatmama.com
Young woman and retired man: georgecouros.ca
Open Licensed: thelicensingglawblog.com
Business woman: coachline
Handcuffs: muraldosescritores.ning.com
Access signal for the disabled: en.wikipedia.org
Business meeting: mmc.org