Aristotle University of Thessaloniki “Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity” Aristotle.

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Transcript Aristotle University of Thessaloniki “Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity” Aristotle.

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
“Education is an ornament in prosperity
and a refuge in adversity”
Brief History of the University
 The Foundation Act for the University of Thessaloniki (act 33141/14-6-
25) was approved on June 5, 1925. Nevertheless, the university started to
operate in 1926.
 Nowadays the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki is considered to be
the biggest university in Greece.
 It is located in the city centre and it expands over an area of around
430,000 square metres.
 On the whole it consists of 7 faculties which have a total of 37
departments, of 5 single-department faculties and of 4
independent departments (46 departments).
The Aristotle University comprises the following faculties
- Faculty of Theology
- Faculty of Philosophy
- Faculty of Sciences
- Faculty of Education
- Faculty of Law, Economics
and Political Sciences
- Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
- Faculty of Medicine
- Faculty of Dentistry
- Faculty of Fine Arts
- Faculty of Pharmacy
- Faculty of Engineering
- Faculty of Agriculture
- Faculty of Forestry and
Natural Environment
- School of Physical Education and Sports
- School of Journalism and Mass Media
- School of Physical Education and Sports
Science (in the city of Serres)
- Department of Spatial Planning and Development (Faculty
of engineering - in the city of Veroia)
Some of the Schools are found outside the campus (secretariat and/or
o School of Fine arts, Music Studies and School of Physical Education &
Sports Science (at Thermi)
o School of Journalism and mass Media Studies (46 Egnatia str. at the town
o School of Drama (122 Egnatia str.)
Also a series of University Units
-University Clinics
-School of Modern Greek Language
-Centre for Byzantine Research
-Institute of Modern Greek Studies
-University Farm
-University Forest Reserves
-Facilities of the School of Forestry and Natural Environment
-Archaeological Sites
-University Summer Camp
-Teloglion Foundation of Art
-Museums, Archives, and Collections
-University Sports Centre
As well as Administrational and Student Services
-Public Relations Department
-Research Committee
-School of Modern Greek Language
-Network Operation Center
-Computer Labs
-University Sports Centre
-University Camping Facilities
-“Logotypos” AUTH Gift Shop
-Student Club
-Halls of Residence
-Career Services Office
-Social Policy Committee – Health Care
-Student Counseling and Guidance Service
-University student pass
-Student Support Fund
-And many more
You can find more information in the University's web page:
Department of European Educational Programmes
(a.k.a. Erasmus office)
But not quite right since there are more exchange
 Dealing with the activity of the European Programme "Life
Long Learning" 2007-2013.
 By establishing bilateral inter-university agreements.
 Another objective is the support of the transparency and
promotion of full academic accreditation of studies and
academic degrees in the entire European Union.
Department of European Educational Programmes
(a.k.a. Erasmus office)
Constant rising of exchange agreements all over Europe and beyond!!
Department of European Educational Programmes
(a.k.a. Erasmus office)
The Erasmus office organises every year in May the
“Day of Europe – Day of Erasmus” event.
Erasmus students make a small presentation of their
countries and home institutes aiming to raise interest among
Greek students and promote their universities-countries.
Not convinced?
After the presentations discussions take place among the students.
Still not convinced?
The event closes with a buffet!
Now we made it, admit it!
Department of European Educational Programmes
(a.k.a. Erasmus office)
This year the Erasmus programme will celebrate its
25th Anniversary!!!
Celebrations will take place
throughout Europe and of
course in Greece!
A series of activities awaits
you all semester long!
The celebrations will reach
the high point in May; a lot
of trips, events and other
festival activities are being
Fasten your seatbelts and get ready to take off!!!
Department of European Educational Programmes
(a.k.a. Erasmus office)
Information website
Or you can visit the office Monday – Thursday, 11:00 – 13:30
Free cookies if you are nice!
School of Modern Greek Language
Democracy, ecology, technique, harmony, history, airplane,
You already know more Greek than you thought so why don’t
learn some more?
The School of modern Greek is here for you offering many
courses in our language.
Except the language instruction, the School organises trips
and visits to archaeological sites and places of cultural
School of Modern Greek Language
-There are 2 two-week courses organized specifically for
LLP/ERASMUS students with the support of the EU (LLP) at the
beginning of each semester: one in October and one in March
(beginners' level).
-The School of Modern Greek Language of AUTH organizes
Erasmus Intensive Language Courses (E.I.L.C.) on the following
a)Intensive Summer Course
b)Intensive Winter Course
Erasmus students are given ECTS credits.
Find more info at:
University facilities and Units
The University library
Hmmm, not exactly, nevertheless…
…the AUTH Library and Information Centre consists of the
Central Library and a number of Faculties' and Schools'
 Provides access to a great number of e-sources via Hellenic
Academic Libraries Consortium (
) and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki subscriptions.
 All the sources, services and contact info are available through
the web site of AUTH library
University facilities and Units
The University library
 Loan
Exchange students can acquire a library card (free) with a
certificate from the secretariat of the corresponding
department and with ID card or passport and borrow
material from all AUTH’s libraries
Online Reference and Interlibrary loan
E-courses (Blackboard)
Reading rooms and computer labs
The students reading room in Central Library is open all
days of the week. Exchange students can use the computer
lab at the Central Library Building
Access to Central Library’s computer lab
Wireless internet is available at the Central Library Building
University facilities and Units
Network Operations Centre
The Network Operations Centre is the
university contact point for all issues
• Institutional accounts for internet
and electronic services such as
opersonal WebPages
oaccess to grades
oWi-Fi network access
oAccess to computer labs in the
oAccess e-learning platforms
University facilities and Units
Network Operations Centre
Internet and Electronic Services relevant to Exchange
 You need an Institutional Account to access these services
 To acquire your Institutional Account you need to follow three
Step #1
o Ask
the secretary of your
School, for your
“e-Services Activation Form”
o The document name in greek
“Δελτίο Ενεργοποίησης – Deltio
University facilities and Units
Network Operations Centre
Internet and Electronic Services relevant to Exchange
Step #2
o Your “e-Services Activation
Form” lists the date when
you can use it to activate
your account.
o You need to wait for this
date before you proceed
with step #3
University facilities and Units
Network Operations Centre
Step #3
When the date that you can activate your account arrives,
you will have three options:
1) Forget it, just run to the beach and party!!!
On the other hand, if you really want that account…
2) If you have Internet access, connect to
and follow the instructions to activate your account
3)Visit NOC user support, where they can help you activate
your account.
You will need to bring your “e-Services Activation Form”
and a proof of your identity (passport, national identity
card or driver’s licence).
University facilities and Units
Network Operations Centre
Where to find NOC
NOC User Support is at the 1st floor of the
Central Library Building.
Working Hours are 08.30-14:30, MondayFriday
But unfortunately no cookies like erasmus office…
University facilities and Units
Network Operations Centre
Other ways to contact
 Phone:
2310999400, 08:30-15:00 Monday-Friday
 E-mail: [email protected]
 Web page:
University facilities and Units
University Sports Centre
“Nοῦς ὑγιὴς ἐν σώματι ὑγιεῖ”
Some wise ancient Greek guy, probably a Spartan…
Wanna play basketball? Maybe football? What about table tennis?
No? Alright, you are a swimmer-dancer pal, we get it!
But whatever (almost!)* your sport preference is, the University
Sports Centre is the best option to keep practicing it.
Especially since for the registration in there only a small photo,
student pass and a 10 euros annual fee are necessary. For the use
of water sports facilities though, a medical testimony from a
dermatologist is required, too.
*ice-hockey, ice-skating and other ice stuff available only in north
countries, sorry…
University facilities and Units
University Sports Centre
“Nοῦς ὑγιὴς ἐν σώματι ὑγιεῖ”
Contact Information
Tel.: +30.2310.99.2672
E-mail: [email protected]
Web page:
University Sports Centre is located just above the
Upper Student Restaurant
University facilities and Units
University Restaurant
Everyone feels hungry after morning and evening lessons – or after
a long-night party! – so our university offers two free meals per
day (lunch and dinner) at the Student Restaurant. Every day from
Monday to Sunday!!!
For that service, students have to submit to the Meals Service of
the University Students' Club the relevant certificate obtained by
the Erasmus Office upon their registration, their student
identification card "passo" (which will be stamped) and one
It also supports the organization of artistic, cultural and sports
events, and it has a music department, a choir and a photography
University facilities and Units
University Camp Facilities
The beach party we were talking about at slide no.19, remember?
The University Camp is located in Poseidi, Chalkidiki. The Camping
facilities include sports and entertainment facilities, hygiene
facilities, restaurant, two life-guard towers, fire-protection, a
beach bar, a students’ kiosk, and a small convenience store.
All AUTH undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as
AUTH staff can camp there. Campers other than
Aristotle University students are charged a small fee for use of
the facilities.
Find more at:
University facilities and Units
Student Pass (paso)
Every undergraduate or postgraduate student is eligible for reduced
fare in road, rail and marine means of transport in Greece.
Reduction depends on the means of transport and it ranges from 25
to 50%.
This year, the system applying for a paso has changed into
electronic form – long live the bureaucracy!! Students need an
Institutional Account to proceed with the acquisition of the student
On the website of ESN AUTH you can find a detailed guide on
how to get a paso:
University facilities and Units
Social Policy – Health Care
Your Health Booklet (βιβλιάριο υγείας) provides you with full free
hospitalization and approximately 25% reduction in the cost of
It’s important that you do NOT have any other insurance in order
to get a Health Booklet.
EU-STUDENTS should have with them the "European Health Card"
which is provided by their Home Universities.
University facilities and Units
Social Policy – Health Care
The Social Policy Committee offers also a series of services
among of which are:
• Support of students with special needs
• Information on preventative health measures and health care
• Free counseling and psychological support
Search for more info at:
Thank you for your attention