Lexical Analysis The Input  Read string input    Might be sequence of characters (Unix) Might be sequence of lines (VMS) Character set:     ASCII ISO Latin-1 ISO 10646 (16-bit.

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Transcript Lexical Analysis The Input  Read string input    Might be sequence of characters (Unix) Might be sequence of lines (VMS) Character set:     ASCII ISO Latin-1 ISO 10646 (16-bit.

Lexical Analysis
The Input
Read string input
Might be sequence of characters (Unix)
Might be sequence of lines (VMS)
Character set:
ISO Latin-1
ISO 10646 (16-bit = unicode) Ada, Java
Others (EBCDIC, JIS, etc)
The Output
A series of tokens: kind, location, name (if any)
( ) ; , [ ]
+ - ** :=
begin end if while try catch
String literals
“press Enter to continue”
Character literals ‘x’
Numeric literals
 Integer:
 Floating_point:
 Based representation: 16#ac#
Free form vs Fixed form
Free form languages (all modern ones)
White space does not matter. Ignore these:
Tabs, spaces, new lines, carriage returns
Only the ordering of tokens is important
Fixed format languages (historical)
Layout is critical
Fortran, label in cols 1-6
COBOL, area A B
Lexical analyzer must know about layout to find tokens
Punctuation: Separators
Typically individual special characters such
as ( { } : .. (two dots)
Sometimes double characters: lexical scanner
looks for longest token:
(*, /* --
comment openers in various languages
Returned just as identity (kind) of token
And perhaps location for error messages and
debugging purposes
Like punctuation
No real difference for lexical analyzer
Typically single or double special chars
Operators + - == <=
Operations := =>
Returned as kind of token
And perhaps location
Reserved identifiers
E.g. BEGIN END in Pascal, if in C, catch in C++
Maybe distinguished from identifiers
Returned as kind of token
E.g. mode vs mode in Algol-68
With possible location information
Oddity: unreserved keywords in PL/1
Handled as identifiers (parser disambiguates)
Rules differ
Length, allowed characters, separators
Need to build a names table
Single entry for all occurrences of Var1
Language may be case insensitive: same entry for
VAR1, vAr1, Var1
Typical structure: hash table
Lexical analyzer returns token kind
And key (index) to table entry
Table entry includes location information
Organization of names table
Most common structure is hash table
With fixed number of headers
Chain according to hash code
Serial search on one chain
Hash code computed from characters (e.g. sum
mod table size).
No hash code is perfect! Expect collisions.
Avoid any arbitrary limits on table or chain size.
String Literals
Text must be stored
Actual characters are important
Not like identifiers: must preserve casing
Character set issues: uniform internal representation
Table needed
Lexical analyzer returns key into table
May or may not be worth hashing to avoid duplicates
Character Literals
Similar issues to string literals
Lexical Analyzer returns
Token kind
Identity of character
Cannot assume character set of host
machine, may be different
Numeric Literals
need a table to store numeric value
E.g. 123 = 0123 = 01_23 (Ada)
But cannot use predefined type for values
Because may have different bounds
Floating point representations much more
Denormals, correct rounding
Very delicate to compute correct value.
Host / target issues
Handling Comments
Comments have no effect on program
Can be eliminated by scanner
But may need to be retrieved by tools
Error detection issues
E.g. unclosed comments
Scanner skips over comments and returns
next meaningful token
Case Equivalence
Some languages are case-insensitive
Some are not
Pascal, Ada
C, Java
Lexical analyzer ignores case if needed
This_Routine = THIS_RouTine
Error analysis may need exact casing
Friendly diagnostics follow user’s conventions
Performance Issues
Lexical analysis can become bottleneck
Minimize processing per character
Skip blanks fast
I/O is also an issue (read large blocks)
We compile frequently
Compilation time is important
Especially during development
Communicate with parser through global variables
General Approach
Define set of token kinds:
An enumeration type (tok_int, tok_if, tok_plus,
tok_left_paren, tok_assign etc).
Or a series of integer definitions in more primitive
Some tokens carry associated data
E.g. key for identifier table
May be useful to build tree node
For identifiers, literals etc
Interface to Lexical Analyzer
Either: Convert entire file to a file of tokens
Lexical analyzer is separate phase
Or: Parser calls lexical analyzer to supply
next token
This approach avoids extra I/O
Parser builds tree incrementally, using successive
tokens as tree nodes
Relevant Formalisms
Type 3 (Regular) Grammars
Regular Expressions
Finite State Machines
Equivalent in expressive power
Useful for program construction, even if
Regular Grammars
Regular grammars
Non-terminals (arbitrary names)
Terminals (characters)
Productions limited to the following:
 Non-terminal ::= terminal
 Non-terminal ::= terminal Non-terminal
 Treat character class (e.g. digit) as terminal
Regular grammars cannot count: cannot express size limits
on identifiers, literals
Cannot express proper nesting (parentheses)
Regular Grammars
grammar for real literals with no exponent
digit :: = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
REAL ::= digit REAL1
REAL1 ::= digit REAL1
(arbitrary size)
INTEGER ::= digit INTEGER (arbitrary size)
INTEGER ::= digit
Start symbol is REAL
Regular Expressions
Regular expressions (RE) defined by an
alphabet (terminal symbols) and three
RE1 | RE2
Concatenation RE1 RE2
RE* (zero or more RE’s)
Language of RE’s = regular grammars
Regular expressions are more convenient for
some applications
Specifying RE’s in Unix Tools
Single characters
a b c d \x
[bcd] [b-z] ab|cd
Any character
Match sequence of characters x* y+
Optional RE
Finite State Machines
A language defined by a grammar is a (possibly infinite)
set of strings
An automaton is a computation that determines whether
a given string belongs to a specified language
A finite state machine (FSM) is an automaton that
recognize regular languages (regular expressions)
Simplest automaton: memory is single number (state)
Specifying an FSM
A set of labeled states
Directed arcs between states labeled with character
One or more states may be terminal (accepting)
A distinguished state is start
Automaton makes transition from state S1 to S2
If and only if arc from S1 to S2 is labeled with next character in
Token is legal if automaton stops on terminal state
Building FSM from Grammar
One state for each non-terminal
A rule of the form
Nt1 ::= terminal
Generates transition from S1 to final state
A rule of the form
Nt1 ::= terminal Nt2
Generates transition from S1 to S2 on an arc
labeled by the terminal
Graphic representation
Building FSM’s from RE’s
Every RE corresponds to a grammar
For all regular expressions
A natural translation to FSM exists
Alternation often leads to non-deterministic
Non-Deterministic FSM
A non-deterministic FSM
Has at least one state
With two arcs to two distinct states
Labeled with the same character
Example: from start state, a digit can begin an
integer literal or a real literal
Implementation requires backtracking
Nasty 
Deterministic FSM
For all states S
For all characters C:
There is at most one arc from any state S that is
labeled with C
Much easier to implement
No backtracking 
There is an algorithm for converting a nondeterministic machine to a deterministic one
Result may have exponentially more states
Intuitively: need new states to express uncertainty
about token: int or real
Algorithm is efficient in practice (e.g. grep)
Other algorithms for minimizing number of
states of FSM, for showing equivalence, etc.
Implementing the Scanner
Three methods
Hand-coded approach:
Hybrid approach :
draw DFSM, then implement with loop and case statement
define tokens using regular expressions, convert to NFSM,
apply algorithm to obtain minimal DSFM
Hand-code resulting DFSM
Automated approach:
 Use regular grammar as input to lexical scanner
generator (e.g. LEX)
Normal coding techniques
Scan over white space and comments till non-blank character
Branch depending on first character:
 If digit, scan numeric literal
 If character, scan identifier or keyword
 If operator, check next character (++, etc.)
 Need table to determine character type efficiently
Return token found
Write aggressive efficient code: goto’s, global
Using grammar and FSM
Start with regular grammar or RE
Typically found in the language reference
example (Ada):
Chapter 2. Lexical Elements
Digit ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
decimal-literal ::= integer [.integer][exponent]
integer ::= digit {[underline] digit}
exponent ::= E [+] integer | E - integer
Using grammar and FSM
Create one state for each non-terminal
Label edges according to productions in grammar
Each state becomes a label in the program
Code for each state is a switch on next character,
corresponding to edges out of current state
If no possible transition on next character, then:
If state is accepting, return the corresponding token
If state is not accepting, report error
Hand-coded version:
Each state is encoded as follows:
case Next_Character is
when ‘a’ => goto state3;
when ‘b’ => goto state1;
when others =>
end case;
No explicit mention of state of automaton
Translating from FSM to code
variable holds current state:
case State is
when state1 =>
case Next_Character is
when ‘a’ => State := state3;
when ‘b’ => State := state1;
when others => End_token_processing;
end case;
when state2 …
end case;
end loop;
Automatic scanner construction
LEX builds a transition table, indexed by state
and by character.
Code gets transition from table:
Tab : array (State, Character) of State := …
while More_Input loop
Curstate := Tab (Curstate, Next_Char);
if Curstate = Error_State then …
end loop;
Automatic FSM Generation
Our example, FLEX
FLEX is given
See home page for manual in HTML
A set of regular expressions
Actions associated with each RE
It builds a scanner
Which matches RE’s and executes actions
Flex General Format
Input to Flex is a set of rules:
actions (C statements)
actions (C statements)
Flex scans the longest matching Regexp
And executes the corresponding actions
An Example of a Flex scanner
DIGIT [0-9]
printf (“an integer %s (%d)\n”,
yytext, atoi (yytext));
{DIGIT}+”.”{DIGIT}* {
printf (“a float %s (%g)\n”,
yytext, atof (yytext));
if|then|begin|end|procedure|function {
printf (“a keyword: %s\n”, yytext));
Flex Example (continued)
printf (“an identifier %s\n”, yytext);
“+”|“-”|“*”|“/” {
printf (“an operator %s\n”, yytext); }
/* eat Ada style comment */
[ \t\n]+
/* eat white space */
printf (“unrecognized character”);
Assembling the flex program
#include <math.h> /* for atof */
<<flex text we gave goes here>>
main (argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
yyin = fopen (argv[1], “r”);
Running flex
flex is an executable program
For Ada fans
The input is lexical grammar as described
The output is a running C program
Look at aflex (www.adapower.com)
For C++ fans
flex can run in C++ mode
Generates appropriate classes
Choice Between Methods?
Hand written scanners
Typically much faster execution
Easy to write (standard structure)
Preferable for good error recovery
Flex approach
Simple to Use
Easy to modify token language
The GNAT Scanner
Hand written (scn.adb/scn.ads)
Each call does:
 Optimal scan past blanks/comments etc.
 Processing based on first character
 Call special routines for major classes:
Namet.Get_Name for identifier (hashing)
Keywords recognized by special hash
Strings (scn-slit.adb):
 complication with “+”, “and”, etc. (string or operator?)
Numeric literals (scn-nlit.adb):
 complication with based literals: 16#FFF#
Historical oddities
Because early keypunch machines were unreliable,
FORTRAN treats blanks as optional: lexical analysis
and parsing are intertwined.
 identifier operator literal
 DO10I
 Keyword stmt id operator
10 I
3 tokens:
7 tokens:
literal comma literal
Celebrated NASA failure caused by this bug (?)