The FAO Open Archive Enhancing the Access to FAO Publications Using International Standards and Exchange Protocols Claudia Nicolai, Imma Subirats and Stephen Katz Food &

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Transcript The FAO Open Archive Enhancing the Access to FAO Publications Using International Standards and Exchange Protocols Claudia Nicolai, Imma Subirats and Stephen Katz Food &

The FAO Open Archive
Enhancing the Access to FAO
Publications Using International
Standards and Exchange Protocols
Claudia Nicolai, Imma Subirats and Stephen Katz
Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Rome, Italy
Presentation at the 11th ELPUB
Claudia Nicolai
14th of June 2007
 What is FAO?
 Information and Knowledge Management at
 Background and Objectives for an Open Archive
at FAO
 Introduction of Electronic Publishing at FAO
 Lessons Learned and Issues
 Creating the FAO Open Archive
 Next Steps
Presentation at the 11th ELPUB
Claudia Nicolai
14th of June 2007
What is FAO?
FAO is the specialized United Nation agency
that leads international efforts to defeat
 FAO acts as a neutral forum where all
nations meet as equals to negotiate
agreements and debate policy.
 FAO is also a source of knowledge and
Presentation at the 11th ELPUB
Claudia Nicolai
14th of June 2007
Information and Knowledge
Management at FAO
The First Article of the FAO Constitution:
“The Organization shall collect, analyse,
interpret and disseminate information relating to
nutrition, food and agriculture.”
The World Agricultural Information Centre provides
Tools and Standards for:
 Knowledge management
 Dissemination
 Information exchange
Presentation at the 11th ELPUB
Claudia Nicolai
14th of June 2007
 WWW.FAO.ORG is a huge knowledge-base
400,000 HTML files
More than 36,000 Documents (PDF and DOC)
More than 30,000 dynamic applications (JSP, ASP)
About 360,000 images (GIF, JPG, BMP)
400 multimedia resources (AVI, MPG, MOV)
Around 100 major databases (Oracle, SQL, ISIS)
In English, French, Spanish, Arabic and Chinese!
80 Million hits (7 million 5 years ago)
3-4 Million Visits (323,000 visits 5 years ago)
Presentation at the 11th ELPUB
Claudia Nicolai
14th of June 2007
 FAO was an early implementer of:
– an online catalogue for documents produced by FAO
(FAODOC), a multilingual online catalogue which
contains bibliographic metadata of FAO electronic
and printed documents;
– the Electronic Information Management System
(EIMS), a workflow management tool and database
which manages the publication of electronic
documents and multimedia resources on FAO’s Web
sites; and
– the Corporate Document Repository (CDR), a
corporate output interface for FAO full text electronic
publications stored in the EIMS.
Presentation at the 11th ELPUB
Claudia Nicolai
14th of June 2007
The objective of the FAO Open Archive is to create a
unique sustainable digital repository for the
dissemination of FAO publications and simultaneously,
enhance interoperability with other information
The FAO Open Archive should guarantee efficient
electronic publishing and metadata management, the
effective dissemination of FAO information resources
and the preservation of the Organization’s institutional
To find a strategy to solve:
the duplication of efforts in creating and managing metadata;
the lack of integration of electronic publishing and cataloguing
Presentation at the 11th ELPUB
Claudia Nicolai
14th of June 2007
 The FAODOC is a multilingual, online catalogue
of documents and publications produced by FAO
since 1945.
 The system uses UNESCO's CDS/ISIS software.
 More than 160 000 documents have currently
been catalogued.
 Since its inception, the FAODOC has focused on
the production of high quality bibliographic
Presentation at the 11th ELPUB
Claudia Nicolai
14th of June 2007
 The FAO Web site was released in 1995 and
the first electronic publishing workflow (through
EIMS) was initiated in 1998.
 Currently, more than 38 550 resources (full text
documents and multimedia items) are managed
by the EIMS.
 Photos, videos and audio are managed by
EIMS and accessible through different systems
on the FAO Web site.
Presentation at the 11th ELPUB
Claudia Nicolai
14th of June 2007
CDR - DocRep
 The CDR was conceived as the online digital
library of FAO electronic documents and
publications, as well as selected non-FAO
 At present, more than 23 000 full text documents
are available through the CDR.
Presentation at the 11th ELPUB
Claudia Nicolai
14th of June 2007
Presentation at the 11th ELPUB
Claudia Nicolai
14th of June 2007
Statistics – CDR v. FAODOC
% of CDR records shared with FAODOC
Presentation at the 11th ELPUB
Claudia Nicolai
14th of June 2007
Statistics – FAODOC v. CDR
% of in FAODOC shared with CDR
Presentation at the 11th ELPUB
Claudia Nicolai
14th of June 2007
Some issues....
 In the EIMS-CDR, each record corresponds to
one document (e.g., a book or a meeting report).
 The FAODOC catalogues documents and their
analytics (e.g., a document is considered a book
and the analytics are its chapters). Therefore, a
book can have more than one record.
 The content of the two databases partially
overlap, resulting in duplicate bibliographic
Presentation at the 11th ELPUB
Claudia Nicolai
14th of June 2007
Creating the FAO Open Archive
 The FAO Open Archive is based on the
integration of the electronic publishing and the
bibliographic cataloguing requirements.
 The process should focus on:
– system architecture;
– workflow procedure;
– compliance with international data content standards;
– exposing metadata in a standardized way.
Presentation at the 11th ELPUB
Claudia Nicolai
14th of June 2007
The following elements
define the architecture of
the system:
1. integrated workflow; from
left to right, the flow of
information starts from the
peripheral input system
elements, passes through
the core of the
management system and to
the dissemination
2. common database;
Presentation at the 11th ELPUB
Claudia Nicolai
14th of June 2007
3. management of the two
main functions of the FAO
Open Archive; electronic
publishing and cataloguing.
The FAO Open Archive Workflow (I)
Presentation at the 11th ELPUB
Claudia Nicolai
14th of June 2007
The FAO Open Archive Workflow (II)
Presentation at the 11th ELPUB
Claudia Nicolai
14th of June 2007
The use of OAI-PMH
 The visibility and dissemination of FAO
documents will be maximized by exposing
content through OAI-PMH.
 OAI-PMH to expose FAO Open Archive
metadata for harvesting to services providers;
multiple metadata format are allowed (Dublin
Core and AGRIS AP)
Presentation at the 11th ELPUB
Claudia Nicolai
14th of June 2007
Next steps
 Software requirements and
 Design of the common database
 Import of data from EIMS and FAODOC
 The launch of FAO Open Archive is
foreseen for mid-2008.
Presentation at the 11th ELPUB
Claudia Nicolai
14th of June 2007
Claudia Nicolai {[email protected]}
Imma Subirats {[email protected]}
Stephen Katz {[email protected]}
Presentation at the 11th ELPUB
Claudia Nicolai
14th of June 2007