Contents • • • • • • • Who is behind MIPEX Objectives Production and Producers MIPEX is a tool among others Underpinning framework Relevance Presentation and Users.

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Transcript Contents • • • • • • • Who is behind MIPEX Objectives Production and Producers MIPEX is a tool among others Underpinning framework Relevance Presentation and Users.

Who is behind MIPEX
Production and Producers
MIPEX is a tool among others
Underpinning framework
Presentation and Users
Collaborative effort
British Council and Migration Policy Group = lead partners
Stakeholders consultations to establish relevancy
7 comparative research partners worked on policy indicators
100+ national independent legal experts answer and peer
• 37 NGOs, think – tanks etc. to influence policy debates
• Financial support of EU Commission (80% )
• Transparency and knowledge of national policies, changes and trends
• Benchmark policies according to European and international standards for
equal treatment to identify national policy strengths and weaknesses
• Legal integration as first step in long path to societal integration
• Informing and improving policies
• Comparing policies over time and between 31 countries (more to follow)
MIPEX is a tool to compare, analyse, and
improve integration policy
Do all residents have equal rights,
responsibilities and opportunities
to help them improve their
integration outcomes?
A rights-based approach
• Measuring
• Applying human rights to migration and immigrants
• Commitment efforts output and outcome indicators
Source of MIPEX equality standards: Europe
Tampere European Council Presidency Conclusions, 15 and 16 October 1999
Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association and the Migration Policy Group, The Amsterdam Proposals: Proposed Directive on Admission of
migrants, 2000
EC Directive on the right to family reunification, 2003/86 of 22 September 2003
Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association and the Migration Policy Group, The Amsterdam Proposals: Proposed Directive on family reunion,
EC Directive on the status of third-country nationals who are long-term residents, 2003/109 of 25 November 2003
EC Directive on the right of citizens and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States, 2004/38 of
29 April 2004
Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association and the Migration Policy Group, The Amsterdam Proposals: Proposed Directive on long-term
residents, 2000
EC Council Conclusions of 26 November 2009 on the education of children with a migrant background 2009/C 301/07
Council Directive 77/486/EEC of 25 July 1977 on the education of the children of migrant workers
Council of Europe, Convention on the participation of foreigners in public life at local level, 1992
Gsir, Sonia and Martiniello, Marco, Local Consultative Bodies for foreign residents – a handbook (Council of Europe; Strasbourg 2004)
Council of Europe, European Convention on Nationality, 1997
Bauboeck, R. et al. (eds.) “Evaluation and Recommendations” in “The Acquisition and Loss of Nationality in 15 EU Member States”
(Amsterdam University Press; Amsterdam, 2006)
Starting Line Group, Proposals for legislative measures to combat racism and to promote equal rights in the European Union, 1998
Directive implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of racial or ethnic origin, 2000/43 of 29 June 2000
Directive establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation, 2000/78 or 27 November 2000
Integration pathways
7 Policy Areas for immigrants to participate in society:
Labour market mobility
Family reunion
Political participation
Long-term residence
Access to nationality
148 indicators
Who are the immigrants
Legally residing third-country nationals (20 out of 30 million)
Refugees but not asylum-seekers
All non-nationals to some degree and some strands
Non-documented only for access to education
Key Findings
Just 50%:
Halfway favourable
Political will counts,
more than tradition
Policies across EU
more similar and
strong with EU law