J2EE Application Development on Apache Geronimo simplified using Eclipse Shiva Kumar H.R. IBM India Software Labs, Bangalore [email protected] / [email protected].

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Transcript J2EE Application Development on Apache Geronimo simplified using Eclipse Shiva Kumar H.R. IBM India Software Labs, Bangalore [email protected] / [email protected].

J2EE Application Development on Apache Geronimo simplified using Eclipse Shiva Kumar H.R.

IBM India Software Labs, Bangalore [email protected] / [email protected]


• Geronimo – Introduction • Eclipse & Web Tools Platform – What is Eclipse?

– Web Tools Platform – Geronimo Eclipse Plug-in • Hands-on Exercises – IDE Setup – Start Geronimo server – Create a new Web application & Deploy it on to Server – Make changes to the Web application and Redeploy – Undeploy Web application – Stop Geronimo server – Debug the Web application

Geronimo – An Introduction

What is Geronimo?

• Open source J2EE application server project developed by the Apache Software Foundation. • Benefits from the efforts of collaborative development by an open community of Java developers worldwide. • Brings together leading technologies from the broad open source community to support J2EE.

http://geronimo.apache.org/ •Apache-licensed open source application server •Highly customizable •Small footprint (~35MB) •Community-driven

Geronimo as a J2EE 1.4 compliant server*

*Source: IBM developerWorks article by author Sing Li http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-geron1/index.html

Geronimo Key Features

• • • • • J2EE 1.4 Certified – First certification with Sun Microsystems in October 2005 – Geronimo v2.0 being developed will be Java EE 5.0 certified.

Option for Jetty or Tomcat as a Web Container – Geronimo supports both Jetty as well as Tomcat. Separate download packages are available for Jetty and Tomcat.

Database Support – Comes with Apache Derby database – Also supports JDBC enabled databases using a connector framework from TranQL Eclipse Web Tools Platform support – Integrated development environment for creating, deploying, and debugging directly against Geronimo Runtime customization – Advanced micro-kernel architecture enables runtime customization to save systems resources and improve performance – Allows for greater flexibility in creating different server personalities like Little-G.

Geronimo Key Features

(continued) • • • • • Centralized configuration and control – Easy-to-use administrative console for managing and monitoring the server and related resources Small Footprint ~35MB – Easy access - downloadable in minutes – Easily embeddable in customer or ISV application stack Liberal product license – Apache open source (ASF v2.0) license – Free to use in development, testing, and deployment Geronimo plugins – Geronimo applications, server features, and integrated products can be distributed as Geronimo plugins.

– Plugins are easy to install, automatically download any dependencies, and do not require server restarts.

Improved reliability for most commonly deployed applications – Web-tier clustering

Geronimo Admin Console

Eclipse & Web Tools Platform

An Integrated development environment (IDE) for creating, deploying, and debugging directly against Geronimo

What is Eclipse?

Eclipse is an open source community whose projects are focused on building an extensible development platform, runtimes and application frameworks for building, deploying and managing software across the entire software lifecycle.


Eclipse Java Development Tools (JDT)

Eclipse JDT Key Features*

• • • • • Code editing features – Code completion, – Syntax coloring, – – – Error markers: warnings and errors indicated in real time as you write code.

Quick fixes Code formatting, Automatic indent, Block tabbing – Code folding (expand and collapse) Code refactoring – Easily rename fields, methods, classes, interfaces, and packages, as well as add get/set methods for fields. Source-level debugging – Set absolute breakpoints (where execution stops at a line of code) or conditional breakpoints (where execution stops when a condition is met). – Support for stepping into method calls as well as over them, jumping out of methods, and "run to cursor," where the code executes until it reaches the selected line of code. Visual code browsers like – “Project Explorer” that let you quickly locate classes, methods, and fields within a project without scrolling through numerous source files. – – “Hierarchy” view that shows class inheritance hierarchies.

and others.

And many more… *Source: Eric J. Bruno’s article “NetBeans 4.1 & Eclipse 3.1” http://www.ddj.com/dept/java/184406194

Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP)

Eclipse Web Tools Platform *

• Initial version of Eclipse came with the JDT and the Plug-in Development Environment (PDE). JDT supported J2SE development while PDE supported Java-based Eclipse plug-in development. • WTP adds platform support for J2EE, by extending Eclipse along two dimensions, namely execution environments and artifact types. • The execution environment dimension defines where code runs. – Out-of-the-box, Eclipse lets you develop Java main programs that run in a command shell, applets that run in a Web browser, JUnit tests that run in a JUnit runner, and ANT tasks that run in ANT. – WTP extends Eclipse by adding servers (both J2EE and database servers) as new execution environments. In general, you need to install an execution environment, configure it in Eclipse, and associate it with development artifacts that you want to run in it. *Source: Arthur Ryman’s article “Eclipse: The Story of Web Tools Platform 0.7” http://java.sys-con.com/read/111212.htm

Eclipse Web Tools


• • The development artifact dimension defines what developers create. – Eclipse majors in Java source code as a primary development artifact. However other artifacts, such as PDE plug-in manifests and Ant build scripts, are also supported.

– WTP extends Eclipse with support for the large set of new artifact types encountered in J2EE development. These include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XHTML, JSP, XML, XSD, WSDL, SQL, and all the J2EE deployment descriptors. – Each artifact type has associated with it builders, creation wizards, syntax-aware editors, validators, semantic search extensions, and refactoring support.

– Editors provide first-class programmer assistance such as code completion, syntax coloring, error markers, and quick fixes. Key design goal of WTP - all of the functions that Eclipse users have come to expect from Java source code will "just work" for the new artifacts.

– For example, if I select a JSP, I can Run or Debug it.

– Similarly, the Debug command will run my J2EE server in debug mode and the standard Eclipse Debugger will let me step through my JSP source code.

– My JSP editor will provide code completion for both JSP tags and inlined Java scriptlets.

Eclipse WTP - J2EE Perspective

Eclipse WTP Key Features

• • Server tools – Let you define and control servers. Servers can be started, stopped, started in debug mode, and controlled in other ways. Servers can be associated with projects & projects can be deployed to servers. – WTP includes server support for Apache Tomcat, JBoss & many other popular commercial and Open Source J2EE application servers.

– The server tools include an extension point so that new server types can be easily supported. Apache Geronimo is supported in this way.

Web tools – Let you create static Web pages based on HTML, XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript. – WTP Web editors provide content assist, syntax highlighting, validation, and other standard Eclipse editor functions – The Web tools also include an embedded Web browser and a TCP/IP monitor that's very handy for debugging HTTP traffic.

Eclipse WTP Key Features

(continued) • • XML tools – Include source editors for XML, DTD, and XSD. Graphical editing is also provided for XSD besides source editing.

– Also include code generators for creating XML instance documents from DTD or XSD. Web Service tools - that include – WSDL editor - both a source editor and a graphical editor. – Web Service Explorer that lets you search and publish to UDDI registries, and dynamically test WSDL-based Web Services. – Web Service Wizard that ties together the full development lifecycle. It lets you deploy Java classes as Web Services, generate server and client code from WSDL, and generate test clients, as well as being integrated with the Web Service Explorer for publishing and discovery. – Web Service Interoperability (WS-I) Test Tools that lets you validate WSDL and SOAP for compliance with the WS-I profiles.

Eclipse WTP Key Features

(continued) • J2EE tools – Let you create J2EE projects and artifacts like JSPs, servlets, and EJBs, as well as the J2EE deployment descriptors, and deploy these to app servers. – The J2EE tools have a JSP source editor and a J2EE Project Navigator that displays J2EE components as objects. This provides a higher-level view of your project resources, for example, by displaying all the files related to an EJB as a single EJB object. • Data tools – Include support for connecting to JDBC-based databases such as Cloudscape, Derby, and other commercial and Open Source databases, and exploring their tables. – The data tools also include an SQL source editor that lets you easily execute SQL statements and view the results.

Geronimo Eclipse Plug-in

Geronimo Eclipse Plug-in

• Extends WTP’s server tools to add Apache Geronimo as a new server type.

• Provides form based editors for Geronimo Deployment Plans.

Eclipse WTP without Geronimo Eclipse Plug-in Eclipse WTP with Geronimo Eclipse Plug-in

Hands-on Exercises

Hands-on Exercises

• IDE Setup • Add Geronimo runtime into WTP • Start Geronimo server • Create a new Web application • Create a simple JSP • Deploy the Web application • Make changes to the Web application and redeploy • Undeploy Web application • Stop Geronimo server • Debug the Web application

IDE Setup

• • • • Download & Install Geronimo v1.1.1 from http://geronimo.apache.org/downloads.html

– “Geronimo 1.1.1 with Tomcat (zip)” is used in this presentation.

Download and install WTP v1.5.2 all-in-one-sdk from http://download.eclipse.org/webtools/downloads/drops/R1.5/R-1.5.2-200610261841/ – This includes Eclipse v3.2.1, WTP v1.5.2 and WTP’s pre-requisites namely EMF, GEF & JEM.

– “wtp-all-in-one-sdk-R-1.5.2-200610261841-win32.zip” is used in this presentation.

Download and install Geronimo Eclipse Plug-in v1.2 as per the instructions at http://geronimo.apache.org/development-tools.html

Finally start eclipse with “-clean” option (i.e. “eclipse –clean”). – Switch to “J2EE” perspective.

Add Geronimo runtime into WTP

1. Go to “Window -> Preferences -> Server -> Installed Runtimes”.

2. Click on “Add” to add the installed Geronimo instance into the WTP environment.

3. In the “New Server Runtime” wizard, select “Apache -> Apache Geronimo v1.1” and click “Next”.

4. Click “Browse” and specify the root directory of Apache Geronimo installation.

5. Click “Finish” to complete adding new server runtime. Click “OK” to close “Preferences” dialog.

Add Geronimo runtime into WTP

Step 3 Step 4

Add Geronimo runtime into WTP

6. Click on the “Servers” tab (bottom half of Eclipse window).

7. In the “Servers” view, right click and select “New->Server” from the context menu 8.

“Apache Geronimo v1.1 Server” should already be selected as the “server type” and the server runtime that you just created should also be selected under “Server runtime”. Click Finish.

Start Geronimo server

1. In the “Servers” view select the server you just configured, right click and select “Start” from the context menu.


You will be switched to the “Console” view while the server is starting. Verify that you are switched back to the “Servers” view and that Status of your server now says “Started” as shown below:






Create a new Web application

From the Eclipse menu select “File >New->Other” Expand “Web” and select “Dynamic Web Project” as shown in fig. Click “Next”.

Enter “SimpleWeb” as the project name and make sure “Apache Geronimo v1.1” is selected as the “Target runtime”.

Click “Next”. Make sure the “Geronimo Deployment” Project Facet is selected.

Click “Next”. Accept the default web module settings and click “Finish”. (Note if you get a warning about caching a resource copyrighted by Sun Microsystems click on “I Agree”).

Create a simple JSP


From the “Project Explorer” view expand the “SimpleWeb” project and then select the “WebContent” folder. Right click and select “New->JSP” from the context menu as shown 2.



Name the JSP “index.jsp” and click “Finish”.

This brings up the JSP editor. Enter the text “Hello World” between the HTML tags.

Type “Ctrl+S” to save the changes. Leave the editor window open

Deploy the Web application

1. From the Eclipse menu select “Window->Web Browser” and then select either “Internet Explorer” or “Firefox”. Without this step Eclipse will use its Internal browser which takes up a lot of valuable screen space within your Eclipse IDE.

2. From the “Project Explorer” view expand “SimpleWeb” and “WebContent”.

3. Select “index.jsp” , right click and select “Run As -> Run on Server” 4. Accept the defaults in the “Run on Server” dialog and click “Finish”.

5. A browser window should appear with the contents of “index.jsp”. Leave the browser window open.

Make changes to the Web application and redeploy

1. Go back to the JSP editor and change “Hello World” to something else (e.g. Hello Underworld).

2. Type Ctrl+S to save the changes.

3. Go to the “Servers” view and select your server. Note that the State column now says “Republish”. Right click and select “Publish” from the context menu. Verify that the State of the server changes to “Synchronized”.

4. Go back to the browser window that you used to test the JSP initially and reload the page. Verify that the changes you made to the JSP are reflected in the browser.

Undeploy web application



Go to the “Servers” view and select your server. Right click and select “Add and Remove Projects” from the context menu In the resulting dialog click on “Remove all” and then click on “Finish”

Stop Geronimo server

1. Go back to the “Servers” view and select your server. Right click and select “Stop” from the context menu.

Debug the web application





Go back to the JSP Editor and replace the contents within HTML tags as below: Hello UnderWorld.
This application is being run on ${datetime}.

Add a breakpoint at line 10 (line with code) Type “Ctrl + S” to save the changes.

From the “Project Explorer” view, select “index.jsp”. Right click on it and select “Debug As -> Debug on Server” 5.

Accept the defaults in the “Debug on Server” dialog and click “Finish”.


Debug the web application

The Geronimo server will now be started in Debug mode. As before the web application will be deployed and run. Since we have put a breakpoint in “index.jsp” the execution will now stop and IDE will ask for switching to “Debug” perspective. Click “Yes” to switch to the “Debug” perspective.

Debug the web application







We can now step through our JSP, viewing and changing variable values as we go. When we continue execution (using the green arrow), the JSP is served into the Web browser.

Click “Step Over” icon in the “Debug view” to execute the line In the “Variables” view, scroll down and select “datetime” variable, expand it and then select “fastTime”.

Click in the “Value” column. You will see that the value of “datetime” can now be changed. Change the first number from “1” to “2”. Click “Enter” Back in the “Debug” view, click the green icon to continue execution.

In the browser you will observe that the value displayed for current date and time is changed.

Hands-on Exercises

• IDE Setup • Add Geronimo runtime into WTP • Start Geronimo server • Create a new Web application • Create a simple JSP • Deploy the Web application • Make changes to the Web application and redeploy • Undeploy Web application • Stop Geronimo server • Debug the Web application

Resources & References

Resources & References

• ApacheCon Asia 2006 presentation by Rakesh Midha – “Inside Apache Geronimo 1.1 - What makes it special?” – http://asia.apachecon.com/wp content/presentations/ApacheCon2006.ppt

• IBM developerWorks article by author Sing Li – “Geronimo! Part 1: The J2EE 1.4 engine that could” – http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j geron1/index.html

• Arthur Ryman’s article “Eclipse: The Story of Web Tools Platform 0.7” at Java Developer's Journal – http://java.sys-con.com/read/111212.htm

Resources & References

• Eric J. Bruno’s article “NetBeans 4.1 & Eclipse 3.1” at Dr. Dobb's Portal – http://www.ddj.com/dept/java/184406194 • IBM GetStarted with Application Deployment on WebSphere Application Server Community Edition – http://www 306.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/community/services/ • IBM developerWorks article by author Lin Sun – “Using the Eclipse Plug-in for WebSphere Application Server Community Edition” – http://www 128.ibm.com/developerworks/websphere/library/techarticles/0604_sun/0 604_sun.html


Shiva Kumar H.R.

[email protected]