HOUSING FIRST Broward County, FL Broward FL-601 Continuum of Care Board October 2014 Pre-HEARTH History  System of managing homelessness- not ending homelessness  Focus on providing services first  High threshold.

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Transcript HOUSING FIRST Broward County, FL Broward FL-601 Continuum of Care Board October 2014 Pre-HEARTH History  System of managing homelessness- not ending homelessness  Focus on providing services first  High threshold.


Broward County, FL Broward FL-601 Continuum of Care Board October 2014

Pre-HEARTH History

 System of managing homelessness- not ending homelessness  Focus on providing services first  High threshold for housing entry: clinical prerequisites; evidence of sobriety  Result in increased depression among parents and children, an increase in poor academic performance, and an increased chance of family separation

Traditional Approach

Shelter Placement Homeless Transitional Permanent Housing


 CoC Application  Prioritization of chronic homelessness  Housing offered without preconditions  Rapid placement (and stabilization) in Permanent Housing Rapid Re-housing

Present – Post HEARTH Act

 Changes required for successful Housing First Model  Changes in approach  Changes in funding  Changes in implementation  Changes in mindset

Transitional Permanent Housing Shelter Placement Homeless

Housing First Approach

What is Housing First?

A simple approach that calls for immediate action

 An approach that emphasizes stable, permanent housing as a primary strategy for ending homelessness  An approach to ending homelessness that centers on providing people experiencing homelessness with housing as quickly as possible- and THEN providing services as needed

What is Housing First?


Critical Elements

   Focus on helping individuals and families access and sustain permanent rental housing as quickly as possible without time limit restraints, i.e. having to wait a mandatory 60 days before being placed; Variety of services delivered primarily, following a household placement, to promote housing stability and individual well-being;  Services are time limited or long-term depending on individual need; and Housing is NOT contingent upon compliance with services-instead participants must comply with a standard lease agreement and are provided with the services and supports that are necessary to help them do so successfully.

    Assessment and Targeting  In-depth assessment to determine feasibility Permanent Housing  Some programs provide minimal financial assistance   Some programs rely solely on apartments in the private rental market Some programs hold the lease while Client in program Low, Moderate or High Intensity Supportive Services  Varying levels of intensity is dictated by the needs of the individuals/families; help with stabilization Outcome Measures  How rapidly re-housed?

  Are individuals and families remaining housed?

Do individuals and families re-enter shelter?

 Average length of stay in homelessness of the target population  Assesses whether there is a reduction in the length of homeless episodes overall

What does Housing First entail?

Housing First Efficacy

 Proven method of ending all types of homelessness and is the most effective approach to ending chronic homelessness  Core strategy for ending homelessness in “Opening Doors: the Federal

Strategic Plan to End Homelessness”

 Widely adopted by national and community-based organizations as a best practice for solving homelessness

End Result

 Higher housing retention rates  Lower return to homelessness  Significant reductions in the use of crisis service and institutions  Maintain family unit

Housing First Fidelity

  Are applicants required to have income prior to admission?

Are applicants required to be “clean and sober” or “treatment compliant” prior to admission?

 Are tenants able to be evicted for not following through on their services and/or treatment plan?


