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Birth W.E.B. Du Bois Date of birth is February 23, 1868
Parents:Mother “Mary Silvina Burghardt
Du Bois’ family background was complex and no
doubt helped shape his perspective on race
His father was born in Haiti and had some French
background; his great grandmother Elizabeth Freeman
was a slave who sued to earn her freedom, an action
that contributed to the abolition of slavery in
Facts continued
Du Bois was one of the founders of the Niagara Movement, a
civil rights group that eventually developed into the NAACP
Du Bois investigated many possible solutions to the race problem
in America, including socialism. He was given the Lenin
Peace Prize (a Soviet analogue to the Nobel Prize) in 1959
and joined the Communist Party two years later
I am the Smoke King
I am black!
I am swinging in the sky,
I am wringing worlds awry;
I am the thought of the throbbing mills,
I am the soul of the soul-toil kills,
Wraith of the ripple of trading rills; .
Famous Quotes
Belive in life ! Always human beings will live and progress to
greater Broder and fuller live
To stimulate widly weak and unrained minds is to play with
mightly fires
Never before in the modern age has a great and civilized folk threatened to adopt so cowardly a
creed in the treatment of its fellow-citizens born and bred on its soil. Stripped of verbiage and
subterfuge and in its naked nastiness the new American creed says: Fear to let black men even
try to rise lest they become the equals of the white. And this is the land that professes to
follow Jesus Christ. The blasphemy of such a course is only matched by its cowardice.
In detail our demands are clear and unequivocal. First, we would vote; with the right to vote goes
everything: Freedom, manhood, the honor of your wives, the chastity of your daughters, the
right to work, and the chance to rise, and let no man listen to those who deny this.
Major Events In W.E.B Dubois Life
Du Bois’s father left town when Du Bois was young, and Du
Bois and his mother were poor.
William Edward Burghardt Du Bois, one of the most
influential intellectuals of the 20th century, was an editor,
historian, sociologist, novelist, civil rights leader, socialist,
and pan-Africanist. Born in Great Barrington,
Massachusetts, Du Bois studied at Fisk University in
Nashville, Harvard University (B.A. 1890, M.A. 1891, Ph.
D. 1896), and the University of Berlin. He taught at
Wilberforce College in Ohio, and then, in 1897, began
teaching at Atlanta University.
Major events continued
Du Bois's experience in the South caused him to reject the
accommodationist methods of Booker T Washington , and to
press for public protest against racial violence and
. He advocated the development of an intellectual elite, which
he called the "talented tenth," of African Americans to
provide leadership for the race, and argued for an aggressive
strategy toward black integration into American political
and economic life
W.E.B. Du Bois Date of death is August 27, 1963
Du Bois died in his own home town of MA Accra, Ghanna.
Wiki Answers
Poetry Foundation.org
Think exist. Com /Quotes
Websites continued
Adult Life
W.E.B. Dubois is most famous for the founding the Niagara
Movement in 1905 and co-founding the National
Association for the Advancement of Colored People
(NAACP) in 1909. He was one of the most important leaders
of African-American protest in the United States
In the ealy 1900's he became the leading black oponent of racial
discrimination. He opposed the African-American educator
Booker T. Washington, who believed that black people could
advance faster through hard work than by demands for equal
rights. DuBois believed that black people should speak out
constantly against discrimination. His most famous books are
"The Souls of Black Folk (1903) and "The Autobiography of
W.E.B. Dubois" (1968).
Adult Life Continued
The accomplishments that W.E.B DuBois is known for
are his work in founding the NAACP, su ch as An
American civil rights activist, public intellectual, PanAfricanist, professor of sociology, historian, writer, and
The achievements that W.E.B DuBois is known for
Dubois was one of the founders of the NAACP in 1909 and
left Atlanta University to be the director of research and the
editor of Crisis, the magazine of the NAACP. At the turn of
the century, DuBois had been a supporter of black capitalism
but by 1905 he was drawn to socialism and Marxism. His
life was a gradual drift to the left. Sometimes his thinking
held a degree of black separatist and nationalism. He had free
reign over the content of Crisis but became more and more
Awards that W.E.B DuBois got
W.E.B DuBois had gotten the Spingarn Medal from NAACP,
in 1932; elected to the National Institute of Arts and
Letters, in 1943; Lenin International Peace Prize, 1958;
Knight Commander of the Liberian Humane Order of
African Redemption conferred by the Liberian Government;
Minister Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraordinary conferred
by President Coolidge
LL.D. from Harvard University, 1930, and Atlanta University,
1938; Litt.D. from Fisk University, 1938; L.H.D.
Wilberforce University, 1940; honorary degrees from Morgan
State College, University of Berlin, and Charles University
Later in life
W.E.B DuBois had DuBois wanted AfricanAmericans encouraged to succeed in the arts and
It has also been one of the most influential books of
the twentieth century. In The Souls of Black Folk, Du
Bois criticized Booker T. Washington.
Events surrounding w.e.b dubois death
The walk / the march on washington had surrounded w.e.b
dubois life