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International Service 101

Getting Your Club Started on Rotary’s 4th Avenue of Service

Ron Kelemen, Chair Stew Martin, ex-ViceChair District 5100 International Service Committee

Our Goal:

Every club participates in at least one matching grant or International Service activity

2011-2012 District 5100 Participation in International MG and DSG Projects

42 clubs* 19 projects 13 countries 4 continents

*16 clubs did more than one project

But more importantly,

 Thousands of lives saved  Thousands drink clean water, have toilets  Hundreds of school children have books and uniforms  Many business start-ups from micro loans  Thousands of mosquito nets  And Much more!

Rotary Areas of Focus







Peace and conflict prevention/resolution Disease prevention and treatment Water and sanitation Maternal and child health Basic education and literacy Economic and community development

Four Ways to Fund Projects





 Int’l Service Activity or Direct Donation Shelter Box, Red Cross, etc.

 District Simplified Grant Up to $2,000 District 5100 Match per club   Matching Grant $12,000 to $65,000 project size $5,000 - $25,000 RI Match, + District match) Foundations, Corporations, NGOs

2. District Simplified Grant

 Up to $2,000 per club can be matched by DSG funds, while still available.  Very simple application; quick approval  Can be used for a variety of local and international projects  Tends to go faster  Clubs can join together, multi-club DSG

DSG Example

 RC Salem Sunset puts up $1,000 for a project  District matches it $1,000 

Total: $2,000

 RC Salem Sunset puts up $1,000; gets three other clubs to contribute $1,000 to same project.

 District Match $4,000 

Total $8,000 1:1 Leverage with DSG

Amounts are good for small projects

3. Matching Grants —The Power of 3.5:1 Leverage to Help More People

District 5100 has $100,00 $170,000 available each year !

$3.50 to $1.00

TRF Matches District: 1:1

Now: $2.50

District Match 1:1

Now: $1.50

TRF Matches Club 1:2

Start with Club money: $1

Sample Matching Grant — $49,000 Heart Surgery Project in India Entity RC Bangalore Indraninagar RC Salem Other D5100 Clubs Totals Clubs $6,000 District $6,000 $3,000 $5,000 $14,000 $3,000 $ 5,000 $14,000 TRF $9,000 Totals $21,000 $4,500 $7,500 $21,000 $10,500 $17,500 $49,000

Four Other Reasons to Do a Matching Grant





– Builds good will and friendships Here and abroad Travel opportunities Learn about another country, culture Best of all, through the power of Rotary:

You can do what you couldn’t Do on your own!

What Can You Fund with a Matching Grant (or DSG)?

 Secular, non religious activities  Water and sanitation systems  Infrastructure (roads, bridges, etc.)  Books, furnishings, school uniforms, tuition  Vaccines, medical supplies, and equipment  Maternal and prenatal health care & education  Microcredit & revolving loan funds  Humanitarian supplies and services

What you Cannot Fund with a Matching Grant (or DSG)

        Projects without the sponsorship and oversight of a local Rotary Club.

Trust Funds and Endowments Most buildings or renovations where people live or work Water & electricity inside buildings Land mine removal Projects already under way, or reimbursement Donations to other organizations Projects that support religious organizations and activities in places of worship

Some Basic Expectations

 Active Rotarian participation and oversight  Maintain communication for life of the project  Establish a committee of at least three Rotarians to oversee the project  Treat grant funds as a sacred trust  Maintain clear and accurate accounting  Publicizing the project to local media and clubs in the district  Interim and Final Reports

A Few Other Things…

 Rotary’s Future Vision Plan – Rotary asks you to think bigger, collaborate with other clubs and districts, be involved in Rotary


that provide sustainability - not just "do a project" then leave.

 Pilot vs. Non-Pilot Districts – D 5100 is a non-pilot district  Club Certification & Training in F.V.

– in 2012 2013. D on’t let these get in the way … plan NOW to join in or sponsor a project.