Environmental NOTES

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Transcript Environmental NOTES

Slide 1

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 2

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 3

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 4

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 5

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 6

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 7

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 8

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 9

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 10

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 11

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 12

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 13

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 14

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 15

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 16

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 17

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 18

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 19

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 20

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 21

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 22

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 23

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 24

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 25

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 26

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 27

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 28

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 29

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 30

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 31

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 32

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 33

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 34

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 35

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 36

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 37

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 38

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 39

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 40

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 41

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 42

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 43

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 44

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 45

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 46

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 47

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution

Slide 48

Environmental Science
Ecology is the study of the interactions among
organisms and their environment.
Ecologists are scientists who study these relationships.

Abiotic factors are the non-living parts of the
Examples: water, sunlight, temperature, air, and soil
Living or once-living organisms in the environment
are called biotic factors.

Levels of Organization
The living world is organized in levels.
An organism is one individual from a population.

Levels of Organization
All of the individuals of one species that live in the
same area at the same time make up a population.

Levels of Organization
The populations of different species that interact in
some way are called a community.

Levels of Organization
All of the communities in an area and the abiotic
factors they interact with make up an ecosystem.

Levels of Organization
A biome is a large region with plants and animals well
adapted to the soil and climate of the region.

Levels of Organization
The level of biological organization that is made up of all the
ecosystems on Earth is the biosphere, which includes the
top part of Earth’s crust, all the waters that cover Earth’s
surface, the surrounding atmosphere, and all biomes.


Factors that Affect Populations
• Food – Plants make their own food.

Other organisms obtain food
by eating plants or other organisms. Only so much food is available
in an ecosystem.

• Water – All living things need water to move materials around in
the cells and tissues of their bodies.

• Light – Plants and other organisms that make their own food need
light to carry out photosynthesis. If light is limited, the growth of
these organisms will also be limited.

• Living space – Organisms need enough room to live, obtain
resources, and reproduce. The place where an organism lives is called
its habitat. A niche is the special role an organism plays within its

Relationships Between Populations
• Competition – occurs whenever more than one individual or
population tries to make use of the same limited resources.

• Predation – type of feeding relationship in which one animal
captures and eats another animal for food.

prey – the animal that is eaten
predator – the animal eating the prey
• Symbiosis – close relationship between two species.
mutualism – relationship in which both species benefit.
commensalism – one benefits while the other seems unaffected.
parasitism – one organism, parasite, feeds on another organism
called the host.

Feeding Relationships
All organisms need energy to live.
1. Producers–plants, algae, and bacteria that make their own food
2. Consumers – get food by eating other organisms.
herbivore – plant eaters
carnivore – meat eaters
scavenger – eats remains of organisms left behind by other

ominvore – feed on both producers and consumers
3. Decomposers – feed on the remains or wastes of other
organisms, like some bacteria and fungi.

Food Chain
Food chain – traces the path of energy as it moves
from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
In most ecosystems, energy begins with the SUN.
Producer – uses sun’s energy to make food
Primary consumer – first to feed
Secondary consumer – second to feed
Tertiary consumer - third to feed
Decomposers - feed on and break down the remains

Food Chain

Food Web

• Food Web – a system of several overlapping food chains.

Energy and Matter in Ecosystems
Energy pyramid – shows the flow of energy.
The energy decreases as you go up the pyramid.

Water Cycle
Evaporation = liquid to gas
Condensation = gas to liquid
Precipitation = falls back to Earth
Transpiration = evaporation of water from plants

Carbon Dioxide – Oxygen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle

Conserving Resources
Materials from the environment that are used by
people are called natural resources.
Natural resources that provide people with energy are
called energy resources.
Examples: sunlight, wind, moving water, and fuels
such as wood, coal, gasoline, and oil.
Natural resources that can be used to make different
products are called material resources.
Examples: plants, animals, minerals, water, rocks,
soil (for example- sand is used to make glass)
Some natural resources can be used over and over
while others can be used only once.

2 Types of Earth’s Natural Resources
Energy Resources
can be



Material Resources
can be

Renewable Nonrenewable

Renewable Resources are regularly replaced or
replenished by nature.
Examples: plants, animals, and water
Nonrenewable Resources can be used only once, or
cannot be replaced by nature as quick as they are
Examples:oil, coal, natural gas, minerals, and metals
All natural resources must be used with care.


Energy Resources
Fossil Fuels –
oil, coal, and natural gas are considered fossil fuels
because their energy comes from the fossil remains of

Fossil Fuels
The fossil fuels are coal, oil and natural gas.
They formed millions of years ago from the
remains of living things. Coal was formed from
plants, and oil and natural gas from sea
creatures. When the living things died, they
were gradually buried by layers of rock.

Petroleum (crude oil) is a liquid fossil fuel.
Before being used, petroleum is separated into
different substances in a process called refining.
Refined petroleum produces fuels such as gasoline
and home heating oil.

Natural gas is a fossil
fuel that often forms
on top of petroleum.
It is collected by
drilling wells into
Earth and letting the
gas flow up through
pipes into collecting
tanks. Most natural
gas is used for
heating and to
generate electricity.

Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed from dead plant material. It
is removed from Earth through mining or digging into
Earth. Coal is burned to release its energy. It can then be
used for making electricity, cooking, or home heating.

Geothermal Energy
Heat energy from within
Earth is called geothermal


A well dug into Earth captures
Steam is directed at turbines that
drive electric generators.
Electricity produced by the
generators is sent out along power
Vents in power plant release excess
steam to the air.

Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy is energy that comes from the nuclei of
atoms. One kind of nuclear energy, called fission, results
when the nucleus of an atom is split apart.

Renewable Energy Resources
Wind energy – moving air
contains energy. Wind
turbines are used to make

Hydroelectric Energymoving water has energy.
Hydroelectric power plants
use turbines and generators
to convert energy of
moving water into

Wave and Tidal Energy
- movements of ocean
water can also be used
to make electricity.
Biomass – matter
formed from plants
and animals that
contains stored energy.
Types of biomass: wood,
peat, dung, alcohol,
gasohol, methane

Solar Energy
Energy from the sun.

Conservation of Energy
Conservation is the wise use of natural resources.
The first step in conserving resources is to reduce
consumption. This means using LESS of a resource.
One way to protect limited energy resources is to find
alternatives that do the same job.
Examples: solar energy, geothermal energy,
biomass, wind energy, and energy of moving water.

Conservation of Material Resources
Earth’s supply of natural material resources is limited.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling natural resources,
fewer new resources need to be taken from Earth.
Using fewer resources also reduces the amount of
waste that ends up in landfills.

There are several ways to reduce material waste.
• Try to buy unpackaged goods
• Reuse paper or plastic bags from the store
• Look for glass bottles that can be recycled
• Choose beverages in cans that are recyclable
• Look for plastic products that can be recycled
• Repair broken items instead of replacing them
• Donate items

Reusing material resources
involves recovering items
that would have been
thrown away and finding
another use for them.
• Containers can be reused
• Bags can be used more than
• Make a compost pile
(discarded fruit and
vegetables, yard waste, and
other plant material)

Compost pile

Many types of wastes are recyclable.
Materials you should recycle instead of throwing
• Batteries
• Tires
• Used motor oil
• Glass
• Paper
• Aluminum
• Plastic containers

Wildlife Conservation
More than 1 million different species live on Earth.
Many other species that once lived on Earth no longer
exists = extinction.
If an organism’s habitat is destroyed, the organism
must find a new habitat to live or else it will die.
Habitat loss can be caused by volcanic eruptions,
forest fires, and human activity.

Clockwise from top right: 1. River polluted from mining operation;
2. Dams for hydroelectricity are the greatest threat to the Mekong River and
its tributaries;
3. Deforestation in Lao PDR is a major cause of habitat loss;
4. A small loris (Nycticebus coucang) falls victim to the thriving illegal wildlife
5. The emission of greenhouse gases is a major contributor to climate
6. Sustainable forest management is needed to stop unchecked deforestation
in the Greater

Human Population

Bubonic plague

Impact of humans
The world’s human population has passed 6 billion and continues to increase. The growth in the
human population and the increase in the standard of living are putting strains on the global
environment. Here are some of the ways in which this is happening:
•Non-renewable energy resources, such as coal, oil and natural gas, are being used up
•Raw materials are being used up rapidly.
•More waste is being produced.
•More pollution is being caused.

Solid Waste
Landfills – underground
burial site for garbage


Incinerator – used to burn garbage (causes air pollution)

Air Pollution

Pollution – anything in the environment that is harmful to
living things.
Air pollution – smoke, ash, dust are forms of air pollution
caused by natural events, but most air pollution is caused by
human activity.

Greenhouse effect – when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere.
Global warming – increase in the temperatures around the world
Greenhouse Effect

Ozone depletion – Thinning of
the ozone layer.
Ozone layer – layer of gas in
the Earth’s atmosphere. It
keeps most of the UV
radiation from the sun from
reaching Earth’s surface.
• Too much UV radiation can
cause sunburn and skin
• CFC’s is believed to cause
thinning of the ozone layer.

Acid rain – chemicals (from the burning of fossil fuels) that combine
with water vapor in the air forms acid rain that returns to Earth.

Water Pollution