The Revolutionary War History Production By: Megan Brooks Answer These Questions • 1. When did the war start ? – What did they call it? •

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Transcript The Revolutionary War History Production By: Megan Brooks Answer These Questions • 1. When did the war start ? – What did they call it? •

Slide 1

The Revolutionary War
History Production
By: Megan Brooks

Answer These Questions
• 1. When did the war start ?
– What did they call it?

• 2. What year did was the Declaration of Independence
adopted by the Second Continental Congress?
• 3. Who surrendered at Yorktown?
• 4. What year did the war end?

“Shot heard Around the
• April 19, 1775
The first shots of the
Revolutionary War are fired at
Lexington and Concord in
Massachusetts. The news of
the bloodshed rockets along
the eastern seaboard, and
thousands of volunteers
converge on Cambridge, Mass.
These are the beginnings of
the Continental Army.

British Form an Alliance with
PatriotS’ Slaves
• November 1775
The British governor of Virginia,
Lord Dunmore, issues a
proclamation offering freedom to
any slaves of rebellious Americans
who are able to enter British lines.
Throughout the course of the war,
tens of thousands of African
Americans will seek their freedom
by supporting the British. A smaller
number will fight on the patriot
(pro-independence) side, despite
policies that discourage their

Battle of Bunker Hill
• June 17, 1775
In the first major action of the war,
inexperienced colonial soldiers hold
off hardened British veterans for
more than two hours at Breed's Hill.
Although eventually forced to
abandon their position, including the
high ground of Bunker Hill
overlooking Boston, the patriots
show that they are not intimidated
by the long lines of red-coated
infantrymen. Of the 2,200 British
seeing action, more than 1,000 end
up dead or wounded

Loyalists Defeated at
Moore’S Creek
• February 27, 1776
A force of loyalists (Americans
who want to remain British
subjects), most of them of
Scots descent, is defeated by a
patriot army at the Battle of
Moore’s Creek Bridge. This
setback will largely quiet
loyalist activity in the
Carolinas for three years.

South Carolinians Repel
British Attempt to Take

• June 28, 1776
A British invasion force mounts
an all-day attack on a patriot
force on Sullivan’s Island. The
invaders are unable to land their
troops on the island, and the
tricky waters of Charleston
Harbor frustrate the British
navy. The fleet retires in defeat,
and South Carolina will remain
untouched by the enemy for
three more years.

America Declares its
• July 1776
The Declaration of Independence is
adopted by the Second Continental
Congress. Following a decade of
agitation over taxes and a year of
war, representatives make the
break with Britain. King George III
isn't willing to let his subjects go
without a fight, and loyalist
sentiment remains strong in many
areas. Americans' primary
allegiance is to their states;
nationalism will grow slowly

Washington Crosses the
• December 1776 - January 1777
In a bold move, Washington moves
his troops into New Jersey on
Christmas night. The patriots then
surprise a force of German troops
fighting for Britain at Trenton on
December 26. They achieve a
similar victory over British troops
at Princeton on January 3, reviving
hopes that the war just might be
winnable. The army then encamps
for the winter at Morristown, New

Big British setback at
• October 17, 1777
General John Burgoyne's
attempt to separate the
rebellious New England
colonies from those farther
south ends in a spectacular
failure. The surrender of 6,000
British regulars at Saratoga
will shock London and help
induce France to enter the war
on the American side.

Winter of Change for the
Continental Army
• December 1777
With the British occupying
Philadelphia just 20 miles away,
the Continental Army enters
winter quarters at Valley Forge,
Pennsylvania. During the winter,
supply arrangements will be
improved and the Continental
troops will be drilled and emerge
as a more disciplined, unified
fighting force.

France Enters the War
Against Britain
• February 1778
As a result of the patriot
victory at Saratoga and
American diplomatic efforts,
France allies itself with the
new American government.
French financial and military
aid will prove critical in
winning the war. The
Continental Army will learn of
the French Alliance in May.

George Rogers Clark
Attacks the British in the
Ohio Country

• May - December, 1778
With barely 150 men, Virginian
George Rogers Clark captures
several British posts in the Ohio
Territory (present-day Illinois and
Indiana) and convinces Frenchspeaking inhabitants of Kaskaskia
and Cahokia to support the patriot
side. Although Indians will continue
to oppose white settlement for
three decades, Clark's exploits pave
the way for the expansion of the
U.S. north of the Ohio River.

Charleston Falls to the
• May 12, 1780
The British take Charleston,
S.C., capture a large patriot
army, and deal the rebels one
of their worst defeats of the
war. The Charleston move is
part of a broader British
strategy to hang on to the
southern colonies, at least,
now that the war is stalemated
in Pennsylvania and New York.

Kings Mountain Victory
Revives Patriot Hopes
• October 7, 1780
Patriot militia from the Carolinas,
Virginia, and present-day
Tennessee surround and defeat a
force of loyalists under Major
Patrick Ferguson at Kings
Mountain, S.C. Indicating the deep
divisions within America,
Ferguson is the only British
soldier on the field-Kings
Mountain. Its truly a battle among
Americans about their future.

The American Tide Continues
at the Cowpens
• January 17, 1781
Continental soldiers and
patriot militia under General
Daniel Morgan defeat a British
force under Banastre Tarleton
at Cowpens. Coming on the
heels of the victory at Kings
Mountain, Cowpens helps
convince worried patriots that
the British southern strategy
can be countered.

Costly British Victory at
Guilford Courthouse
• March 15, 1781
British troops win a costly
victory over Continentals and
militia at Guilford Courthouse,
N.C. The battle is part of General
Nathanael Greene's strategy of
engaging the British on ground of
his choosing. Without winning a
single clear-cut victory, he will
succeed in wearing down the
British army through hit-and-run
tactics and set-piece battles.

Longest Siege of the War at
Ninety Six
• May - June, 1781
The isolated British garrison at
Ninety Six is laid siege to by
patriot forces under Gen.
Nathanael Greene. The approach
of a British relief column leads
Greene to make a final,
unsuccessful assault on the fort
on June 18. The events at Ninety
Six underline the fact that Britain
has too few troops to hold the
southern hinterlands.

Large British Army
Surrenders at Yorktown
• September - October, 1781
A joint French and American force
traps a large British army on
Virginia's Yorktown peninsula.
Unable to evacuate or receive
reinforcements because a French
fleet has driven off a British fleet,
General Cornwallis is forced to
surrender. Although New York City
and Charleston, S.C., will remain in
British hands until a peace treaty is
signed two years later, the war for
American independence is
essentially over.

Loyalists Leave America
• January 1782
The evacuation of loyalists begins.
Largely unwelcome in the new
United States, about 100,000
Americans who remained loyal to
the crown find new lives in Britain,
Canada, and British colonies in the
West Indies. Among them are about
15,000 African Americans, some of
whom end up helping to found the
country of Sierra Leone in Africa.
The loyalist experience will have a
profound effect on the development
of Canada's national identity.

Treaty of Paris Officially
Ends State of War
• September 3, 1783
The Treaty of Paris ratifies the
independence of the 13 North
American states. Canada
remains a British province,
beginning its separate
development as a U.S.
neighbor. Another war with
England (1812 - 1815) will be
necessary to truly secure the
American nation.

American Victory Pushes
Indians Farther West
• October 1784
The Treaty of Fort Stanwix
imposes a peace on those
members of the Iroquois
Confederacy that sided with the
British in the Revolution. The
war's aftermath will prove
devastating to Native Americans.
With no European allies to rely
upon, Indian tribes will be under
increasing pressure from
settlers moving west out of the
original 13 states.

U.S. Constitution Replaces the
Articles of Confederation
• 1787
A convention of states in
Philadelphia proposes the
Constitution to replace the
much looser central
government operating under
the Articles of Confederation
(adopted in 1777). With
amendments, the Constitution
remains the framework of
government in the U.S.

• Library of Congress

Slide 2

The Revolutionary War
History Production
By: Megan Brooks

Answer These Questions
• 1. When did the war start ?
– What did they call it?

• 2. What year did was the Declaration of Independence
adopted by the Second Continental Congress?
• 3. Who surrendered at Yorktown?
• 4. What year did the war end?

“Shot heard Around the
• April 19, 1775
The first shots of the
Revolutionary War are fired at
Lexington and Concord in
Massachusetts. The news of
the bloodshed rockets along
the eastern seaboard, and
thousands of volunteers
converge on Cambridge, Mass.
These are the beginnings of
the Continental Army.

British Form an Alliance with
PatriotS’ Slaves
• November 1775
The British governor of Virginia,
Lord Dunmore, issues a
proclamation offering freedom to
any slaves of rebellious Americans
who are able to enter British lines.
Throughout the course of the war,
tens of thousands of African
Americans will seek their freedom
by supporting the British. A smaller
number will fight on the patriot
(pro-independence) side, despite
policies that discourage their

Battle of Bunker Hill
• June 17, 1775
In the first major action of the war,
inexperienced colonial soldiers hold
off hardened British veterans for
more than two hours at Breed's Hill.
Although eventually forced to
abandon their position, including the
high ground of Bunker Hill
overlooking Boston, the patriots
show that they are not intimidated
by the long lines of red-coated
infantrymen. Of the 2,200 British
seeing action, more than 1,000 end
up dead or wounded

Loyalists Defeated at
Moore’S Creek
• February 27, 1776
A force of loyalists (Americans
who want to remain British
subjects), most of them of
Scots descent, is defeated by a
patriot army at the Battle of
Moore’s Creek Bridge. This
setback will largely quiet
loyalist activity in the
Carolinas for three years.

South Carolinians Repel
British Attempt to Take

• June 28, 1776
A British invasion force mounts
an all-day attack on a patriot
force on Sullivan’s Island. The
invaders are unable to land their
troops on the island, and the
tricky waters of Charleston
Harbor frustrate the British
navy. The fleet retires in defeat,
and South Carolina will remain
untouched by the enemy for
three more years.

America Declares its
• July 1776
The Declaration of Independence is
adopted by the Second Continental
Congress. Following a decade of
agitation over taxes and a year of
war, representatives make the
break with Britain. King George III
isn't willing to let his subjects go
without a fight, and loyalist
sentiment remains strong in many
areas. Americans' primary
allegiance is to their states;
nationalism will grow slowly

Washington Crosses the
• December 1776 - January 1777
In a bold move, Washington moves
his troops into New Jersey on
Christmas night. The patriots then
surprise a force of German troops
fighting for Britain at Trenton on
December 26. They achieve a
similar victory over British troops
at Princeton on January 3, reviving
hopes that the war just might be
winnable. The army then encamps
for the winter at Morristown, New

Big British setback at
• October 17, 1777
General John Burgoyne's
attempt to separate the
rebellious New England
colonies from those farther
south ends in a spectacular
failure. The surrender of 6,000
British regulars at Saratoga
will shock London and help
induce France to enter the war
on the American side.

Winter of Change for the
Continental Army
• December 1777
With the British occupying
Philadelphia just 20 miles away,
the Continental Army enters
winter quarters at Valley Forge,
Pennsylvania. During the winter,
supply arrangements will be
improved and the Continental
troops will be drilled and emerge
as a more disciplined, unified
fighting force.

France Enters the War
Against Britain
• February 1778
As a result of the patriot
victory at Saratoga and
American diplomatic efforts,
France allies itself with the
new American government.
French financial and military
aid will prove critical in
winning the war. The
Continental Army will learn of
the French Alliance in May.

George Rogers Clark
Attacks the British in the
Ohio Country

• May - December, 1778
With barely 150 men, Virginian
George Rogers Clark captures
several British posts in the Ohio
Territory (present-day Illinois and
Indiana) and convinces Frenchspeaking inhabitants of Kaskaskia
and Cahokia to support the patriot
side. Although Indians will continue
to oppose white settlement for
three decades, Clark's exploits pave
the way for the expansion of the
U.S. north of the Ohio River.

Charleston Falls to the
• May 12, 1780
The British take Charleston,
S.C., capture a large patriot
army, and deal the rebels one
of their worst defeats of the
war. The Charleston move is
part of a broader British
strategy to hang on to the
southern colonies, at least,
now that the war is stalemated
in Pennsylvania and New York.

Kings Mountain Victory
Revives Patriot Hopes
• October 7, 1780
Patriot militia from the Carolinas,
Virginia, and present-day
Tennessee surround and defeat a
force of loyalists under Major
Patrick Ferguson at Kings
Mountain, S.C. Indicating the deep
divisions within America,
Ferguson is the only British
soldier on the field-Kings
Mountain. Its truly a battle among
Americans about their future.

The American Tide Continues
at the Cowpens
• January 17, 1781
Continental soldiers and
patriot militia under General
Daniel Morgan defeat a British
force under Banastre Tarleton
at Cowpens. Coming on the
heels of the victory at Kings
Mountain, Cowpens helps
convince worried patriots that
the British southern strategy
can be countered.

Costly British Victory at
Guilford Courthouse
• March 15, 1781
British troops win a costly
victory over Continentals and
militia at Guilford Courthouse,
N.C. The battle is part of General
Nathanael Greene's strategy of
engaging the British on ground of
his choosing. Without winning a
single clear-cut victory, he will
succeed in wearing down the
British army through hit-and-run
tactics and set-piece battles.

Longest Siege of the War at
Ninety Six
• May - June, 1781
The isolated British garrison at
Ninety Six is laid siege to by
patriot forces under Gen.
Nathanael Greene. The approach
of a British relief column leads
Greene to make a final,
unsuccessful assault on the fort
on June 18. The events at Ninety
Six underline the fact that Britain
has too few troops to hold the
southern hinterlands.

Large British Army
Surrenders at Yorktown
• September - October, 1781
A joint French and American force
traps a large British army on
Virginia's Yorktown peninsula.
Unable to evacuate or receive
reinforcements because a French
fleet has driven off a British fleet,
General Cornwallis is forced to
surrender. Although New York City
and Charleston, S.C., will remain in
British hands until a peace treaty is
signed two years later, the war for
American independence is
essentially over.

Loyalists Leave America
• January 1782
The evacuation of loyalists begins.
Largely unwelcome in the new
United States, about 100,000
Americans who remained loyal to
the crown find new lives in Britain,
Canada, and British colonies in the
West Indies. Among them are about
15,000 African Americans, some of
whom end up helping to found the
country of Sierra Leone in Africa.
The loyalist experience will have a
profound effect on the development
of Canada's national identity.

Treaty of Paris Officially
Ends State of War
• September 3, 1783
The Treaty of Paris ratifies the
independence of the 13 North
American states. Canada
remains a British province,
beginning its separate
development as a U.S.
neighbor. Another war with
England (1812 - 1815) will be
necessary to truly secure the
American nation.

American Victory Pushes
Indians Farther West
• October 1784
The Treaty of Fort Stanwix
imposes a peace on those
members of the Iroquois
Confederacy that sided with the
British in the Revolution. The
war's aftermath will prove
devastating to Native Americans.
With no European allies to rely
upon, Indian tribes will be under
increasing pressure from
settlers moving west out of the
original 13 states.

U.S. Constitution Replaces the
Articles of Confederation
• 1787
A convention of states in
Philadelphia proposes the
Constitution to replace the
much looser central
government operating under
the Articles of Confederation
(adopted in 1777). With
amendments, the Constitution
remains the framework of
government in the U.S.

• Library of Congress

Slide 3

The Revolutionary War
History Production
By: Megan Brooks

Answer These Questions
• 1. When did the war start ?
– What did they call it?

• 2. What year did was the Declaration of Independence
adopted by the Second Continental Congress?
• 3. Who surrendered at Yorktown?
• 4. What year did the war end?

“Shot heard Around the
• April 19, 1775
The first shots of the
Revolutionary War are fired at
Lexington and Concord in
Massachusetts. The news of
the bloodshed rockets along
the eastern seaboard, and
thousands of volunteers
converge on Cambridge, Mass.
These are the beginnings of
the Continental Army.

British Form an Alliance with
PatriotS’ Slaves
• November 1775
The British governor of Virginia,
Lord Dunmore, issues a
proclamation offering freedom to
any slaves of rebellious Americans
who are able to enter British lines.
Throughout the course of the war,
tens of thousands of African
Americans will seek their freedom
by supporting the British. A smaller
number will fight on the patriot
(pro-independence) side, despite
policies that discourage their

Battle of Bunker Hill
• June 17, 1775
In the first major action of the war,
inexperienced colonial soldiers hold
off hardened British veterans for
more than two hours at Breed's Hill.
Although eventually forced to
abandon their position, including the
high ground of Bunker Hill
overlooking Boston, the patriots
show that they are not intimidated
by the long lines of red-coated
infantrymen. Of the 2,200 British
seeing action, more than 1,000 end
up dead or wounded

Loyalists Defeated at
Moore’S Creek
• February 27, 1776
A force of loyalists (Americans
who want to remain British
subjects), most of them of
Scots descent, is defeated by a
patriot army at the Battle of
Moore’s Creek Bridge. This
setback will largely quiet
loyalist activity in the
Carolinas for three years.

South Carolinians Repel
British Attempt to Take

• June 28, 1776
A British invasion force mounts
an all-day attack on a patriot
force on Sullivan’s Island. The
invaders are unable to land their
troops on the island, and the
tricky waters of Charleston
Harbor frustrate the British
navy. The fleet retires in defeat,
and South Carolina will remain
untouched by the enemy for
three more years.

America Declares its
• July 1776
The Declaration of Independence is
adopted by the Second Continental
Congress. Following a decade of
agitation over taxes and a year of
war, representatives make the
break with Britain. King George III
isn't willing to let his subjects go
without a fight, and loyalist
sentiment remains strong in many
areas. Americans' primary
allegiance is to their states;
nationalism will grow slowly

Washington Crosses the
• December 1776 - January 1777
In a bold move, Washington moves
his troops into New Jersey on
Christmas night. The patriots then
surprise a force of German troops
fighting for Britain at Trenton on
December 26. They achieve a
similar victory over British troops
at Princeton on January 3, reviving
hopes that the war just might be
winnable. The army then encamps
for the winter at Morristown, New

Big British setback at
• October 17, 1777
General John Burgoyne's
attempt to separate the
rebellious New England
colonies from those farther
south ends in a spectacular
failure. The surrender of 6,000
British regulars at Saratoga
will shock London and help
induce France to enter the war
on the American side.

Winter of Change for the
Continental Army
• December 1777
With the British occupying
Philadelphia just 20 miles away,
the Continental Army enters
winter quarters at Valley Forge,
Pennsylvania. During the winter,
supply arrangements will be
improved and the Continental
troops will be drilled and emerge
as a more disciplined, unified
fighting force.

France Enters the War
Against Britain
• February 1778
As a result of the patriot
victory at Saratoga and
American diplomatic efforts,
France allies itself with the
new American government.
French financial and military
aid will prove critical in
winning the war. The
Continental Army will learn of
the French Alliance in May.

George Rogers Clark
Attacks the British in the
Ohio Country

• May - December, 1778
With barely 150 men, Virginian
George Rogers Clark captures
several British posts in the Ohio
Territory (present-day Illinois and
Indiana) and convinces Frenchspeaking inhabitants of Kaskaskia
and Cahokia to support the patriot
side. Although Indians will continue
to oppose white settlement for
three decades, Clark's exploits pave
the way for the expansion of the
U.S. north of the Ohio River.

Charleston Falls to the
• May 12, 1780
The British take Charleston,
S.C., capture a large patriot
army, and deal the rebels one
of their worst defeats of the
war. The Charleston move is
part of a broader British
strategy to hang on to the
southern colonies, at least,
now that the war is stalemated
in Pennsylvania and New York.

Kings Mountain Victory
Revives Patriot Hopes
• October 7, 1780
Patriot militia from the Carolinas,
Virginia, and present-day
Tennessee surround and defeat a
force of loyalists under Major
Patrick Ferguson at Kings
Mountain, S.C. Indicating the deep
divisions within America,
Ferguson is the only British
soldier on the field-Kings
Mountain. Its truly a battle among
Americans about their future.

The American Tide Continues
at the Cowpens
• January 17, 1781
Continental soldiers and
patriot militia under General
Daniel Morgan defeat a British
force under Banastre Tarleton
at Cowpens. Coming on the
heels of the victory at Kings
Mountain, Cowpens helps
convince worried patriots that
the British southern strategy
can be countered.

Costly British Victory at
Guilford Courthouse
• March 15, 1781
British troops win a costly
victory over Continentals and
militia at Guilford Courthouse,
N.C. The battle is part of General
Nathanael Greene's strategy of
engaging the British on ground of
his choosing. Without winning a
single clear-cut victory, he will
succeed in wearing down the
British army through hit-and-run
tactics and set-piece battles.

Longest Siege of the War at
Ninety Six
• May - June, 1781
The isolated British garrison at
Ninety Six is laid siege to by
patriot forces under Gen.
Nathanael Greene. The approach
of a British relief column leads
Greene to make a final,
unsuccessful assault on the fort
on June 18. The events at Ninety
Six underline the fact that Britain
has too few troops to hold the
southern hinterlands.

Large British Army
Surrenders at Yorktown
• September - October, 1781
A joint French and American force
traps a large British army on
Virginia's Yorktown peninsula.
Unable to evacuate or receive
reinforcements because a French
fleet has driven off a British fleet,
General Cornwallis is forced to
surrender. Although New York City
and Charleston, S.C., will remain in
British hands until a peace treaty is
signed two years later, the war for
American independence is
essentially over.

Loyalists Leave America
• January 1782
The evacuation of loyalists begins.
Largely unwelcome in the new
United States, about 100,000
Americans who remained loyal to
the crown find new lives in Britain,
Canada, and British colonies in the
West Indies. Among them are about
15,000 African Americans, some of
whom end up helping to found the
country of Sierra Leone in Africa.
The loyalist experience will have a
profound effect on the development
of Canada's national identity.

Treaty of Paris Officially
Ends State of War
• September 3, 1783
The Treaty of Paris ratifies the
independence of the 13 North
American states. Canada
remains a British province,
beginning its separate
development as a U.S.
neighbor. Another war with
England (1812 - 1815) will be
necessary to truly secure the
American nation.

American Victory Pushes
Indians Farther West
• October 1784
The Treaty of Fort Stanwix
imposes a peace on those
members of the Iroquois
Confederacy that sided with the
British in the Revolution. The
war's aftermath will prove
devastating to Native Americans.
With no European allies to rely
upon, Indian tribes will be under
increasing pressure from
settlers moving west out of the
original 13 states.

U.S. Constitution Replaces the
Articles of Confederation
• 1787
A convention of states in
Philadelphia proposes the
Constitution to replace the
much looser central
government operating under
the Articles of Confederation
(adopted in 1777). With
amendments, the Constitution
remains the framework of
government in the U.S.

• Library of Congress

Slide 4

The Revolutionary War
History Production
By: Megan Brooks

Answer These Questions
• 1. When did the war start ?
– What did they call it?

• 2. What year did was the Declaration of Independence
adopted by the Second Continental Congress?
• 3. Who surrendered at Yorktown?
• 4. What year did the war end?

“Shot heard Around the
• April 19, 1775
The first shots of the
Revolutionary War are fired at
Lexington and Concord in
Massachusetts. The news of
the bloodshed rockets along
the eastern seaboard, and
thousands of volunteers
converge on Cambridge, Mass.
These are the beginnings of
the Continental Army.

British Form an Alliance with
PatriotS’ Slaves
• November 1775
The British governor of Virginia,
Lord Dunmore, issues a
proclamation offering freedom to
any slaves of rebellious Americans
who are able to enter British lines.
Throughout the course of the war,
tens of thousands of African
Americans will seek their freedom
by supporting the British. A smaller
number will fight on the patriot
(pro-independence) side, despite
policies that discourage their

Battle of Bunker Hill
• June 17, 1775
In the first major action of the war,
inexperienced colonial soldiers hold
off hardened British veterans for
more than two hours at Breed's Hill.
Although eventually forced to
abandon their position, including the
high ground of Bunker Hill
overlooking Boston, the patriots
show that they are not intimidated
by the long lines of red-coated
infantrymen. Of the 2,200 British
seeing action, more than 1,000 end
up dead or wounded

Loyalists Defeated at
Moore’S Creek
• February 27, 1776
A force of loyalists (Americans
who want to remain British
subjects), most of them of
Scots descent, is defeated by a
patriot army at the Battle of
Moore’s Creek Bridge. This
setback will largely quiet
loyalist activity in the
Carolinas for three years.

South Carolinians Repel
British Attempt to Take

• June 28, 1776
A British invasion force mounts
an all-day attack on a patriot
force on Sullivan’s Island. The
invaders are unable to land their
troops on the island, and the
tricky waters of Charleston
Harbor frustrate the British
navy. The fleet retires in defeat,
and South Carolina will remain
untouched by the enemy for
three more years.

America Declares its
• July 1776
The Declaration of Independence is
adopted by the Second Continental
Congress. Following a decade of
agitation over taxes and a year of
war, representatives make the
break with Britain. King George III
isn't willing to let his subjects go
without a fight, and loyalist
sentiment remains strong in many
areas. Americans' primary
allegiance is to their states;
nationalism will grow slowly

Washington Crosses the
• December 1776 - January 1777
In a bold move, Washington moves
his troops into New Jersey on
Christmas night. The patriots then
surprise a force of German troops
fighting for Britain at Trenton on
December 26. They achieve a
similar victory over British troops
at Princeton on January 3, reviving
hopes that the war just might be
winnable. The army then encamps
for the winter at Morristown, New

Big British setback at
• October 17, 1777
General John Burgoyne's
attempt to separate the
rebellious New England
colonies from those farther
south ends in a spectacular
failure. The surrender of 6,000
British regulars at Saratoga
will shock London and help
induce France to enter the war
on the American side.

Winter of Change for the
Continental Army
• December 1777
With the British occupying
Philadelphia just 20 miles away,
the Continental Army enters
winter quarters at Valley Forge,
Pennsylvania. During the winter,
supply arrangements will be
improved and the Continental
troops will be drilled and emerge
as a more disciplined, unified
fighting force.

France Enters the War
Against Britain
• February 1778
As a result of the patriot
victory at Saratoga and
American diplomatic efforts,
France allies itself with the
new American government.
French financial and military
aid will prove critical in
winning the war. The
Continental Army will learn of
the French Alliance in May.

George Rogers Clark
Attacks the British in the
Ohio Country

• May - December, 1778
With barely 150 men, Virginian
George Rogers Clark captures
several British posts in the Ohio
Territory (present-day Illinois and
Indiana) and convinces Frenchspeaking inhabitants of Kaskaskia
and Cahokia to support the patriot
side. Although Indians will continue
to oppose white settlement for
three decades, Clark's exploits pave
the way for the expansion of the
U.S. north of the Ohio River.

Charleston Falls to the
• May 12, 1780
The British take Charleston,
S.C., capture a large patriot
army, and deal the rebels one
of their worst defeats of the
war. The Charleston move is
part of a broader British
strategy to hang on to the
southern colonies, at least,
now that the war is stalemated
in Pennsylvania and New York.

Kings Mountain Victory
Revives Patriot Hopes
• October 7, 1780
Patriot militia from the Carolinas,
Virginia, and present-day
Tennessee surround and defeat a
force of loyalists under Major
Patrick Ferguson at Kings
Mountain, S.C. Indicating the deep
divisions within America,
Ferguson is the only British
soldier on the field-Kings
Mountain. Its truly a battle among
Americans about their future.

The American Tide Continues
at the Cowpens
• January 17, 1781
Continental soldiers and
patriot militia under General
Daniel Morgan defeat a British
force under Banastre Tarleton
at Cowpens. Coming on the
heels of the victory at Kings
Mountain, Cowpens helps
convince worried patriots that
the British southern strategy
can be countered.

Costly British Victory at
Guilford Courthouse
• March 15, 1781
British troops win a costly
victory over Continentals and
militia at Guilford Courthouse,
N.C. The battle is part of General
Nathanael Greene's strategy of
engaging the British on ground of
his choosing. Without winning a
single clear-cut victory, he will
succeed in wearing down the
British army through hit-and-run
tactics and set-piece battles.

Longest Siege of the War at
Ninety Six
• May - June, 1781
The isolated British garrison at
Ninety Six is laid siege to by
patriot forces under Gen.
Nathanael Greene. The approach
of a British relief column leads
Greene to make a final,
unsuccessful assault on the fort
on June 18. The events at Ninety
Six underline the fact that Britain
has too few troops to hold the
southern hinterlands.

Large British Army
Surrenders at Yorktown
• September - October, 1781
A joint French and American force
traps a large British army on
Virginia's Yorktown peninsula.
Unable to evacuate or receive
reinforcements because a French
fleet has driven off a British fleet,
General Cornwallis is forced to
surrender. Although New York City
and Charleston, S.C., will remain in
British hands until a peace treaty is
signed two years later, the war for
American independence is
essentially over.

Loyalists Leave America
• January 1782
The evacuation of loyalists begins.
Largely unwelcome in the new
United States, about 100,000
Americans who remained loyal to
the crown find new lives in Britain,
Canada, and British colonies in the
West Indies. Among them are about
15,000 African Americans, some of
whom end up helping to found the
country of Sierra Leone in Africa.
The loyalist experience will have a
profound effect on the development
of Canada's national identity.

Treaty of Paris Officially
Ends State of War
• September 3, 1783
The Treaty of Paris ratifies the
independence of the 13 North
American states. Canada
remains a British province,
beginning its separate
development as a U.S.
neighbor. Another war with
England (1812 - 1815) will be
necessary to truly secure the
American nation.

American Victory Pushes
Indians Farther West
• October 1784
The Treaty of Fort Stanwix
imposes a peace on those
members of the Iroquois
Confederacy that sided with the
British in the Revolution. The
war's aftermath will prove
devastating to Native Americans.
With no European allies to rely
upon, Indian tribes will be under
increasing pressure from
settlers moving west out of the
original 13 states.

U.S. Constitution Replaces the
Articles of Confederation
• 1787
A convention of states in
Philadelphia proposes the
Constitution to replace the
much looser central
government operating under
the Articles of Confederation
(adopted in 1777). With
amendments, the Constitution
remains the framework of
government in the U.S.

• Library of Congress

Slide 5

The Revolutionary War
History Production
By: Megan Brooks

Answer These Questions
• 1. When did the war start ?
– What did they call it?

• 2. What year did was the Declaration of Independence
adopted by the Second Continental Congress?
• 3. Who surrendered at Yorktown?
• 4. What year did the war end?

“Shot heard Around the
• April 19, 1775
The first shots of the
Revolutionary War are fired at
Lexington and Concord in
Massachusetts. The news of
the bloodshed rockets along
the eastern seaboard, and
thousands of volunteers
converge on Cambridge, Mass.
These are the beginnings of
the Continental Army.

British Form an Alliance with
PatriotS’ Slaves
• November 1775
The British governor of Virginia,
Lord Dunmore, issues a
proclamation offering freedom to
any slaves of rebellious Americans
who are able to enter British lines.
Throughout the course of the war,
tens of thousands of African
Americans will seek their freedom
by supporting the British. A smaller
number will fight on the patriot
(pro-independence) side, despite
policies that discourage their

Battle of Bunker Hill
• June 17, 1775
In the first major action of the war,
inexperienced colonial soldiers hold
off hardened British veterans for
more than two hours at Breed's Hill.
Although eventually forced to
abandon their position, including the
high ground of Bunker Hill
overlooking Boston, the patriots
show that they are not intimidated
by the long lines of red-coated
infantrymen. Of the 2,200 British
seeing action, more than 1,000 end
up dead or wounded

Loyalists Defeated at
Moore’S Creek
• February 27, 1776
A force of loyalists (Americans
who want to remain British
subjects), most of them of
Scots descent, is defeated by a
patriot army at the Battle of
Moore’s Creek Bridge. This
setback will largely quiet
loyalist activity in the
Carolinas for three years.

South Carolinians Repel
British Attempt to Take

• June 28, 1776
A British invasion force mounts
an all-day attack on a patriot
force on Sullivan’s Island. The
invaders are unable to land their
troops on the island, and the
tricky waters of Charleston
Harbor frustrate the British
navy. The fleet retires in defeat,
and South Carolina will remain
untouched by the enemy for
three more years.

America Declares its
• July 1776
The Declaration of Independence is
adopted by the Second Continental
Congress. Following a decade of
agitation over taxes and a year of
war, representatives make the
break with Britain. King George III
isn't willing to let his subjects go
without a fight, and loyalist
sentiment remains strong in many
areas. Americans' primary
allegiance is to their states;
nationalism will grow slowly

Washington Crosses the
• December 1776 - January 1777
In a bold move, Washington moves
his troops into New Jersey on
Christmas night. The patriots then
surprise a force of German troops
fighting for Britain at Trenton on
December 26. They achieve a
similar victory over British troops
at Princeton on January 3, reviving
hopes that the war just might be
winnable. The army then encamps
for the winter at Morristown, New

Big British setback at
• October 17, 1777
General John Burgoyne's
attempt to separate the
rebellious New England
colonies from those farther
south ends in a spectacular
failure. The surrender of 6,000
British regulars at Saratoga
will shock London and help
induce France to enter the war
on the American side.

Winter of Change for the
Continental Army
• December 1777
With the British occupying
Philadelphia just 20 miles away,
the Continental Army enters
winter quarters at Valley Forge,
Pennsylvania. During the winter,
supply arrangements will be
improved and the Continental
troops will be drilled and emerge
as a more disciplined, unified
fighting force.

France Enters the War
Against Britain
• February 1778
As a result of the patriot
victory at Saratoga and
American diplomatic efforts,
France allies itself with the
new American government.
French financial and military
aid will prove critical in
winning the war. The
Continental Army will learn of
the French Alliance in May.

George Rogers Clark
Attacks the British in the
Ohio Country

• May - December, 1778
With barely 150 men, Virginian
George Rogers Clark captures
several British posts in the Ohio
Territory (present-day Illinois and
Indiana) and convinces Frenchspeaking inhabitants of Kaskaskia
and Cahokia to support the patriot
side. Although Indians will continue
to oppose white settlement for
three decades, Clark's exploits pave
the way for the expansion of the
U.S. north of the Ohio River.

Charleston Falls to the
• May 12, 1780
The British take Charleston,
S.C., capture a large patriot
army, and deal the rebels one
of their worst defeats of the
war. The Charleston move is
part of a broader British
strategy to hang on to the
southern colonies, at least,
now that the war is stalemated
in Pennsylvania and New York.

Kings Mountain Victory
Revives Patriot Hopes
• October 7, 1780
Patriot militia from the Carolinas,
Virginia, and present-day
Tennessee surround and defeat a
force of loyalists under Major
Patrick Ferguson at Kings
Mountain, S.C. Indicating the deep
divisions within America,
Ferguson is the only British
soldier on the field-Kings
Mountain. Its truly a battle among
Americans about their future.

The American Tide Continues
at the Cowpens
• January 17, 1781
Continental soldiers and
patriot militia under General
Daniel Morgan defeat a British
force under Banastre Tarleton
at Cowpens. Coming on the
heels of the victory at Kings
Mountain, Cowpens helps
convince worried patriots that
the British southern strategy
can be countered.

Costly British Victory at
Guilford Courthouse
• March 15, 1781
British troops win a costly
victory over Continentals and
militia at Guilford Courthouse,
N.C. The battle is part of General
Nathanael Greene's strategy of
engaging the British on ground of
his choosing. Without winning a
single clear-cut victory, he will
succeed in wearing down the
British army through hit-and-run
tactics and set-piece battles.

Longest Siege of the War at
Ninety Six
• May - June, 1781
The isolated British garrison at
Ninety Six is laid siege to by
patriot forces under Gen.
Nathanael Greene. The approach
of a British relief column leads
Greene to make a final,
unsuccessful assault on the fort
on June 18. The events at Ninety
Six underline the fact that Britain
has too few troops to hold the
southern hinterlands.

Large British Army
Surrenders at Yorktown
• September - October, 1781
A joint French and American force
traps a large British army on
Virginia's Yorktown peninsula.
Unable to evacuate or receive
reinforcements because a French
fleet has driven off a British fleet,
General Cornwallis is forced to
surrender. Although New York City
and Charleston, S.C., will remain in
British hands until a peace treaty is
signed two years later, the war for
American independence is
essentially over.

Loyalists Leave America
• January 1782
The evacuation of loyalists begins.
Largely unwelcome in the new
United States, about 100,000
Americans who remained loyal to
the crown find new lives in Britain,
Canada, and British colonies in the
West Indies. Among them are about
15,000 African Americans, some of
whom end up helping to found the
country of Sierra Leone in Africa.
The loyalist experience will have a
profound effect on the development
of Canada's national identity.

Treaty of Paris Officially
Ends State of War
• September 3, 1783
The Treaty of Paris ratifies the
independence of the 13 North
American states. Canada
remains a British province,
beginning its separate
development as a U.S.
neighbor. Another war with
England (1812 - 1815) will be
necessary to truly secure the
American nation.

American Victory Pushes
Indians Farther West
• October 1784
The Treaty of Fort Stanwix
imposes a peace on those
members of the Iroquois
Confederacy that sided with the
British in the Revolution. The
war's aftermath will prove
devastating to Native Americans.
With no European allies to rely
upon, Indian tribes will be under
increasing pressure from
settlers moving west out of the
original 13 states.

U.S. Constitution Replaces the
Articles of Confederation
• 1787
A convention of states in
Philadelphia proposes the
Constitution to replace the
much looser central
government operating under
the Articles of Confederation
(adopted in 1777). With
amendments, the Constitution
remains the framework of
government in the U.S.

• Library of Congress

Slide 6

The Revolutionary War
History Production
By: Megan Brooks

Answer These Questions
• 1. When did the war start ?
– What did they call it?

• 2. What year did was the Declaration of Independence
adopted by the Second Continental Congress?
• 3. Who surrendered at Yorktown?
• 4. What year did the war end?

“Shot heard Around the
• April 19, 1775
The first shots of the
Revolutionary War are fired at
Lexington and Concord in
Massachusetts. The news of
the bloodshed rockets along
the eastern seaboard, and
thousands of volunteers
converge on Cambridge, Mass.
These are the beginnings of
the Continental Army.

British Form an Alliance with
PatriotS’ Slaves
• November 1775
The British governor of Virginia,
Lord Dunmore, issues a
proclamation offering freedom to
any slaves of rebellious Americans
who are able to enter British lines.
Throughout the course of the war,
tens of thousands of African
Americans will seek their freedom
by supporting the British. A smaller
number will fight on the patriot
(pro-independence) side, despite
policies that discourage their

Battle of Bunker Hill
• June 17, 1775
In the first major action of the war,
inexperienced colonial soldiers hold
off hardened British veterans for
more than two hours at Breed's Hill.
Although eventually forced to
abandon their position, including the
high ground of Bunker Hill
overlooking Boston, the patriots
show that they are not intimidated
by the long lines of red-coated
infantrymen. Of the 2,200 British
seeing action, more than 1,000 end
up dead or wounded

Loyalists Defeated at
Moore’S Creek
• February 27, 1776
A force of loyalists (Americans
who want to remain British
subjects), most of them of
Scots descent, is defeated by a
patriot army at the Battle of
Moore’s Creek Bridge. This
setback will largely quiet
loyalist activity in the
Carolinas for three years.

South Carolinians Repel
British Attempt to Take

• June 28, 1776
A British invasion force mounts
an all-day attack on a patriot
force on Sullivan’s Island. The
invaders are unable to land their
troops on the island, and the
tricky waters of Charleston
Harbor frustrate the British
navy. The fleet retires in defeat,
and South Carolina will remain
untouched by the enemy for
three more years.

America Declares its
• July 1776
The Declaration of Independence is
adopted by the Second Continental
Congress. Following a decade of
agitation over taxes and a year of
war, representatives make the
break with Britain. King George III
isn't willing to let his subjects go
without a fight, and loyalist
sentiment remains strong in many
areas. Americans' primary
allegiance is to their states;
nationalism will grow slowly

Washington Crosses the
• December 1776 - January 1777
In a bold move, Washington moves
his troops into New Jersey on
Christmas night. The patriots then
surprise a force of German troops
fighting for Britain at Trenton on
December 26. They achieve a
similar victory over British troops
at Princeton on January 3, reviving
hopes that the war just might be
winnable. The army then encamps
for the winter at Morristown, New

Big British setback at
• October 17, 1777
General John Burgoyne's
attempt to separate the
rebellious New England
colonies from those farther
south ends in a spectacular
failure. The surrender of 6,000
British regulars at Saratoga
will shock London and help
induce France to enter the war
on the American side.

Winter of Change for the
Continental Army
• December 1777
With the British occupying
Philadelphia just 20 miles away,
the Continental Army enters
winter quarters at Valley Forge,
Pennsylvania. During the winter,
supply arrangements will be
improved and the Continental
troops will be drilled and emerge
as a more disciplined, unified
fighting force.

France Enters the War
Against Britain
• February 1778
As a result of the patriot
victory at Saratoga and
American diplomatic efforts,
France allies itself with the
new American government.
French financial and military
aid will prove critical in
winning the war. The
Continental Army will learn of
the French Alliance in May.

George Rogers Clark
Attacks the British in the
Ohio Country

• May - December, 1778
With barely 150 men, Virginian
George Rogers Clark captures
several British posts in the Ohio
Territory (present-day Illinois and
Indiana) and convinces Frenchspeaking inhabitants of Kaskaskia
and Cahokia to support the patriot
side. Although Indians will continue
to oppose white settlement for
three decades, Clark's exploits pave
the way for the expansion of the
U.S. north of the Ohio River.

Charleston Falls to the
• May 12, 1780
The British take Charleston,
S.C., capture a large patriot
army, and deal the rebels one
of their worst defeats of the
war. The Charleston move is
part of a broader British
strategy to hang on to the
southern colonies, at least,
now that the war is stalemated
in Pennsylvania and New York.

Kings Mountain Victory
Revives Patriot Hopes
• October 7, 1780
Patriot militia from the Carolinas,
Virginia, and present-day
Tennessee surround and defeat a
force of loyalists under Major
Patrick Ferguson at Kings
Mountain, S.C. Indicating the deep
divisions within America,
Ferguson is the only British
soldier on the field-Kings
Mountain. Its truly a battle among
Americans about their future.

The American Tide Continues
at the Cowpens
• January 17, 1781
Continental soldiers and
patriot militia under General
Daniel Morgan defeat a British
force under Banastre Tarleton
at Cowpens. Coming on the
heels of the victory at Kings
Mountain, Cowpens helps
convince worried patriots that
the British southern strategy
can be countered.

Costly British Victory at
Guilford Courthouse
• March 15, 1781
British troops win a costly
victory over Continentals and
militia at Guilford Courthouse,
N.C. The battle is part of General
Nathanael Greene's strategy of
engaging the British on ground of
his choosing. Without winning a
single clear-cut victory, he will
succeed in wearing down the
British army through hit-and-run
tactics and set-piece battles.

Longest Siege of the War at
Ninety Six
• May - June, 1781
The isolated British garrison at
Ninety Six is laid siege to by
patriot forces under Gen.
Nathanael Greene. The approach
of a British relief column leads
Greene to make a final,
unsuccessful assault on the fort
on June 18. The events at Ninety
Six underline the fact that Britain
has too few troops to hold the
southern hinterlands.

Large British Army
Surrenders at Yorktown
• September - October, 1781
A joint French and American force
traps a large British army on
Virginia's Yorktown peninsula.
Unable to evacuate or receive
reinforcements because a French
fleet has driven off a British fleet,
General Cornwallis is forced to
surrender. Although New York City
and Charleston, S.C., will remain in
British hands until a peace treaty is
signed two years later, the war for
American independence is
essentially over.

Loyalists Leave America
• January 1782
The evacuation of loyalists begins.
Largely unwelcome in the new
United States, about 100,000
Americans who remained loyal to
the crown find new lives in Britain,
Canada, and British colonies in the
West Indies. Among them are about
15,000 African Americans, some of
whom end up helping to found the
country of Sierra Leone in Africa.
The loyalist experience will have a
profound effect on the development
of Canada's national identity.

Treaty of Paris Officially
Ends State of War
• September 3, 1783
The Treaty of Paris ratifies the
independence of the 13 North
American states. Canada
remains a British province,
beginning its separate
development as a U.S.
neighbor. Another war with
England (1812 - 1815) will be
necessary to truly secure the
American nation.

American Victory Pushes
Indians Farther West
• October 1784
The Treaty of Fort Stanwix
imposes a peace on those
members of the Iroquois
Confederacy that sided with the
British in the Revolution. The
war's aftermath will prove
devastating to Native Americans.
With no European allies to rely
upon, Indian tribes will be under
increasing pressure from
settlers moving west out of the
original 13 states.

U.S. Constitution Replaces the
Articles of Confederation
• 1787
A convention of states in
Philadelphia proposes the
Constitution to replace the
much looser central
government operating under
the Articles of Confederation
(adopted in 1777). With
amendments, the Constitution
remains the framework of
government in the U.S.

• Library of Congress

Slide 7

The Revolutionary War
History Production
By: Megan Brooks

Answer These Questions
• 1. When did the war start ?
– What did they call it?

• 2. What year did was the Declaration of Independence
adopted by the Second Continental Congress?
• 3. Who surrendered at Yorktown?
• 4. What year did the war end?

“Shot heard Around the
• April 19, 1775
The first shots of the
Revolutionary War are fired at
Lexington and Concord in
Massachusetts. The news of
the bloodshed rockets along
the eastern seaboard, and
thousands of volunteers
converge on Cambridge, Mass.
These are the beginnings of
the Continental Army.

British Form an Alliance with
PatriotS’ Slaves
• November 1775
The British governor of Virginia,
Lord Dunmore, issues a
proclamation offering freedom to
any slaves of rebellious Americans
who are able to enter British lines.
Throughout the course of the war,
tens of thousands of African
Americans will seek their freedom
by supporting the British. A smaller
number will fight on the patriot
(pro-independence) side, despite
policies that discourage their

Battle of Bunker Hill
• June 17, 1775
In the first major action of the war,
inexperienced colonial soldiers hold
off hardened British veterans for
more than two hours at Breed's Hill.
Although eventually forced to
abandon their position, including the
high ground of Bunker Hill
overlooking Boston, the patriots
show that they are not intimidated
by the long lines of red-coated
infantrymen. Of the 2,200 British
seeing action, more than 1,000 end
up dead or wounded

Loyalists Defeated at
Moore’S Creek
• February 27, 1776
A force of loyalists (Americans
who want to remain British
subjects), most of them of
Scots descent, is defeated by a
patriot army at the Battle of
Moore’s Creek Bridge. This
setback will largely quiet
loyalist activity in the
Carolinas for three years.

South Carolinians Repel
British Attempt to Take

• June 28, 1776
A British invasion force mounts
an all-day attack on a patriot
force on Sullivan’s Island. The
invaders are unable to land their
troops on the island, and the
tricky waters of Charleston
Harbor frustrate the British
navy. The fleet retires in defeat,
and South Carolina will remain
untouched by the enemy for
three more years.

America Declares its
• July 1776
The Declaration of Independence is
adopted by the Second Continental
Congress. Following a decade of
agitation over taxes and a year of
war, representatives make the
break with Britain. King George III
isn't willing to let his subjects go
without a fight, and loyalist
sentiment remains strong in many
areas. Americans' primary
allegiance is to their states;
nationalism will grow slowly

Washington Crosses the
• December 1776 - January 1777
In a bold move, Washington moves
his troops into New Jersey on
Christmas night. The patriots then
surprise a force of German troops
fighting for Britain at Trenton on
December 26. They achieve a
similar victory over British troops
at Princeton on January 3, reviving
hopes that the war just might be
winnable. The army then encamps
for the winter at Morristown, New

Big British setback at
• October 17, 1777
General John Burgoyne's
attempt to separate the
rebellious New England
colonies from those farther
south ends in a spectacular
failure. The surrender of 6,000
British regulars at Saratoga
will shock London and help
induce France to enter the war
on the American side.

Winter of Change for the
Continental Army
• December 1777
With the British occupying
Philadelphia just 20 miles away,
the Continental Army enters
winter quarters at Valley Forge,
Pennsylvania. During the winter,
supply arrangements will be
improved and the Continental
troops will be drilled and emerge
as a more disciplined, unified
fighting force.

France Enters the War
Against Britain
• February 1778
As a result of the patriot
victory at Saratoga and
American diplomatic efforts,
France allies itself with the
new American government.
French financial and military
aid will prove critical in
winning the war. The
Continental Army will learn of
the French Alliance in May.

George Rogers Clark
Attacks the British in the
Ohio Country

• May - December, 1778
With barely 150 men, Virginian
George Rogers Clark captures
several British posts in the Ohio
Territory (present-day Illinois and
Indiana) and convinces Frenchspeaking inhabitants of Kaskaskia
and Cahokia to support the patriot
side. Although Indians will continue
to oppose white settlement for
three decades, Clark's exploits pave
the way for the expansion of the
U.S. north of the Ohio River.

Charleston Falls to the
• May 12, 1780
The British take Charleston,
S.C., capture a large patriot
army, and deal the rebels one
of their worst defeats of the
war. The Charleston move is
part of a broader British
strategy to hang on to the
southern colonies, at least,
now that the war is stalemated
in Pennsylvania and New York.

Kings Mountain Victory
Revives Patriot Hopes
• October 7, 1780
Patriot militia from the Carolinas,
Virginia, and present-day
Tennessee surround and defeat a
force of loyalists under Major
Patrick Ferguson at Kings
Mountain, S.C. Indicating the deep
divisions within America,
Ferguson is the only British
soldier on the field-Kings
Mountain. Its truly a battle among
Americans about their future.

The American Tide Continues
at the Cowpens
• January 17, 1781
Continental soldiers and
patriot militia under General
Daniel Morgan defeat a British
force under Banastre Tarleton
at Cowpens. Coming on the
heels of the victory at Kings
Mountain, Cowpens helps
convince worried patriots that
the British southern strategy
can be countered.

Costly British Victory at
Guilford Courthouse
• March 15, 1781
British troops win a costly
victory over Continentals and
militia at Guilford Courthouse,
N.C. The battle is part of General
Nathanael Greene's strategy of
engaging the British on ground of
his choosing. Without winning a
single clear-cut victory, he will
succeed in wearing down the
British army through hit-and-run
tactics and set-piece battles.

Longest Siege of the War at
Ninety Six
• May - June, 1781
The isolated British garrison at
Ninety Six is laid siege to by
patriot forces under Gen.
Nathanael Greene. The approach
of a British relief column leads
Greene to make a final,
unsuccessful assault on the fort
on June 18. The events at Ninety
Six underline the fact that Britain
has too few troops to hold the
southern hinterlands.

Large British Army
Surrenders at Yorktown
• September - October, 1781
A joint French and American force
traps a large British army on
Virginia's Yorktown peninsula.
Unable to evacuate or receive
reinforcements because a French
fleet has driven off a British fleet,
General Cornwallis is forced to
surrender. Although New York City
and Charleston, S.C., will remain in
British hands until a peace treaty is
signed two years later, the war for
American independence is
essentially over.

Loyalists Leave America
• January 1782
The evacuation of loyalists begins.
Largely unwelcome in the new
United States, about 100,000
Americans who remained loyal to
the crown find new lives in Britain,
Canada, and British colonies in the
West Indies. Among them are about
15,000 African Americans, some of
whom end up helping to found the
country of Sierra Leone in Africa.
The loyalist experience will have a
profound effect on the development
of Canada's national identity.

Treaty of Paris Officially
Ends State of War
• September 3, 1783
The Treaty of Paris ratifies the
independence of the 13 North
American states. Canada
remains a British province,
beginning its separate
development as a U.S.
neighbor. Another war with
England (1812 - 1815) will be
necessary to truly secure the
American nation.

American Victory Pushes
Indians Farther West
• October 1784
The Treaty of Fort Stanwix
imposes a peace on those
members of the Iroquois
Confederacy that sided with the
British in the Revolution. The
war's aftermath will prove
devastating to Native Americans.
With no European allies to rely
upon, Indian tribes will be under
increasing pressure from
settlers moving west out of the
original 13 states.

U.S. Constitution Replaces the
Articles of Confederation
• 1787
A convention of states in
Philadelphia proposes the
Constitution to replace the
much looser central
government operating under
the Articles of Confederation
(adopted in 1777). With
amendments, the Constitution
remains the framework of
government in the U.S.

• Library of Congress

Slide 8

The Revolutionary War
History Production
By: Megan Brooks

Answer These Questions
• 1. When did the war start ?
– What did they call it?

• 2. What year did was the Declaration of Independence
adopted by the Second Continental Congress?
• 3. Who surrendered at Yorktown?
• 4. What year did the war end?

“Shot heard Around the
• April 19, 1775
The first shots of the
Revolutionary War are fired at
Lexington and Concord in
Massachusetts. The news of
the bloodshed rockets along
the eastern seaboard, and
thousands of volunteers
converge on Cambridge, Mass.
These are the beginnings of
the Continental Army.

British Form an Alliance with
PatriotS’ Slaves
• November 1775
The British governor of Virginia,
Lord Dunmore, issues a
proclamation offering freedom to
any slaves of rebellious Americans
who are able to enter British lines.
Throughout the course of the war,
tens of thousands of African
Americans will seek their freedom
by supporting the British. A smaller
number will fight on the patriot
(pro-independence) side, despite
policies that discourage their

Battle of Bunker Hill
• June 17, 1775
In the first major action of the war,
inexperienced colonial soldiers hold
off hardened British veterans for
more than two hours at Breed's Hill.
Although eventually forced to
abandon their position, including the
high ground of Bunker Hill
overlooking Boston, the patriots
show that they are not intimidated
by the long lines of red-coated
infantrymen. Of the 2,200 British
seeing action, more than 1,000 end
up dead or wounded

Loyalists Defeated at
Moore’S Creek
• February 27, 1776
A force of loyalists (Americans
who want to remain British
subjects), most of them of
Scots descent, is defeated by a
patriot army at the Battle of
Moore’s Creek Bridge. This
setback will largely quiet
loyalist activity in the
Carolinas for three years.

South Carolinians Repel
British Attempt to Take

• June 28, 1776
A British invasion force mounts
an all-day attack on a patriot
force on Sullivan’s Island. The
invaders are unable to land their
troops on the island, and the
tricky waters of Charleston
Harbor frustrate the British
navy. The fleet retires in defeat,
and South Carolina will remain
untouched by the enemy for
three more years.

America Declares its
• July 1776
The Declaration of Independence is
adopted by the Second Continental
Congress. Following a decade of
agitation over taxes and a year of
war, representatives make the
break with Britain. King George III
isn't willing to let his subjects go
without a fight, and loyalist
sentiment remains strong in many
areas. Americans' primary
allegiance is to their states;
nationalism will grow slowly

Washington Crosses the
• December 1776 - January 1777
In a bold move, Washington moves
his troops into New Jersey on
Christmas night. The patriots then
surprise a force of German troops
fighting for Britain at Trenton on
December 26. They achieve a
similar victory over British troops
at Princeton on January 3, reviving
hopes that the war just might be
winnable. The army then encamps
for the winter at Morristown, New

Big British setback at
• October 17, 1777
General John Burgoyne's
attempt to separate the
rebellious New England
colonies from those farther
south ends in a spectacular
failure. The surrender of 6,000
British regulars at Saratoga
will shock London and help
induce France to enter the war
on the American side.

Winter of Change for the
Continental Army
• December 1777
With the British occupying
Philadelphia just 20 miles away,
the Continental Army enters
winter quarters at Valley Forge,
Pennsylvania. During the winter,
supply arrangements will be
improved and the Continental
troops will be drilled and emerge
as a more disciplined, unified
fighting force.

France Enters the War
Against Britain
• February 1778
As a result of the patriot
victory at Saratoga and
American diplomatic efforts,
France allies itself with the
new American government.
French financial and military
aid will prove critical in
winning the war. The
Continental Army will learn of
the French Alliance in May.

George Rogers Clark
Attacks the British in the
Ohio Country

• May - December, 1778
With barely 150 men, Virginian
George Rogers Clark captures
several British posts in the Ohio
Territory (present-day Illinois and
Indiana) and convinces Frenchspeaking inhabitants of Kaskaskia
and Cahokia to support the patriot
side. Although Indians will continue
to oppose white settlement for
three decades, Clark's exploits pave
the way for the expansion of the
U.S. north of the Ohio River.

Charleston Falls to the
• May 12, 1780
The British take Charleston,
S.C., capture a large patriot
army, and deal the rebels one
of their worst defeats of the
war. The Charleston move is
part of a broader British
strategy to hang on to the
southern colonies, at least,
now that the war is stalemated
in Pennsylvania and New York.

Kings Mountain Victory
Revives Patriot Hopes
• October 7, 1780
Patriot militia from the Carolinas,
Virginia, and present-day
Tennessee surround and defeat a
force of loyalists under Major
Patrick Ferguson at Kings
Mountain, S.C. Indicating the deep
divisions within America,
Ferguson is the only British
soldier on the field-Kings
Mountain. Its truly a battle among
Americans about their future.

The American Tide Continues
at the Cowpens
• January 17, 1781
Continental soldiers and
patriot militia under General
Daniel Morgan defeat a British
force under Banastre Tarleton
at Cowpens. Coming on the
heels of the victory at Kings
Mountain, Cowpens helps
convince worried patriots that
the British southern strategy
can be countered.

Costly British Victory at
Guilford Courthouse
• March 15, 1781
British troops win a costly
victory over Continentals and
militia at Guilford Courthouse,
N.C. The battle is part of General
Nathanael Greene's strategy of
engaging the British on ground of
his choosing. Without winning a
single clear-cut victory, he will
succeed in wearing down the
British army through hit-and-run
tactics and set-piece battles.

Longest Siege of the War at
Ninety Six
• May - June, 1781
The isolated British garrison at
Ninety Six is laid siege to by
patriot forces under Gen.
Nathanael Greene. The approach
of a British relief column leads
Greene to make a final,
unsuccessful assault on the fort
on June 18. The events at Ninety
Six underline the fact that Britain
has too few troops to hold the
southern hinterlands.

Large British Army
Surrenders at Yorktown
• September - October, 1781
A joint French and American force
traps a large British army on
Virginia's Yorktown peninsula.
Unable to evacuate or receive
reinforcements because a French
fleet has driven off a British fleet,
General Cornwallis is forced to
surrender. Although New York City
and Charleston, S.C., will remain in
British hands until a peace treaty is
signed two years later, the war for
American independence is
essentially over.

Loyalists Leave America
• January 1782
The evacuation of loyalists begins.
Largely unwelcome in the new
United States, about 100,000
Americans who remained loyal to
the crown find new lives in Britain,
Canada, and British colonies in the
West Indies. Among them are about
15,000 African Americans, some of
whom end up helping to found the
country of Sierra Leone in Africa.
The loyalist experience will have a
profound effect on the development
of Canada's national identity.

Treaty of Paris Officially
Ends State of War
• September 3, 1783
The Treaty of Paris ratifies the
independence of the 13 North
American states. Canada
remains a British province,
beginning its separate
development as a U.S.
neighbor. Another war with
England (1812 - 1815) will be
necessary to truly secure the
American nation.

American Victory Pushes
Indians Farther West
• October 1784
The Treaty of Fort Stanwix
imposes a peace on those
members of the Iroquois
Confederacy that sided with the
British in the Revolution. The
war's aftermath will prove
devastating to Native Americans.
With no European allies to rely
upon, Indian tribes will be under
increasing pressure from
settlers moving west out of the
original 13 states.

U.S. Constitution Replaces the
Articles of Confederation
• 1787
A convention of states in
Philadelphia proposes the
Constitution to replace the
much looser central
government operating under
the Articles of Confederation
(adopted in 1777). With
amendments, the Constitution
remains the framework of
government in the U.S.

• Library of Congress

Slide 9

The Revolutionary War
History Production
By: Megan Brooks

Answer These Questions
• 1. When did the war start ?
– What did they call it?

• 2. What year did was the Declaration of Independence
adopted by the Second Continental Congress?
• 3. Who surrendered at Yorktown?
• 4. What year did the war end?

“Shot heard Around the
• April 19, 1775
The first shots of the
Revolutionary War are fired at
Lexington and Concord in
Massachusetts. The news of
the bloodshed rockets along
the eastern seaboard, and
thousands of volunteers
converge on Cambridge, Mass.
These are the beginnings of
the Continental Army.

British Form an Alliance with
PatriotS’ Slaves
• November 1775
The British governor of Virginia,
Lord Dunmore, issues a
proclamation offering freedom to
any slaves of rebellious Americans
who are able to enter British lines.
Throughout the course of the war,
tens of thousands of African
Americans will seek their freedom
by supporting the British. A smaller
number will fight on the patriot
(pro-independence) side, despite
policies that discourage their

Battle of Bunker Hill
• June 17, 1775
In the first major action of the war,
inexperienced colonial soldiers hold
off hardened British veterans for
more than two hours at Breed's Hill.
Although eventually forced to
abandon their position, including the
high ground of Bunker Hill
overlooking Boston, the patriots
show that they are not intimidated
by the long lines of red-coated
infantrymen. Of the 2,200 British
seeing action, more than 1,000 end
up dead or wounded

Loyalists Defeated at
Moore’S Creek
• February 27, 1776
A force of loyalists (Americans
who want to remain British
subjects), most of them of
Scots descent, is defeated by a
patriot army at the Battle of
Moore’s Creek Bridge. This
setback will largely quiet
loyalist activity in the
Carolinas for three years.

South Carolinians Repel
British Attempt to Take

• June 28, 1776
A British invasion force mounts
an all-day attack on a patriot
force on Sullivan’s Island. The
invaders are unable to land their
troops on the island, and the
tricky waters of Charleston
Harbor frustrate the British
navy. The fleet retires in defeat,
and South Carolina will remain
untouched by the enemy for
three more years.

America Declares its
• July 1776
The Declaration of Independence is
adopted by the Second Continental
Congress. Following a decade of
agitation over taxes and a year of
war, representatives make the
break with Britain. King George III
isn't willing to let his subjects go
without a fight, and loyalist
sentiment remains strong in many
areas. Americans' primary
allegiance is to their states;
nationalism will grow slowly

Washington Crosses the
• December 1776 - January 1777
In a bold move, Washington moves
his troops into New Jersey on
Christmas night. The patriots then
surprise a force of German troops
fighting for Britain at Trenton on
December 26. They achieve a
similar victory over British troops
at Princeton on January 3, reviving
hopes that the war just might be
winnable. The army then encamps
for the winter at Morristown, New

Big British setback at
• October 17, 1777
General John Burgoyne's
attempt to separate the
rebellious New England
colonies from those farther
south ends in a spectacular
failure. The surrender of 6,000
British regulars at Saratoga
will shock London and help
induce France to enter the war
on the American side.

Winter of Change for the
Continental Army
• December 1777
With the British occupying
Philadelphia just 20 miles away,
the Continental Army enters
winter quarters at Valley Forge,
Pennsylvania. During the winter,
supply arrangements will be
improved and the Continental
troops will be drilled and emerge
as a more disciplined, unified
fighting force.

France Enters the War
Against Britain
• February 1778
As a result of the patriot
victory at Saratoga and
American diplomatic efforts,
France allies itself with the
new American government.
French financial and military
aid will prove critical in
winning the war. The
Continental Army will learn of
the French Alliance in May.

George Rogers Clark
Attacks the British in the
Ohio Country

• May - December, 1778
With barely 150 men, Virginian
George Rogers Clark captures
several British posts in the Ohio
Territory (present-day Illinois and
Indiana) and convinces Frenchspeaking inhabitants of Kaskaskia
and Cahokia to support the patriot
side. Although Indians will continue
to oppose white settlement for
three decades, Clark's exploits pave
the way for the expansion of the
U.S. north of the Ohio River.

Charleston Falls to the
• May 12, 1780
The British take Charleston,
S.C., capture a large patriot
army, and deal the rebels one
of their worst defeats of the
war. The Charleston move is
part of a broader British
strategy to hang on to the
southern colonies, at least,
now that the war is stalemated
in Pennsylvania and New York.

Kings Mountain Victory
Revives Patriot Hopes
• October 7, 1780
Patriot militia from the Carolinas,
Virginia, and present-day
Tennessee surround and defeat a
force of loyalists under Major
Patrick Ferguson at Kings
Mountain, S.C. Indicating the deep
divisions within America,
Ferguson is the only British
soldier on the field-Kings
Mountain. Its truly a battle among
Americans about their future.

The American Tide Continues
at the Cowpens
• January 17, 1781
Continental soldiers and
patriot militia under General
Daniel Morgan defeat a British
force under Banastre Tarleton
at Cowpens. Coming on the
heels of the victory at Kings
Mountain, Cowpens helps
convince worried patriots that
the British southern strategy
can be countered.

Costly British Victory at
Guilford Courthouse
• March 15, 1781
British troops win a costly
victory over Continentals and
militia at Guilford Courthouse,
N.C. The battle is part of General
Nathanael Greene's strategy of
engaging the British on ground of
his choosing. Without winning a
single clear-cut victory, he will
succeed in wearing down the
British army through hit-and-run
tactics and set-piece battles.

Longest Siege of the War at
Ninety Six
• May - June, 1781
The isolated British garrison at
Ninety Six is laid siege to by
patriot forces under Gen.
Nathanael Greene. The approach
of a British relief column leads
Greene to make a final,
unsuccessful assault on the fort
on June 18. The events at Ninety
Six underline the fact that Britain
has too few troops to hold the
southern hinterlands.

Large British Army
Surrenders at Yorktown
• September - October, 1781
A joint French and American force
traps a large British army on
Virginia's Yorktown peninsula.
Unable to evacuate or receive
reinforcements because a French
fleet has driven off a British fleet,
General Cornwallis is forced to
surrender. Although New York City
and Charleston, S.C., will remain in
British hands until a peace treaty is
signed two years later, the war for
American independence is
essentially over.

Loyalists Leave America
• January 1782
The evacuation of loyalists begins.
Largely unwelcome in the new
United States, about 100,000
Americans who remained loyal to
the crown find new lives in Britain,
Canada, and British colonies in the
West Indies. Among them are about
15,000 African Americans, some of
whom end up helping to found the
country of Sierra Leone in Africa.
The loyalist experience will have a
profound effect on the development
of Canada's national identity.

Treaty of Paris Officially
Ends State of War
• September 3, 1783
The Treaty of Paris ratifies the
independence of the 13 North
American states. Canada
remains a British province,
beginning its separate
development as a U.S.
neighbor. Another war with
England (1812 - 1815) will be
necessary to truly secure the
American nation.

American Victory Pushes
Indians Farther West
• October 1784
The Treaty of Fort Stanwix
imposes a peace on those
members of the Iroquois
Confederacy that sided with the
British in the Revolution. The
war's aftermath will prove
devastating to Native Americans.
With no European allies to rely
upon, Indian tribes will be under
increasing pressure from
settlers moving west out of the
original 13 states.

U.S. Constitution Replaces the
Articles of Confederation
• 1787
A convention of states in
Philadelphia proposes the
Constitution to replace the
much looser central
government operating under
the Articles of Confederation
(adopted in 1777). With
amendments, the Constitution
remains the framework of
government in the U.S.

• Library of Congress

Slide 10

The Revolutionary War
History Production
By: Megan Brooks

Answer These Questions
• 1. When did the war start ?
– What did they call it?

• 2. What year did was the Declaration of Independence
adopted by the Second Continental Congress?
• 3. Who surrendered at Yorktown?
• 4. What year did the war end?

“Shot heard Around the
• April 19, 1775
The first shots of the
Revolutionary War are fired at
Lexington and Concord in
Massachusetts. The news of
the bloodshed rockets along
the eastern seaboard, and
thousands of volunteers
converge on Cambridge, Mass.
These are the beginnings of
the Continental Army.

British Form an Alliance with
PatriotS’ Slaves
• November 1775
The British governor of Virginia,
Lord Dunmore, issues a
proclamation offering freedom to
any slaves of rebellious Americans
who are able to enter British lines.
Throughout the course of the war,
tens of thousands of African
Americans will seek their freedom
by supporting the British. A smaller
number will fight on the patriot
(pro-independence) side, despite
policies that discourage their

Battle of Bunker Hill
• June 17, 1775
In the first major action of the war,
inexperienced colonial soldiers hold
off hardened British veterans for
more than two hours at Breed's Hill.
Although eventually forced to
abandon their position, including the
high ground of Bunker Hill
overlooking Boston, the patriots
show that they are not intimidated
by the long lines of red-coated
infantrymen. Of the 2,200 British
seeing action, more than 1,000 end
up dead or wounded

Loyalists Defeated at
Moore’S Creek
• February 27, 1776
A force of loyalists (Americans
who want to remain British
subjects), most of them of
Scots descent, is defeated by a
patriot army at the Battle of
Moore’s Creek Bridge. This
setback will largely quiet
loyalist activity in the
Carolinas for three years.

South Carolinians Repel
British Attempt to Take

• June 28, 1776
A British invasion force mounts
an all-day attack on a patriot
force on Sullivan’s Island. The
invaders are unable to land their
troops on the island, and the
tricky waters of Charleston
Harbor frustrate the British
navy. The fleet retires in defeat,
and South Carolina will remain
untouched by the enemy for
three more years.

America Declares its
• July 1776
The Declaration of Independence is
adopted by the Second Continental
Congress. Following a decade of
agitation over taxes and a year of
war, representatives make the
break with Britain. King George III
isn't willing to let his subjects go
without a fight, and loyalist
sentiment remains strong in many
areas. Americans' primary
allegiance is to their states;
nationalism will grow slowly

Washington Crosses the
• December 1776 - January 1777
In a bold move, Washington moves
his troops into New Jersey on
Christmas night. The patriots then
surprise a force of German troops
fighting for Britain at Trenton on
December 26. They achieve a
similar victory over British troops
at Princeton on January 3, reviving
hopes that the war just might be
winnable. The army then encamps
for the winter at Morristown, New

Big British setback at
• October 17, 1777
General John Burgoyne's
attempt to separate the
rebellious New England
colonies from those farther
south ends in a spectacular
failure. The surrender of 6,000
British regulars at Saratoga
will shock London and help
induce France to enter the war
on the American side.

Winter of Change for the
Continental Army
• December 1777
With the British occupying
Philadelphia just 20 miles away,
the Continental Army enters
winter quarters at Valley Forge,
Pennsylvania. During the winter,
supply arrangements will be
improved and the Continental
troops will be drilled and emerge
as a more disciplined, unified
fighting force.

France Enters the War
Against Britain
• February 1778
As a result of the patriot
victory at Saratoga and
American diplomatic efforts,
France allies itself with the
new American government.
French financial and military
aid will prove critical in
winning the war. The
Continental Army will learn of
the French Alliance in May.

George Rogers Clark
Attacks the British in the
Ohio Country

• May - December, 1778
With barely 150 men, Virginian
George Rogers Clark captures
several British posts in the Ohio
Territory (present-day Illinois and
Indiana) and convinces Frenchspeaking inhabitants of Kaskaskia
and Cahokia to support the patriot
side. Although Indians will continue
to oppose white settlement for
three decades, Clark's exploits pave
the way for the expansion of the
U.S. north of the Ohio River.

Charleston Falls to the
• May 12, 1780
The British take Charleston,
S.C., capture a large patriot
army, and deal the rebels one
of their worst defeats of the
war. The Charleston move is
part of a broader British
strategy to hang on to the
southern colonies, at least,
now that the war is stalemated
in Pennsylvania and New York.

Kings Mountain Victory
Revives Patriot Hopes
• October 7, 1780
Patriot militia from the Carolinas,
Virginia, and present-day
Tennessee surround and defeat a
force of loyalists under Major
Patrick Ferguson at Kings
Mountain, S.C. Indicating the deep
divisions within America,
Ferguson is the only British
soldier on the field-Kings
Mountain. Its truly a battle among
Americans about their future.

The American Tide Continues
at the Cowpens
• January 17, 1781
Continental soldiers and
patriot militia under General
Daniel Morgan defeat a British
force under Banastre Tarleton
at Cowpens. Coming on the
heels of the victory at Kings
Mountain, Cowpens helps
convince worried patriots that
the British southern strategy
can be countered.

Costly British Victory at
Guilford Courthouse
• March 15, 1781
British troops win a costly
victory over Continentals and
militia at Guilford Courthouse,
N.C. The battle is part of General
Nathanael Greene's strategy of
engaging the British on ground of
his choosing. Without winning a
single clear-cut victory, he will
succeed in wearing down the
British army through hit-and-run
tactics and set-piece battles.

Longest Siege of the War at
Ninety Six
• May - June, 1781
The isolated British garrison at
Ninety Six is laid siege to by
patriot forces under Gen.
Nathanael Greene. The approach
of a British relief column leads
Greene to make a final,
unsuccessful assault on the fort
on June 18. The events at Ninety
Six underline the fact that Britain
has too few troops to hold the
southern hinterlands.

Large British Army
Surrenders at Yorktown
• September - October, 1781
A joint French and American force
traps a large British army on
Virginia's Yorktown peninsula.
Unable to evacuate or receive
reinforcements because a French
fleet has driven off a British fleet,
General Cornwallis is forced to
surrender. Although New York City
and Charleston, S.C., will remain in
British hands until a peace treaty is
signed two years later, the war for
American independence is
essentially over.

Loyalists Leave America
• January 1782
The evacuation of loyalists begins.
Largely unwelcome in the new
United States, about 100,000
Americans who remained loyal to
the crown find new lives in Britain,
Canada, and British colonies in the
West Indies. Among them are about
15,000 African Americans, some of
whom end up helping to found the
country of Sierra Leone in Africa.
The loyalist experience will have a
profound effect on the development
of Canada's national identity.

Treaty of Paris Officially
Ends State of War
• September 3, 1783
The Treaty of Paris ratifies the
independence of the 13 North
American states. Canada
remains a British province,
beginning its separate
development as a U.S.
neighbor. Another war with
England (1812 - 1815) will be
necessary to truly secure the
American nation.

American Victory Pushes
Indians Farther West
• October 1784
The Treaty of Fort Stanwix
imposes a peace on those
members of the Iroquois
Confederacy that sided with the
British in the Revolution. The
war's aftermath will prove
devastating to Native Americans.
With no European allies to rely
upon, Indian tribes will be under
increasing pressure from
settlers moving west out of the
original 13 states.

U.S. Constitution Replaces the
Articles of Confederation
• 1787
A convention of states in
Philadelphia proposes the
Constitution to replace the
much looser central
government operating under
the Articles of Confederation
(adopted in 1777). With
amendments, the Constitution
remains the framework of
government in the U.S.

• Library of Congress

Slide 11

The Revolutionary War
History Production
By: Megan Brooks

Answer These Questions
• 1. When did the war start ?
– What did they call it?

• 2. What year did was the Declaration of Independence
adopted by the Second Continental Congress?
• 3. Who surrendered at Yorktown?
• 4. What year did the war end?

“Shot heard Around the
• April 19, 1775
The first shots of the
Revolutionary War are fired at
Lexington and Concord in
Massachusetts. The news of
the bloodshed rockets along
the eastern seaboard, and
thousands of volunteers
converge on Cambridge, Mass.
These are the beginnings of
the Continental Army.

British Form an Alliance with
PatriotS’ Slaves
• November 1775
The British governor of Virginia,
Lord Dunmore, issues a
proclamation offering freedom to
any slaves of rebellious Americans
who are able to enter British lines.
Throughout the course of the war,
tens of thousands of African
Americans will seek their freedom
by supporting the British. A smaller
number will fight on the patriot
(pro-independence) side, despite
policies that discourage their

Battle of Bunker Hill
• June 17, 1775
In the first major action of the war,
inexperienced colonial soldiers hold
off hardened British veterans for
more than two hours at Breed's Hill.
Although eventually forced to
abandon their position, including the
high ground of Bunker Hill
overlooking Boston, the patriots
show that they are not intimidated
by the long lines of red-coated
infantrymen. Of the 2,200 British
seeing action, more than 1,000 end
up dead or wounded

Loyalists Defeated at
Moore’S Creek
• February 27, 1776
A force of loyalists (Americans
who want to remain British
subjects), most of them of
Scots descent, is defeated by a
patriot army at the Battle of
Moore’s Creek Bridge. This
setback will largely quiet
loyalist activity in the
Carolinas for three years.

South Carolinians Repel
British Attempt to Take

• June 28, 1776
A British invasion force mounts
an all-day attack on a patriot
force on Sullivan’s Island. The
invaders are unable to land their
troops on the island, and the
tricky waters of Charleston
Harbor frustrate the British
navy. The fleet retires in defeat,
and South Carolina will remain
untouched by the enemy for
three more years.

America Declares its
• July 1776
The Declaration of Independence is
adopted by the Second Continental
Congress. Following a decade of
agitation over taxes and a year of
war, representatives make the
break with Britain. King George III
isn't willing to let his subjects go
without a fight, and loyalist
sentiment remains strong in many
areas. Americans' primary
allegiance is to their states;
nationalism will grow slowly

Washington Crosses the
• December 1776 - January 1777
In a bold move, Washington moves
his troops into New Jersey on
Christmas night. The patriots then
surprise a force of German troops
fighting for Britain at Trenton on
December 26. They achieve a
similar victory over British troops
at Princeton on January 3, reviving
hopes that the war just might be
winnable. The army then encamps
for the winter at Morristown, New

Big British setback at
• October 17, 1777
General John Burgoyne's
attempt to separate the
rebellious New England
colonies from those farther
south ends in a spectacular
failure. The surrender of 6,000
British regulars at Saratoga
will shock London and help
induce France to enter the war
on the American side.

Winter of Change for the
Continental Army
• December 1777
With the British occupying
Philadelphia just 20 miles away,
the Continental Army enters
winter quarters at Valley Forge,
Pennsylvania. During the winter,
supply arrangements will be
improved and the Continental
troops will be drilled and emerge
as a more disciplined, unified
fighting force.

France Enters the War
Against Britain
• February 1778
As a result of the patriot
victory at Saratoga and
American diplomatic efforts,
France allies itself with the
new American government.
French financial and military
aid will prove critical in
winning the war. The
Continental Army will learn of
the French Alliance in May.

George Rogers Clark
Attacks the British in the
Ohio Country

• May - December, 1778
With barely 150 men, Virginian
George Rogers Clark captures
several British posts in the Ohio
Territory (present-day Illinois and
Indiana) and convinces Frenchspeaking inhabitants of Kaskaskia
and Cahokia to support the patriot
side. Although Indians will continue
to oppose white settlement for
three decades, Clark's exploits pave
the way for the expansion of the
U.S. north of the Ohio River.

Charleston Falls to the
• May 12, 1780
The British take Charleston,
S.C., capture a large patriot
army, and deal the rebels one
of their worst defeats of the
war. The Charleston move is
part of a broader British
strategy to hang on to the
southern colonies, at least,
now that the war is stalemated
in Pennsylvania and New York.

Kings Mountain Victory
Revives Patriot Hopes
• October 7, 1780
Patriot militia from the Carolinas,
Virginia, and present-day
Tennessee surround and defeat a
force of loyalists under Major
Patrick Ferguson at Kings
Mountain, S.C. Indicating the deep
divisions within America,
Ferguson is the only British
soldier on the field-Kings
Mountain. Its truly a battle among
Americans about their future.

The American Tide Continues
at the Cowpens
• January 17, 1781
Continental soldiers and
patriot militia under General
Daniel Morgan defeat a British
force under Banastre Tarleton
at Cowpens. Coming on the
heels of the victory at Kings
Mountain, Cowpens helps
convince worried patriots that
the British southern strategy
can be countered.

Costly British Victory at
Guilford Courthouse
• March 15, 1781
British troops win a costly
victory over Continentals and
militia at Guilford Courthouse,
N.C. The battle is part of General
Nathanael Greene's strategy of
engaging the British on ground of
his choosing. Without winning a
single clear-cut victory, he will
succeed in wearing down the
British army through hit-and-run
tactics and set-piece battles.

Longest Siege of the War at
Ninety Six
• May - June, 1781
The isolated British garrison at
Ninety Six is laid siege to by
patriot forces under Gen.
Nathanael Greene. The approach
of a British relief column leads
Greene to make a final,
unsuccessful assault on the fort
on June 18. The events at Ninety
Six underline the fact that Britain
has too few troops to hold the
southern hinterlands.

Large British Army
Surrenders at Yorktown
• September - October, 1781
A joint French and American force
traps a large British army on
Virginia's Yorktown peninsula.
Unable to evacuate or receive
reinforcements because a French
fleet has driven off a British fleet,
General Cornwallis is forced to
surrender. Although New York City
and Charleston, S.C., will remain in
British hands until a peace treaty is
signed two years later, the war for
American independence is
essentially over.

Loyalists Leave America
• January 1782
The evacuation of loyalists begins.
Largely unwelcome in the new
United States, about 100,000
Americans who remained loyal to
the crown find new lives in Britain,
Canada, and British colonies in the
West Indies. Among them are about
15,000 African Americans, some of
whom end up helping to found the
country of Sierra Leone in Africa.
The loyalist experience will have a
profound effect on the development
of Canada's national identity.

Treaty of Paris Officially
Ends State of War
• September 3, 1783
The Treaty of Paris ratifies the
independence of the 13 North
American states. Canada
remains a British province,
beginning its separate
development as a U.S.
neighbor. Another war with
England (1812 - 1815) will be
necessary to truly secure the
American nation.

American Victory Pushes
Indians Farther West
• October 1784
The Treaty of Fort Stanwix
imposes a peace on those
members of the Iroquois
Confederacy that sided with the
British in the Revolution. The
war's aftermath will prove
devastating to Native Americans.
With no European allies to rely
upon, Indian tribes will be under
increasing pressure from
settlers moving west out of the
original 13 states.

U.S. Constitution Replaces the
Articles of Confederation
• 1787
A convention of states in
Philadelphia proposes the
Constitution to replace the
much looser central
government operating under
the Articles of Confederation
(adopted in 1777). With
amendments, the Constitution
remains the framework of
government in the U.S.

• Library of Congress

Slide 12

The Revolutionary War
History Production
By: Megan Brooks

Answer These Questions
• 1. When did the war start ?
– What did they call it?

• 2. What year did was the Declaration of Independence
adopted by the Second Continental Congress?
• 3. Who surrendered at Yorktown?
• 4. What year did the war end?

“Shot heard Around the
• April 19, 1775
The first shots of the
Revolutionary War are fired at
Lexington and Concord in
Massachusetts. The news of
the bloodshed rockets along
the eastern seaboard, and
thousands of volunteers
converge on Cambridge, Mass.
These are the beginnings of
the Continental Army.

British Form an Alliance with
PatriotS’ Slaves
• November 1775
The British governor of Virginia,
Lord Dunmore, issues a
proclamation offering freedom to
any slaves of rebellious Americans
who are able to enter British lines.
Throughout the course of the war,
tens of thousands of African
Americans will seek their freedom
by supporting the British. A smaller
number will fight on the patriot
(pro-independence) side, despite
policies that discourage their

Battle of Bunker Hill
• June 17, 1775
In the first major action of the war,
inexperienced colonial soldiers hold
off hardened British veterans for
more than two hours at Breed's Hill.
Although eventually forced to
abandon their position, including the
high ground of Bunker Hill
overlooking Boston, the patriots
show that they are not intimidated
by the long lines of red-coated
infantrymen. Of the 2,200 British
seeing action, more than 1,000 end
up dead or wounded

Loyalists Defeated at
Moore’S Creek
• February 27, 1776
A force of loyalists (Americans
who want to remain British
subjects), most of them of
Scots descent, is defeated by a
patriot army at the Battle of
Moore’s Creek Bridge. This
setback will largely quiet
loyalist activity in the
Carolinas for three years.

South Carolinians Repel
British Attempt to Take

• June 28, 1776
A British invasion force mounts
an all-day attack on a patriot
force on Sullivan’s Island. The
invaders are unable to land their
troops on the island, and the
tricky waters of Charleston
Harbor frustrate the British
navy. The fleet retires in defeat,
and South Carolina will remain
untouched by the enemy for
three more years.

America Declares its
• July 1776
The Declaration of Independence is
adopted by the Second Continental
Congress. Following a decade of
agitation over taxes and a year of
war, representatives make the
break with Britain. King George III
isn't willing to let his subjects go
without a fight, and loyalist
sentiment remains strong in many
areas. Americans' primary
allegiance is to their states;
nationalism will grow slowly

Washington Crosses the
• December 1776 - January 1777
In a bold move, Washington moves
his troops into New Jersey on
Christmas night. The patriots then
surprise a force of German troops
fighting for Britain at Trenton on
December 26. They achieve a
similar victory over British troops
at Princeton on January 3, reviving
hopes that the war just might be
winnable. The army then encamps
for the winter at Morristown, New

Big British setback at
• October 17, 1777
General John Burgoyne's
attempt to separate the
rebellious New England
colonies from those farther
south ends in a spectacular
failure. The surrender of 6,000
British regulars at Saratoga
will shock London and help
induce France to enter the war
on the American side.

Winter of Change for the
Continental Army
• December 1777
With the British occupying
Philadelphia just 20 miles away,
the Continental Army enters
winter quarters at Valley Forge,
Pennsylvania. During the winter,
supply arrangements will be
improved and the Continental
troops will be drilled and emerge
as a more disciplined, unified
fighting force.

France Enters the War
Against Britain
• February 1778
As a result of the patriot
victory at Saratoga and
American diplomatic efforts,
France allies itself with the
new American government.
French financial and military
aid will prove critical in
winning the war. The
Continental Army will learn of
the French Alliance in May.

George Rogers Clark
Attacks the British in the
Ohio Country

• May - December, 1778
With barely 150 men, Virginian
George Rogers Clark captures
several British posts in the Ohio
Territory (present-day Illinois and
Indiana) and convinces Frenchspeaking inhabitants of Kaskaskia
and Cahokia to support the patriot
side. Although Indians will continue
to oppose white settlement for
three decades, Clark's exploits pave
the way for the expansion of the
U.S. north of the Ohio River.

Charleston Falls to the
• May 12, 1780
The British take Charleston,
S.C., capture a large patriot
army, and deal the rebels one
of their worst defeats of the
war. The Charleston move is
part of a broader British
strategy to hang on to the
southern colonies, at least,
now that the war is stalemated
in Pennsylvania and New York.

Kings Mountain Victory
Revives Patriot Hopes
• October 7, 1780
Patriot militia from the Carolinas,
Virginia, and present-day
Tennessee surround and defeat a
force of loyalists under Major
Patrick Ferguson at Kings
Mountain, S.C. Indicating the deep
divisions within America,
Ferguson is the only British
soldier on the field-Kings
Mountain. Its truly a battle among
Americans about their future.

The American Tide Continues
at the Cowpens
• January 17, 1781
Continental soldiers and
patriot militia under General
Daniel Morgan defeat a British
force under Banastre Tarleton
at Cowpens. Coming on the
heels of the victory at Kings
Mountain, Cowpens helps
convince worried patriots that
the British southern strategy
can be countered.

Costly British Victory at
Guilford Courthouse
• March 15, 1781
British troops win a costly
victory over Continentals and
militia at Guilford Courthouse,
N.C. The battle is part of General
Nathanael Greene's strategy of
engaging the British on ground of
his choosing. Without winning a
single clear-cut victory, he will
succeed in wearing down the
British army through hit-and-run
tactics and set-piece battles.

Longest Siege of the War at
Ninety Six
• May - June, 1781
The isolated British garrison at
Ninety Six is laid siege to by
patriot forces under Gen.
Nathanael Greene. The approach
of a British relief column leads
Greene to make a final,
unsuccessful assault on the fort
on June 18. The events at Ninety
Six underline the fact that Britain
has too few troops to hold the
southern hinterlands.

Large British Army
Surrenders at Yorktown
• September - October, 1781
A joint French and American force
traps a large British army on
Virginia's Yorktown peninsula.
Unable to evacuate or receive
reinforcements because a French
fleet has driven off a British fleet,
General Cornwallis is forced to
surrender. Although New York City
and Charleston, S.C., will remain in
British hands until a peace treaty is
signed two years later, the war for
American independence is
essentially over.

Loyalists Leave America
• January 1782
The evacuation of loyalists begins.
Largely unwelcome in the new
United States, about 100,000
Americans who remained loyal to
the crown find new lives in Britain,
Canada, and British colonies in the
West Indies. Among them are about
15,000 African Americans, some of
whom end up helping to found the
country of Sierra Leone in Africa.
The loyalist experience will have a
profound effect on the development
of Canada's national identity.

Treaty of Paris Officially
Ends State of War
• September 3, 1783
The Treaty of Paris ratifies the
independence of the 13 North
American states. Canada
remains a British province,
beginning its separate
development as a U.S.
neighbor. Another war with
England (1812 - 1815) will be
necessary to truly secure the
American nation.

American Victory Pushes
Indians Farther West
• October 1784
The Treaty of Fort Stanwix
imposes a peace on those
members of the Iroquois
Confederacy that sided with the
British in the Revolution. The
war's aftermath will prove
devastating to Native Americans.
With no European allies to rely
upon, Indian tribes will be under
increasing pressure from
settlers moving west out of the
original 13 states.

U.S. Constitution Replaces the
Articles of Confederation
• 1787
A convention of states in
Philadelphia proposes the
Constitution to replace the
much looser central
government operating under
the Articles of Confederation
(adopted in 1777). With
amendments, the Constitution
remains the framework of
government in the U.S.

• Library of Congress

Slide 13

The Revolutionary War
History Production
By: Megan Brooks

Answer These Questions
• 1. When did the war start ?
– What did they call it?

• 2. What year did was the Declaration of Independence
adopted by the Second Continental Congress?
• 3. Who surrendered at Yorktown?
• 4. What year did the war end?

“Shot heard Around the
• April 19, 1775
The first shots of the
Revolutionary War are fired at
Lexington and Concord in
Massachusetts. The news of
the bloodshed rockets along
the eastern seaboard, and
thousands of volunteers
converge on Cambridge, Mass.
These are the beginnings of
the Continental Army.

British Form an Alliance with
PatriotS’ Slaves
• November 1775
The British governor of Virginia,
Lord Dunmore, issues a
proclamation offering freedom to
any slaves of rebellious Americans
who are able to enter British lines.
Throughout the course of the war,
tens of thousands of African
Americans will seek their freedom
by supporting the British. A smaller
number will fight on the patriot
(pro-independence) side, despite
policies that discourage their

Battle of Bunker Hill
• June 17, 1775
In the first major action of the war,
inexperienced colonial soldiers hold
off hardened British veterans for
more than two hours at Breed's Hill.
Although eventually forced to
abandon their position, including the
high ground of Bunker Hill
overlooking Boston, the patriots
show that they are not intimidated
by the long lines of red-coated
infantrymen. Of the 2,200 British
seeing action, more than 1,000 end
up dead or wounded

Loyalists Defeated at
Moore’S Creek
• February 27, 1776
A force of loyalists (Americans
who want to remain British
subjects), most of them of
Scots descent, is defeated by a
patriot army at the Battle of
Moore’s Creek Bridge. This
setback will largely quiet
loyalist activity in the
Carolinas for three years.

South Carolinians Repel
British Attempt to Take

• June 28, 1776
A British invasion force mounts
an all-day attack on a patriot
force on Sullivan’s Island. The
invaders are unable to land their
troops on the island, and the
tricky waters of Charleston
Harbor frustrate the British
navy. The fleet retires in defeat,
and South Carolina will remain
untouched by the enemy for
three more years.

America Declares its
• July 1776
The Declaration of Independence is
adopted by the Second Continental
Congress. Following a decade of
agitation over taxes and a year of
war, representatives make the
break with Britain. King George III
isn't willing to let his subjects go
without a fight, and loyalist
sentiment remains strong in many
areas. Americans' primary
allegiance is to their states;
nationalism will grow slowly

Washington Crosses the
• December 1776 - January 1777
In a bold move, Washington moves
his troops into New Jersey on
Christmas night. The patriots then
surprise a force of German troops
fighting for Britain at Trenton on
December 26. They achieve a
similar victory over British troops
at Princeton on January 3, reviving
hopes that the war just might be
winnable. The army then encamps
for the winter at Morristown, New

Big British setback at
• October 17, 1777
General John Burgoyne's
attempt to separate the
rebellious New England
colonies from those farther
south ends in a spectacular
failure. The surrender of 6,000
British regulars at Saratoga
will shock London and help
induce France to enter the war
on the American side.

Winter of Change for the
Continental Army
• December 1777
With the British occupying
Philadelphia just 20 miles away,
the Continental Army enters
winter quarters at Valley Forge,
Pennsylvania. During the winter,
supply arrangements will be
improved and the Continental
troops will be drilled and emerge
as a more disciplined, unified
fighting force.

France Enters the War
Against Britain
• February 1778
As a result of the patriot
victory at Saratoga and
American diplomatic efforts,
France allies itself with the
new American government.
French financial and military
aid will prove critical in
winning the war. The
Continental Army will learn of
the French Alliance in May.

George Rogers Clark
Attacks the British in the
Ohio Country

• May - December, 1778
With barely 150 men, Virginian
George Rogers Clark captures
several British posts in the Ohio
Territory (present-day Illinois and
Indiana) and convinces Frenchspeaking inhabitants of Kaskaskia
and Cahokia to support the patriot
side. Although Indians will continue
to oppose white settlement for
three decades, Clark's exploits pave
the way for the expansion of the
U.S. north of the Ohio River.

Charleston Falls to the
• May 12, 1780
The British take Charleston,
S.C., capture a large patriot
army, and deal the rebels one
of their worst defeats of the
war. The Charleston move is
part of a broader British
strategy to hang on to the
southern colonies, at least,
now that the war is stalemated
in Pennsylvania and New York.

Kings Mountain Victory
Revives Patriot Hopes
• October 7, 1780
Patriot militia from the Carolinas,
Virginia, and present-day
Tennessee surround and defeat a
force of loyalists under Major
Patrick Ferguson at Kings
Mountain, S.C. Indicating the deep
divisions within America,
Ferguson is the only British
soldier on the field-Kings
Mountain. Its truly a battle among
Americans about their future.

The American Tide Continues
at the Cowpens
• January 17, 1781
Continental soldiers and
patriot militia under General
Daniel Morgan defeat a British
force under Banastre Tarleton
at Cowpens. Coming on the
heels of the victory at Kings
Mountain, Cowpens helps
convince worried patriots that
the British southern strategy
can be countered.

Costly British Victory at
Guilford Courthouse
• March 15, 1781
British troops win a costly
victory over Continentals and
militia at Guilford Courthouse,
N.C. The battle is part of General
Nathanael Greene's strategy of
engaging the British on ground of
his choosing. Without winning a
single clear-cut victory, he will
succeed in wearing down the
British army through hit-and-run
tactics and set-piece battles.

Longest Siege of the War at
Ninety Six
• May - June, 1781
The isolated British garrison at
Ninety Six is laid siege to by
patriot forces under Gen.
Nathanael Greene. The approach
of a British relief column leads
Greene to make a final,
unsuccessful assault on the fort
on June 18. The events at Ninety
Six underline the fact that Britain
has too few troops to hold the
southern hinterlands.

Large British Army
Surrenders at Yorktown
• September - October, 1781
A joint French and American force
traps a large British army on
Virginia's Yorktown peninsula.
Unable to evacuate or receive
reinforcements because a French
fleet has driven off a British fleet,
General Cornwallis is forced to
surrender. Although New York City
and Charleston, S.C., will remain in
British hands until a peace treaty is
signed two years later, the war for
American independence is
essentially over.

Loyalists Leave America
• January 1782
The evacuation of loyalists begins.
Largely unwelcome in the new
United States, about 100,000
Americans who remained loyal to
the crown find new lives in Britain,
Canada, and British colonies in the
West Indies. Among them are about
15,000 African Americans, some of
whom end up helping to found the
country of Sierra Leone in Africa.
The loyalist experience will have a
profound effect on the development
of Canada's national identity.

Treaty of Paris Officially
Ends State of War
• September 3, 1783
The Treaty of Paris ratifies the
independence of the 13 North
American states. Canada
remains a British province,
beginning its separate
development as a U.S.
neighbor. Another war with
England (1812 - 1815) will be
necessary to truly secure the
American nation.

American Victory Pushes
Indians Farther West
• October 1784
The Treaty of Fort Stanwix
imposes a peace on those
members of the Iroquois
Confederacy that sided with the
British in the Revolution. The
war's aftermath will prove
devastating to Native Americans.
With no European allies to rely
upon, Indian tribes will be under
increasing pressure from
settlers moving west out of the
original 13 states.

U.S. Constitution Replaces the
Articles of Confederation
• 1787
A convention of states in
Philadelphia proposes the
Constitution to replace the
much looser central
government operating under
the Articles of Confederation
(adopted in 1777). With
amendments, the Constitution
remains the framework of
government in the U.S.

• Library of Congress

Slide 14

The Revolutionary War
History Production
By: Megan Brooks

Answer These Questions
• 1. When did the war start ?
– What did they call it?

• 2. What year did was the Declaration of Independence
adopted by the Second Continental Congress?
• 3. Who surrendered at Yorktown?
• 4. What year did the war end?

“Shot heard Around the
• April 19, 1775
The first shots of the
Revolutionary War are fired at
Lexington and Concord in
Massachusetts. The news of
the bloodshed rockets along
the eastern seaboard, and
thousands of volunteers
converge on Cambridge, Mass.
These are the beginnings of
the Continental Army.

British Form an Alliance with
PatriotS’ Slaves
• November 1775
The British governor of Virginia,
Lord Dunmore, issues a
proclamation offering freedom to
any slaves of rebellious Americans
who are able to enter British lines.
Throughout the course of the war,
tens of thousands of African
Americans will seek their freedom
by supporting the British. A smaller
number will fight on the patriot
(pro-independence) side, despite
policies that discourage their

Battle of Bunker Hill
• June 17, 1775
In the first major action of the war,
inexperienced colonial soldiers hold
off hardened British veterans for
more than two hours at Breed's Hill.
Although eventually forced to
abandon their position, including the
high ground of Bunker Hill
overlooking Boston, the patriots
show that they are not intimidated
by the long lines of red-coated
infantrymen. Of the 2,200 British
seeing action, more than 1,000 end
up dead or wounded

Loyalists Defeated at
Moore’S Creek
• February 27, 1776
A force of loyalists (Americans
who want to remain British
subjects), most of them of
Scots descent, is defeated by a
patriot army at the Battle of
Moore’s Creek Bridge. This
setback will largely quiet
loyalist activity in the
Carolinas for three years.

South Carolinians Repel
British Attempt to Take

• June 28, 1776
A British invasion force mounts
an all-day attack on a patriot
force on Sullivan’s Island. The
invaders are unable to land their
troops on the island, and the
tricky waters of Charleston
Harbor frustrate the British
navy. The fleet retires in defeat,
and South Carolina will remain
untouched by the enemy for
three more years.

America Declares its
• July 1776
The Declaration of Independence is
adopted by the Second Continental
Congress. Following a decade of
agitation over taxes and a year of
war, representatives make the
break with Britain. King George III
isn't willing to let his subjects go
without a fight, and loyalist
sentiment remains strong in many
areas. Americans' primary
allegiance is to their states;
nationalism will grow slowly

Washington Crosses the
• December 1776 - January 1777
In a bold move, Washington moves
his troops into New Jersey on
Christmas night. The patriots then
surprise a force of German troops
fighting for Britain at Trenton on
December 26. They achieve a
similar victory over British troops
at Princeton on January 3, reviving
hopes that the war just might be
winnable. The army then encamps
for the winter at Morristown, New

Big British setback at
• October 17, 1777
General John Burgoyne's
attempt to separate the
rebellious New England
colonies from those farther
south ends in a spectacular
failure. The surrender of 6,000
British regulars at Saratoga
will shock London and help
induce France to enter the war
on the American side.

Winter of Change for the
Continental Army
• December 1777
With the British occupying
Philadelphia just 20 miles away,
the Continental Army enters
winter quarters at Valley Forge,
Pennsylvania. During the winter,
supply arrangements will be
improved and the Continental
troops will be drilled and emerge
as a more disciplined, unified
fighting force.

France Enters the War
Against Britain
• February 1778
As a result of the patriot
victory at Saratoga and
American diplomatic efforts,
France allies itself with the
new American government.
French financial and military
aid will prove critical in
winning the war. The
Continental Army will learn of
the French Alliance in May.

George Rogers Clark
Attacks the British in the
Ohio Country

• May - December, 1778
With barely 150 men, Virginian
George Rogers Clark captures
several British posts in the Ohio
Territory (present-day Illinois and
Indiana) and convinces Frenchspeaking inhabitants of Kaskaskia
and Cahokia to support the patriot
side. Although Indians will continue
to oppose white settlement for
three decades, Clark's exploits pave
the way for the expansion of the
U.S. north of the Ohio River.

Charleston Falls to the
• May 12, 1780
The British take Charleston,
S.C., capture a large patriot
army, and deal the rebels one
of their worst defeats of the
war. The Charleston move is
part of a broader British
strategy to hang on to the
southern colonies, at least,
now that the war is stalemated
in Pennsylvania and New York.

Kings Mountain Victory
Revives Patriot Hopes
• October 7, 1780
Patriot militia from the Carolinas,
Virginia, and present-day
Tennessee surround and defeat a
force of loyalists under Major
Patrick Ferguson at Kings
Mountain, S.C. Indicating the deep
divisions within America,
Ferguson is the only British
soldier on the field-Kings
Mountain. Its truly a battle among
Americans about their future.

The American Tide Continues
at the Cowpens
• January 17, 1781
Continental soldiers and
patriot militia under General
Daniel Morgan defeat a British
force under Banastre Tarleton
at Cowpens. Coming on the
heels of the victory at Kings
Mountain, Cowpens helps
convince worried patriots that
the British southern strategy
can be countered.

Costly British Victory at
Guilford Courthouse
• March 15, 1781
British troops win a costly
victory over Continentals and
militia at Guilford Courthouse,
N.C. The battle is part of General
Nathanael Greene's strategy of
engaging the British on ground of
his choosing. Without winning a
single clear-cut victory, he will
succeed in wearing down the
British army through hit-and-run
tactics and set-piece battles.

Longest Siege of the War at
Ninety Six
• May - June, 1781
The isolated British garrison at
Ninety Six is laid siege to by
patriot forces under Gen.
Nathanael Greene. The approach
of a British relief column leads
Greene to make a final,
unsuccessful assault on the fort
on June 18. The events at Ninety
Six underline the fact that Britain
has too few troops to hold the
southern hinterlands.

Large British Army
Surrenders at Yorktown
• September - October, 1781
A joint French and American force
traps a large British army on
Virginia's Yorktown peninsula.
Unable to evacuate or receive
reinforcements because a French
fleet has driven off a British fleet,
General Cornwallis is forced to
surrender. Although New York City
and Charleston, S.C., will remain in
British hands until a peace treaty is
signed two years later, the war for
American independence is
essentially over.

Loyalists Leave America
• January 1782
The evacuation of loyalists begins.
Largely unwelcome in the new
United States, about 100,000
Americans who remained loyal to
the crown find new lives in Britain,
Canada, and British colonies in the
West Indies. Among them are about
15,000 African Americans, some of
whom end up helping to found the
country of Sierra Leone in Africa.
The loyalist experience will have a
profound effect on the development
of Canada's national identity.

Treaty of Paris Officially
Ends State of War
• September 3, 1783
The Treaty of Paris ratifies the
independence of the 13 North
American states. Canada
remains a British province,
beginning its separate
development as a U.S.
neighbor. Another war with
England (1812 - 1815) will be
necessary to truly secure the
American nation.

American Victory Pushes
Indians Farther West
• October 1784
The Treaty of Fort Stanwix
imposes a peace on those
members of the Iroquois
Confederacy that sided with the
British in the Revolution. The
war's aftermath will prove
devastating to Native Americans.
With no European allies to rely
upon, Indian tribes will be under
increasing pressure from
settlers moving west out of the
original 13 states.

U.S. Constitution Replaces the
Articles of Confederation
• 1787
A convention of states in
Philadelphia proposes the
Constitution to replace the
much looser central
government operating under
the Articles of Confederation
(adopted in 1777). With
amendments, the Constitution
remains the framework of
government in the U.S.

• Library of Congress

Slide 15

The Revolutionary War
History Production
By: Megan Brooks

Answer These Questions
• 1. When did the war start ?
– What did they call it?

• 2. What year did was the Declaration of Independence
adopted by the Second Continental Congress?
• 3. Who surrendered at Yorktown?
• 4. What year did the war end?

“Shot heard Around the
• April 19, 1775
The first shots of the
Revolutionary War are fired at
Lexington and Concord in
Massachusetts. The news of
the bloodshed rockets along
the eastern seaboard, and
thousands of volunteers
converge on Cambridge, Mass.
These are the beginnings of
the Continental Army.

British Form an Alliance with
PatriotS’ Slaves
• November 1775
The British governor of Virginia,
Lord Dunmore, issues a
proclamation offering freedom to
any slaves of rebellious Americans
who are able to enter British lines.
Throughout the course of the war,
tens of thousands of African
Americans will seek their freedom
by supporting the British. A smaller
number will fight on the patriot
(pro-independence) side, despite
policies that discourage their

Battle of Bunker Hill
• June 17, 1775
In the first major action of the war,
inexperienced colonial soldiers hold
off hardened British veterans for
more than two hours at Breed's Hill.
Although eventually forced to
abandon their position, including the
high ground of Bunker Hill
overlooking Boston, the patriots
show that they are not intimidated
by the long lines of red-coated
infantrymen. Of the 2,200 British
seeing action, more than 1,000 end
up dead or wounded

Loyalists Defeated at
Moore’S Creek
• February 27, 1776
A force of loyalists (Americans
who want to remain British
subjects), most of them of
Scots descent, is defeated by a
patriot army at the Battle of
Moore’s Creek Bridge. This
setback will largely quiet
loyalist activity in the
Carolinas for three years.

South Carolinians Repel
British Attempt to Take

• June 28, 1776
A British invasion force mounts
an all-day attack on a patriot
force on Sullivan’s Island. The
invaders are unable to land their
troops on the island, and the
tricky waters of Charleston
Harbor frustrate the British
navy. The fleet retires in defeat,
and South Carolina will remain
untouched by the enemy for
three more years.

America Declares its
• July 1776
The Declaration of Independence is
adopted by the Second Continental
Congress. Following a decade of
agitation over taxes and a year of
war, representatives make the
break with Britain. King George III
isn't willing to let his subjects go
without a fight, and loyalist
sentiment remains strong in many
areas. Americans' primary
allegiance is to their states;
nationalism will grow slowly

Washington Crosses the
• December 1776 - January 1777
In a bold move, Washington moves
his troops into New Jersey on
Christmas night. The patriots then
surprise a force of German troops
fighting for Britain at Trenton on
December 26. They achieve a
similar victory over British troops
at Princeton on January 3, reviving
hopes that the war just might be
winnable. The army then encamps
for the winter at Morristown, New

Big British setback at
• October 17, 1777
General John Burgoyne's
attempt to separate the
rebellious New England
colonies from those farther
south ends in a spectacular
failure. The surrender of 6,000
British regulars at Saratoga
will shock London and help
induce France to enter the war
on the American side.

Winter of Change for the
Continental Army
• December 1777
With the British occupying
Philadelphia just 20 miles away,
the Continental Army enters
winter quarters at Valley Forge,
Pennsylvania. During the winter,
supply arrangements will be
improved and the Continental
troops will be drilled and emerge
as a more disciplined, unified
fighting force.

France Enters the War
Against Britain
• February 1778
As a result of the patriot
victory at Saratoga and
American diplomatic efforts,
France allies itself with the
new American government.
French financial and military
aid will prove critical in
winning the war. The
Continental Army will learn of
the French Alliance in May.

George Rogers Clark
Attacks the British in the
Ohio Country

• May - December, 1778
With barely 150 men, Virginian
George Rogers Clark captures
several British posts in the Ohio
Territory (present-day Illinois and
Indiana) and convinces Frenchspeaking inhabitants of Kaskaskia
and Cahokia to support the patriot
side. Although Indians will continue
to oppose white settlement for
three decades, Clark's exploits pave
the way for the expansion of the
U.S. north of the Ohio River.

Charleston Falls to the
• May 12, 1780
The British take Charleston,
S.C., capture a large patriot
army, and deal the rebels one
of their worst defeats of the
war. The Charleston move is
part of a broader British
strategy to hang on to the
southern colonies, at least,
now that the war is stalemated
in Pennsylvania and New York.

Kings Mountain Victory
Revives Patriot Hopes
• October 7, 1780
Patriot militia from the Carolinas,
Virginia, and present-day
Tennessee surround and defeat a
force of loyalists under Major
Patrick Ferguson at Kings
Mountain, S.C. Indicating the deep
divisions within America,
Ferguson is the only British
soldier on the field-Kings
Mountain. Its truly a battle among
Americans about their future.

The American Tide Continues
at the Cowpens
• January 17, 1781
Continental soldiers and
patriot militia under General
Daniel Morgan defeat a British
force under Banastre Tarleton
at Cowpens. Coming on the
heels of the victory at Kings
Mountain, Cowpens helps
convince worried patriots that
the British southern strategy
can be countered.

Costly British Victory at
Guilford Courthouse
• March 15, 1781
British troops win a costly
victory over Continentals and
militia at Guilford Courthouse,
N.C. The battle is part of General
Nathanael Greene's strategy of
engaging the British on ground of
his choosing. Without winning a
single clear-cut victory, he will
succeed in wearing down the
British army through hit-and-run
tactics and set-piece battles.

Longest Siege of the War at
Ninety Six
• May - June, 1781
The isolated British garrison at
Ninety Six is laid siege to by
patriot forces under Gen.
Nathanael Greene. The approach
of a British relief column leads
Greene to make a final,
unsuccessful assault on the fort
on June 18. The events at Ninety
Six underline the fact that Britain
has too few troops to hold the
southern hinterlands.

Large British Army
Surrenders at Yorktown
• September - October, 1781
A joint French and American force
traps a large British army on
Virginia's Yorktown peninsula.
Unable to evacuate or receive
reinforcements because a French
fleet has driven off a British fleet,
General Cornwallis is forced to
surrender. Although New York City
and Charleston, S.C., will remain in
British hands until a peace treaty is
signed two years later, the war for
American independence is
essentially over.

Loyalists Leave America
• January 1782
The evacuation of loyalists begins.
Largely unwelcome in the new
United States, about 100,000
Americans who remained loyal to
the crown find new lives in Britain,
Canada, and British colonies in the
West Indies. Among them are about
15,000 African Americans, some of
whom end up helping to found the
country of Sierra Leone in Africa.
The loyalist experience will have a
profound effect on the development
of Canada's national identity.

Treaty of Paris Officially
Ends State of War
• September 3, 1783
The Treaty of Paris ratifies the
independence of the 13 North
American states. Canada
remains a British province,
beginning its separate
development as a U.S.
neighbor. Another war with
England (1812 - 1815) will be
necessary to truly secure the
American nation.

American Victory Pushes
Indians Farther West
• October 1784
The Treaty of Fort Stanwix
imposes a peace on those
members of the Iroquois
Confederacy that sided with the
British in the Revolution. The
war's aftermath will prove
devastating to Native Americans.
With no European allies to rely
upon, Indian tribes will be under
increasing pressure from
settlers moving west out of the
original 13 states.

U.S. Constitution Replaces the
Articles of Confederation
• 1787
A convention of states in
Philadelphia proposes the
Constitution to replace the
much looser central
government operating under
the Articles of Confederation
(adopted in 1777). With
amendments, the Constitution
remains the framework of
government in the U.S.

• Library of Congress

Slide 16

The Revolutionary War
History Production
By: Megan Brooks

Answer These Questions
• 1. When did the war start ?
– What did they call it?

• 2. What year did was the Declaration of Independence
adopted by the Second Continental Congress?
• 3. Who surrendered at Yorktown?
• 4. What year did the war end?

“Shot heard Around the
• April 19, 1775
The first shots of the
Revolutionary War are fired at
Lexington and Concord in
Massachusetts. The news of
the bloodshed rockets along
the eastern seaboard, and
thousands of volunteers
converge on Cambridge, Mass.
These are the beginnings of
the Continental Army.

British Form an Alliance with
PatriotS’ Slaves
• November 1775
The British governor of Virginia,
Lord Dunmore, issues a
proclamation offering freedom to
any slaves of rebellious Americans
who are able to enter British lines.
Throughout the course of the war,
tens of thousands of African
Americans will seek their freedom
by supporting the British. A smaller
number will fight on the patriot
(pro-independence) side, despite
policies that discourage their

Battle of Bunker Hill
• June 17, 1775
In the first major action of the war,
inexperienced colonial soldiers hold
off hardened British veterans for
more than two hours at Breed's Hill.
Although eventually forced to
abandon their position, including the
high ground of Bunker Hill
overlooking Boston, the patriots
show that they are not intimidated
by the long lines of red-coated
infantrymen. Of the 2,200 British
seeing action, more than 1,000 end
up dead or wounded

Loyalists Defeated at
Moore’S Creek
• February 27, 1776
A force of loyalists (Americans
who want to remain British
subjects), most of them of
Scots descent, is defeated by a
patriot army at the Battle of
Moore’s Creek Bridge. This
setback will largely quiet
loyalist activity in the
Carolinas for three years.

South Carolinians Repel
British Attempt to Take

• June 28, 1776
A British invasion force mounts
an all-day attack on a patriot
force on Sullivan’s Island. The
invaders are unable to land their
troops on the island, and the
tricky waters of Charleston
Harbor frustrate the British
navy. The fleet retires in defeat,
and South Carolina will remain
untouched by the enemy for
three more years.

America Declares its
• July 1776
The Declaration of Independence is
adopted by the Second Continental
Congress. Following a decade of
agitation over taxes and a year of
war, representatives make the
break with Britain. King George III
isn't willing to let his subjects go
without a fight, and loyalist
sentiment remains strong in many
areas. Americans' primary
allegiance is to their states;
nationalism will grow slowly

Washington Crosses the
• December 1776 - January 1777
In a bold move, Washington moves
his troops into New Jersey on
Christmas night. The patriots then
surprise a force of German troops
fighting for Britain at Trenton on
December 26. They achieve a
similar victory over British troops
at Princeton on January 3, reviving
hopes that the war just might be
winnable. The army then encamps
for the winter at Morristown, New

Big British setback at
• October 17, 1777
General John Burgoyne's
attempt to separate the
rebellious New England
colonies from those farther
south ends in a spectacular
failure. The surrender of 6,000
British regulars at Saratoga
will shock London and help
induce France to enter the war
on the American side.

Winter of Change for the
Continental Army
• December 1777
With the British occupying
Philadelphia just 20 miles away,
the Continental Army enters
winter quarters at Valley Forge,
Pennsylvania. During the winter,
supply arrangements will be
improved and the Continental
troops will be drilled and emerge
as a more disciplined, unified
fighting force.

France Enters the War
Against Britain
• February 1778
As a result of the patriot
victory at Saratoga and
American diplomatic efforts,
France allies itself with the
new American government.
French financial and military
aid will prove critical in
winning the war. The
Continental Army will learn of
the French Alliance in May.

George Rogers Clark
Attacks the British in the
Ohio Country

• May - December, 1778
With barely 150 men, Virginian
George Rogers Clark captures
several British posts in the Ohio
Territory (present-day Illinois and
Indiana) and convinces Frenchspeaking inhabitants of Kaskaskia
and Cahokia to support the patriot
side. Although Indians will continue
to oppose white settlement for
three decades, Clark's exploits pave
the way for the expansion of the
U.S. north of the Ohio River.

Charleston Falls to the
• May 12, 1780
The British take Charleston,
S.C., capture a large patriot
army, and deal the rebels one
of their worst defeats of the
war. The Charleston move is
part of a broader British
strategy to hang on to the
southern colonies, at least,
now that the war is stalemated
in Pennsylvania and New York.

Kings Mountain Victory
Revives Patriot Hopes
• October 7, 1780
Patriot militia from the Carolinas,
Virginia, and present-day
Tennessee surround and defeat a
force of loyalists under Major
Patrick Ferguson at Kings
Mountain, S.C. Indicating the deep
divisions within America,
Ferguson is the only British
soldier on the field-Kings
Mountain. Its truly a battle among
Americans about their future.

The American Tide Continues
at the Cowpens
• January 17, 1781
Continental soldiers and
patriot militia under General
Daniel Morgan defeat a British
force under Banastre Tarleton
at Cowpens. Coming on the
heels of the victory at Kings
Mountain, Cowpens helps
convince worried patriots that
the British southern strategy
can be countered.

Costly British Victory at
Guilford Courthouse
• March 15, 1781
British troops win a costly
victory over Continentals and
militia at Guilford Courthouse,
N.C. The battle is part of General
Nathanael Greene's strategy of
engaging the British on ground of
his choosing. Without winning a
single clear-cut victory, he will
succeed in wearing down the
British army through hit-and-run
tactics and set-piece battles.

Longest Siege of the War at
Ninety Six
• May - June, 1781
The isolated British garrison at
Ninety Six is laid siege to by
patriot forces under Gen.
Nathanael Greene. The approach
of a British relief column leads
Greene to make a final,
unsuccessful assault on the fort
on June 18. The events at Ninety
Six underline the fact that Britain
has too few troops to hold the
southern hinterlands.

Large British Army
Surrenders at Yorktown
• September - October, 1781
A joint French and American force
traps a large British army on
Virginia's Yorktown peninsula.
Unable to evacuate or receive
reinforcements because a French
fleet has driven off a British fleet,
General Cornwallis is forced to
surrender. Although New York City
and Charleston, S.C., will remain in
British hands until a peace treaty is
signed two years later, the war for
American independence is
essentially over.

Loyalists Leave America
• January 1782
The evacuation of loyalists begins.
Largely unwelcome in the new
United States, about 100,000
Americans who remained loyal to
the crown find new lives in Britain,
Canada, and British colonies in the
West Indies. Among them are about
15,000 African Americans, some of
whom end up helping to found the
country of Sierra Leone in Africa.
The loyalist experience will have a
profound effect on the development
of Canada's national identity.

Treaty of Paris Officially
Ends State of War
• September 3, 1783
The Treaty of Paris ratifies the
independence of the 13 North
American states. Canada
remains a British province,
beginning its separate
development as a U.S.
neighbor. Another war with
England (1812 - 1815) will be
necessary to truly secure the
American nation.

American Victory Pushes
Indians Farther West
• October 1784
The Treaty of Fort Stanwix
imposes a peace on those
members of the Iroquois
Confederacy that sided with the
British in the Revolution. The
war's aftermath will prove
devastating to Native Americans.
With no European allies to rely
upon, Indian tribes will be under
increasing pressure from
settlers moving west out of the
original 13 states.

U.S. Constitution Replaces the
Articles of Confederation
• 1787
A convention of states in
Philadelphia proposes the
Constitution to replace the
much looser central
government operating under
the Articles of Confederation
(adopted in 1777). With
amendments, the Constitution
remains the framework of
government in the U.S.

• Library of Congress

Slide 17

The Revolutionary War
History Production
By: Megan Brooks

Answer These Questions
• 1. When did the war start ?
– What did they call it?

• 2. What year did was the Declaration of Independence
adopted by the Second Continental Congress?
• 3. Who surrendered at Yorktown?
• 4. What year did the war end?

“Shot heard Around the
• April 19, 1775
The first shots of the
Revolutionary War are fired at
Lexington and Concord in
Massachusetts. The news of
the bloodshed rockets along
the eastern seaboard, and
thousands of volunteers
converge on Cambridge, Mass.
These are the beginnings of
the Continental Army.

British Form an Alliance with
PatriotS’ Slaves
• November 1775
The British governor of Virginia,
Lord Dunmore, issues a
proclamation offering freedom to
any slaves of rebellious Americans
who are able to enter British lines.
Throughout the course of the war,
tens of thousands of African
Americans will seek their freedom
by supporting the British. A smaller
number will fight on the patriot
(pro-independence) side, despite
policies that discourage their

Battle of Bunker Hill
• June 17, 1775
In the first major action of the war,
inexperienced colonial soldiers hold
off hardened British veterans for
more than two hours at Breed's Hill.
Although eventually forced to
abandon their position, including the
high ground of Bunker Hill
overlooking Boston, the patriots
show that they are not intimidated
by the long lines of red-coated
infantrymen. Of the 2,200 British
seeing action, more than 1,000 end
up dead or wounded

Loyalists Defeated at
Moore’S Creek
• February 27, 1776
A force of loyalists (Americans
who want to remain British
subjects), most of them of
Scots descent, is defeated by a
patriot army at the Battle of
Moore’s Creek Bridge. This
setback will largely quiet
loyalist activity in the
Carolinas for three years.

South Carolinians Repel
British Attempt to Take

• June 28, 1776
A British invasion force mounts
an all-day attack on a patriot
force on Sullivan’s Island. The
invaders are unable to land their
troops on the island, and the
tricky waters of Charleston
Harbor frustrate the British
navy. The fleet retires in defeat,
and South Carolina will remain
untouched by the enemy for
three more years.

America Declares its
• July 1776
The Declaration of Independence is
adopted by the Second Continental
Congress. Following a decade of
agitation over taxes and a year of
war, representatives make the
break with Britain. King George III
isn't willing to let his subjects go
without a fight, and loyalist
sentiment remains strong in many
areas. Americans' primary
allegiance is to their states;
nationalism will grow slowly

Washington Crosses the
• December 1776 - January 1777
In a bold move, Washington moves
his troops into New Jersey on
Christmas night. The patriots then
surprise a force of German troops
fighting for Britain at Trenton on
December 26. They achieve a
similar victory over British troops
at Princeton on January 3, reviving
hopes that the war just might be
winnable. The army then encamps
for the winter at Morristown, New

Big British setback at
• October 17, 1777
General John Burgoyne's
attempt to separate the
rebellious New England
colonies from those farther
south ends in a spectacular
failure. The surrender of 6,000
British regulars at Saratoga
will shock London and help
induce France to enter the war
on the American side.

Winter of Change for the
Continental Army
• December 1777
With the British occupying
Philadelphia just 20 miles away,
the Continental Army enters
winter quarters at Valley Forge,
Pennsylvania. During the winter,
supply arrangements will be
improved and the Continental
troops will be drilled and emerge
as a more disciplined, unified
fighting force.

France Enters the War
Against Britain
• February 1778
As a result of the patriot
victory at Saratoga and
American diplomatic efforts,
France allies itself with the
new American government.
French financial and military
aid will prove critical in
winning the war. The
Continental Army will learn of
the French Alliance in May.

George Rogers Clark
Attacks the British in the
Ohio Country

• May - December, 1778
With barely 150 men, Virginian
George Rogers Clark captures
several British posts in the Ohio
Territory (present-day Illinois and
Indiana) and convinces Frenchspeaking inhabitants of Kaskaskia
and Cahokia to support the patriot
side. Although Indians will continue
to oppose white settlement for
three decades, Clark's exploits pave
the way for the expansion of the
U.S. north of the Ohio River.

Charleston Falls to the
• May 12, 1780
The British take Charleston,
S.C., capture a large patriot
army, and deal the rebels one
of their worst defeats of the
war. The Charleston move is
part of a broader British
strategy to hang on to the
southern colonies, at least,
now that the war is stalemated
in Pennsylvania and New York.

Kings Mountain Victory
Revives Patriot Hopes
• October 7, 1780
Patriot militia from the Carolinas,
Virginia, and present-day
Tennessee surround and defeat a
force of loyalists under Major
Patrick Ferguson at Kings
Mountain, S.C. Indicating the deep
divisions within America,
Ferguson is the only British
soldier on the field-Kings
Mountain. Its truly a battle among
Americans about their future.

The American Tide Continues
at the Cowpens
• January 17, 1781
Continental soldiers and
patriot militia under General
Daniel Morgan defeat a British
force under Banastre Tarleton
at Cowpens. Coming on the
heels of the victory at Kings
Mountain, Cowpens helps
convince worried patriots that
the British southern strategy
can be countered.

Costly British Victory at
Guilford Courthouse
• March 15, 1781
British troops win a costly
victory over Continentals and
militia at Guilford Courthouse,
N.C. The battle is part of General
Nathanael Greene's strategy of
engaging the British on ground of
his choosing. Without winning a
single clear-cut victory, he will
succeed in wearing down the
British army through hit-and-run
tactics and set-piece battles.

Longest Siege of the War at
Ninety Six
• May - June, 1781
The isolated British garrison at
Ninety Six is laid siege to by
patriot forces under Gen.
Nathanael Greene. The approach
of a British relief column leads
Greene to make a final,
unsuccessful assault on the fort
on June 18. The events at Ninety
Six underline the fact that Britain
has too few troops to hold the
southern hinterlands.

Large British Army
Surrenders at Yorktown
• September - October, 1781
A joint French and American force
traps a large British army on
Virginia's Yorktown peninsula.
Unable to evacuate or receive
reinforcements because a French
fleet has driven off a British fleet,
General Cornwallis is forced to
surrender. Although New York City
and Charleston, S.C., will remain in
British hands until a peace treaty is
signed two years later, the war for
American independence is
essentially over.

Loyalists Leave America
• January 1782
The evacuation of loyalists begins.
Largely unwelcome in the new
United States, about 100,000
Americans who remained loyal to
the crown find new lives in Britain,
Canada, and British colonies in the
West Indies. Among them are about
15,000 African Americans, some of
whom end up helping to found the
country of Sierra Leone in Africa.
The loyalist experience will have a
profound effect on the development
of Canada's national identity.

Treaty of Paris Officially
Ends State of War
• September 3, 1783
The Treaty of Paris ratifies the
independence of the 13 North
American states. Canada
remains a British province,
beginning its separate
development as a U.S.
neighbor. Another war with
England (1812 - 1815) will be
necessary to truly secure the
American nation.

American Victory Pushes
Indians Farther West
• October 1784
The Treaty of Fort Stanwix
imposes a peace on those
members of the Iroquois
Confederacy that sided with the
British in the Revolution. The
war's aftermath will prove
devastating to Native Americans.
With no European allies to rely
upon, Indian tribes will be under
increasing pressure from
settlers moving west out of the
original 13 states.

U.S. Constitution Replaces the
Articles of Confederation
• 1787
A convention of states in
Philadelphia proposes the
Constitution to replace the
much looser central
government operating under
the Articles of Confederation
(adopted in 1777). With
amendments, the Constitution
remains the framework of
government in the U.S.

• Library of Congress

Slide 18

The Revolutionary War
History Production
By: Megan Brooks

Answer These Questions
• 1. When did the war start ?
– What did they call it?

• 2. What year did was the Declaration of Independence
adopted by the Second Continental Congress?
• 3. Who surrendered at Yorktown?
• 4. What year did the war end?

“Shot heard Around the
• April 19, 1775
The first shots of the
Revolutionary War are fired at
Lexington and Concord in
Massachusetts. The news of
the bloodshed rockets along
the eastern seaboard, and
thousands of volunteers
converge on Cambridge, Mass.
These are the beginnings of
the Continental Army.

British Form an Alliance with
PatriotS’ Slaves
• November 1775
The British governor of Virginia,
Lord Dunmore, issues a
proclamation offering freedom to
any slaves of rebellious Americans
who are able to enter British lines.
Throughout the course of the war,
tens of thousands of African
Americans will seek their freedom
by supporting the British. A smaller
number will fight on the patriot
(pro-independence) side, despite
policies that discourage their

Battle of Bunker Hill
• June 17, 1775
In the first major action of the war,
inexperienced colonial soldiers hold
off hardened British veterans for
more than two hours at Breed's Hill.
Although eventually forced to
abandon their position, including the
high ground of Bunker Hill
overlooking Boston, the patriots
show that they are not intimidated
by the long lines of red-coated
infantrymen. Of the 2,200 British
seeing action, more than 1,000 end
up dead or wounded

Loyalists Defeated at
Moore’S Creek
• February 27, 1776
A force of loyalists (Americans
who want to remain British
subjects), most of them of
Scots descent, is defeated by a
patriot army at the Battle of
Moore’s Creek Bridge. This
setback will largely quiet
loyalist activity in the
Carolinas for three years.

South Carolinians Repel
British Attempt to Take

• June 28, 1776
A British invasion force mounts
an all-day attack on a patriot
force on Sullivan’s Island. The
invaders are unable to land their
troops on the island, and the
tricky waters of Charleston
Harbor frustrate the British
navy. The fleet retires in defeat,
and South Carolina will remain
untouched by the enemy for
three more years.

America Declares its
• July 1776
The Declaration of Independence is
adopted by the Second Continental
Congress. Following a decade of
agitation over taxes and a year of
war, representatives make the
break with Britain. King George III
isn't willing to let his subjects go
without a fight, and loyalist
sentiment remains strong in many
areas. Americans' primary
allegiance is to their states;
nationalism will grow slowly

Washington Crosses the
• December 1776 - January 1777
In a bold move, Washington moves
his troops into New Jersey on
Christmas night. The patriots then
surprise a force of German troops
fighting for Britain at Trenton on
December 26. They achieve a
similar victory over British troops
at Princeton on January 3, reviving
hopes that the war just might be
winnable. The army then encamps
for the winter at Morristown, New

Big British setback at
• October 17, 1777
General John Burgoyne's
attempt to separate the
rebellious New England
colonies from those farther
south ends in a spectacular
failure. The surrender of 6,000
British regulars at Saratoga
will shock London and help
induce France to enter the war
on the American side.

Winter of Change for the
Continental Army
• December 1777
With the British occupying
Philadelphia just 20 miles away,
the Continental Army enters
winter quarters at Valley Forge,
Pennsylvania. During the winter,
supply arrangements will be
improved and the Continental
troops will be drilled and emerge
as a more disciplined, unified
fighting force.

France Enters the War
Against Britain
• February 1778
As a result of the patriot
victory at Saratoga and
American diplomatic efforts,
France allies itself with the
new American government.
French financial and military
aid will prove critical in
winning the war. The
Continental Army will learn of
the French Alliance in May.

George Rogers Clark
Attacks the British in the
Ohio Country

• May - December, 1778
With barely 150 men, Virginian
George Rogers Clark captures
several British posts in the Ohio
Territory (present-day Illinois and
Indiana) and convinces Frenchspeaking inhabitants of Kaskaskia
and Cahokia to support the patriot
side. Although Indians will continue
to oppose white settlement for
three decades, Clark's exploits pave
the way for the expansion of the
U.S. north of the Ohio River.

Charleston Falls to the
• May 12, 1780
The British take Charleston,
S.C., capture a large patriot
army, and deal the rebels one
of their worst defeats of the
war. The Charleston move is
part of a broader British
strategy to hang on to the
southern colonies, at least,
now that the war is stalemated
in Pennsylvania and New York.

Kings Mountain Victory
Revives Patriot Hopes
• October 7, 1780
Patriot militia from the Carolinas,
Virginia, and present-day
Tennessee surround and defeat a
force of loyalists under Major
Patrick Ferguson at Kings
Mountain, S.C. Indicating the deep
divisions within America,
Ferguson is the only British
soldier on the field-Kings
Mountain. Its truly a battle among
Americans about their future.

The American Tide Continues
at the Cowpens
• January 17, 1781
Continental soldiers and
patriot militia under General
Daniel Morgan defeat a British
force under Banastre Tarleton
at Cowpens. Coming on the
heels of the victory at Kings
Mountain, Cowpens helps
convince worried patriots that
the British southern strategy
can be countered.

Costly British Victory at
Guilford Courthouse
• March 15, 1781
British troops win a costly
victory over Continentals and
militia at Guilford Courthouse,
N.C. The battle is part of General
Nathanael Greene's strategy of
engaging the British on ground of
his choosing. Without winning a
single clear-cut victory, he will
succeed in wearing down the
British army through hit-and-run
tactics and set-piece battles.

Longest Siege of the War at
Ninety Six
• May - June, 1781
The isolated British garrison at
Ninety Six is laid siege to by
patriot forces under Gen.
Nathanael Greene. The approach
of a British relief column leads
Greene to make a final,
unsuccessful assault on the fort
on June 18. The events at Ninety
Six underline the fact that Britain
has too few troops to hold the
southern hinterlands.

Large British Army
Surrenders at Yorktown
• September - October, 1781
A joint French and American force
traps a large British army on
Virginia's Yorktown peninsula.
Unable to evacuate or receive
reinforcements because a French
fleet has driven off a British fleet,
General Cornwallis is forced to
surrender. Although New York City
and Charleston, S.C., will remain in
British hands until a peace treaty is
signed two years later, the war for
American independence is
essentially over.

Loyalists Leave America
• January 1782
The evacuation of loyalists begins.
Largely unwelcome in the new
United States, about 100,000
Americans who remained loyal to
the crown find new lives in Britain,
Canada, and British colonies in the
West Indies. Among them are about
15,000 African Americans, some of
whom end up helping to found the
country of Sierra Leone in Africa.
The loyalist experience will have a
profound effect on the development
of Canada's national identity.

Treaty of Paris Officially
Ends State of War
• September 3, 1783
The Treaty of Paris ratifies the
independence of the 13 North
American states. Canada
remains a British province,
beginning its separate
development as a U.S.
neighbor. Another war with
England (1812 - 1815) will be
necessary to truly secure the
American nation.

American Victory Pushes
Indians Farther West
• October 1784
The Treaty of Fort Stanwix
imposes a peace on those
members of the Iroquois
Confederacy that sided with the
British in the Revolution. The
war's aftermath will prove
devastating to Native Americans.
With no European allies to rely
upon, Indian tribes will be under
increasing pressure from
settlers moving west out of the
original 13 states.

U.S. Constitution Replaces the
Articles of Confederation
• 1787
A convention of states in
Philadelphia proposes the
Constitution to replace the
much looser central
government operating under
the Articles of Confederation
(adopted in 1777). With
amendments, the Constitution
remains the framework of
government in the U.S.

• Library of Congress

Slide 19

The Revolutionary War
History Production
By: Megan Brooks

Answer These Questions
• 1. When did the war start ?
– What did they call it?

• 2. What year did was the Declaration of Independence
adopted by the Second Continental Congress?
• 3. Who surrendered at Yorktown?
• 4. What year did the war end?

“Shot heard Around the
• April 19, 1775
The first shots of the
Revolutionary War are fired at
Lexington and Concord in
Massachusetts. The news of
the bloodshed rockets along
the eastern seaboard, and
thousands of volunteers
converge on Cambridge, Mass.
These are the beginnings of
the Continental Army.

British Form an Alliance with
PatriotS’ Slaves
• November 1775
The British governor of Virginia,
Lord Dunmore, issues a
proclamation offering freedom to
any slaves of rebellious Americans
who are able to enter British lines.
Throughout the course of the war,
tens of thousands of African
Americans will seek their freedom
by supporting the British. A smaller
number will fight on the patriot
(pro-independence) side, despite
policies that discourage their

Battle of Bunker Hill
• June 17, 1775
In the first major action of the war,
inexperienced colonial soldiers hold
off hardened British veterans for
more than two hours at Breed's Hill.
Although eventually forced to
abandon their position, including the
high ground of Bunker Hill
overlooking Boston, the patriots
show that they are not intimidated
by the long lines of red-coated
infantrymen. Of the 2,200 British
seeing action, more than 1,000 end
up dead or wounded

Loyalists Defeated at
Moore’S Creek
• February 27, 1776
A force of loyalists (Americans
who want to remain British
subjects), most of them of
Scots descent, is defeated by a
patriot army at the Battle of
Moore’s Creek Bridge. This
setback will largely quiet
loyalist activity in the
Carolinas for three years.

South Carolinians Repel
British Attempt to Take

• June 28, 1776
A British invasion force mounts
an all-day attack on a patriot
force on Sullivan’s Island. The
invaders are unable to land their
troops on the island, and the
tricky waters of Charleston
Harbor frustrate the British
navy. The fleet retires in defeat,
and South Carolina will remain
untouched by the enemy for
three more years.

America Declares its
• July 1776
The Declaration of Independence is
adopted by the Second Continental
Congress. Following a decade of
agitation over taxes and a year of
war, representatives make the
break with Britain. King George III
isn't willing to let his subjects go
without a fight, and loyalist
sentiment remains strong in many
areas. Americans' primary
allegiance is to their states;
nationalism will grow slowly

Washington Crosses the
• December 1776 - January 1777
In a bold move, Washington moves
his troops into New Jersey on
Christmas night. The patriots then
surprise a force of German troops
fighting for Britain at Trenton on
December 26. They achieve a
similar victory over British troops
at Princeton on January 3, reviving
hopes that the war just might be
winnable. The army then encamps
for the winter at Morristown, New

Big British setback at
• October 17, 1777
General John Burgoyne's
attempt to separate the
rebellious New England
colonies from those farther
south ends in a spectacular
failure. The surrender of 6,000
British regulars at Saratoga
will shock London and help
induce France to enter the war
on the American side.

Winter of Change for the
Continental Army
• December 1777
With the British occupying
Philadelphia just 20 miles away,
the Continental Army enters
winter quarters at Valley Forge,
Pennsylvania. During the winter,
supply arrangements will be
improved and the Continental
troops will be drilled and emerge
as a more disciplined, unified
fighting force.

France Enters the War
Against Britain
• February 1778
As a result of the patriot
victory at Saratoga and
American diplomatic efforts,
France allies itself with the
new American government.
French financial and military
aid will prove critical in
winning the war. The
Continental Army will learn of
the French Alliance in May.

George Rogers Clark
Attacks the British in the
Ohio Country

• May - December, 1778
With barely 150 men, Virginian
George Rogers Clark captures
several British posts in the Ohio
Territory (present-day Illinois and
Indiana) and convinces Frenchspeaking inhabitants of Kaskaskia
and Cahokia to support the patriot
side. Although Indians will continue
to oppose white settlement for
three decades, Clark's exploits pave
the way for the expansion of the
U.S. north of the Ohio River.

Charleston Falls to the
• May 12, 1780
The British take Charleston,
S.C., capture a large patriot
army, and deal the rebels one
of their worst defeats of the
war. The Charleston move is
part of a broader British
strategy to hang on to the
southern colonies, at least,
now that the war is stalemated
in Pennsylvania and New York.

Kings Mountain Victory
Revives Patriot Hopes
• October 7, 1780
Patriot militia from the Carolinas,
Virginia, and present-day
Tennessee surround and defeat a
force of loyalists under Major
Patrick Ferguson at Kings
Mountain, S.C. Indicating the deep
divisions within America,
Ferguson is the only British
soldier on the field-Kings
Mountain. Its truly a battle among
Americans about their future.

The American Tide Continues
at the Cowpens
• January 17, 1781
Continental soldiers and
patriot militia under General
Daniel Morgan defeat a British
force under Banastre Tarleton
at Cowpens. Coming on the
heels of the victory at Kings
Mountain, Cowpens helps
convince worried patriots that
the British southern strategy
can be countered.

Costly British Victory at
Guilford Courthouse
• March 15, 1781
British troops win a costly
victory over Continentals and
militia at Guilford Courthouse,
N.C. The battle is part of General
Nathanael Greene's strategy of
engaging the British on ground of
his choosing. Without winning a
single clear-cut victory, he will
succeed in wearing down the
British army through hit-and-run
tactics and set-piece battles.

Longest Siege of the War at
Ninety Six
• May - June, 1781
The isolated British garrison at
Ninety Six is laid siege to by
patriot forces under Gen.
Nathanael Greene. The approach
of a British relief column leads
Greene to make a final,
unsuccessful assault on the fort
on June 18. The events at Ninety
Six underline the fact that Britain
has too few troops to hold the
southern hinterlands.

Large British Army
Surrenders at Yorktown
• September - October, 1781
A joint French and American force
traps a large British army on
Virginia's Yorktown peninsula.
Unable to evacuate or receive
reinforcements because a French
fleet has driven off a British fleet,
General Cornwallis is forced to
surrender. Although New York City
and Charleston, S.C., will remain in
British hands until a peace treaty is
signed two years later, the war for
American independence is
essentially over.

Loyalists Leave America
• January 1782
The evacuation of loyalists begins.
Largely unwelcome in the new
United States, about 100,000
Americans who remained loyal to
the crown find new lives in Britain,
Canada, and British colonies in the
West Indies. Among them are about
15,000 African Americans, some of
whom end up helping to found the
country of Sierra Leone in Africa.
The loyalist experience will have a
profound effect on the development
of Canada's national identity.

Treaty of Paris Officially
Ends State of War
• September 3, 1783
The Treaty of Paris ratifies the
independence of the 13 North
American states. Canada
remains a British province,
beginning its separate
development as a U.S.
neighbor. Another war with
England (1812 - 1815) will be
necessary to truly secure the
American nation.

American Victory Pushes
Indians Farther West
• October 1784
The Treaty of Fort Stanwix
imposes a peace on those
members of the Iroquois
Confederacy that sided with the
British in the Revolution. The
war's aftermath will prove
devastating to Native Americans.
With no European allies to rely
upon, Indian tribes will be under
increasing pressure from
settlers moving west out of the
original 13 states.

U.S. Constitution Replaces the
Articles of Confederation
• 1787
A convention of states in
Philadelphia proposes the
Constitution to replace the
much looser central
government operating under
the Articles of Confederation
(adopted in 1777). With
amendments, the Constitution
remains the framework of
government in the U.S.

• Library of Congress

Slide 20

The Revolutionary War
History Production
By: Megan Brooks

Answer These Questions
• 1. When did the war start ?
– What did they call it?

• 2. What year did was the Declaration of Independence
adopted by the Second Continental Congress?
• 3. Who surrendered at Yorktown?
• 4. What year did the war end?

“Shot heard Around the
• April 19, 1775
The first shots of the
Revolutionary War are fired at
Lexington and Concord in
Massachusetts. The news of
the bloodshed rockets along
the eastern seaboard, and
thousands of volunteers
converge on Cambridge, Mass.
These are the beginnings of
the Continental Army.

British Form an Alliance with
PatriotS’ Slaves
• November 1775
The British governor of Virginia,
Lord Dunmore, issues a
proclamation offering freedom to
any slaves of rebellious Americans
who are able to enter British lines.
Throughout the course of the war,
tens of thousands of African
Americans will seek their freedom
by supporting the British. A smaller
number will fight on the patriot
(pro-independence) side, despite
policies that discourage their

Battle of Bunker Hill
• June 17, 1775
In the first major action of the war,
inexperienced colonial soldiers hold
off hardened British veterans for
more than two hours at Breed's Hill.
Although eventually forced to
abandon their position, including the
high ground of Bunker Hill
overlooking Boston, the patriots
show that they are not intimidated
by the long lines of red-coated
infantrymen. Of the 2,200 British
seeing action, more than 1,000 end
up dead or wounded

Loyalists Defeated at
Moore’S Creek
• February 27, 1776
A force of loyalists (Americans
who want to remain British
subjects), most of them of
Scots descent, is defeated by a
patriot army at the Battle of
Moore’s Creek Bridge. This
setback will largely quiet
loyalist activity in the
Carolinas for three years.

South Carolinians Repel
British Attempt to Take

• June 28, 1776
A British invasion force mounts
an all-day attack on a patriot
force on Sullivan’s Island. The
invaders are unable to land their
troops on the island, and the
tricky waters of Charleston
Harbor frustrate the British
navy. The fleet retires in defeat,
and South Carolina will remain
untouched by the enemy for
three more years.

America Declares its
• July 1776
The Declaration of Independence is
adopted by the Second Continental
Congress. Following a decade of
agitation over taxes and a year of
war, representatives make the
break with Britain. King George III
isn't willing to let his subjects go
without a fight, and loyalist
sentiment remains strong in many
areas. Americans' primary
allegiance is to their states;
nationalism will grow slowly

Washington Crosses the
• December 1776 - January 1777
In a bold move, Washington moves
his troops into New Jersey on
Christmas night. The patriots then
surprise a force of German troops
fighting for Britain at Trenton on
December 26. They achieve a
similar victory over British troops
at Princeton on January 3, reviving
hopes that the war just might be
winnable. The army then encamps
for the winter at Morristown, New

Big British setback at
• October 17, 1777
General John Burgoyne's
attempt to separate the
rebellious New England
colonies from those farther
south ends in a spectacular
failure. The surrender of 6,000
British regulars at Saratoga
will shock London and help
induce France to enter the war
on the American side.

Winter of Change for the
Continental Army
• December 1777
With the British occupying
Philadelphia just 20 miles away,
the Continental Army enters
winter quarters at Valley Forge,
Pennsylvania. During the winter,
supply arrangements will be
improved and the Continental
troops will be drilled and emerge
as a more disciplined, unified
fighting force.

France Enters the War
Against Britain
• February 1778
As a result of the patriot
victory at Saratoga and
American diplomatic efforts,
France allies itself with the
new American government.
French financial and military
aid will prove critical in
winning the war. The
Continental Army will learn of
the French Alliance in May.

George Rogers Clark
Attacks the British in the
Ohio Country

• May - December, 1778
With barely 150 men, Virginian
George Rogers Clark captures
several British posts in the Ohio
Territory (present-day Illinois and
Indiana) and convinces Frenchspeaking inhabitants of Kaskaskia
and Cahokia to support the patriot
side. Although Indians will continue
to oppose white settlement for
three decades, Clark's exploits pave
the way for the expansion of the
U.S. north of the Ohio River.

Charleston Falls to the
• May 12, 1780
The British take Charleston,
S.C., capture a large patriot
army, and deal the rebels one
of their worst defeats of the
war. The Charleston move is
part of a broader British
strategy to hang on to the
southern colonies, at least,
now that the war is stalemated
in Pennsylvania and New York.

Kings Mountain Victory
Revives Patriot Hopes
• October 7, 1780
Patriot militia from the Carolinas,
Virginia, and present-day
Tennessee surround and defeat a
force of loyalists under Major
Patrick Ferguson at Kings
Mountain, S.C. Indicating the deep
divisions within America,
Ferguson is the only British
soldier on the field-Kings
Mountain. Its truly a battle among
Americans about their future.

The American Tide Continues
at the Cowpens
• January 17, 1781
Continental soldiers and
patriot militia under General
Daniel Morgan defeat a British
force under Banastre Tarleton
at Cowpens. Coming on the
heels of the victory at Kings
Mountain, Cowpens helps
convince worried patriots that
the British southern strategy
can be countered.

Costly British Victory at
Guilford Courthouse
• March 15, 1781
British troops win a costly
victory over Continentals and
militia at Guilford Courthouse,
N.C. The battle is part of General
Nathanael Greene's strategy of
engaging the British on ground of
his choosing. Without winning a
single clear-cut victory, he will
succeed in wearing down the
British army through hit-and-run
tactics and set-piece battles.

Longest Siege of the War at
Ninety Six
• May - June, 1781
The isolated British garrison at
Ninety Six is laid siege to by
patriot forces under Gen.
Nathanael Greene. The approach
of a British relief column leads
Greene to make a final,
unsuccessful assault on the fort
on June 18. The events at Ninety
Six underline the fact that Britain
has too few troops to hold the
southern hinterlands.

Large British Army
Surrenders at Yorktown
• September - October, 1781
A joint French and American force
traps a large British army on
Virginia's Yorktown peninsula.
Unable to evacuate or receive
reinforcements because a French
fleet has driven off a British fleet,
General Cornwallis is forced to
surrender. Although New York City
and Charleston, S.C., will remain in
British hands until a peace treaty is
signed two years later, the war for
American independence is
essentially over.

Loyalists Leave America
• January 1782
The evacuation of loyalists begins.
Largely unwelcome in the new
United States, about 100,000
Americans who remained loyal to
the crown find new lives in Britain,
Canada, and British colonies in the
West Indies. Among them are about
15,000 African Americans, some of
whom end up helping to found the
country of Sierra Leone in Africa.
The loyalist experience will have a
profound effect on the development
of Canada's national identity.

Treaty of Paris Officially
Ends State of War
• September 3, 1783
The Treaty of Paris ratifies the
independence of the 13 North
American states. Canada
remains a British province,
beginning its separate
development as a U.S.
neighbor. Another war with
England (1812 - 1815) will be
necessary to truly secure the
American nation.

American Victory Pushes
Indians Farther West
• October 1784
The Treaty of Fort Stanwix
imposes a peace on those
members of the Iroquois
Confederacy that sided with the
British in the Revolution. The
war's aftermath will prove
devastating to Native Americans.
With no European allies to rely
upon, Indian tribes will be under
increasing pressure from
settlers moving west out of the
original 13 states.

U.S. Constitution Replaces the
Articles of Confederation
• 1787
A convention of states in
Philadelphia proposes the
Constitution to replace the
much looser central
government operating under
the Articles of Confederation
(adopted in 1777). With
amendments, the Constitution
remains the framework of
government in the U.S.

• Library of Congress

Slide 21

The Revolutionary War
History Production
By: Megan Brooks

Answer These Questions
• 1. When did the war start ?
– What did they call it?

• 2. What year did was the Declaration of Independence
adopted by the Second Continental Congress?
• 3. Who surrendered at Yorktown?
• 4. What year did the war end?

“Shot heard Around the
• April 19, 1775
The first shots of the
Revolutionary War are fired at
Lexington and Concord in
Massachusetts. The news of
the bloodshed rockets along
the eastern seaboard, and
thousands of volunteers
converge on Cambridge, Mass.
These are the beginnings of
the Continental Army.

British Form an Alliance with
PatriotS’ Slaves
• November 1775
The British governor of Virginia,
Lord Dunmore, issues a
proclamation offering freedom to
any slaves of rebellious Americans
who are able to enter British lines.
Throughout the course of the war,
tens of thousands of African
Americans will seek their freedom
by supporting the British. A smaller
number will fight on the patriot
(pro-independence) side, despite
policies that discourage their

Battle of Bunker Hill
• June 17, 1775
In the first major action of the war,
inexperienced colonial soldiers hold
off hardened British veterans for
more than two hours at Breed's Hill.
Although eventually forced to
abandon their position, including the
high ground of Bunker Hill
overlooking Boston, the patriots
show that they are not intimidated
by the long lines of red-coated
infantrymen. Of the 2,200 British
seeing action, more than 1,000 end
up dead or wounded

Loyalists Defeated at
Moore’S Creek
• February 27, 1776
A force of loyalists (Americans
who want to remain British
subjects), most of them of
Scots descent, is defeated by a
patriot army at the Battle of
Moore’s Creek Bridge. This
setback will largely quiet
loyalist activity in the
Carolinas for three years.

South Carolinians Repel
British Attempt to Take

• June 28, 1776
A British invasion force mounts
an all-day attack on a patriot
force on Sullivan’s Island. The
invaders are unable to land their
troops on the island, and the
tricky waters of Charleston
Harbor frustrate the British
navy. The fleet retires in defeat,
and South Carolina will remain
untouched by the enemy for
three more years.

America Declares its
• July 1776
The Declaration of Independence is
adopted by the Second Continental
Congress. Following a decade of
agitation over taxes and a year of
war, representatives make the
break with Britain. King George III
isn't willing to let his subjects go
without a fight, and loyalist
sentiment remains strong in many
areas. Americans' primary
allegiance is to their states;
nationalism will grow slowly

Washington Crosses the
• December 1776 - January 1777
In a bold move, Washington moves
his troops into New Jersey on
Christmas night. The patriots then
surprise a force of German troops
fighting for Britain at Trenton on
December 26. They achieve a
similar victory over British troops
at Princeton on January 3, reviving
hopes that the war just might be
winnable. The army then encamps
for the winter at Morristown, New

Big British setback at
• October 17, 1777
General John Burgoyne's
attempt to separate the
rebellious New England
colonies from those farther
south ends in a spectacular
failure. The surrender of 6,000
British regulars at Saratoga
will shock London and help
induce France to enter the war
on the American side.

Winter of Change for the
Continental Army
• December 1777
With the British occupying
Philadelphia just 20 miles away,
the Continental Army enters
winter quarters at Valley Forge,
Pennsylvania. During the winter,
supply arrangements will be
improved and the Continental
troops will be drilled and emerge
as a more disciplined, unified
fighting force.

France Enters the War
Against Britain
• February 1778
As a result of the patriot
victory at Saratoga and
American diplomatic efforts,
France allies itself with the
new American government.
French financial and military
aid will prove critical in
winning the war. The
Continental Army will learn of
the French Alliance in May.

George Rogers Clark
Attacks the British in the
Ohio Country

• May - December, 1778
With barely 150 men, Virginian
George Rogers Clark captures
several British posts in the Ohio
Territory (present-day Illinois and
Indiana) and convinces Frenchspeaking inhabitants of Kaskaskia
and Cahokia to support the patriot
side. Although Indians will continue
to oppose white settlement for
three decades, Clark's exploits pave
the way for the expansion of the
U.S. north of the Ohio River.

Charleston Falls to the
• May 12, 1780
The British take Charleston,
S.C., capture a large patriot
army, and deal the rebels one
of their worst defeats of the
war. The Charleston move is
part of a broader British
strategy to hang on to the
southern colonies, at least,
now that the war is stalemated
in Pennsylvania and New York.

Kings Mountain Victory
Revives Patriot Hopes
• October 7, 1780
Patriot militia from the Carolinas,
Virginia, and present-day
Tennessee surround and defeat a
force of loyalists under Major
Patrick Ferguson at Kings
Mountain, S.C. Indicating the deep
divisions within America,
Ferguson is the only British
soldier on the field-Kings
Mountain. Its truly a battle among
Americans about their future.

The American Tide Continues
at the Cowpens
• January 17, 1781
Continental soldiers and
patriot militia under General
Daniel Morgan defeat a British
force under Banastre Tarleton
at Cowpens. Coming on the
heels of the victory at Kings
Mountain, Cowpens helps
convince worried patriots that
the British southern strategy
can be countered.

Costly British Victory at
Guilford Courthouse
• March 15, 1781
British troops win a costly
victory over Continentals and
militia at Guilford Courthouse,
N.C. The battle is part of General
Nathanael Greene's strategy of
engaging the British on ground of
his choosing. Without winning a
single clear-cut victory, he will
succeed in wearing down the
British army through hit-and-run
tactics and set-piece battles.

Longest Siege of the War at
Ninety Six
• May - June, 1781
The isolated British garrison at
Ninety Six is laid siege to by
patriot forces under Gen.
Nathanael Greene. The approach
of a British relief column leads
Greene to make a final,
unsuccessful assault on the fort
on June 18. The events at Ninety
Six underline the fact that Britain
has too few troops to hold the
southern hinterlands.

Large British Army
Surrenders at Yorktown
• September - October, 1781
A joint French and American force
traps a large British army on
Virginia's Yorktown peninsula.
Unable to evacuate or receive
reinforcements because a French
fleet has driven off a British fleet,
General Cornwallis is forced to
surrender. Although New York City
and Charleston, S.C., will remain in
British hands until a peace treaty is
signed two years later, the war for
American independence is
essentially over.

Loyalists Leave America
• January 1782
The evacuation of loyalists begins.
Largely unwelcome in the new
United States, about 100,000
Americans who remained loyal to
the crown find new lives in Britain,
Canada, and British colonies in the
West Indies. Among them are about
15,000 African Americans, some of
whom end up helping to found the
country of Sierra Leone in Africa.
The loyalist experience will have a
profound effect on the development
of Canada's national identity.

Treaty of Paris Officially
Ends State of War
• September 3, 1783
The Treaty of Paris ratifies the
independence of the 13 North
American states. Canada
remains a British province,
beginning its separate
development as a U.S.
neighbor. Another war with
England (1812 - 1815) will be
necessary to truly secure the
American nation.

American Victory Pushes
Indians Farther West
• October 1784
The Treaty of Fort Stanwix
imposes a peace on those
members of the Iroquois
Confederacy that sided with the
British in the Revolution. The
war's aftermath will prove
devastating to Native Americans.
With no European allies to rely
upon, Indian tribes will be under
increasing pressure from
settlers moving west out of the
original 13 states.

U.S. Constitution Replaces the
Articles of Confederation
• 1787
A convention of states in
Philadelphia proposes the
Constitution to replace the
much looser central
government operating under
the Articles of Confederation
(adopted in 1777). With
amendments, the Constitution
remains the framework of
government in the U.S.

• Library of Congress

Slide 22

The Revolutionary War
History Production
By: Megan Brooks

Answer These Questions
• 1. When did the war start ?
– What did they call it?

• 2. What year did was the Declaration of Independence
adopted by the Second Continental Congress?
• 3. Who surrendered at Yorktown?
• 4. What year did the war end?

“Shot heard Around the
• April 19, 1775
The first shots of the
Revolutionary War are fired at
Lexington and Concord in
Massachusetts. The news of
the bloodshed rockets along
the eastern seaboard, and
thousands of volunteers
converge on Cambridge, Mass.
These are the beginnings of
the Continental Army.

British Form an Alliance with
PatriotS’ Slaves
• November 1775
The British governor of Virginia,
Lord Dunmore, issues a
proclamation offering freedom to
any slaves of rebellious Americans
who are able to enter British lines.
Throughout the course of the war,
tens of thousands of African
Americans will seek their freedom
by supporting the British. A smaller
number will fight on the patriot
(pro-independence) side, despite
policies that discourage their

Battle of Bunker Hill
• June 17, 1775
In the first major action of the war,
inexperienced colonial soldiers hold
off hardened British veterans for
more than two hours at Breed's Hill.
Although eventually forced to
abandon their position, including the
high ground of Bunker Hill
overlooking Boston, the patriots
show that they are not intimidated
by the long lines of red-coated
infantrymen. Of the 2,200 British
seeing action, more than 1,000 end
up dead or wounded

Loyalists Defeated at
Moore’S Creek
• February 27, 1776
A force of loyalists (Americans
who want to remain British
subjects), most of them of
Scots descent, is defeated by a
patriot army at the Battle of
Moore’s Creek Bridge. This
setback will largely quiet
loyalist activity in the
Carolinas for three years.

South Carolinians Repel
British Attempt to Take

• June 28, 1776
A British invasion force mounts
an all-day attack on a patriot
force on Sullivan’s Island. The
invaders are unable to land their
troops on the island, and the
tricky waters of Charleston
Harbor frustrate the British
navy. The fleet retires in defeat,
and South Carolina will remain
untouched by the enemy for
three more years.

America Declares its
• July 1776
The Declaration of Independence is
adopted by the Second Continental
Congress. Following a decade of
agitation over taxes and a year of
war, representatives make the
break with Britain. King George III
isn't willing to let his subjects go
without a fight, and loyalist
sentiment remains strong in many
areas. Americans' primary
allegiance is to their states;
nationalism will grow slowly

Washington Crosses the
• December 1776 - January 1777
In a bold move, Washington moves
his troops into New Jersey on
Christmas night. The patriots then
surprise a force of German troops
fighting for Britain at Trenton on
December 26. They achieve a
similar victory over British troops
at Princeton on January 3, reviving
hopes that the war just might be
winnable. The army then encamps
for the winter at Morristown, New

Big British setback at
• October 17, 1777
General John Burgoyne's
attempt to separate the
rebellious New England
colonies from those farther
south ends in a spectacular
failure. The surrender of 6,000
British regulars at Saratoga
will shock London and help
induce France to enter the war
on the American side.

Winter of Change for the
Continental Army
• December 1777
With the British occupying
Philadelphia just 20 miles away,
the Continental Army enters
winter quarters at Valley Forge,
Pennsylvania. During the winter,
supply arrangements will be
improved and the Continental
troops will be drilled and emerge
as a more disciplined, unified
fighting force.

France Enters the War
Against Britain
• February 1778
As a result of the patriot
victory at Saratoga and
American diplomatic efforts,
France allies itself with the
new American government.
French financial and military
aid will prove critical in
winning the war. The
Continental Army will learn of
the French Alliance in May.

George Rogers Clark
Attacks the British in the
Ohio Country

• May - December, 1778
With barely 150 men, Virginian
George Rogers Clark captures
several British posts in the Ohio
Territory (present-day Illinois and
Indiana) and convinces Frenchspeaking inhabitants of Kaskaskia
and Cahokia to support the patriot
side. Although Indians will continue
to oppose white settlement for
three decades, Clark's exploits pave
the way for the expansion of the
U.S. north of the Ohio River.

Charleston Falls to the
• May 12, 1780
The British take Charleston,
S.C., capture a large patriot
army, and deal the rebels one
of their worst defeats of the
war. The Charleston move is
part of a broader British
strategy to hang on to the
southern colonies, at least,
now that the war is stalemated
in Pennsylvania and New York.

Kings Mountain Victory
Revives Patriot Hopes
• October 7, 1780
Patriot militia from the Carolinas,
Virginia, and present-day
Tennessee surround and defeat a
force of loyalists under Major
Patrick Ferguson at Kings
Mountain, S.C. Indicating the deep
divisions within America,
Ferguson is the only British
soldier on the field-Kings
Mountain. Its truly a battle among
Americans about their future.

The American Tide Continues
at the Cowpens
• January 17, 1781
Continental soldiers and
patriot militia under General
Daniel Morgan defeat a British
force under Banastre Tarleton
at Cowpens. Coming on the
heels of the victory at Kings
Mountain, Cowpens helps
convince worried patriots that
the British southern strategy
can be countered.

Costly British Victory at
Guilford Courthouse
• March 15, 1781
British troops win a costly
victory over Continentals and
militia at Guilford Courthouse,
N.C. The battle is part of General
Nathanael Greene's strategy of
engaging the British on ground of
his choosing. Without winning a
single clear-cut victory, he will
succeed in wearing down the
British army through hit-and-run
tactics and set-piece battles.

Longest Siege of the War at
Ninety Six
• May - June, 1781
The isolated British garrison at
Ninety Six is laid siege to by
patriot forces under Gen.
Nathanael Greene. The approach
of a British relief column leads
Greene to make a final,
unsuccessful assault on the fort
on June 18. The events at Ninety
Six underline the fact that Britain
has too few troops to hold the
southern hinterlands.

Large British Army
Surrenders at Yorktown
• September - October, 1781
A joint French and American force
traps a large British army on
Virginia's Yorktown peninsula.
Unable to evacuate or receive
reinforcements because a French
fleet has driven off a British fleet,
General Cornwallis is forced to
surrender. Although New York City
and Charleston, S.C., will remain in
British hands until a peace treaty is
signed two years later, the war for
American independence is
essentially over.

Loyalists Leave America
• January 1782
The evacuation of loyalists begins.
Largely unwelcome in the new
United States, about 100,000
Americans who remained loyal to
the crown find new lives in Britain,
Canada, and British colonies in the
West Indies. Among them are about
15,000 African Americans, some of
whom end up helping to found the
country of Sierra Leone in Africa.
The loyalist experience will have a
profound effect on the development
of Canada's national identity.

Treaty of Paris Officially
Ends State of War
• September 3, 1783
The Treaty of Paris ratifies the
independence of the 13 North
American states. Canada
remains a British province,
beginning its separate
development as a U.S.
neighbor. Another war with
England (1812 - 1815) will be
necessary to truly secure the
American nation.

American Victory Pushes
Indians Farther West
• October 1784
The Treaty of Fort Stanwix
imposes a peace on those
members of the Iroquois
Confederacy that sided with the
British in the Revolution. The
war's aftermath will prove
devastating to Native Americans.
With no European allies to rely
upon, Indian tribes will be under
increasing pressure from
settlers moving west out of the
original 13 states.

U.S. Constitution Replaces the
Articles of Confederation
• 1787
A convention of states in
Philadelphia proposes the
Constitution to replace the
much looser central
government operating under
the Articles of Confederation
(adopted in 1777). With
amendments, the Constitution
remains the framework of
government in the U.S.

• Library of Congress

Slide 23

The Revolutionary War
History Production
By: Megan Brooks

Answer These Questions
• 1. When did the war start ?
– What did they call it?

• 2. What year did was the Declaration of Independence
adopted by the Second Continental Congress?
• 3. Who surrendered at Yorktown?
• 4. What year did the war end?

“Shot heard Around the
• April 19, 1775
The first shots of the
Revolutionary War are fired at
Lexington and Concord in
Massachusetts. The news of
the bloodshed rockets along
the eastern seaboard, and
thousands of volunteers
converge on Cambridge, Mass.
These are the beginnings of
the Continental Army.

British Form an Alliance with
PatriotS’ Slaves
• November 1775
The British governor of Virginia,
Lord Dunmore, issues a
proclamation offering freedom to
any slaves of rebellious Americans
who are able to enter British lines.
Throughout the course of the war,
tens of thousands of African
Americans will seek their freedom
by supporting the British. A smaller
number will fight on the patriot
(pro-independence) side, despite
policies that discourage their

Battle of Bunker Hill
• June 17, 1775
In the first major action of the war,
inexperienced colonial soldiers hold
off hardened British veterans for
more than two hours at Breed's Hill.
Although eventually forced to
abandon their position, including the
high ground of Bunker Hill
overlooking Boston, the patriots
show that they are not intimidated
by the long lines of red-coated
infantrymen. Of the 2,200 British
seeing action, more than 1,000 end
up dead or wounded

Loyalists Defeated at
Moore’S Creek
• February 27, 1776
A force of loyalists (Americans
who want to remain British
subjects), most of them of
Scots descent, is defeated by a
patriot army at the Battle of
Moore’s Creek Bridge. This
setback will largely quiet
loyalist activity in the
Carolinas for three years.

South Carolinians Repel
British Attempt to Take

• June 28, 1776
A British invasion force mounts
an all-day attack on a patriot
force on Sullivan’s Island. The
invaders are unable to land their
troops on the island, and the
tricky waters of Charleston
Harbor frustrate the British
navy. The fleet retires in defeat,
and South Carolina will remain
untouched by the enemy for
three more years.

America Declares its
• July 1776
The Declaration of Independence is
adopted by the Second Continental
Congress. Following a decade of
agitation over taxes and a year of
war, representatives make the
break with Britain. King George III
isn't willing to let his subjects go
without a fight, and loyalist
sentiment remains strong in many
areas. Americans' primary
allegiance is to their states;
nationalism will grow slowly

Washington Crosses the
• December 1776 - January 1777
In a bold move, Washington moves
his troops into New Jersey on
Christmas night. The patriots then
surprise a force of German troops
fighting for Britain at Trenton on
December 26. They achieve a
similar victory over British troops
at Princeton on January 3, reviving
hopes that the war just might be
winnable. The army then encamps
for the winter at Morristown, New

Big British setback at
• October 17, 1777
General John Burgoyne's
attempt to separate the
rebellious New England
colonies from those farther
south ends in a spectacular
failure. The surrender of 6,000
British regulars at Saratoga
will shock London and help
induce France to enter the war
on the American side.

Winter of Change for the
Continental Army
• December 1777
With the British occupying
Philadelphia just 20 miles away,
the Continental Army enters
winter quarters at Valley Forge,
Pennsylvania. During the winter,
supply arrangements will be
improved and the Continental
troops will be drilled and emerge
as a more disciplined, unified
fighting force.

France Enters the War
Against Britain
• February 1778
As a result of the patriot
victory at Saratoga and
American diplomatic efforts,
France allies itself with the
new American government.
French financial and military
aid will prove critical in
winning the war. The
Continental Army will learn of
the French Alliance in May.

George Rogers Clark
Attacks the British in the
Ohio Country

• May - December, 1778
With barely 150 men, Virginian
George Rogers Clark captures
several British posts in the Ohio
Territory (present-day Illinois and
Indiana) and convinces Frenchspeaking inhabitants of Kaskaskia
and Cahokia to support the patriot
side. Although Indians will continue
to oppose white settlement for
three decades, Clark's exploits pave
the way for the expansion of the
U.S. north of the Ohio River.

Charleston Falls to the
• May 12, 1780
The British take Charleston,
S.C., capture a large patriot
army, and deal the rebels one
of their worst defeats of the
war. The Charleston move is
part of a broader British
strategy to hang on to the
southern colonies, at least,
now that the war is stalemated
in Pennsylvania and New York.

Kings Mountain Victory
Revives Patriot Hopes
• October 7, 1780
Patriot militia from the Carolinas,
Virginia, and present-day
Tennessee surround and defeat a
force of loyalists under Major
Patrick Ferguson at Kings
Mountain, S.C. Indicating the deep
divisions within America,
Ferguson is the only British
soldier on the field-Kings
Mountain. Its truly a battle among
Americans about their future.

The American Tide Continues
at the Cowpens
• January 17, 1781
Continental soldiers and
patriot militia under General
Daniel Morgan defeat a British
force under Banastre Tarleton
at Cowpens. Coming on the
heels of the victory at Kings
Mountain, Cowpens helps
convince worried patriots that
the British southern strategy
can be countered.

Costly British Victory at
Guilford Courthouse
• March 15, 1781
British troops win a costly
victory over Continentals and
militia at Guilford Courthouse,
N.C. The battle is part of General
Nathanael Greene's strategy of
engaging the British on ground of
his choosing. Without winning a
single clear-cut victory, he will
succeed in wearing down the
British army through hit-and-run
tactics and set-piece battles.

Longest Siege of the War at
Ninety Six
• May - June, 1781
The isolated British garrison at
Ninety Six is laid siege to by
patriot forces under Gen.
Nathanael Greene. The approach
of a British relief column leads
Greene to make a final,
unsuccessful assault on the fort
on June 18. The events at Ninety
Six underline the fact that Britain
has too few troops to hold the
southern hinterlands.

Large British Army
Surrenders at Yorktown
• September - October, 1781
A joint French and American force
traps a large British army on
Virginia's Yorktown peninsula.
Unable to evacuate or receive
reinforcements because a French
fleet has driven off a British fleet,
General Cornwallis is forced to
surrender. Although New York City
and Charleston, S.C., will remain in
British hands until a peace treaty is
signed two years later, the war for
American independence is
essentially over.

Loyalists Leave America
• January 1782
The evacuation of loyalists begins.
Largely unwelcome in the new
United States, about 100,000
Americans who remained loyal to
the crown find new lives in Britain,
Canada, and British colonies in the
West Indies. Among them are about
15,000 African Americans, some of
whom end up helping to found the
country of Sierra Leone in Africa.
The loyalist experience will have a
profound effect on the development
of Canada's national identity.

Treaty of Paris Officially
Ends State of War
• September 3, 1783
The Treaty of Paris ratifies the
independence of the 13 North
American states. Canada
remains a British province,
beginning its separate
development as a U.S.
neighbor. Another war with
England (1812 - 1815) will be
necessary to truly secure the
American nation.

American Victory Pushes
Indians Farther West
• October 1784
The Treaty of Fort Stanwix
imposes a peace on those
members of the Iroquois
Confederacy that sided with the
British in the Revolution. The
war's aftermath will prove
devastating to Native Americans.
With no European allies to rely
upon, Indian tribes will be under
increasing pressure from
settlers moving west out of the
original 13 states.

U.S. Constitution Replaces the
Articles of Confederation
• 1787
A convention of states in
Philadelphia proposes the
Constitution to replace the
much looser central
government operating under
the Articles of Confederation
(adopted in 1777). With
amendments, the Constitution
remains the framework of
government in the U.S.

• Library of Congress

Slide 24

The Revolutionary War
History Production
By: Megan Brooks

Answer These Questions
• 1. When did the war start ?
– What did they call it?

• 2. What year did was the Declaration of Independence
adopted by the Second Continental Congress?
• 3. Who surrendered at Yorktown?
• 4. What year did the war end?

“Shot heard Around the
• April 19, 1775
The first shots of the
Revolutionary War are fired at
Lexington and Concord in
Massachusetts. The news of
the bloodshed rockets along
the eastern seaboard, and
thousands of volunteers
converge on Cambridge, Mass.
These are the beginnings of
the Continental Army.

British Form an Alliance with
PatriotS’ Slaves
• November 1775
The British governor of Virginia,
Lord Dunmore, issues a
proclamation offering freedom to
any slaves of rebellious Americans
who are able to enter British lines.
Throughout the course of the war,
tens of thousands of African
Americans will seek their freedom
by supporting the British. A smaller
number will fight on the patriot
(pro-independence) side, despite
policies that discourage their

Battle of Bunker Hill
• June 17, 1775
In the first major action of the war,
inexperienced colonial soldiers hold
off hardened British veterans for
more than two hours at Breed's Hill.
Although eventually forced to
abandon their position, including the
high ground of Bunker Hill
overlooking Boston, the patriots
show that they are not intimidated
by the long lines of red-coated
infantrymen. Of the 2,200 British
seeing action, more than 1,000 end
up dead or wounded

Loyalists Defeated at
Moore’S Creek
• February 27, 1776
A force of loyalists (Americans
who want to remain British
subjects), most of them of
Scots descent, is defeated by a
patriot army at the Battle of
Moore’s Creek Bridge. This
setback will largely quiet
loyalist activity in the
Carolinas for three years.

South Carolinians Repel
British Attempt to Take

• June 28, 1776
A British invasion force mounts
an all-day attack on a patriot
force on Sullivan’s Island. The
invaders are unable to land their
troops on the island, and the
tricky waters of Charleston
Harbor frustrate the British
navy. The fleet retires in defeat,
and South Carolina will remain
untouched by the enemy for
three more years.

America Declares its
• July 1776
The Declaration of Independence is
adopted by the Second Continental
Congress. Following a decade of
agitation over taxes and a year of
war, representatives make the
break with Britain. King George III
isn't willing to let his subjects go
without a fight, and loyalist
sentiment remains strong in many
areas. Americans' primary
allegiance is to their states;
nationalism will grow slowly

Washington Crosses the
• December 1776 - January 1777
In a bold move, Washington moves
his troops into New Jersey on
Christmas night. The patriots then
surprise a force of German troops
fighting for Britain at Trenton on
December 26. They achieve a
similar victory over British troops
at Princeton on January 3, reviving
hopes that the war just might be
winnable. The army then encamps
for the winter at Morristown, New

Big British setback at
• October 17, 1777
General John Burgoyne's
attempt to separate the
rebellious New England
colonies from those farther
south ends in a spectacular
failure. The surrender of 6,000
British regulars at Saratoga
will shock London and help
induce France to enter the war
on the American side.

Winter of Change for the
Continental Army
• December 1777
With the British occupying
Philadelphia just 20 miles away,
the Continental Army enters
winter quarters at Valley Forge,
Pennsylvania. During the winter,
supply arrangements will be
improved and the Continental
troops will be drilled and emerge
as a more disciplined, unified
fighting force.

France Enters the War
Against Britain
• February 1778
As a result of the patriot
victory at Saratoga and
American diplomatic efforts,
France allies itself with the
new American government.
French financial and military
aid will prove critical in
winning the war. The
Continental Army will learn of
the French Alliance in May.

George Rogers Clark
Attacks the British in the
Ohio Country

• May - December, 1778
With barely 150 men, Virginian
George Rogers Clark captures
several British posts in the Ohio
Territory (present-day Illinois and
Indiana) and convinces Frenchspeaking inhabitants of Kaskaskia
and Cahokia to support the patriot
side. Although Indians will continue
to oppose white settlement for
three decades, Clark's exploits pave
the way for the expansion of the
U.S. north of the Ohio River.

Charleston Falls to the
• May 12, 1780
The British take Charleston,
S.C., capture a large patriot
army, and deal the rebels one
of their worst defeats of the
war. The Charleston move is
part of a broader British
strategy to hang on to the
southern colonies, at least,
now that the war is stalemated
in Pennsylvania and New York.

Kings Mountain Victory
Revives Patriot Hopes
• October 7, 1780
Patriot militia from the Carolinas,
Virginia, and present-day
Tennessee surround and defeat a
force of loyalists under Major
Patrick Ferguson at Kings
Mountain, S.C. Indicating the deep
divisions within America,
Ferguson is the only British
soldier on the field-Kings
Mountain. Its truly a battle among
Americans about their future.

The American Tide Continues
at the Cowpens
• January 17, 1781
Continental soldiers and
patriot militia under General
Daniel Morgan defeat a British
force under Banastre Tarleton
at Cowpens. Coming on the
heels of the victory at Kings
Mountain, Cowpens helps
convince worried patriots that
the British southern strategy
can be countered.

Costly British Victory at
Guilford Courthouse
• March 15, 1781
British troops win a costly
victory over Continentals and
militia at Guilford Courthouse,
N.C. The battle is part of General
Nathanael Greene's strategy of
engaging the British on ground of
his choosing. Without winning a
single clear-cut victory, he will
succeed in wearing down the
British army through hit-and-run
tactics and set-piece battles.

Longest Siege of the War at
Ninety Six
• May - June, 1781
The isolated British garrison at
Ninety Six is laid siege to by
patriot forces under Gen.
Nathanael Greene. The approach
of a British relief column leads
Greene to make a final,
unsuccessful assault on the fort
on June 18. The events at Ninety
Six underline the fact that Britain
has too few troops to hold the
southern hinterlands.

Large British Army
Surrenders at Yorktown
• September - October, 1781
A joint French and American force
traps a large British army on
Virginia's Yorktown peninsula.
Unable to evacuate or receive
reinforcements because a French
fleet has driven off a British fleet,
General Cornwallis is forced to
surrender. Although New York City
and Charleston, S.C., will remain in
British hands until a peace treaty is
signed two years later, the war for
American independence is
essentially over.

Loyalists Leave America
• January 1782
The evacuation of loyalists begins.
Largely unwelcome in the new
United States, about 100,000
Americans who remained loyal to
the crown find new lives in Britain,
Canada, and British colonies in the
West Indies. Among them are about
15,000 African Americans, some of
whom end up helping to found the
country of Sierra Leone in Africa.
The loyalist experience will have a
profound effect on the development
of Canada's national identity.

Treaty of Paris Officially
Ends State of War
• September 3, 1783
The Treaty of Paris ratifies the
independence of the 13 North
American states. Canada
remains a British province,
beginning its separate
development as a U.S.
neighbor. Another war with
England (1812 - 1815) will be
necessary to truly secure the
American nation.

American Victory Pushes
Indians Farther West
• October 1784
The Treaty of Fort Stanwix
imposes a peace on those
members of the Iroquois
Confederacy that sided with the
British in the Revolution. The
war's aftermath will prove
devastating to Native Americans.
With no European allies to rely
upon, Indian tribes will be under
increasing pressure from
settlers moving west out of the
original 13 states.

U.S. Constitution Replaces the
Articles of Confederation
• 1787
A convention of states in
Philadelphia proposes the
Constitution to replace the
much looser central
government operating under
the Articles of Confederation
(adopted in 1777). With
amendments, the Constitution
remains the framework of
government in the U.S.

• Library of Congress