Collect and Analyze Data Using Line Plots Unit of Study 4 : Collect and Analyze Data Global Concept Guide: 3 of 3

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Collect and Analyze Data
Using Line Plots
Unit of Study 4 : Collect and Analyze Data
Global Concept Guide: 3 of 3

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Content Development
 A line plot shows data on a number line.
 Students need to know that the numbers below the number line
are like the categories in a pictograph or bar graph. However, in
a line plot these categories are numerical.
 The number of Xs above each number on the number line tells
how many times this number or category occurs.
 Line plots may be confusing to some students. It is easy to mix
up the numbers below the number line and the number of Xs
above it.

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Content Development

 In this line plot the numbers on the number line represent the
number of letters in a name (numerical category).
 Each X stands for one student (or one time each numerical
category occurred).

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Day 1
 The focus of day 1 is relating a line plot to the number line.

 Students should begin their work with line plots using a blank number line.
As a class you can conduct a survey and display its results on this number
 Sample Survey Question: How many brothers and sisters do you have?

 Each student could be given a post-it note with an x on it and then walk up
to the board and place their x above the number of siblings they have.
 Discussion should revolve around the parts of a line plot and their
purposes (numerical categories, occurrences or Xs, scale, and title.)
 Survey Question Non Example: Chose your favorite animal: dog, cat,
hamster, rabbit. The survey results from this question SHOULD NOT be
displayed on a line plot because the categories (dog, cat, hamster, rabbit)
are not numerical.

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Day 2
 The focus of day 2 is analyzing data in various line plots.
 Students should be exposed to many different line plots and
 Pay particular attention to the question being asked. Are you
asked about the numerical categories or the number of

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Day 2

 Sample Question: What is the difference between the greatest number of
letters in a name and the least number of letters in a name?
 In this question you are being asked about the range of the numerical
categories (numbers at the bottom of a number line). The greatest number
of letters in a name is 8 and the least 3. The difference between these
categories is 5. (If you start @ 8 and jump back to 3, you will have jumped
back 5 times.)
 Possible Misconception: Students may misinterpret this question and look
for the categories with the most and least amounts of occurrences and find
the difference between the occurrences.

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Day 2

 Another Sample Question : How many students have 5 or more
letters in their name?
 In this question you are being asked about the students, or the
number of occurrences, which are represented by the Xs. Since 5 or
more includes numerical categories 5-8, you would have to count
all the Xs in each of those numerical categories which would yield
an answer of 8 (5 + 1 + 2).
 Possible Misconception: Students may answer 5 if they
misinterpret the meaning of “5 or more.”

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Day 3
 The focus of day 3 is displaying data in a line plot.
 Students should be given opportunities to represent data from
frequency tables and tally tables in line plots and compare
 By the end of Day 3 students should be able to:
 Relate line plots to the number line.
 Answer questions based on numerical categories or occurrences
within a line plot.
 Identify the same set of data within multiple representations
(tables, chart, and graphs).
 Display survey results within a line plot.

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 Reteach- Have students draw a number line numbered 1 to 6 on a
sheet of paper or white board. Have them roll a number cube 5 times,
placing a counter above a number each time it is rolled. (Materials:
counters, number cubes, paper or white board)
Ask questions based on results
shown in the line plot.

 Enrich- Give students a completed line plot and have them create
questions for the data displayed. A second option is giving students
clues to create a line plot. (Enrich Activity, Ch. 2 TE p. 99B)