Course Couture Part 1: Laura Martin: Research and Pedagogy for Technology and Multimedia Integration.

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Transcript Course Couture Part 1: Laura Martin: Research and Pedagogy for Technology and Multimedia Integration.

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Course Couture
Part 1: Laura Martin: Research and Pedagogy for
Technology and Multimedia Integration

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Technology Today

It is ubiquitous in our daily lives.
We use some technologies seamlessly without
even realizing that we are using them. Some
examples include:
Cell phones/ iPhone /Blackberry
ATM machines
Self-check out at stores
Computer games, Wii games
Social Networking Sites
Train/subway ticket machines

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Technology Today Allows For:

Connectivity (to jobs, family & friends)
◦ Students look to be connected to professors,
peers, campus community, campus resources,
family, friends, etc...

Accessibility (to information)
◦ Students look to have access to information,
course content, resources, campus servicesavailable anytime and anywhere.

Mobility (anytime – anyplace technology)
◦ Wifi, laptops and handheld devices (iPhone,
Blackberry, iPod Touch)

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Technology Also Allows For:

Learning and Expanding Breadth of
Knowledge (Beyond a Textbook)
◦ When applied appropriately (the right
technology tool for the job).
◦ When it is not a “clunky monster.”
◦ When the learner interacts with it
(technology in and of itself does not cause
◦ When applied in a meaningful way (matched
with an instructional objective).

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Taking a Look at How
We Learn

Research on how we learn has advanced significantly.
We now understand that people learn differently and
attend to information differently- Learning Styles
Lots of LS’s models: Kolb, Dunn & Dunn, Gardner,
Coffield, Gregoric.
Dunn and Dunn LS model (fits well with technology &
most widely used in schools): learners are affected by
their: (1) immediate environment (sound, light,
temperature, and design); (2) own emotionality
(motivation, persistence, responsibility, and need for
structure or flexibility); (3) sociological needs (self, pair,
peers, team, adult, or varied); and (4) physical needs
(perceptual strengths, intake, time, and mobility).

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More About How We Learn:
Edger Dale, 1946, introduced the “cone of
experience” also known as “the cone of
 It’s theory is viewed as one of the earliest
developments of the Instructional
Technology field.

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More About How We Learn:

~Edger Dale
Take away: The more visual and auditory elements an instructor can integrate into their course,
the greater the likelihood that students will remember and retain the course information.

Where does your course fit in?

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How Does Technology Meet the
Needs of Learners?

Allows them to make a physical connection
to people and information.
Allows them to have vast amounts of
information at their fingertips.
Allows them to access and take information
anyplace at anytime.
Allows for different delivery modalities
which attend to different learning styles.
Allows for learning and an expanded breadth
of knowledge.

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Students Today
What technologies do they use?
How do they prefer to learn?
What does all of this mean for
designing instruction?

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ECAR Study

The EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research (ECAR)
study of undergraduate students and information

◦ Purpose was to:
 provide information on the technology behaviors,
preferences and attitudes of higher education’s
undergraduate students as it relates to their academic
 Provide information to higher education administrators
that will help implement campus technology.
 Inform faculty who are working to incorporate
technology in rich and meaningful ways into their

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ECAR Demographics
◦ 2008 study
◦ Surveyed and interviewed 27,317
undergraduate students.
 Quantitative survey, focus groups, qualitative openended survey questions.

◦ At 98 higher education institutions
 90 four-year and 8 two-year

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Looking at Three Dimensions of the
Information Technology Use Among
Undergraduate Students.
 Preferences for Information Technology in
 Impact on Academic Experience/ Student

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Dimension 1: Information
Technology Use

◦ Laptops are owned by 80.5% of students.
◦ Internet-capable phones are owned by 66% of
students with 18% using them to access the Internet.
◦ 85% of students report using one or more social
networking sites. 43% use them to communicate with
classmates about course-related topics.
Summary: Students are Increasingly Mobile
Takeaway for professors: think of ways to deliver
content online in ways that can be easily download
and viewed on mobile devices. (Posting materials to
Blackboard, creating or linking to podcasts, creating
screen casts or audio recordings of your lectures,
creating online discussion forums)

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Dimension 2: Preferences for
Information Technology in Courses
◦ What are students preferences for use of IT in their
courses (based on what they have been exposed to)
 59.3% of students prefer only a moderate amount of IT in
their courses. They reported that they value face-to-face
interaction with their professors.
 80.2% like running internet searches.
 50.8% like to learn through programs they can control, such as
games and simulations.
33% like like text-based conversation over emial, IM, text
messaging, blogs, wikis, discussion forums.
 82.3% have used a CMS
 69.5% report a positive experience with CMSs.
 44% of students report that their instructors use IT effectively
in courses.

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Dimension 2 Summary:
Summary: Students like using an array of web based
technologies in their courses when used effectively.
Takeaway for professors:
Using a variety of well-placed technologies benefits
Strengthening IT skills and gaining greater skills in
integrating technology & pedagogy can benefit
student success.
Summary: Students value face-to-face instruction and
prefer a moderate about of IT in their courses.
Takeaway for professors: when designing your
curriculum, remain cognizant of the importance of
face-to-face interactions with your students.

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Dimension 3: IT’s Impact on the Academic
Experience/Student Success
65.6% agree that IT makes their course
more convenient.
 31.8% agree that they get more actively
involved in a course that uses IT.
 45.7% agree that the use of IT in their
courses improves their learning.
 64% of students disagree when asked if
they skip classes when materials from
course lectures are available online.

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What Does This Mean?
Remember the “Clunky Monster?”

“I feel that IT is a wonderful tool when it
is fully understood by both the course
instructor and the students. Anything less
than that and the tool suddenly becomes
something that merely looks pretty, or, in
the worst case, is a clunky monster.”
 - an undergraduate engineering student, ECAR 2008.

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Course Delivery via Blackboard
Allows them to make a physical connection
to people and information.
 Allows them to have vast amounts of
information at their fingertips.
 Allows them to access and take information
anyplace at anytime.
 Allows for different delivery modalities
which attend to different learning styles.
 Allows for learning and an expanded breadth
of knowledge.

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Part 2: Steve Heim
The Power of Multimedia for
Teaching and Learning
Part 3: Chris League
Multimedia Integration into
Blackboard, the Nuts and Bolts

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Video Resources
Note: Blackboard will support MPEG, AVI and QuickTime videos, Flash
and Shockwave, as well as many types of sound files.

YouTube :

TeacherTube: www.
iTunesU: Download program from
Video at MIT:

Searchable reference capability and a free streaming media hosting

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Free Video Hosting Services

Google Video

◦ Live Streaming
 Ustream:
 Stickam: (also allows users to build social
networks around their broadcasts).

◦ Video Editing:

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Presentation Resources
The ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and
Information Technology, 2008:
 Lovelace, MK (2005). Meta-Analysis of Experimental
Research Based on the Dunn and Dunn Model.
Journal Of Educational Research, 98: 176-183.