Chapter 1, Section 1 The Earliest Americans • The First People In America ▫ The first Americans migrated to the Americas from Asia ▫

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Transcript Chapter 1, Section 1 The Earliest Americans • The First People In America ▫ The first Americans migrated to the Americas from Asia ▫

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Chapter 1, Section 1
The Earliest Americans

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• The First People In America
▫ The first Americans migrated to the Americas
from Asia
▫ Scientists disagree about how and when migration
 Beringia land bridge
 Joined Asia and North America during the last Ice Age
 Drop in sea levels

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 Humans arrived in the Americas much earlier
 Artifacts found in South America have been found to
be 30,000 years old
 Many routes including boat

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The Emergence of Civilizations
• The first Americans lived in hunting and
gathering cultures
▫ Development of agriculture
▫ Plant and animal
 People no longer needed to travel far distances for
food, leading to the development of Civilizations

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Features of a Civilization

Cities that are centers of trade
Specialized jobs for different people
Organized forms of government and religion
System of record keeping
Advanced tools

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1200 BC
Built large cities
Known for the use of stone in architecture
Trade routes
▫ Allowed Olmec culture to spread

• Built pyramid-like mounds
• Mysteriously disappeared 400BC

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• 250 A.D.
• Southern Mexico and
• Built pyramid mounds
• Also built large stone
• By 900, civilization
▫ Revolts
▫ Disease
▫ Crop Failure

Mayan Temple at Tikal

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Peoples of Mexico
• Aztec civilization

Irrigation system
Warlike people
Complex culture
Elaborate religious ceremonies
 Sun, moon, stars

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Aztec Temple

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• Small tribe in South America
• Located near present day Peru- Andes Mts.
• One of first civilizations to create a capital –
• Created a strong central government
• Created highway system for entire empire
• Known for massive stone buildings and Art.

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Early Native American Civilizations
• During the time of the Mayas (250A.D.900A.D.) many Native American civilizations
developed in what is now the United States
• Southwest
▫ Hohokam lived in modern day Arizona
▫ Anasazi, lived where Utah, Arizona, Colorado,
and New Mexico now meet

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Eastern United States
• Mound Builders
▫ Adena
▫ Hopewell
▫ Mississippians
 Built some of the first cities in North America
 Perished in the 1700’s due to diseases from Europe

• By 1500, North America was home to hundreds
of Native American cultural groups

2,000 languages

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Peoples of the North and West
• North
▫ The Aleut and Inuit in the far north
 Environmental conditions were not favorable for farming
 Hunters

▫ Other Northwest Coast people hunted sea mammals,
fished for salmon

• West
▫ Tribes in California, Columbia Plateau, Great Basin
▫ Hunters and gatherers
▫ In what is now the southwest United States, Pueblo,
Navajo, and Apache

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Peoples of the Great Plains and East
• Great Plains: flat grasslands stretching from the Mississippi River
to the Rocky Mountains
• Diversity
▫ Some nomadic
▫ Some farmers
▫ Some relied on hunting buffalo

• Southeast Native Americans

East from Texas to Atlantic Ocean
Choctaw, Chickasaw
Fish, farming, hunting
Spoke Iroquoian or Algonquian language
 Slash and Burn agriculture
 Iroquois League

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Reasons for Diversity
• Adaptation to environment

Ice Fields

• Use of technology varied as a result of
different environments